Chapter 44

  3 months later

  As I see my Aunt racing towards me I drop my bags and rush to meet her. Gabe is close behind her and we are soon all hugging each other and crying, maybe not Gabe though, but he is emotional. Aria and John follow behind and smile happily at the scene in front of them.

  Wiping her eyes Aunt Sarah puts her arm in mine and we head off into the house. Summer is over and I have returned to finish High school. The memory of what happened is still fresh though and feels as if it were yesterday.

  I was out for two months. I woke up in a strange hospital bed with Aria and John by my side. As the events came rushing back to me Aria held on to me and told me what had happened.

  Apparently a car had been heading towards Cally and I and Jacob had seen it and pushed us out of the way. He was hit instead and it was because of what I did that he survived. Nobody found out who I was because Ash had shielded me and they all thought that I had been hit and Jacob had just a few cuts and bruises. Even Cally thought this was the case as she had been so shocked that she didn’t register what had actually happened. That is why I am here now. My secret is still safe and all anyone knew was that I was taken to hospital and discharged the next day.

  In reality I was taken to a hospital out of town where no questions would be asked. I was in a coma for two months whilst my body dealt with Jacob’s injuries. The first I knew about it was when I came round and my guardians told me what had happened.

  I have spent the last month recuperating with them and now feel well and truly back to normal and am looking forward to the year ahead.

  As we go inside Gabe looks at me with an anxious expression. “Are you really ok Grace? We didn’t see you before you disappeared from the hospital. We were worried about you.” Smiling gently at him I nod my head. “I was fine, just a few cuts and bruises and some concussion. How about Jacob, how is he?” Looking thoughtful Gabe shrugs. “He just had a few scratches on him. He’s the town hero now though and Cally hasn’t left him alone all summer.”

  Laughing I can just picture it. I am looking forward to seeing them all again. Then my heart flutters and I whisper, “Have you heard anything about Ash?” Shaking his head Gabe looks worried. “He’s due back tomorrow that much I do know. It’s never good when he gets back from his fathers though. It takes him ages to settle down so don’t be surprised if he’s changed.” I say nothing but almost can’t contain the excitement that I am feeling at the thought of seeing him again. He is all that I have thought of since I woke up and the last month has dragged intolerably.

  We spend a lovely evening all together back home where I now feel that I belong. I love my guardians but I also love my new found family. All I need now is Ash.

  The next day I wake up and remember where I am. It feels good to be back in my own bed in my own room. As my eyes focus I see the painting that Mr Watson did of me hanging on the wall in front of me. My eyes fill with tears as I remember what Ash did for him and I can’t wait to see how his new shop is coming on and start working for him again. However all of that can wait because Ash is back today and I need to get ready.

  Today is the first day back at school. I am not sure if Ash will be there as I think that he is back some time today so Gabe is taking me in. Quickly I get ready and my Aunt fusses over us making sure that we eat breakfast. I realise just how much I have missed this and feel so happy as the year stretches out in front of me.

  Soon it is time to go and I follow Gabe outside. I jump into the passenger seat and wave at my Aunt. Gabe jumps in beside me and to my surprise just turns to face me. “Not today Grace,” he says grinning at me. Looking at him in surprise he points behind us and as I turn around I see him waiting for me, leaning against his motorbike watching me intently.

  Scrambling out of the car I run towards him as fast as I can. Tears are blinding me as he holds out his hands and catches me as I fall into his arms. Lifting me up he kisses me so deeply that I feel overcome.

  There is a desperation and a longing in both of us and we don’t appear to be able to stop. I hear Gabe’s car drive past and hear his laughter but I still can’t pull away. It’s as though we have been starved of life and need to carry on to make up for the lost months.

  Finally we pull apart and I just stare at him taking in every inch of his beautiful face. His eyes darken and draw me in and he says softly, “I’ve missed you so much Angel. There is not a minute of every day that I haven’t thought of you. When I think of what might have happened it breaks my heart.” Pulling him tightly against me I just cling on to him loathe to let him go. “I missed you so much Ash. This has been torture and I am not sure if I can even let you go to go to school. I just want to stay like this all day.” He laughs and holds me against him just as tightly.

  We stand like this for ages and then reluctantly head off to school. As I feel him against me as I ride behind him it feels as if I have come home. It doesn’t matter what happens now, we are together again and that’s all I care about.

  The End

  If you have enjoyed this book I would be extremely grateful if you could leave me a review to encourage others to read it. I very much appreciate every one and there is nothing more exciting than reading what people have to say about my work.

  Sharon x

  The Story Continues.

  Read on for a taster.


  Part 2

  Senior Year
