Chapter One

  "Well what time do you call this Miss Gray and Mr Knight? School started twenty minutes ago and you are both late. Not the best of starts to your senior year, don't you agree?" Principal Adams looks at us both with a frown but I can see the sparkle in her eyes which makes me relax. Without even looking at Ash I know that he won't care and is probably looking at her with his usual air of boredom.

  Coughing nervously I smile apologetically. "I am sorry Principal Adams. We lost track of the time. I know that it's unforgivable and I promise you it won't happen again." Waving her hands towards the door she sighs and raises her eyes. "Go on hurry up. You can collect your schedules from the main office and then get to your classes. You are just lucky that I am feeling generous today. If it happens again I might not be as forgiving."

  Pulling Ash along behind me I head off quickly to the main office. I daren't look at him because if I do I know that he is just as likely to drag me into a vacant classroom or changing room. We have been without each other for three whole months and have a lot of catching up to do. That is the reason for our lateness. He picked me up this morning from my Aunt's house and it took a lot to prise ourselves away from each other and get to school.

  We grab our schedules from the secretary and realise that we have different classes. Leaning towards me Ash whispers, "You may escape me for a few more hours Grace but then you are mine and this time I am never letting you go."

  I melt into him, longing for him just to pull me close and never let me go and if I could somehow attach myself to him forever I would.

  Pulling back I look up at him and his eyes glitter with excitement. He tilts my face to his and brushes his lips against mine and whispers, "I love you Grace, I always will. Now stop leading me astray you troublemaker and get to class. You always were a temptress, I can see that nothing has changed." Pushing him away I head off to my first lesson, his laughter following me down the hallway.

  My first lesson is maths and as I push open the classroom door I feel as if I have come home. My classmates look up and grin at me and Mr Scott looks at me and frowns. "Miss Gray good of you to join us. Sit down and make sure that you see me at the end."

  I scurry to my seat and grin in delight as I see Cally smiling broadly at me. We don't get the chance to speak as Mr Scott is not one to mess with so have to push our need to catch up to one side. Despite the fact that I have missed out on seeing my friends before school I wouldn't have changed it for anything. I saw the most important person in my life and wouldn't want it any other way.

  By the time I finally leave the classroom only Cally is waiting for me. Running up to me she squeals loudly. "Grace I've missed you so much. It's been forever since..." Her face falls and tears come into her eyes. Hugging her I smile softly. "Let's not think about the accident Cally. It's in the past and that's where it should remain. All that matters is that we are all here to tell the tale and have the best year ahead of us."

  She smiles and hugs me tightly. "We have missed you Grace. Where were you this morning? We waited for you for ages. Gabe told us that you were coming with Ash." I grin and she rolls her eyes. "Five minutes in and he is already leading you astray. I don't blame you though. If I hadn't seen Jacob for three months I wouldn't be here now, that much I do know." Linking her arm in mine she grins, "Come on let's go and find Piper."

  We reach the lockers and Piper comes running over. "Grace, thank God you're back. This summer has been so long without you in it." Grinning I can't resist teasing her. "I'm sure that my gorgeous cousin filled the void. How are things with you two?" Piper grins. "We've had the best summer ever. I think that I am more in love with Gabe now than I was before it started. In fact there isn't a day that goes past without me seeing him." Laughing I turn to Cally. "How is Jacob? I never got to see him after the accident, but I've heard that you played the nurse extremely well." Cally laughs. "Just a few cuts and bruises. I can't believe he saved us from that car though. He is such a hero and I couldn't love him any more than I do."

  We are interrupted by the sound of a locker slamming shut and as we turn my stomach ties up in knots as I see Skylar glaring at us. She is an imposing sight and looks amazing. Her long dark hair is gleaming and her piercing grey eyes shoot daggers at us, me in particular. She slowly moves our way and stands in front of us with an evil look on her face. "Well well, look what the cat dragged in. I had hoped that your stay here was at an end. Oh well never mind it's not as if I care what you do with yourself anymore anyway. You see you did me a favour when you stole my two timing boyfriend from me." She pushes forward until her face is inches from mine and hisses. "I have moved on with a real man that would eat you and yours for breakfast. So enjoy your little clique whilst it lasts because there's a new guy in town and he doesn't take any prisoners. Oh and did I mention the fact that he's my boyfriend and would do anything that I ask him to."

  She sneers, "So watch out nerds, we're coming for you." Pulling away she flicks her hair over her shoulder saying, "Good to catch up girls. I'll be seeing you, you can count on it." She pushes roughly past me and the three of us just stare after her as she saunters down the hall.

  Piper looks at us with fear in her eyes. "Oh my God. I thought that was all behind us. It seems like she hasn't forgotten though. What are we going to do?" Cally looks worried. "This isn't good. If Ash and Jacob hear about this there will be trouble that much I do know. Who do you think her new boyfriend is?" Piper shrugs and shakes her head and I say, "I don't know. Have you heard anything? I mean she must have met him during the summer. Do you think he goes to Falcondell?"

  They both shake their heads. Cally says with a worried voice, "No, I haven't heard anything; maybe Teagan knows?" I look at her in surprise. "She wouldn't tell us anything; she hates us as much as Skylar does." A look passes between them and Cally shrugs. "There's something you don't know Grace. Teagan and Skylar have fallen out big time, probably over Teagan's new boyfriend." I am now extremely confused. "What are you talking about who is he then?" Piper lowers her voice. "You're not going to believe this Grace but Teagan and Lucian have become an item. The girls in this school are devastated. As you know Lucian has always shied away from committing to a girl, preferring to play the field instead. It appears though that he has fallen heavily for Teagan and I must admit I have never seen her as happy as she is with him."

  I look at Cally who shrugs. "I am glad that she is with him. It makes me feel a bit better and I have to admit that she and I have become quite friendly over the Summer. She is actually really nice and now that she is away from Skylar she has relaxed and I think that you will like her. Lucian treats her as though she is made of china and they are so much in love you can tell."

  As I digest the information the bell rings for the next period. We quickly rush off; one late class today is enough and I don't want to get into any more trouble.