Chapter Two

  Soon the bell rings for lunch and I feel excited to spend an hour with Ash. The thought has kept me going through the morning and I quickly grab my books and head for the door. Cally falls in beside me and smiles knowingly. "Well obviously we're not going to see much of you this lunchtime Grace. Just remember to eat something won't you." I laugh and push her playfully. "I don't know what you mean Cally."

  We head off outside to find the guys and the heat of the day hits us as soon as we step outside. I can see them in the distance, in fact it would be hard to miss them. There is not a sexier bunch of guys than them and there in the middle of them all is the sexiest one of all, my boyfriend.

  As I look at him my heart swells with pure love for him. He is leaning back on the grass, his back against the tree. His T shirt clings to his body like a second skin and leaves nothing to the imagination and he stares around him with a brooding expression. I see him laugh at something that Quade says and his face relaxes and even from here I see his eyes glitter with excitement.

  As I look at him I feel the love fill my entire body. He is perfection and I couldn't love him any more than I do. Grabbing hold of Cally I head towards him as quickly as I can.

  As we approach though I am suddenly aware of the stares. His friends look up at us and I see the shock on their faces. They appear mesmerised and can't tear their eyes away from us. Cally slows beside me and turns to face me and I see the same expression mirrored in her face. A hand flies up to her mouth. "Oh my God Grace, what has happened to you?" I look at her nervously and then suddenly I see Ash heading towards us looking extremely angry. He says something that I can't quite hear and his gang look away. I look at him with confusion and as he reaches me he grabs hold of my hand and pulls me away. He moves quickly and pulls me after him until we are out of sight of everyone around the back of the building.

  Pushing me against the wall he looks at me furiously. "Did you forget something Grace?" I look at him in confusion. "What are you talking about, what's going on?" He lifts his hand to my neck and then finds the locket that I am wearing. He looks surprised and then worried. "This is not working Grace. I thought that you must have forgotten to wear it. As soon as you walked outside it was as though you brought the sun. I have seen you in your true form but not the guys. What the hell is happening?"

  Looking down at the locket I feel confused. It's meant to protect me from myself but obviously something isn't right. Tears come into my eyes and I look at Ash in dismay. His eyes darken and he pulls me against him. "How can I protect you when you look like this Grace? It's not safe for you out there. What are we going to do about it hey gorgeous?" He pulls away and kisses me gently on the lips. My legs feel weak and I lean against him. "I'm sorry Ash. The trouble is I have missed you so much and when I saw you underneath the tree my feelings overwhelmed me. I think that the love I have for you intensified within me and the locket couldn't keep up. I am sure that it will soon adjust, I'm sorry to be so much trouble." He strokes my face and looks at me with so much love. "I've missed you Grace so much that it hurts. When I think of what might have happened. I could have lost you forever and the thought of it is like a dagger to my heart." I pull him close. "Let's not think about what could have been; all that matters is that we came through it and are together again." Once again he kisses me deeply and passionately and I cling to him as if he is the air that I breathe.

  After a while we pull apart and he grins at me. "Come on, you almost look normal now; let's go and find the others. We have a lot of catching up to do." Taking my hand he leads me back towards the gang. He squeezes my hand and as we approach I see the guys look up at us nervously. Ash sits down, his back against the tree and pulls me in front of him and wraps his arms around me. Grabbing a drink from his bag he opens it and as he gives it to me he whispers, "This should cool you down Angel." Gratefully I take it and then look around me with interest.

  I can see Jace sitting with Polly nearby. She looks around her with a dead pan expression as usual and Jace is laughing at something that Quade says. Indie is also laughing as she sits next to him his arm slung around her shoulders. Killian and Paisley are kissing as are Cally and Jacob.

  Laughing to myself I think that some things never change. However it is with the most interest that I look at Lucian and Teagan. He has his arm around her and is whispering something in her ear. Her eyes light up and she giggles, shifting even closer to him. Ash leans down and whispers, "Been a few changes whilst we've been away." I look up at him raising my eyes. "Are you as surprised as I am?" He laughs softly. "Not really; it was only a matter of time before someone tied Lucian down. Teagan must have something to be the one to do it, that's all I'm gonna say." He leans down and kisses me gently and I shift closer to him. Pulling away he traces the contours of my face saying huskily, "We've got a lot of time to catch up on later Angel. This evening you're all mine and I'm gonna show you just how much I've missed you." He laughs as he sees my face flush.

  Jacob calls over. "Good to see you Grace. How are you after what happened?" Turning to look at him I smile gratefully. "I'm fine thank you Jacob. I must say I am extremely grateful to you for pushing Cally and I out of the way of that car. If it hadn't have been for you we wouldn't be here now."

  Jacob smiles and looks embarrassed. "It was nothing Grace. I just reacted to the situation; anyone else would have done the same." I notice that we now have the attention of everyone. Jace shouts over, "I'm not gonna lie Grace, I thought you were a gonner. Did anyone ever find out who was in that car?" I feel Ash tense up behind me as Killian says, "No, it all happened so quickly and it was gone before we even got to the scene. Did you see anything Ash?" They all look at Ash and he looks at them with a dark expression. "Like Killian says, it all happened so quickly. One thing I do know though is I will find out and when I do they will pay for what they did." I can sense the mood changing around me. Suddenly there is an air of uncertainty and anticipation. I see Jace look suddenly excited and Killian and Jacob look ominous. Lucian looks around with an alert expression and the girls in the group have fear in their eyes.

  As I look over at Cally she looks at me fearfully. I have no doubt in my mind that Ash will find out and I can only hope that whoever it was is as far away from here as they can get, because once Ash is angry there will be no stopping him.


  Part 2

  Senior Year


  A Gift for you:

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  Bonus Chapter

  Also available free from my website what happens the Summer before Falcondell

  Scarlett - The Devil's Daughter

  Scarlett Knight comes from a family of nightmares. She hates them all with a passion and has to spend her whole Summer playing happy families. Due to a deal made between her parents she lives with her mother but has to spend the holidays with her father and her much hated half brothers and sisters. Luckily for her though her father has found her a summer job at a local bar and it is here that Scarlett finds a place where she belongs. Drake and Dylan Bennigan are the family she never had. She falls in love with them both but one of them becomes a lot more. However her father had an ulterior motive for getting her the job and she soon discovers that things are not as straightforward as she first thought. Suddenly she is caught between her family and her new found friends. She will have to act quickly to save them from her father's plans. However he is not the sort of person you would want to upset so it will take all of her cunning and manipulation to carry out her plan. This turns out to be a Summer that none of them will ever forget.

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