Cambridge University, 670
Camirus (kă-mī’-rŭs), 134, 571
Canachus , sculptor (6th century B.C.), 322
canals, 575, 589
Candia , 5
Candaules, King of Lydia, (8th century B.C.), 316
Canetha , 580
Cannae (kăn’-ē), 234, 662
Canopus , 173
Canova, Antonio, Italian sculptor (1757–1822), 334
Capitoline Museum (Rome), 321*, 495, 623, 624†
Capitoline Venus, 624
Cappadocia , 13, 557, 578
caprification, 269
Captivity, 605
Caria , 20, 30, 34, 134, 238, 276, 450, 494, 576, 623
Carneades , orator and philosopher (213-129 B.C.), 351, 503, 598, 643, 657
Carneia , 75
Carrel, Alexis, American surgeon, born in France, 516*
Carthage , 67, 70, 169, 170, 171, 173, 241–242, 272, 438–439, 471, 472, 474, 557, 561, 575, 598, 599, 602, 613, 660–661, 662, 666
Caryatids , Porch of the, 332
Carystus , 503
Caspian Sea, 551, 575
Cassander, King of Macedonia (ca. 350–297 B.C.), 558
Cassandra (kă-săn’-drá), 180, 301, 307, 388, 406
Cassius Longinus, Caius, Roman politician (d. 42 B.C.), 124
Castalian Spring, 104
Castor , 105*
Catalogue of Women (Hesiod), 100–102
Catana , 77, 167*, 170, 171
Categories (Aristotle), 526*
Catholicism, 217, 594
Cato, Marcus Porcius (the Elder), Roman statesman (234-149 B.C.), 643
Cato, Marcus Porcius (the Younger), Roman statesman (95-46 B.C.), 656
Caucasus, 384
Causes (Callimachus), 608
Causes of Plants, The (Theophrastus), 637
Cayster (kī-stěr) River, 143
Caystrian Gulf, 143
Cecrops (sē’-krŏ;ps), 40, 50*, 331
celibacy, 83
Cellini, Benvenuto, Italian artist in metal and writer (1500–1571), 32, 332, 630
Celts, 37, 559, see also Gaul
censorship, 117, 523
centaurs, 328, 333
Ceos (kě’-ōs), 129–131
Cephallenia (kyě’ fäl-yē-nē’-ä), 159
Cephalus , Athenian businessman (fl. 5th century B.C.), 272
Cephesus (sē-fī’-sŭs) River, 269
Cephisodotus , sculptor, and father of Praxiteles (fl. 400 B.C.), 495
Cephisodotus, sculptor, and son of Praxiteles (fl. 4th century B.C.), 621
ceramics, in Crete, 6–7, 16–17
in Mycenae, 31
in Cyprus, 34
in Troy, 35
after Dorian invasion, 63
in Sparta, 77
in Samos, 143
in 7th and 6th centuries, 218–220
in Peri-clean age, 315; in Hellenistic age, 616
Ceramicus , 219, 220, 315, 464
Cercidas , philosopher of Megalopolis (3rd century B.C.), 569
Ceres (sē’-rēz), 168, see also Demeter
Cesnola, Luigi Palma di, Count, Italian-American archeologist (1832–1904), 33*
Ceylon, 564
Chaerephon , Athenian, 367
Chaeronea , 29, 103, 104, 442, 479, 480, 488, 541, 558
Chalcedon (kăl’-sē-dŏn), 156, 449
Chalcidice , 157–158, 441
Chalcis (kăl’-sis), 30, 106, 107, 157, 169, 219, 275, 141, 553, 562, 573, 575
alphabet, 205
Chaldeans, 135, 161, 653
Chamaizi (kă-mī’-zē), 6
Champollion, jean François, French Egyptologist (1790–1832), 8
Chance, see Tyche
Chandragupta Maurya , King of Magadha (321-296 B.C.), 6l2
Chaos, 69, 99
Characters (Theophrastus), 196–197, 641
Charaxus (kăr’-ăk-sús), brother of Sappho (fl. 600 B.C.), 153
Chares (kā’-rēz), 68*
Chares of Lindus, sculptor (fl. 280 B.C.), 621
Charilaus , King of Sparta (9th? centuryB.C.), 78
Charioteer of Delphi, 143, 217, 221
chariot races, 48, 212, 215
charity, 294, 563
Charlemagne, see Charles I
Charles I, King of France and Emperor of the West (742–814), 29
Charmides (kăr-mī’-dēz), philosopher (5th centuryB.C.), 366, 452, 510
Charmides (Plato), 513*
Charon (kā’-rŏn), 311
Charondas , Sicilian lawgiver (fl. 6th centuryB.C.), 77, 170, 258
Charybdis , 61, 167
Chasidim , 581, 582, 583, 584, 604, 605
chemistry, 589
Cheops (kē’-ŏps), King of Egypt (fl. ca. 3700 B.C.), 432
Chersonese (kûr’-sō-nēz) in Taurus, 108
Chersonese in Thrace, 470
Chigi vase, 219
children, position of, in Homeric society, 47, 51–52
in Sparta, 82–83
in Athens, 287–288 Chilon (kī’-lŏn) of Sparta, one of the Seven Sages (fl. ca. 6th centuryB.C.), 141
Chilonis , wife of Cleombrotus III (3rd centuryB.C.), 569
China, 36, 135*, 180, 220, 575, 590, 637, 669
Chios (kī’-ŏs), 150, 193, 207, 275, 279, 470, 499, 567
Chloe (klō’-ē), 171
Choephoroe (kō-ěf’-ō-rē) (Aeschylus), 388–389
Choerilus , tragic poet (fl. 524 B.C.), 233
Choiseul-Gouffier (shwä-zěl gouf-yā) Apollo, 222
choragus 379, 482
choral ode, 77
choral singing, 228–229, 230
chorus, in drama, 232, 379, 412
Chremonides , statesman (3rd centuryB.C.), 560
Christ, 188, 191, 321, 566, 595
Christianity, 26, 68, 131, 139, 147, 176, 178*, 183, 189, 191, 192, 195, 311, 373, 523, 577, 583, 595, 640, 653, 657, 658
Chronicles, Books of, 603
Chronographia (Eratosthenes), 636
Chrysa , 497
Chryseis, (krī-sē’-ís), 56, 302
Chryseis Queen of Macedonia (3rd century B.C.), 571
Chryses (krī’-sēz), 56
Chrysippus , Stoic philosopher (ca. 280–206 B.C.), 643, 649, 652, 655*, 656
Chrysopolis, 156
chthonic worship, 38, 177, 179–180, 188, 194–195
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Roman orator and man of letters (106-43 B.C.), 70, 80, 107, 118, 130, 356, 432, 488*, 491, 526, 541, 612, 631*, 649
Cilicia , 118*, 238, 576
Cimon (sī’-mŏn), Athenian statesman and general (510-449B.C.), 236, 245, 247, 279, 316, 420, 535
Cineas of Thessaly, minister of Pyrrhus (fl. 280 B.C.), 660
Circe (sûr’-sē), 60
circumcision, 582, 584
Cirrha , 104*
Cithaeron , Mt., 98
Citium , 34, 650
citizenship, in Sparta, 79–80, 570; in Athens, 110, 116, 124–125, 250, 254
city planning, 330, 592, 617
city-state, 71, 174, 203–204, 554
Cius (kē’-ŭs), 156
Cladeus (klă’-dā-ŭs) River, 88
clans, in Crete, 10
in Homeric society, 45, 53–54
in Attica, 108
abolishment of, in Athens, 124, 268
classes, in Homeric society, 46
in Sparta, 73–74
in Athens, 110–111, 276–280
see also metics, slaves, freemen, etc.
class war, in Homeric society, 47
in Athens, 112–114, 280–286, 465–467
in 4th and 3rd centuries, 562–564
in Sparta, 569–570
Claudius, Appius, Roman statesman (fl. 300 B.C.), 660
Claudius Ptolemy, see Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus)
Clazomenae (klā-zŏm’-ē-nē), 150, 219, 339
Cleanthes (klē-ăn’-thēz), Stoic philosopher (300?-220?B.C.), 136, 634, 652, 653–654, 655, 658
Cleinias , father of Alcibiades (d. 447 B.C.), 444
Cleinias, friend of Xenophon, 302
Cleis, daughter of Sappho, 153
Cleisthenes, (klīs’-thē-nēz) of Athens, statesman (fl. ca. 507 B.C.), 79, 108, 110, 124–126, 237, 248, 249, 469, 487
Cleisthenes tyrant of Sicyon (6th century B.C.), 79, 89, 124†, 160, 231
Cleitus, Macedonian general (d. 328 B.C.). 538, 544, 550
Cleobolus (klē’-ō-bū’-lŭs) of Lindus in Rhodes, one of the Seven Sages (fl. 6th century B.C.), 141
Cleombrotus (klē’-ŏm-brō’-tus) II, King of Sparta (reigned 380–371B.C.), 462
Cleombrotus III, King of Sparta (reigned 243–240 B.C.), 569
Cleomenes (klē-ŏm’-ē-nēz) I, King of Sparta (reigned 520–490 B.C.), 85
Cleomenes III, King of Sparta (reigned 235–220 B.C.), 569–570
Cleon (klē’-ŏn), Athenian demagogue and general (d. 422 B.C.), 255, 271, 341, 421–422, 423, 429, 433, 440, 441, 442–443
Cleonae (klē-ō’-nē), 158
Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt (69-30 B.C.), 89†, 593, 602
Cleophon (klē’-ō-fŏn), Athenian demagogue (fl. 411–404 B.C.), 255, 450
Clepsydra , courtesan, 300
cleruchies, 250, 588
climate, 3, 21, 107
Clio (klí’-ō), 186
Clitias , potter, (fl. 560 B.C.), 219
clothing, in Crete, 9
of Achaeans, 37, 45
in Homeric society, 51
in Sparta, 85
in Athens, 292–293
Clouds, The (Aristophanes), 339*, 369, 381, 424–428, 429
clubs 255, 282–283, 310
Clymene , 103*
Clytaemnestra , 29, 32, 36, 39, 51, 56, 59, 386–389, 404–405, 409
Cnidian Sentences (Euryphron), 342
Cnidus (nī’-dŭs), 62, 105, 133–134, 141, 171, 342, 461, 491, 495, 497, 499, 501, 564
Cnossus (nŏs’-ŭs), 5–8, 10–13, 15, 18–23, 28, 29, 33, 35, 44, 47
Codrus, legendary King of Athens (fl. 1068 B.C.), 109, 113
coinage, in Lydia, 69
in Argos, 72
in Corinth, 90
in Aegina, 95, 114
in Athens, 114, 121, 273–274, 314
in Syracuse, 314
in Elis, 314
in Seleucid Empire, 575
Colchis , 43, 55, 157, 238, 403
Collection of Lemmas (Archimedes), 629
colonization, 3, 34, 59, 70–71, 106, 121, 127–129, 133–135, 156–158, 159–160, 168–169, 170, 173
Colonus (kŏ-lō’-nŭs), 180, 391
Colophon (kŏl’-ŏ-fōn), 148, 645
Colossus of Rhodes, 143*, 177
Colotes (kō-lō’-tēz) of Lampsacus, philosopher (3rd century B.C.), 649
Columbus, Christopher, Genoese explorer (1446?-1506), 27
columniation, 68, 169, 221, 224–225, 327, 492, 617–618
Coma Berenices, 587
comedy, 230–231, 420–429, 482–483, 606–608
Commentaries (Pythagoras), 163
common land, see property, community
common mess, in Crete, 23; in Sparta, 83, 84–85
communication, in Homeric society, 46–47; in Egypt, 589–590
communism, in Pythagorean society, 166
in Lipari Islands, 170, 171
in plays of Aristophanes, 283
in Athens, 465
in philosophy of Plato, 509–510, 520
Concord, temple of, 172
concubinage, in Homeric society, 48, 50
in Athens, 304–305
in 4th century, 467
in Hellenistic age, 567
Confucius, Chinese philosopher (551-478 B.C.), 371, 376, 473
Congress (United States of America), 256
Congreve, William, English dramatist (1670–1729), 607
Conies (Apollonius of Perga), 627, 628
Conies (Euclid), 628
Conon (kō’-nŏn), Athenian general (fl. 400 B.C.), 461
conscription in army, 264
Conservatori, Palace of, 625
Constanta, 157, see also Istrus
Constantine the Great, Roman emperor (272–337), 575, 649, 667*
Constantinople, 155, 157, 571, 577, 667*, see also Byzantium
constitutional law, in Sparta, 79–81, 86
in Athens, under Draco, 111–112, under Solon, 114–118
Constitution of Athens, The (Aristotle), 526*, 534*
contraception, 468
contracts, 259
cooking, in Homeric society, 51; in Athens, 309
Copais (kō’-pīs), Lake, 103
Copernicus, Nikolaus, Polish astronomer (1473–1543), 340, 502, 634, 635, 669
Corax of Syracuse, rhetorician (fl. 466 B.C.), 430
Corcyra , 60, 90–91, 159, 246, 284, 440–441, 662
Corfu , 60, 159, 662, see also Corcyra
Corinna , lyric poetess (fl. 5th century B.C.), 107, 374, 376
Corinth , 38, 62, 64, 79, 89–92, 105, 159, 172, 185, 200, 211, 216, 219, 221, 272, 275, 279, 315, 375, 439, 440–441, 474, 480, 504, 507, 510, 542, 560–561, 562, 569, 575, 662, 663, 666
Corinth, Gulf of, 62, 89, 104
Corinth, Isthmus of, 31, 62
Corinthian order (architecture), 122, 224, 327, 492, 617
Corinthians I (St. Paul), 91
Coronea , 103, 215, 440, 444, 461, 489
Coronis , 96
Corpus Hippocraticum, 343–345
Corsica, 150, 661
Corydon , 611
Cos (kōs), 62, 134, 272, 342, 343, 470, 495, 609, 639
cosmetics, 292
cosmogony, 98–103, 135, 137, 138, 139, 144–145, 168
cosmology, in philosophy of Thales, 137
of Anaximander, 138–139
of Heracleitus, 144–145
of Pythagoras, 164
of Anaxagoras, 339–340
of Parmenides, 350
of Leucippus, 353
of Empedocles, 356–357
of Epicurus, 646
of Stoics, 652–653
cosmopolitanism, 362, 562, 600
Cossutius , Roman architect (2nd century B.C.), 617
Council of Athens, see boule
Council of Elders (Judea), 579–580
Council of Five Hundred, 256, 263, 264, 290
Council of 501, 125, 126
Council of Five Thousand, 449
Council of Four Hundred (6th century), 115, 121, 125
Council of Four Hundred (411 B.C.), 449
Council of Thirty, 451–452, 510, 554
courtesans, see hetairai, also concubinage, also prostitution
courts, in Crete, 11; in Athens, 116, 125, see also heliaea
Crannon (kră’-ŭn), 106, 553
Crates (krā’-tēz) of Thebes, Cynic philosopher (4th century B.C.), 509, 650–651
Cratinus , comic dramatist (ca. 520–423 B.C.), 420, 429
Cratylus (Plato), 371, 513*
credit system, 464
cremation, 311
Creon (krē’-ŏn) of Corinth, 403–404
Creon of Thebes, 41, 396–397, 398
Cresilas , sculptor (fl. 450 B.C.), 322
Crete (krēt), 5–23, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 47, 54, 62, 63, 64, 68, 70, 75, 78, 128, 133, 170, 179, 203, 218, 231, 301, 566, 585
crime, in Sparta, 83
in Athens, 116–117, 258
Crimea, 157
Crisaea , 104
Critias , Athenian orator, politician, and author (d. 403 B.C.), 368, 370, 373, 451–452, 510
Critius, sculptor (fl. 5th century B.C.), 324
Crito (krī’-tō), Athenian, 260*, 365, 369, 454–455
Crito (Plato), 513*
Croesus (krē’-sŭs), King of Lydia (fl. 560 B.C.), 118–119, 141, 142, 143, 575
Croiset, Alfred (1845–1923) and Maurice, French classical scholars, 453*
Cronia, 199
Cronus (krō’-nŭs), 99, 102, 121, 181, 565 r />
Crotona , 142, 160, 161, 166, 167, 169, 172, 203, 318, 327, 342
Crotone (krō-tō’-nē), 161, see also Crotona
Crouching Venus, 499
Crusoe, Robinson, 59*
Ctesias , physician and historian (fl. 5th century B.C.), 134
Ctesibius of Alexandria, inventor (fl. 2nd century B.C.), 588, 616, 633
Ctesicles of Ephesus, painter (3rd century B.C.), 619
Ctesiphon Athenian orator (4th century B.C.), 484–485
Cumae (kū’-mē), 107, 160, 169, 197, 205, 668
Cunaxa , 460, 489
Cupbearer, 10, 20
Cupid of Centocelle, 495†
currents, around Aegean Islands, 4
in Bosporus, 4*
curriculum, of Pythagorean school, 163–164
in Athenian schools, 289
in Academy, 511–512
custom, in religion, 193
in Athens (law), 257–258
in morality, 295–296
Cuvier, Georges, Baron, French naturalist (1769–1832), 8
Cybele , 13, 20, 69, 76, 143, 178, 227, 467, 507
Cyclades , 5, 10*, 21, 33, 96, 106, 128, 129–133, 235, 246, 585
Cyclopes (sī-klō’-pēz), 27†, 60
Cydippe , 608
Cyme (sī-mē) in Aeolia, 98
Cyme in Euboea, 169
Cynicism, 280, 369, 372, 503, 506–509, 644, 650–651
Cynosarges (sén’-ō-sär’-jēz), 506
Cynoscephalae , 663
Cyprus (sī’-prŭs), 4, 15, 21, 33–34, 70, 118, 133, 185, 193, 219, 234, 238, 247, 272, 275, 437, 461, 558, 585, 589, 650
Cypselus , tyrant of Corinth (fl. 655–625 B.C.), 90, 92, 218, 221
Cyrenaic School, 173, 504–505, 586, 644
Cyrene (sī-rē’-ně), 3, 68, 105, 128, 133, 173, 275, 430, 504, 510, 575, 585, 598
Cyrnus (sēr’-nŭs), 92–95
Cyropaedia (Xenophon), 490–491
Cyrus the Great, King of Persia (d. 529 B.C.), 119, 141, 245, 490, 546
Cyrus the Younger, Persian prince (d. 401 B.C.), 460, 461, 489
Cythera , 159
Cyzicus , 135, 156, 449, 501, 575
Daedalus , 6, 15, 17, 19, 22, 229
Dalmatia, 159, 662
Damascus, 150, 544, 575, 576, 579, 580
Damo (dā;’-mō), daughter of Pythagoras, 163
Damocles (dăm-ō-klēz), 558*
Damon (dā’-mŏn) of Athens, musician and Sophist (fl. 5th century B.C.), 248
Damon of Syracuse, Pythagorean (4th century B.C.), 471*
Damophon of Messene, sculptor (2nd century B.C.), 621
Danae (dăn’-ă-ē), courtesan, 300
Danaus (dăn’-ă-ŭs), 68, 72
dancing, in Crete, 13, 15
in Homeric society 48, 51
in Sparta, 83
contests, 212
in 7th and 6th centuries, 229–230
in drama, 232
Dancing Woman, 15