hollow casting, 68, 143, 221, 320
Homus (hō’-mēr), epic poet (fl. 9th century), 5, 11, 15, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 44–55, 59, 60*, 67, 71, 72, 80, 90, 100, 103, 127, 130, 132, 133, 135, 140, 153, 159, 167, 178, 180, 184, 203, 205, 207–211, 229, 301, 302–303, 312, 406, 432, 433, 483, 518, 612, 625
Homeric civilization, 44–55, 103, 115, 176, 188, 303
Homeric Hymns, 185, 190
Homeridae , 150, 207
homicide, 112, 196, 258–259
homoioi, 80, 459
homonoia, 575
homosexuality, in Homeric society, 48
in Sparta, 83
in Teos, 149
in Athens, 301–302
in 3rd century, 567
hoplites , 81, 87, 264
Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), Latin poet (65-8 B.C.), 27, 132, 149, 393
horse races, 215
Horas (hō’-rŭs), 13
hospitality, in Homeric society, 48
in Sparta, 85
in Athens, 263, 294
Hours, 182, 186
House of the Faun, 620
housing, in Crete, n-12, 18–19
in Mycenae, 28
in Troy, 34
in Homeric society, 52–53
in Athens, 308–310
Hugo, Victor, French writer (1802–1885), 412
humanism, 359–360
human sacrifice, 23, 40, 73, 193–194
Hume, David, Scottish historian and philosopher (1711–1776), 350, 531†, 657
Hunt, Arthur Surridge, English classical scholar, 155
hunting, in Mycenae, 30
in Achaean society, 45
in Dorian society, 62
as a sport, 212
Hyacinthia , 75
Hyacinthus , 218
hybris, 119, 186, 383, 390, 397
hydrostatics, 630–631
Hyele (yā’-lē), 167, see Elea
Hygiaea , 499
Hygiaonon (hī’-jē-ī’-nōn), 418
hygiene, 82–83, 86, 196, 201, 292
Hyksos conquest, 8
Hylas (hī’-lăs), 43, 610
Hyllus , 42
Hymeneus (hī’-mĕ-nē’-ŭs), 186
Hymettus (hī-mĕt’-ŭs), Mt., 109, 170, 378
Hymn to Demeter, 109†, 178
Hyperbolus , demagogue (d. 411 B.C.), 255, 442
Hypereides (hī’-pěr-ī’-dēz), orator (390-322 B.C.), 278*, 300–301, 467, 469, 478, 479, 483, 486, 512, 553
Hypnos , 186
hyporchema, 229
Iacchus (ī-ăk’-ŭs), 188, 189, see also Dionysus
Iadmon (yăd’-mŏn), master of Aesop (6th century B.C.), 142
Ialysus (city), 134, 571
Ialysus (founder of city), 619
Ialysus (Protogenes), 619
iambic trimeter, 132
Iambulus (yam’-bū-lŭs), philosopher (fl. 250 B.C.), 563–564
iatreia, 346
Iberia, 637, see also Spain
Ibsen, Henrik, Norwegian dramatist (1828–1906), 415
Ibycus , poet (6th century B.C.), 76*
Icaria , 232
Icarus , 22, 177*
Icmalius , 53
Icos (ē’-kōs), 158
Ictinus , architect (fl. 5th century B.C.), 251, 316, 327, 328, 329, 332
Ida, Mt., 16, 35
Idealism, in Cretan religion, 13
in philosophy, 349–351
Ideas (Plato), 87, 368, 508, 515–517, 519, 523
idolatry, 13–14
idyls, 609–612
Ikhnaton , see Amenhotep IV
Iliad, 11, 25, 26, 36, 44, 45–46, 47, 48, 56–59, 71, 122, 206, 207–211, 390, 538, 544, 601
Ilion , see Troy
Ilios , see Troy
Ilissus River, 188, 514
Ilium , see Troy
illumination, in Crete, 12
in Homeric society, 53
in Athens, 270
Illyria , 62, 67, 69, 542, 543, 661-662, 665
Ilus (ī’-lŭs), 35‡
Imbros , 156, 461
immortality, 532, 605
imperialism, 245–246, 437, 439–441, 445–446, 470
income tax, 115, 466
India, 3, 135*, 141, 161, 165, 179, 234, 238, 546–547, 557, 573, 575, 581, 587, 590, 612, 637, 642, 660
Indian Ocean, 547, 564, 576
Indica (Arrian), 502
Indo-Europeans, 20
Indus River, 3, 502, 546, 547
Industrial Revolution, 633
industry, in Crete, 7–8, 21
in Mycenae, 30–31
in Cyprus, 34
in Homeric society, 46
in Athens, 270–272, 463–464
in 3rd century, 562–564
in Seleucid Empire, 575
in Egypt, 589–590
industries, nationalization of, 564, 589
infanticide, in Homeric society, 50
in Sparta, 81–82
in Athens, 287, 468
in 3rd century 567–568
inflation, 114
initiation rites, 163, 189
inns, 273
Inquisition, 523
insurance, 563
interior decorating, 19–20, 309
intermarriage of races, of Dorians, 63
international law, 262–263, 264
Interpretation according to the Seventy, 595
Invalides, Hotel des, 592
inventions, 142, 471, 500, 588, 589, 631–632, 633
Io (ī’-ō), 55
Iola , 303
Iolaus (ī-ō-lā’-ŭs), 302
Iolcus (ī-ōl’-kŭs), 43, 403
Ion (ī-ŏn), 35‡, 39–40, 207, 401
Ion (Euripides), 401
Ion (Plato), 513*
Ion of Chios, poet (5th century B.C.), 150
Ionia , 69, 129–133, 134–151, 159, 169, 197, 204, 221, 226, 234, 242, 245, 276, 305, 320, 327, 441, 448, 486, 494, 523, 544, 557, 576, 618, 634
Ionian Confederacy, 235
Ionians, 35‡, 40, 63, 64, 69, 71, 106, 108, 127, 128, 131, 157, 203, 235, 238; dialect, 204
alphabet, 205
Ionic order (architecture), 105, 143, 224–225, 226, 327, 328, 329, 492, 618
Iophon (ī-ō-fŏn), tragic poet, son of Sophocles (fl. 428 B.C.), 400
los (ī’-ŏs), 131
Iouktas , Mt., 13
Iphicrates , Athenian general (fl. 4th century B.C.), 470
Iphigenia , 36, 51, 56, 108, 193, 307, 386, 387, 404–405, 410–411, 548
Iphigenia in Aulis (Euripides), 401*, 404–405, 418
Iphigenia in Tauris (Euripides), 401*, 410–411
Ipsus , 558
Iran, 578
Iris, 186, 333
Iron Age, 62*, 63
Iron Race (Theogony), 102
irrigation, by Achaeans, 45; in Boeotia, 103
in Attica, 268; in Egypt, 588; in Near East, 575
Isaeus (ī-sē’-ŭs), orator (fl. 4th century B.C.), 483, 486
Isagoras, archon of Athens (6th century B.C.), 124
Isaiah, 401, 653
Ischomachus , 490
isegoria, 254
Ishtar , 13, 34, 69, 178
Isis , 13, 68, 178, 467, 566, 595, 618
Islam, 178*
Island League, 571
Isles of the Blest, 14, 102, 191, 517
Ismarus , 49
Ismene , 394–395
Ismir, 150*
Isocrates , orator and rhetorician (436–338 B.C.), 262, 275, 363, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 485–488, 503, 511*, 525, 553, 554
isonomia, 254, 262
isopoliteia, 263
Israel, 604
Issus , 56, 234, 544
Istanbul, 157, 439, see also Byzantium
Isthmian games, 200, 216, 317, 662, 663
Istrus, 157
Italoa , 199
Italy, 3, 5, 21, 33, 59, 67, 71, 106, 128, 134, 141, 159, 160, 165, 167, 168–169, 170, 192, 203
, 219, 275, 276, 302, 437, 445, 472, 486, 557, 558, 566, 598, 613, 614, 622, 659, 660–661, 662, 665, 666, 667
Ithaca , 53, 59, 61, 159
Ithome , 247
Jaffa, 580, see also Joppa
James I, King of England (1566–1625), 604
Japan, 16, 299
Jason (jā’-sŭn), 38†, 43, 105*, 157, 403–404, 415
Jason, high priest of Jerusalem (2nd century B.C.), 581–582
Jefferson, Thomas, President of U. S. (1743–1826), 248
Jerome, Saint, Latin Father of the Church (340?-420), 604*
Jerusalem, 77, 544, 574, 576, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 593, 594, 603
jewelry, in Crete, 9–10
in Mycenae, 32
in Troy, 34–35
of Achaeans, 45
in Athens, 293, 314
Jews, 86, 137, 566, 579–584, 591, 592, 593–595, 597, 603–606, 649, 667
Job, 94, 399, 401
Jocasta , 384*, 393–394, 398
Johannan Caddis, Jewish patriot (2nd century B.C.), 583
Johnson, Samuel, English lexicographer and writer (1709–1784), 307
Jonathon Maccabeus, Jewish patriot (2nd century B.C.), 583, 584
Jonson, Ben, English dramatist (1573?-1637), 668
Joppa, 580
Jordan River, 575, 580
Josephus , Flavius, Jewish historian (37?-95?), 580, 593
Josiah, King of the Jews (d. 608 B.C.), 77
Judaism, 580, 582, 583
Judas Maccabeus, Jewish patriot (2nd century B.C.), 583, 584
Judea, 68, 178*, 509, 557, 579–584, 595
Judith, 603
Jupiter, see Zeus
jurisprudence, in Crete, 11
in Homeric society, 54
in Sparta, 80
in Athens, 112, 116, 249–250, 259–263
jury system, 116, 249, 259–260
Justice, see Dike
Kadesh (kā’-děsh), 35
kalokagathos, 298
Kalokairinos, Minos, Cretan merchant and archeologist, 5
Kamares , 16–17
Kant, Immanuel, German philosopher (1724–1804), 349, 350, 643, 657, 670
karma, 390, 523
Keats, John, English poet (1795–1821), 98, 220, 497, 668
keres, 196
Kidinnu , Babylonian astronomer, 636*
kingship, in Crete, 10–11
in Homeric society, 54–55
in Athens, 109
see also monarchy
King’s Companions, in Homeric society, 54
in Macedonia, 476
King’s Peace, 461, 472, 488
King’s Porch, 258
kitchen utensils, 309–310
knights, see hippes
Knights (Aristophanes), 421–422
koine dialektos (common dialect), 204
Kore (kō’-rē) of Chios, 222
kosmoi, 23
Koumasa , 6
Kouretes , 13
krypteia, see secret police
Kurdistan, 460
Kiistenje, 157, see also Istrus
Labdacus (lăb’-dā-kūs), 40
labor organizations, 282–283, 589
Labyrinth , 6, 19, 22, 23
Lacedaemon (lās’-ē-dē’-mŏn), see Sparta
Laches (lā’-kēz) of Lindus, sculptor (fl. 3rd century B.C.), 621
Laconia , 63, 72–87, 88, 441, 447, 462, 569, 570
Ladas (lä’-dăs) (Myron), 323–324
Lade (lā’-dē), 234, 235
Ladies at the Opera, 20
Ladies in Blue, 19
Ladies in the Box, 31
Ladies in the Chariot, 31
Lady of the Camellias, 607
Laenas, Caius Popilius, Roman statesman (fl. 172 B.C.), 574, 582
Laestrygonia , 60
Lagiscium , courtesan, 467
Lagus (lä’-gŭs), Macedonian general (4th century B.C.), 585
Lais , courtesan, 301, 467, 504
Laius , 40, 384*, 393
Lamia , courtesan, 567
Lampsacus , 156, 341, 450, 645, 664
Lancelotti Palace, Rome, 323*
land routes, see trade routes
landownership, of Achaeans, 45–46
in Sparta, 73–74, 568–569
under Lycurgus, 79
in Athens, 11, 268
in Egypt, 587–588
language, of Crete, 14–15
of Achaeans, 37–38
common, 204–205
Lansdowne House, London, 497
Laocoön, 622
Laocoön, 622
Laodamas , 48
Laodice , Queen of Syria (3rd century B.C.), 573
Laodicea , 576
Laomedon (lā-ŏm’-ē-dōn), 35‡, 43
La Parisienne, 9
Lapiths, 328, 333
Larisa , 106
La Rochefoucauld, François de, Duke, French writer and moralist (1613–1680), 295
Last Judgment, 146–147, 190, 376, 605
Lasus (lā’-sŭs) of Hermione, poet (b. ca. 548 B.C.), 72, 374
Lateran Museum, 392
Latin, 107, 204, 205
Laurium , 108, 121, 270–271, 447, 448, 463–464, 562
Laus (lā’-ŭs), 160, 167
law, in Crete, 11, 23
code of Gortyna, 23
in Homeric society, 54
in Sparta, 77–81
code of Draco, 111–112
reforms of Solon, 113–118
as ethics, 135
origins of, 167
in Catana, 170
in Athens, 257–259
in philosophy of Plato, 522–523
in Egypt, 591
lawmaking, 256
Laws (Plato), 197, 467*, 513*, 514–515, 522–523
lawyers, 261
Leaena , courtesan, 123
League of Nations, 198
Leander , 156
Lebanon , 34
Lechaeum (lě-kē’-ŭm), 90
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole, Irish rationalist and historian (1838–1903), 116
Leda , 55*
legends, of Minos, 5
of Heroic Age, 38–44
in Iliad, 56–59
in Odyssey, 59–61
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, German philosopher and mathematician (1646–1716), 646
Lemnian Athena (Pheidias), 325
Lemnos (lěm’-nŏs), 44, 156, 183, 325, 461
Lenaea , 199, 232, 379*, 392, 473
Leo X (Giovanni de’ Medici), Pope (1475–1520), 70
Leochares , sculptor (fl. 4th century B.C.), 494
Leon, 451
Leonardo da Vinci, Italian artist (1452–1519), 22, 142, 355
Leonidas I, King of Sparta (reigned 491–480 B.C.), 76, 239
Leonidas II, King of Sparta (d. 236 B.C.), 569
Leonidas, athletic instructor (4th century B.C.), 538
Leontini (lē’-ŏn-tī’-nē), 170, 172, 284, 360, 446, 474
Leontium, courtesan, 300, 640, 645
Leontopolis , 594
Lepanto (lā-pän’-tō), 56
Lerna , 41†
Lesbianism, 154–155, 302
Lesbos (lěs’-bŏs), 75, 90, 91, 149, 151–156, 190, 218, 219, 443, 525, 544, 585
Lesche (lěs’-kē), 316
Lesser Mysteries, 188, 199
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, German critic and dramatist (1729–1781), 328, 622†, 626*, 629
Lethe (lē’-thē), 186
Leto (lē’-tō), 182
letters, 204–207, 483–491, 612
Leucas , 155, 159, 193
Leucippus of Miletus, philosopher (fl. 5th century B.C.), 69, 157, 339, 352
Leuctra , 81, 86, 98, 180, 194, 462, 469
Lexicon (Suidas), 377
liberty, ideal of, 69; in Athens, 123–124, 204, 298
Liberty, Statue of, 621*
Libon (lē’-bŏn), architect (fl. 460 B.C.), 328
libraries, 206–207, 417, 579, 600–603
Library, Alexandria, 585, 586, 592, 601–602, 603, 608, 627, 636, 667
Libya , 37, 68, 238
Life of Philopoemen (Polybius), 613
Lindus, 134, 571
Linus (lī-nūs), 41, 227
Lion Gate, 28, 29
Lipari Islands, 170, 171
literary criticism, 603
literature, in Crete, 15
of Achaeans, 44–45
in Homeric society, 52
in early Greece, 207–211
in Golden Age, 374–436
in 4th century, 482–491
of Jews, 603–606
in Hellenistic age, 606–615
Little Essays on Nature (Aristotle), 526*
liturgies, 265, 379, 466
Livy (Titus Livius), Roman historian (59 B.C.-A.D. 17), 617, 661, 662
loans, 274, 464
Lock of Berenice, The (Callimachus), 608
Locke, John, English philosopher (1632-1704), 359, 646
Locomotion of Animals (Aristotle), 526*
Locri (lō’-krī), 167, 238, 501, 510
Locris , 77, 104, 105, 167, 441, 477, 666
logic, 351, 361, 515, 526–527, 652
logistai, 263
logography, 140
Logos, 147, 605, 612, 668
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, American poet (1807–1882), 132*
Longinus, Dionysius Cassius, philosopher and critic (213?-273), 154
Long Walls, 250, 451, 461
Lotus-Eaters, 60
Louis XVI, King of France (1638–1715), 401
Lourdes, 96
Louvre, 326*, 417, 496, 499, 573, 624, 625
Love, see Eros
Lu, Duke of, 473
Lucian (lū’-shăn), satirical author (120?–200?), 229, 299, 305, 324, 326, 381, 432, 549*, 632*
Lucifer, 181
Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus), Roman poet (96-55 B.C.), 136, 145, 354*, 356, 413, 441*, 565, 645, 649
Lucullus, Lucius Licinius, Roman consul and general (110-56 B.C.), 492
Ludovisi Hera, 624
Ludovisi Throne, 319
Luther, Martin, Leader of German Reformation (1483–1546), 191
Lycambes (lī-kăm’-bēz), (8th century B.C.), 132
Lycaon (lī-kā’-ŏn), 208
Lyceum, 491, 525, 526, 553, 633, 640, 641
Lycia , 27†, 494, 576
Lycidas , 611
Lycon (lī’-kŏn), Athenian politician (fl. 5th century B.C.), 452
Lycophron (lī’-kō-frŏn), son of Periander (fl. 6th century B.C.), 91
Lycortas (lī-kôr’-tăs), statesman (2nd century B.C.), 613
Lycurgus (lī’-kûr’-gŭs), Spartan lawgiver (fl. 9th century B.C.), 23, 73, 74, 76, 77–78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 86, 117, 459, 523, 568, 569, 614
Lycurgus, orator (396-325 B.C.), 468, 469, 483, 486, 491, 512
Lydia , 69, 72, 76, 122*, 135, 136, 140, 141, 150, 153, 228, 238, 276
Lydian mode (music), 228*
Lyllus , 398
Lysander (lī-săn’-dēr), Spartan statesman and general (d. 395 B.C.), 84, 400, 450–451