Lysanias , grammarian (3rd century B.C.), 636
Lysias , orator (450-380 B.C.), 361, 430, 467, 472
Lysias, Regent of Syria (fl. 165 B.C.), 584
Lysicles , demagogue (5th century B.C.), 255
Lysicrates , choragic monument to, 327, 382, 492
Lysimacheia , 575
Lysimachus , Macedonian general (361?-281 B.C.), 538, 558, 578
Lysippus of Sicyon, sculptor (fl. 4th century B.C.), 292, 498, 631, 634, 635
Lysis (Plato), 364, 513*
Lysistrata (Aristophanes), 307, 423–424
Lysistratus, sculptor (fl. 4th century B.C.), 495
Maccabeans, 584, 605
Maccabees I and II, 583
Macedonia , 54, 69–70, 157, 158, 234, 239, 437, 465, 468, 470, 475–478, 480–481, 538, 542, 543, 544, 547, 548, 552–553, 554, 557, 558, 559, 560–561, 562, 568, 570, 575, 576, 585, 592–593, 662–663, 665, 666
Macedonian Wars, 662, 663, 664, 665
Machiavelli, Niccolo di Bernardo, Florentine statesman and political writer (1469–1527), 295, 614
Maeander River, 141, 143, 177, 575
Maenaca , 169
Magi, 135
magic, 193, 197, 200
magistracy, see jurisprudence
Magna Graecia , 161, 576
Magnesia, 106, 198, 246, 327, 573, 578, 618, 664
Mahaffy, John Pentland, British divine and author (1839–1919), 160*
Maimakterion , 199
Maine, Henry James Sumner, English jurist and historian (1822–1888), 667†
Malaga, 169
Malea , Cape, 89†
Malic Gulf, 106
Mallia, 7, 546
Manet, Édouard, French painter (1832–1883), 498*
Manetho , Egyptian historian (fl. 250 B.C), 594, 612
manners, in Homeric society, 47–48, 51; in Athens, 116–117, 291–312; in Hellenistic age, 566–567
Mantinea , 88, 378, 443, 463, 489, 496
manumission, 278, 562
maps, 139, 341
Marathon , 55, 71, 87, 88, 105, 108, 126, 127, 133, 195, 215, 226, 233, 234–236, 248, 291, 296, 383, 448, 461, 499
Marble Faun (Hawthorne), 496
Marcellus, Marcus Claudius, Roman general (268?-208 B.C.), 632–633, 661
Marcus Aurelius, see Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius
Mardonius , Persian commander (479 B.C.), 241, 242
Mark Antony, see Antonius, Marcus
Mareotis , Lake, 592
markets, 275–276
Marmora , Sea of, 3, 4*, 70, 156, 450
marriage, in Troy, 36
institution of, 40
in Homeric society, 51
in Sparta, 81–82, 83–84
in Athens, 117, 250, 302–305
in 4th century, 467
Marriage Song, see Hymeneus
Mars, see Ares
Marseilles, 3, 67, 150, 169, 213
Marsyas , 227, 323, 365
Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis), Latin epigrammatist (40?-102?), 206
Mary, mother of Jesus, 178, 183, 595
masks, 29, 32, 380–381, 606
Mass (ritual), 195, 232, 594
Massagetae , 431
Massalia , 67, 169, 194, 575
Massillon, Jean Baptiste, French pulpit orator (1663–1742), 488*
mass production, 575
Mata Hari, World War spy, 300
materialism, 350, 352–355
mathematics, 135, 163–164, 337–338, 500–501, 627–628, 629–630
Mattathias , Jewish patriot (2nd century B.C.), 583
Maurya Dynasty, 575
Mausoleum (Halicarnassus), 494, 497, 618
Mausolus (maw’-sō-lŭs), King of Caria (reigned 377–353 B.C.), 134, 143*, 494
Measurement of a Circle, The (Archimedes), 629
mechane, 379
Mechanical Problems (Archimedes), 633
mechanics, 500, 527, 630, 631
Mechanics (Aristotle), 526*
Medea , 43, 55, 157, 197, 303, 307, 403–404, 415, 609
Medea (Euripides), 401*, 403–404, 411, 412
meden agan, 296
Medes, 238
Medical History of Contraception (Himes), 468*
Medici, 135
medicine, in Crete, 15
in Epidaurus, 96
under Hippocrates, 342–348
in 4th century, 502–503
in Hellenistic age, 638–639
Mediterranean race, 8, 63, 108
Mediterranean Sea, 3–4, 7, 13, 16, 20, 22, 33, 36, 67, 68, 127, 129, 168, 169, 219, 242, 273, 276, 431, 439, 446, 456, 463, 542, 552, 559, 571, 572, 577, 579, 590, 599, 600, 603, 615, 627, 640, 656, 659, 661, 664, 667
mediums of exchange, in Homeric society, 47
origin of, 69
in Argos, 72
in Sparta, 79
in Athens, 114, 273–274
in Seleucid Empire, 575
see also coinage
Medusa , 321
Megalopolis , 88, 462, 569, 570, 613
Megalostrata , consort of Alcman (7th century B.C.), 76
Megara , 41, 62, 79, 90, 92–95, 98, 125*, 157, 232, 252, 279, 439, 441, 497, 510
Megara Hyblaea , 92, 231
Megarian school, 503–504
Megasthenes (mě-găs’-thē-nēz), ambassador and writer (fl. 300 B.C.), 612, 637
Meidias , potter (fl. 5th century B.C.), 315
Melanippe (Euripides), 414
Melanthus (mě-lăn’-thŭs), painter (4th century B.C.), 619
Meleager , 43, 105
Meleager, epigrammatist (fl. 1st century B.C.), 573, 576
Meleager (Scopas), 497
Meletus (mě-lē’-tŭs), tragic poet (5th century B.C.), 373, 426, 452, 455, 511
Melos (mē’-lŏs), 33, 62, 133, 406, 443–444, 455, 624
Melpomene (měl-pŏm’-ē-nē), 186
Memorabilia (Xenophon), 364, 490, 650
Memphis, 585
Menaechmus (mě-năk’-mūs), philosopher and geometrician (fl. 4th century B.C.), 501, 628
Menander (mē-năn’-dēr), comic dramatist (343-291 B.C.), 155, 213, 231, 412, 429, 492, 567, 576, 606–608, 641, 667, 668
Mende (měn’-dē), 158
Menedemus (mě’-ně-dē’-mŭs), philosopher (350-277 B.C.), 107
Menelaus (měn’-ě-lŏ’-ŭs), 39, 47, 51, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 171, 316, 386, 408
Menelaus, high priest of Jerusalem (2nd century B.C.), 582
Menes (mē’-nēz), possibly Egypt’s first king (ca. 3500 B.C.), 20
Menon (měn’-ŏn), medical historian (fl. 4th century B.C.), 500
mercenaries, 468
merchant class, in Argos, 72
in Athens, 122, 255
in Sicily, 172
merchant marine, 590
Mercury, 184, see Hermes
Meriones , 229
Mesolongion (mē’-sō-lōng’-gē-ōn), see Missolonghi
Mesopotamia , 3, 7, 30, 69, 70, 234, 548, 572, 579, 620
Messana , 170, 172
Messenia , 73, 462, 570
Messenian Wars, 75, 77
Messiah, 605
Messina , 170
Messina, Straits of, 160, 167, 169, 171
Metageitnia , 199
Metageitnion , 199
metallurgy, in Crete, 7
in Athens, 271 metal work, in Crete, 16
in Mycenae, 31–32
in Homeric society, 52
in Dorian society, 62
in Periclean age, 314–315
Metaneira , courtesan, 467
metaphysics, 137, 138, 144–145, 165–166, 508, 515–517, 646
Metaphysics (Aristotle), 526*
Metapontum, 166
Metellus (Quintus Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus), Roman general (fl. 148 B.C.), 666
metempsychosis, 13, 68, 165, 187–188, 189, 191, 311–312, 355, 357, 517
meteorology, 340, 528
Meteorology (Arist
otle), 526*
meter, 132, 154
Method, The (Archimedes), 629
Methone (mě-thō’-nē), 439, 470, 477
metics, 255, 262, 277–278
Metis , 182
Meton (mē’-tŏn), astronomer (fl. 5th century B.C.), 338
Metrodorus of Lampsacus, philosopher (d. 277 B.C.), 649
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), 33*, 133†, 220, 319*, 321†, 323*, 497, 626
Michelangelo, see Buonarotti, Michelangelo
Middle Academy, 643
Middle Ages, 170, 566
Middle Comedy, 429, 482–483
Miletus (mī-lē’-tŭs), 68*, 90, 122, 134–141, 151, 156, 169, 173, 219, 222, 226, 235, 275, 546, 564, 567, 568, 575, 618, 639
militarism, in Crete, 23; in Sparta, 81, 82–83
Milo (mī’-lō) of Crotona, athlete (6th century B.C.), 161, 162, 215, 216
Miltiades , Athenian general and statesman (d. 488 B.C.), 235–236, 237, 247
Milton, John, English poet (1608–1674), 386, 436, 488*, 497
Mimnermus , elegiac poet (fl. 630–600 B.C.), 148
mina, 114, 274
mining, in Cyprus, 33
by Achaeans, 46
in Attica, 121, 270–271, 463–464
in Egypt, 589
Minoan Ages, 7–8, 11, 12, 13, 15–21, 27, 30, 32, 33, 35, 134, 170
Minos (mī’-nŏs), 6, 10*, 11, 18, 19, 22–23, 38†, 40, 75, 117
Minotaur , 6, 14, 22, 23
Minyans ,.35, 64, 103
miracles, 195
mirrors, 314–315
Missolonghi , 105
Mizpah , 584
Mnason, tyrant of Elatea (fl. 4th century B.C.), 492
mnemonics, 130
Mnemosyne , 182
Mnesicles , architect (fl. 437 B.C.), 251, 331
Mnesilochus, father-in-law of Euripides (5th century B.C.), 426–427
Moabite stone, 205
Mochlos, 6, 7, 11, 20
Modin, 583
Moeris , Lake, 589
Mohammed, 572
Moirai (moi’-rī), 135, 186
Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin), French dramatist (1622–1673), 668
Molossians, 660
Monaco, 169, see also Monoecus
monarchy, in Crete, 10–11
in Sparta, 79
in Athens, 109
in Miletus, 134
in Seleucid Empire, 576
money, see mediums of exchange; see also coinage
monism, 137
Monoecus , 169
monogamy, in Troy, 36
in Sparta, 81–82
in Athens, 304
monopoly, 269, 589–590
monotheism, 175, 565, 580, 653–654, 655, 656
Montaigne, Michel de, French philosopher and essayist (1533–1592), 167*, 374
moon worship, 13, 177
morality, in Homeric society, 47–50
in Sparta, 81–85, 86
in Athens, 116–117, 287, 293–305
and religion, 200–202
in 4th century, 467–468
in philosophy of Plato, 517–519
of Aristotle, 533–534
in 3rd century, 565–568
mortgage laws, 113–114
Mosaic code, 77
mosaics, 620–621
Moscow, 547
Moslems, 667
Mosso, Angelo, Italian scholar, 19‡
mother, the, in Crete, 10
in Homeric society, 50*
in Athens, 307
see also woman, position of
Motya , 170
Mountain (political party), 119, 124
Mountains (deity), 99
mourning, 311–312
Movements of Animals (Aristotle), 526*
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Austrian composer (1756–1791), 401
Mummius, Lucius, Roman statesman and general (fl. 2nd century B.C.), 666
Munich Antiquarium, 323*, 625
Munychia (festival), 200
Munychia (port), 246
Munychion , 200
Musaeus (mū-zē’-ŭs), 69, 191, 227
Museo delle Terme (Rome), 319*, 323*, 365, 623†, 624, 625
Muses, 69, 98, 99, 104, 106, 182, 186, 226, 496, 511, 586
Museum (Alexandria), 226, 585, 586–587, 592, 601, 602, 627, 667
music, in Crete, 14, 15–16
of Achaeans, 45
in Homeric society, 52
in Phrygia, 69
in Sparta, 74–77
in Pythagorean school, 163–164, 166
in religion, 193
contests, 212, 216
in common culture, 226–230
in Athenian education, 289
in drama, 379–380
in Judea, 580
in Hellenistic age, 616–617
musical instruments, 15–16, 74–75, 227, 580, 616
Mycale 151, 200, 234, 242, 248, 437
Mycenae , 5, 21, 26, 28–33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 47, 53, 56, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68, 72, 89, 90, 108, 127, 128, 179, 180, 223, 311
Mycenaean order (architecture), 331, 336
Myconos (mī’-kō-nŏs), 131
Mylias , Athenian businessman (4th century B.C.), 278
Myres, John Linton, English archeologist, 6
Myron (mī’-rŏn), sculptor (fl. ca. 450 B.C.), 17, 217, 301, 323–324
Myron, tyrant of Sicyon (6th century B.C.), 89
Myrtilus , 39
Mysia , 238
Mysis , slave of Epicurus (3rd century B.C.), 645
mysteries, 188–192
mysticism, 136, 165–166, 188–192
Mytilene , 122, 151, 153, 265, 443, 455, 466, 645
mythology, 98–100, 135, 176–188, 565
Myus (mī’-ŭs), 141
Nabis , tyrant of Sparta (fl. 207 B.C.), 570
Naiads , 177
Nanno, beloved of Mimnermus (7th century B.C.), 148
Naples, 107, 168, 169, 417, 575; see also Neapolis
Naples Museum, 323, 499, 620*, 623*, 624‡, 625
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (1769–1821), 157, 173, 438, 540, 541, 542, 547, 552
Narcissus , 98, 218
Nashville, Tennessee, 335*
naturalism, 136, 340
Naucratis , 3, 173, 174, 219, 545
Naupactus (naw-păk’-tŭs), 62, 105, 662
Nauplia , 27
Nausicaa , 46, 60, 210, 297, 302
navigation, 4, 47, 135
navy, of Crete, 5, 10
of Mycenae, 31
in Homeric society, 54–55
of Athens, 241, 246, 250, 265, 275, 449
of Sparta, 448
of Egypt, 585
Naxos , 23, 131, 170, 172, 221
Neacles , painter (fl. 3rd century B.C.), 619
Neapolis (Naples), 157, 169, 575
Neapolis (Shechem), 580
Nearches (nē-är’-kēz), tyrant of Elea (5th century B.C.), 351
Nearchus, Macedonian general (4th century B.C.), 502, 547, 637
Near East, 4, 68, 136, 192, 221, 272, 274, 275, 305, 319, 430, 572, 574, 575, 587, 590, 600, 603, 634, 667
Nebuchadrezzar II, King of Babylon (reigned 605–562 B.C.), 432, 605
Necho (nē’-kō), King of Egypt (reigned 610–594 B.C.), 589
Necropolis , 592
Nehemiah, governor of Judea (465-424 B.C.), 580
Neleus, philosopher (3rd century B.C.), 601
Nemea , 41†, 211
Nemean games, 200, 216
Nemesis , 186, 390, 397
Nemesis (Agoracritus), 326
Neobule (nē-ŏb’-ū-lē), beloved of Archilochus (7th century B.C.), 132
Neolithic Age, in Crete, 6–7, 16; in Sicily, 170
Neo-Platonism, 192, 516, 595, 657, 668
Neoptolemus , 294
Nepnelococcygia , 428
Neptune, 186, see also Poseidon
Nereids , 177
Nereids, 3
Nesiotes , sculptor (5th century B.C.), 324
Nestor (něs’-tôr), 53, 58, 60, 105*, 208, 211, 297
New Academy, 643
New Comedy, 419, 606, 608
Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, English theologian (1801–1890), 655
Newton, Isaac, English philosopher and mathematician (1642–1727), 527, 629, 630, 633
Nicaea , 169
Nicanor , governor of Judea (2nd century B.C.), 584
Nicarete , courtesan, 467
Nice, 3, 169
Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 526*, 533–534
Nicias , statesman and general (d. 413 B.C.), 197, 270–271, 281*, 297, 379, 421, 423, 433, 435, 445, 446, 448
Nicomedes I, King of Bithynia (reigned 278–250 B.C), 495
Nicopolis , 156
Nicosthenes , potter (6th century B.C.), 219
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, German philosopher (1844–1900), 50, 148, 295, 523, 670
Night (deity), 99
Nike (nē’-kē) (Achermus), 222
Nike (Paeonius), 222, 324
Nike Apteros, 327, 331
Nikolaev, 157, see also Olbia
Nile River, 3, 68, 173, 341, 539, 544–545, 564, 587, 589, 590, 591, 592
Nile, 623
Nimes, 169
Nine Lyric Poets, 76
Niobe , 182, 326
Niobe, 652
Nocturnal Council (Plato), 522
nomes, 591
nomoi, 258
nomothetaiy 258, 469
Nordic man, 8*, 63
Norman Conquest, 29
Normans, 170
Norway, 637
Notium , 450
Notus (nō’-tŭs), 177
nous, 339, 340
Novum Ilium , 35†
Nubia , 18, 589, 596
nudity, in Sparta, 82, 83
Numa Pompilius, King of Rome (reigned 715–672 B.C.), 117
number relations, 165, 166
numerals, 627
nymphs, 181
oaths, 290
Oblivion, see Lethe
obol, 274
Oceanids , 177, 385
Oceanus , 99, 137, 385
Odessus, 157
Odeum (ō-dē’-ŭm), 330
Odysseus , 24, 36, 45, 47, 48, 49–50, 52, 53, 58, 59, 60–61, 159, 210, 211
Odysseus in Hades (Polygnotus), 316
Odyssey , 46, 59–61, 122, 167, 206, 207–211, 390, 602
Oeconomicus (Xenophon), 313, 490
Oedipus , 40–41, 61*, 180, 311, 384*, 393–396, 398, 548
Oedipus at Colonus (Sophocles), 394–396, 400
Oedipus the King (Sophocles), 393–394, 398, 411
Oeneus (ē’-nūs), 105*
Oenoe (ē’-nō-ē), 156
Oenomaus (ē-nŏm’-ā-ŭs), 39, 328
Oenopides of Chios, astronomer (5th century B.C..), 339
Ogygia , 59
oil refining, 589