Page 24 of Back in Bliss

  He touched the small scar on the left side of his jaw. “He smacked me with the landline here when I told him to fuck off.”

  “Of course you did.” She gently pulled his head down and kissed him there. “How about this?”

  She touched his left shoulder. He couldn’t help but smile. “That one I came by honestly. I fell off my bike when I was ten. But you can kiss me there, too.”

  She nuzzled against his shoulder.

  He pushed at the waist of his pants, shoving them and his boxers aside. “Georgia, I need you to touch me.”

  She didn’t need an explanation it seemed. She just reached down, and her palm encased his cock in soft heat. Logan groaned at the feel. “Tell me what happened.”

  “He hurt me. He got me hard and then stapled notes to my cock. He wrote little messages to me. Said I was weak. I was pathetic. I was worth nothing. And then he laughed as he said I wouldn’t be able to forget because they were on my dick.”


  “Don’t stop, G. I need you.” He moaned as her hand tightened. “I wasn’t circumcised at the time. That came later. It saved me, I think, because Luka got bored and took a knife to my cock. He told me he would cut it off, but he only tore up the foreskin before he got called away. He tucked me back into my pants. He didn’t want anyone to think he was queer. I knew what he was going to do when he came back. But Stef was there.”

  Georgia hopped off the desk and got to her knees. “I’m so glad he was there. Logan, I don’t think any less of you because of what happened. I think more of you because you survived.”

  She leaned forward and started pressing kisses on his cock. She started at the head, her lips touching him, and then he was the one who wanted to whimper and wail. It was maddening, her slow, methodical work. She pressed chaste little kisses all along his straining cock. He clenched his fists at his sides, forcing himself to stay still. She didn’t know everything about that day. There were things he couldn’t admit even to her, but they didn’t matter right now. Right now he was exorcising demons with the only woman he would ever love. He knew it deep down. Georgia was the one. She was the only one for him.

  “He didn’t actually touch my balls, but they were very scared.” Was that him? Was he fucking joking about it?

  His eyes nearly crossed as she gently pushed his cock up and laid her mouth on his balls. He sounded like he used to. Everything had been fair game when he was younger. He’d laughed at himself, been open to everything.

  He couldn’t be that kid again, but maybe he could find just a piece of himself.

  “Suck me, Georgia. I want to feel your mouth on me.” He tangled his fingers in her hair, pulling her toward him.

  She drew him inside, her lips on his cockhead. He hissed a little when her tongue came out, darting all around his head.

  “Did you make Seth crazy this morning, Georgia? Is this what you did to him, you little witch?”

  He caught just the hint of a smile on her face. “You listened in, Sir?”

  He’d wanted to join them, but they seemed so far away. What a difference one day could make. “I heard you sucking his cock. You think you owe him less than me?”

  “No, Sir. I wouldn’t dream of it.” She leaned back over again and this time she started to properly eat his cock, sucking him inside. She gripped his dick, stroking the stalk while she suckled the head.

  So hot. So fucking good. This was what he’d been missing all his life. Sex had been good before. It had been fun and light, totally casual. He’d enjoyed it, but now he craved it, and it wasn’t the sex he longed for. It was her. He wanted to be inside Georgia Ophelia Dawson, with her bratty mouth and soft heart. He’d trained to be a Dom, but he only wanted to be her Dom.

  He watched as his cock disappeared into her mouth, her lips opening wide to take him deep. Heat scorched him, lighting him up from the inside. Her tongue whirled, caressing every inch of his dick, and he nearly exploded when she started to hum. It wasn’t a song, just a low vibration from the back of her throat that tingled along his cock. Her blonde head moved in perfect harmony with her hand. Over and over again, she sucked him inside, taking a little more each time. If he let her, he would soon hit the back of her throat, and there would be no going back from that. He would come straight down her throat, giving her every ounce of semen he had, filling her belly.

  That wasn’t what he wanted to fill. Soon, he would do that. He would wake her up in the middle of the night and settle her on top of him, her mouth to his cock, his mouth to her pussy, and they would lick and suck and eat until they were both full and fell back to sleep perfectly satisfied. He would do it so she knew that he always wanted her. He would take her anytime, anyplace, because she was his.

  But this time, he wanted her pussy. He needed to be inside her, connected by their bodies as much as he felt connected to her soul. He tugged on her hair, pulling back, his cock protesting the whole time.

  “Am I not doing it right?”

  It was so easy to forget how vulnerable she was. She put on that tough-girl, dumb-blonde act as a way to deflect her fear. It was so simple when he really thought about it. Before training with Leo and Wolf and Julian, he would have scratched his head and never really wondered why she acted out. He would have assumed she was just a little crazy, but now he saw it for what it was. She was scared.

  He didn’t want her scared. Not ever. He forced her head up, staring down at her. “You are the best I’ve ever had, Georgia Dawson. You’re the only one I want, but I’m not ready for this to end. God, I don’t want to leave here yet. So obey me now. Get up on the desk.”

  She hopped up, an eager smile on her face. She seemed so much younger and freer than before. Even last night there had been a tightness on her face, but she seemed sure of him now, sure that he wouldn’t reject her, sure that he was going to satisfy her.

  He’d done that. He’d made her feel safe. Loved. God, she was so fucking loved.

  He got to his knees and pulled on Georgia’s ankles, dragging her down the desk so he could do what he wanted to do. “Spread your legs. I want to look at it.”

  Her pussy. It was really his pussy when he thought about it. She’d signed the contract, so he owned her pussy. It was the prettiest pussy he’d ever seen, with pouty pink lips and that little pearl that was the button he liked to push to send her into the stratosphere. Nothing he’d done in his whole life was as satisfying as being the man who made Georgia scream.

  “You’re making me crazy, Logan.”

  He inhaled her, letting the scent of her arousal coat his senses. “You’re the one who started this, baby. Remember. You said you were my ice cream. I want a nice long lick.”

  He gave in to temptation and let his tongue have its way. He devoured her, settling in and letting all the bad shit fly away.

  He licked and sucked and enjoyed her, finally giving way to his impulses. Even the night before, he’d held back because she hadn’t really been his. She’d been Seth’s and Seth had generously allowed him to join them, but now…now it was all different. Now he was pretty fucking sure he belonged to her. He was certain he would never love anyone the way he loved her. He had no idea what would happen tomorrow. He was a small-town deputy with very few prospects, and she was a woman who deserved everything money could buy. He wasn’t sure how they would work it out, but none of that mattered now. All that mattered was being with her, replacing the bad memories with the good ones.

  They would work it out. They had to because he was damn sure he couldn’t live without her. “My sub.”

  He growled the words against her flesh.

  And felt her hands in his hair, pulling him up. Her face was flushed, her eyes dark with need, but there was a stubborn set to her jaw, like she knew he wouldn’t like what she was about to say, but she was going to say it anyway. “Not just your sub. I love you, Logan. I want to be your woman. I want to be yours.”

  Oh, she was supposed to be still, but she wanted to make demands? He was so g
oing to spank her for that, but not now. No. Now he was going to give her what she wanted because he fucking wanted it, too. She loved him. Georgia loved him. He wasn’t sure what he’d done to deserve it, but he wasn’t about to turn that down. He got up, shoving his body off the floor. He could still taste her on his lips, smell her arousal, a spicy, bold scent like Georgia herself. He shoved his pants down and freed his cock. He reached for the condoms and started to roll one on. “Say it again.”

  She didn’t hesitate. “I want to be yours.”

  “You are mine. You’ve been mine from the minute I saw you.” He’d just been too caught up in his own shit to acknowledge it. He’d been a coward then, but he was finding his strength now. Because of her.

  “I was yours long before that,” Georgia whispered back. She reached out for him. “I’ve waited for you all my life, Logan. I’ve waited for you since I knew there might be someone to wait for. I was so nasty in the beginning.”

  He grinned. “You were a bitch, baby, and I want you to always knock me on my ass when I need it. Don’t you ever apologize for trying to get what you want, but all you have to do is ask from now on. You’re mine and I’m going to take care of you. Do you understand me? I’m going to be your man, Georgia. I’m your Dom. No one else.”

  Seth could top her, but Logan needed that place in her life. He needed it all to himself.

  Her hand found his chest, covering the tat there with an obviously possessive hand. Yeah, he’d really fooled her. “You’re already mine, Green. Always mine. I want you to be my man and my Dom.”

  There was his woman. He didn’t want to tame her, just play with her for the rest of his life. He reached down and lightly twisted the clips. Georgia in pervertables was just about the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

  She shrieked a little. “Oh, my god!”

  “On your knees. I have more to do.” So much more.

  Georgia started to turn, and he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this particular demon had been permanently exorcised. Georgia had brushed it away like a ghost who was no longer welcome.

  His woman. He reached for the lube because he had work to do.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Seth stepped out onto Main Street and took a long look down the road. Things weren’t going the way he had planned. He was surprised at how much things had changed. There were new people, new businesses. Time hadn’t stopped and stood still while he was going to school and building his company. And Logan was further away than ever.

  And someone was watching Henry’s cabin. Or his. Fuck. He couldn’t be sure. Had he screwed up somewhere along the way? Had he left some thread undone and now it was unraveling? He’d been looking for Henry all day, but apparently he and Nell had left earlier to protest something and wouldn’t be back for a few hours and Henry was currently eschewing cell phones due to radiation or some shit.

  The fucker had been in the CIA for years, but now he acted like a Luddite. Seth’s stomach was rolling.

  He’d just had a long talk with Stefan Talbot about Logan. It was worse than he could have imagined. Somehow he’d just thought Logan had gotten his ass kicked and he was being a drama queen. Momma Marie hadn’t said much when he’d asked her. There hadn’t been any press coverage. Logan himself always shut the conversation down when he asked about it.

  Stef hadn’t pulled any punches or tried to spare Seth the details.

  Logan had been tortured. He’d nearly died. Stef had thought he was dead at first, he’d looked so bad. Stef had told him he was pretty sure there wasn’t an inch of Logan that hadn’t been battered and bruised. Logan’s body had healed, but his mind hadn’t, and some of the town was worried he never would.

  What was he going to do if he couldn’t convince Logan to give this a try?

  For the first time in a long time, Seth wasn’t sure he would get what he wanted.

  He couldn’t live here full time. He could be in Bliss for long portions of the year, but he needed to be in New York, too. He’d tried time and time again to get Logan to join him, but he’d always gotten the same spiel.

  Logan Green didn’t take charity.

  He was so frustrating.


  Seth looked up and saw a freaking nightmare coming his way. He blinked because he couldn’t possibly be seeing what he was seeing. He’d handled this problem already. It was done and checked off his fucking list.

  Win Dawson was walking across the street right in front of the art gallery, moving Seth’s way. He was dressed perfectly, as he always seemed to be, as though a designer three-piece suit was his uniform. He would bet Win Dawson would wear Hugo Boss to a backyard barbecue.

  Seth turned back and made sure he was still in Bliss because damn Dawson looked out of place here.

  “Where’s Georgia? I’ve driven around and around this town, and I can’t find her anywhere.” Win’s face was locked in a grim mask.

  “What’s wrong? Did something happen to your brothers? Why didn’t you call her? Or call me?” God, he hoped they were all right. Georgia worshipped the ground her brothers walked on.

  “They’re all fine, and I didn’t call you because you’re the problem, Seth.”

  He just barely managed to not roll his eyes. “What? I thought we cleared this up. I’m marrying her. I’m taking care of her. Go back to California.”

  “Not without Georgia,” Win said between clenched teeth. “And you’re not really the problem. Your little partner is.”

  Logan? “What are you talking about?”

  Win got in his space. “Did you think I wouldn’t check him out? Did you think I wouldn’t find out everything there is to know about a man who is going to be involved in my sister’s life? How the hell did you think that bastard would pass the tests?”

  “I’ll ask again. What are you talking about, Dawson? Logan is a great guy.”

  Win huffed a little. “Yeah, because great guys get into bar fights and cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage.”

  Fuck. How the hell had Win found out about that? Seth didn’t even know the full story. He’d just immediately sent the money when Logan asked for it because Logan never asked for anything. Taking money from Seth was sort of anathema to him. “He ran into a little trouble.”

  “Really? A little? Because according to my sources, he’s been involved with drugs.”

  Alcohol wasn’t the problem. Logan had said it himself not two days ago. “He’s clean now.”

  “He never went to rehab,” Win said. “Believe me, I checked. You don’t kick a heroin habit without help. He’s not getting anywhere close to my sister. Now you tell me where he is. I don’t give a shit what you do to my company. Take it. I’m not sacrificing my sister. Do you understand me?”

  Seth felt like the wind had just been knocked out of him. “Logan wasn’t involved in heroin.”

  He could see a little weed, maybe some valium or pain pills. Maybe he’d gotten a little addicted after his surgery. According to Stef, the doctor had placed Logan on numerous pain medications for several weeks. Heroin? No. Not Logan.

  Win frowned. “You don’t know. Damn it.” He sighed. “Look, when Ben and Chase talked to me about him, I decided to hire a PI. He’s been in town checking Green out. He’s been floating some cash for information on the kid. He went into this bar close to here.”

  Seth knew it well. “Hell on Wheels.”

  Win nodded. “Yes. The owner threw him out, but there was a guy who followed him and was willing to talk. He said Logan Green bought drugs off him. Ten thousand dollars’ worth in the end. Started out on pain meds and worked his way up to one night where he bought H. He must have switched dealers then because that was the last the guy heard of him. Green paid off his debt.”

  Ten thousand dollars. Fuck. There hadn’t been a bar fight. He was paying off his dealer.

  Win continued, every word making Seth’s head pound. “This guy told me a crazy-ass story about Logan and some brunette who came and saw him and talked hi
m into turning himself in. He did six months in county on his first offense, but he could have been put away for years. The guy claims that he’s been scared straight or some shit. Said going to jail was the best thing that could have happened to him. This idiot actually tried to get my PI to give him Green’s number because he wants to talk to him about going to rehab. So even the drug dealer thinks Green needs rehab. And this is the guy you want to share my sister with.”

  “You believe a drug dealer? It sounds like he’s still high.” Seth didn’t want to believe a drug dealer. He knew Logan, damn it.

  “Why would he lie? I haven’t been able to locate his dealer in Dallas, but I’ll find him, and when I do, I’m going to have a bone to pick with Julian Lodge because my brothers and sister-in-law work in that club of his. Now where is my sister?”

  “I don’t know.” Hopefully she was still with Marie because he needed to have a long talk with Logan. Was any of this shit true? How had this happened? How had Logan slid so far? God, Logan barely drank a couple of years back.

  “I’m going to find her and then we’re out of here.” Win didn’t wait for an answer. He simply moved on, taking the steps to the Trading Post two at a time. The bastard had hired a PI.

  At least he knew who had been watching them. He could tell Henry to stand down. He still had the problem of who was looking into Henry Flanders online, but it was very likely Win’s PI who had been on their porch and out on the mountain. Damn, but the fucker had moved fast. How had Win gotten a PI out here before Seth and Georgia had gotten here?

  It didn’t matter. He needed to talk to Logan because Win was serious. And he wouldn’t listen to Georgia’s protestations either. Win was a throwback feudal lord and would haul his sister back to his castle and pull up his drawbridge, and then Seth would have to mount an all-out siege.

  Damn it. He hated when things started to fall apart.