Page 25 of Back in Bliss

  He looked back, certain Win was safely in the store, likely trying to bluster his way into someone giving up Georgia’s location. Maybe Logan knew where she was. Seth jogged up the road, past Stella’s, and right to the station house. Thank god. Logan’s Escalade was sitting in the parking lot, the only vehicle there. Nate must be out. Maybe they could have a private talk before they went after Georgia. It was a long time coming. He needed to know everything. Every dark detail.

  Seth walked confidently through the double set of doors. He was just going to calmly ask Logan what had happened. He wasn’t going to get mad. He wasn’t going to judge. They were best friends. They shared everything, well, everything Logan would let Seth share with him. Why hadn’t Logan let him help? Seth would have paid for anything. He would have paid for the best rehab, and it wouldn’t have been in a damn BDSM club. He would have sent Logan anywhere in the world if he thought it would have helped. Logan didn’t need to hide things from him.

  A low moan caught his attention. Fuck. He’d found Georgia. Their world was falling apart and what were Georgia and Logan doing? They were fucking. Yep. And they hadn’t even thought to call and invite him. Well, he was a part of this threesome, and they could just be surprised when he walked in.

  “You were a bitch, baby, and I want you to always knock me on my ass when I need it. Don’t you ever apologize for trying to get what you want, but all you have to do is ask from now on.” Logan’s voice stopped Seth in his tracks. He stood outside the sheriff’s office door. He’d never heard Logan sound so passionate. “You’re mine and I’m going to take care of you. Do you understand me? I’m going to be your man, Georgia. I’m your Dom. No one else.”

  Seth felt his jaw clench. No one else? That sounded a little selfish. He was the one who had brought them together.

  Henry’s words came back to him. Logan feels like you abandoned him. Why didn’t you come back, Seth?

  Was this Logan’s little revenge on him? Georgia would tell Logan off now. Seth was the one who had taken care of Georgia. Logan had just slept with her. Seth was the one who treated her like a princess, and she wouldn’t let Logan cut him out.

  “You’re already mine, Green. Always mine. I want you to be my man and my Dom.”

  Or she could just agree with everything Logan said.

  Seth practically stumbled back out of the building. His plan had completely backfired. She just wanted Logan. Logan, who had lied. Logan, who had treated her like crap, but the minute he crooked his finger Georgia’s way, she ran right back into his arms.

  They were going to leave him behind. He’d seen the heat between them. Logan and Georgia could be like an inferno when they started going. Their chemistry was explosive, but he’d thought there was a place for him, too. All of their lives, Logan and Seth had planned for this day, and now Logan had turned his back and wanted to waltz off with the girl.

  Seth had to find his feet because he was suddenly completely off-balance. The floor didn’t seem to be quite steady.

  Seth started to walk down Main Street. At least he could tell Win he’d found her. Maybe Georgia was better off without either of them.

  He turned his face to the sun.

  He really couldn’t go home again.

  * * * *

  She had binder clips on her nipples. It was so weird and strangely hot. She was so aware of them. Every time she moved, she felt a little bite.

  Georgia got into position. Logan had ordered her to her hands and knees, and she was in the mood to obey. She had no doubt that she wouldn’t want to do the slave thing twenty-four seven like Kitten, but oh, she liked it for play. Logan had brought her more pleasure than she’d ever had in her life, and it finally felt like he was really here with her. He was truly engaged and for more than a night.

  “Damn, girl, you have got the prettiest ass.”

  When he started talking and his voice went deep and low, she didn’t even want to argue with him. She just wanted to believe him. When he talked like that, she felt pretty. Right down to her ass. Which he seemed to be playing with.

  “Uhm, Logan, are you planning on spanking me?”

  He sighed as though he’d found his happy place. His big palm was rubbing over the cheeks of her ass. “I’ll always spank you, baby, but not right now. Right now, I want to play. Now this is going to be just a little cold. Don’t tense up on me.”

  “What?” He couldn’t tell a girl to not tense up and then not actually expect her to tense up. Holy crapballs. Something cool hit her back door and, yep, she tensed.

  And Logan proved he was serious about always spanking her. He smacked her ass and chuckled when she yelped.

  “I will get you back, Green.” But she didn’t move because she kind of totally was a freak for the spanking thing. And she loved how he was laughing now. When she’d first walked into the station house, he’d been so grim, and now he was relaxed and happy. If slapping her ass made him happy, then she would misbehave more often.

  “I have no doubt you will, Georgia. Now let me play a little and then I’ll give you some cock.”

  She snorted. “You make it sound like a gift.” Oh, it was, but she couldn’t let the arrogance go unnoted.

  Another hard smack had her dragging her breath in.

  “It’s a gift, all right. But I’m getting the best present of all. Have I told you how crazy I am about you, girl? You’re a gift, baby. Seth wrapped you up and tied a bow on you. He knew I couldn’t handle you all by myself, so he trussed you up and brought you to me.”

  Seth. If only Seth were here, everything would be perfect. Of course, if Seth were here she would very likely have a cock in her mouth. “You just like it because when he’s around, one of you is stuffing something in my mouth and I can’t argue.”

  His laugh boomed through the room and suddenly there was something right at her anus. Oh, yeah, he was going to go there. Well, what had she expected? There were two of them. They probably didn’t want to just take turns.

  “Oh, ewww, I just figured out how my brothers have sex with Nat. Ewwww.”

  He didn’t even stop for a second. His finger started a long, slow sliding circle around her asshole. “I try not to think of your brothers naked. It’s best if you just put it out of your head, but if you’ve just figured out that sometime in the near future I’m going to be in this beautiful ass while Seth fucks your pussy, then, ding, ding, ding, you just won the prize for smarts, gorgeous. God, baby, you’re so pretty. So fucking pretty. Relax and let me in.”

  He knew just how to get to her. There was a little plea in his voice that had her forgetting everything she was thinking about. No more Ben and Chase. No worries about whether or not she could handle this. She could because they were her men and she wanted them. She wanted the three of them together.

  This could be her life, always between Logan and Seth, always loved and comforted and protected.

  And needed. They needed her. She hadn’t seen it before, not with Logan. Seth needed someone who would pull him out of that head of his and make him take a look around. He needed someone who loved him enough to pull him out of work and make him spend time doing dumb things.

  And Logan needed someone who loved him enough to see through all his shit and not let go. She would never let go. Now that she really knew the pain that had molded him, she was determined to ease that and make a life for them all.

  “Almost there. Just a little more. This is just a taste, baby, because Seth isn’t here.” His finger slid inside.

  She had to take a long breath because she could feel her asshole clenching around him as he started to massage her from the inside. It was an odd sensation. No pain, just a weird sense of fullness. “You’re going to be bigger than that finger, Logan.”

  He started to gently fuck her ass with his finger, circling her and then fucking inside and starting the whole thing over again. Over and over again. “I’m way bigger, baby, but you can handle it. See?”

  She gasped as he slid something else in
side. Another finger. He groaned as though he loved the sight of watching his own fingers disappear into her asshole.

  And then she felt him hold for a second and his cock was suddenly at the edge of her pussy. His fingers kept up the long slow fucking of her ass, but his cock was right there, teasing the channel of her pussy. Offering her that little taste of what it would be like to have both her men.

  He was so big, so dominant. She felt her whole body give over because he really was its Master. Only Logan had ever played her body like an instrument he’d finely tuned. She loved Seth, too, but she had a different kind of sex with Seth. She could see now that she wouldn’t be whole without both of them. She wanted the hard-core, rough sex with Logan, and she needed to be made love to by Seth. Maybe, over time, they would switch roles, but for now they each had their place, and she couldn’t imagine giving up either one.

  “This is just a little bit of what it’s going to feel like when we come together properly.” His cock teased at her pussy.

  She let her head fall forward as his cock started forging into her pussy. With a low grunt, he forced his way inside, filling her up.

  “Keep still, baby. I can’t hold on the way I should because I only have one free hand.” His not so free hand seemed to concentrate on opening up her ass. She felt his fingers scissoring deep inside her as he held his cock still.

  What would it be like when Seth was under her and she was riding his cock, staring into those gorgeous eyes of his?

  “Georgia, look up.”

  She brought her eyes up and saw what she had missed before. There was a little mirror hanging on the wall in the perfect position to be able to see herself and Logan on the desk. She stared at the erotic picture they made. Logan’s beautiful, oh-so-masculine face was hard with arousal as he stared at her. His shoulders were so broad and muscular. That tattoo on his chest made her heart soften because it was proof positive that Logan Green was crazy about her.

  And she looked like a woman. Not a girl anymore. She couldn’t hold on to that youthful vision of herself. She had to be a woman now. Only a real woman would be enough for her men. A real woman would know how to love them and how to accept the love they could offer. It would be so scary, but she was ready to do it. She was ready to leave the selfishness of her youth behind. And she was ready to leave the pain behind, too. She could see now that it was a cage. It was a comfortable cage where she could deflect the rejection, but it was time to grow up now and break free from all of it.

  She planted her palms on the desk and curled her lower back up, taking more of him, letting him slide inside until she could feel his balls against her flesh.

  “Fuck, Georgia. You’re going to kill me.”

  “Not if you kill me first, babe.” She loved the deep laugh that came out of her throat. She sounded like a confident woman, and that woman in the mirror was definitely more than she’d been before.

  Logan’s mouth widened into a glorious smile. “That’s my baby. I don’t want Hurricane Georgia every day, but I like a storm from you every now and then. You never bore me. Never.”

  Life with them wouldn’t be dull. She couldn’t see it just yet. They had plenty to work out. Logan worked here or in Dallas, and Seth had to go back to New York. She wasn’t sure that she wanted to be his assistant for the rest of her life. But none of that mattered now. All that mattered was Logan was here with her.

  “You feel so good. You have the tightest pussy ever.” He scissored his fingers again, drawing a moan from her. God, what would it feel like when it was his cock? “You’re going to be so much tighter when Seth is in your pussy and I can really be in your ass.”

  He pulled his cock out and pushed back inside, every centimeter of her pussy sensitive and wanting. How had she lived all this time without this feeling? She pushed back against him, trying to keep his cock inside. It sent his fingers deeper in her ass.

  “That’s what I want from you. Fight me. It just makes it all better. Give me everything you have. I want it all,” Logan said as he wound his free hand around her waist. “I want you to scream my name when you come.”

  Logan’s free hand found its way down her stomach and started to rub her clit. Tension built, making her lungs work and her heart pump. She let go, fucking back toward him, reaching for the orgasm she knew would come now. She wanted to prolong it, live in the moment forever.

  It was too much. Logan pressed down on her clit while his cock stroked inside her pussy and she went off, giving Logan what he wanted. She gave him everything. She screamed for him, shouting his name and watching in the mirror as he stiffened behind her, his face contorting as he came. He shoved his cock into her one last time before pulling out and lifting her with him.

  “That’s my girl,” he whispered lazily. He kissed her ear, his eyes watching the mirror. “Look at how gorgeous you are.”

  Her skin was flushed, and the binder clips had come off at some point in time. She hadn’t noticed. Her nipples were red and they throbbed a little, but she loved the bite of pain. It would be a sweet ache for hours that would remind her just how well she’d been loved. She stared at that mirror and realized it had already happened. The girl she’d been was gone, and a woman was in her place.

  “I love you, Logan.”

  “I want you to always love me, Georgia. I can’t live without it.” He paused for a moment. “I love you, too. I just hope it’s worth something.”

  How could he think that it wasn’t? It was worth the world to her.


  Georgia nearly screamed at the masculine shout that came from the other side of the door.

  And Logan laughed. “Hey, Nate. Uh, you’re going to have to give me a few minutes, buddy. I probably ought to clean up. The good news is we didn’t use your chair at all.”

  If Logan was worried about his boss catching them fucking in his office, he didn’t show it. He winked at her through the mirror as he helped her off the desk.

  “Take a shower before you come back out here.” There was a moment of silence. “Logan, are you all right with being in there?”

  “I am now.” Logan towered over her, a gentle smile on his face. “I think I’m going to be okay with this room now. I won’t be thinking about what happened then anymore. I’ll be thinking about ice cream. Georgia Peach–flavored ice cream.” He leaned over and took her mouth in a long, slow kiss.

  “You didn’t tell me you were eating in there! Damn it. I was serious about that chair. You better not drip ice cream on it.”

  Logan laughed as he led her toward the shower.

  Georgia followed, her heart light.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Logan reached for her hand as he opened the door and led Georgia out of the bathroom. She was dressed again, and that was a complete shame. He didn’t think he would ever forget how she’d tossed her clothes off and boldly told him that she was his chocolate ice cream. She’d been everything he needed her to be in that moment. She’d been his woman.

  She’d given him the strength to understand once and for all that he had to figure this out.

  She was almost at the door, but he tugged on her hand and drew her back. Now that he’d given in, he couldn’t seem to stop kissing her. He’d kissed her during their long shower, crowding her in the small space and running his hands over every inch of her.

  “Are you going back home?” Logan asked. Somehow his damn uniform didn’t seem so confining anymore.

  She tilted her head, golden-blonde hair flowing around her shoulders. “Yes. I have a party to plan and dinner to cook.”

  Apparently she’d invited most of the women of Bliss out to the cabin for a makeover party that included a metric shit ton of wine and a bunch of appetizers he wouldn’t mind trying out for himself. His girl knew how to throw a party.

  “And you need to rest, girl, because I bet Seth and I will have plans for you.” He leaned down and kissed that cute little nose. God, she scared the holy crap out of him, but he couldn’t turn awa
y. He fucking needed her.

  And that meant he needed to sort his shit out. God, he was going to have to talk to them both. Seth and Georgia. He had to get it all out. He had to tell them about what happened at Hell on Wheels. And he had to talk to Jen and Stef and Holly. He had to admit what he’d done. Nearly done. Maybe the nearly part would save him.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Georgia’s hands were suddenly on his face, her eyes searching as though she could see the hurt and wanted to wipe it clean.

  He shook it off. He had to find a little faith. Maybe his momma had been right. Maybe a single incident shouldn’t erase years of being loved. “Nothing, baby. I still have things to tell you, but you’re going to be okay with it, aren’t you? Even if it’s bad.”

  She nodded, her eyes a little teary. “I’m going to be okay with anything you say to me as long as you don’t say good-bye.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a bear hug. He didn’t know why the universe had opened up and given him this woman, but he was so damn glad it had. She would make him stronger. He would never be weak the way he’d been before. Not as long as he had Georgia.

  And Seth.

  One more squeeze and he set her on her feet.

  She reached over and grabbed the stapler. She’d rearranged Nate’s desk to perfect order after she’d gotten dressed. “I’m throwing this out.”

  She didn’t have to. It wouldn’t bother him again. It was a freaking stapler. It wasn’t evil. Luka had been an evil prick, but he was gone and Georgia was here and Logan was here and it was all good.

  But Georgia wanted it gone, so it was gone.

  He opened the door and Nate and Gemma were standing at her desk, both of them staring. Gemma had a smirk on her face and held up a sign that gave him a nine point eight.

  That was totally wrong because that had been a perfect ten on the fuck scale.

  Nate frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. “What the hell is wrong with everyone today? First, I practically have to pry Max off Rachel because she got a pair of fuck-me heels stuck in Max’s belt loop in a closet at the art gallery, and they were still managing to go at it when I got the door unlocked. I don’t think that position was covered in the Kama Sutra. I might have gone a little blind. And now I can’t even go into my own office because you defiled it.”