Page 19 of Darkness

  She hesitated, almost wishing that were true. Darkness would never call to ask her back. He’d made it clear they were over. The urge to cry returned. “He won’t. I breached protocol while I was undercover. I fucked up, Missy. I could lose my job and right now I don’t even think I care.”

  Her friend reached out and took her hand. “Could you face criminal charges?”

  “I don’t think so. Not unless my boss wants to make up stuff just to get a little payback. I wouldn’t put it past him. I’m supposed to still be on assignment but I didn’t call in to tell him I left. I just needed a few days to get my head on straight.”

  “You were starting to hate your job. You know that, right? Ever since you got the dickhead for a boss you’ve been miserable.” Missy took a deep breath. “You know you can trust me with your life. Talk to me. You need to get this off your chest or it’s going to eat you up. It won’t go any further.”

  Kat debated. She needed to tell someone. “I was sent to Homeland.”

  Missy squealed. “You went there! Oh my god!”


  “Sorry. Go on.”

  “I can’t go into detail but the guy was a New Species.”

  Missy yanked her hand free and clasped it over her heart. “You nailed a New Species?”

  “Stop that.”

  “Just tell me.”

  She nodded.

  Missy grabbed her. “I hate you right now. No, I love you. I do. Was he good in bed? Don’t crush me.”

  “A 15 on the 1-to-10 scale.”

  “I knew it.” Missy grinned. “You lucky bitch.”

  “Did I mention I won’t ever see him again?”

  Her joy faded fast. “Shit. He won’t be coming to our door, will he? They don’t leave that place.” She rubbed Kat’s arm. “I’m so sorry. What a bastard. I will never go all fan-girl over them again.”

  “Don’t be so dramatic. It wasn’t as if he didn’t tell me it was only sex. I just didn’t expect to feel so much and I really screwed up with my job because it pitted me against him. I chose him in the end.”

  “I heard the NSO is kind of like a different country. I don’t think you sleeping with one is illegal and it wasn’t technically on US soil. I think you’re in the clear on that breach-of-conduct thing. I mean, you couldn’t be fired if you went on a trip to Mexico and hooked up with a resident there. You’re allowed to have sex.”

  “I was on the job and I shared information with him that I shouldn’t have.”

  “That’s bad.”

  “I know. Robert Mason is going to have my ass if he finds out.”

  “What are the chances of that?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I’m getting the chocolate and the vodka.” Missy rose. “Right now.”


  “Then you’re going to give me more details.”

  “You can’t use it in a book.”

  “Damn.” Missy narrowed her eyes. “That was me kidding. Think of this room like Vegas. What is said here, stays here.”


  “Best friends forever, remember? I’m just glad you’re talking to me. You hold too much in, Kat. I worry about you all the time.”

  * * * * *

  Darkness slammed his front door. Kat had left Homeland. He’d reviewed the footage from Security. She’d hailed a cab after exiting the front gates. Justice and Fury had asked him why she’d left and he’d had to tell them something. He’d shared what she’d told him about the other agents but made it clear it could get her in trouble. He’d even volunteered the information that they’d argued. He just didn’t tell them about what.

  He walked over to the couch and sat, slamming his boots on the coffee table. The wood creaked and he leaned to the side to stare at the new crack along the top.


  He hated feeling as if he’d betrayed her trust. The agents who had posed as workers to fix the damaged front gates hadn’t been able to do anything more. The humans had peered around a lot, their interest too intense, but hadn’t attempted to leave the job site. He should have kept his mouth shut. Guilt and regret ate at him. So did another emotion. He’d never see her again and it left an empty space inside him.

  He leaned back and closed his eyes, adjusting his arm along the side cushion. Something crinkled and he shifted, opening his eyes. A sheet of paper protruded from under the cushion. He pulled it out. It was from a notebook he kept on the kitchen counter to write down grocery lists when he ran low on supplies. The handwriting wasn’t his. He read it and cursed.

  Jerry Boris. You trusted me. I’m trusting you. K

  She must have written it when he’d gone into the bedroom to get her something to wear. He stared at the name, enraged. Why would the FBI be interested in Jerry Boris? It raised all kinds of questions and alarms.

  He jerked his feet off the table and stood. He paced the living room, gripping the note in his fist. She’d be in trouble for giving him that information. Otherwise she would have given it up in the bedroom. Why had she?

  He stopped and smoothed out the paper, rereading. It angered him. Why couldn’t she have just told him once she decided to share the name? I would have tried to get more answers from her. I would have insisted she stay longer. She’d intended the note be found only after she left Homeland.

  “Damn it,” he hissed.

  He walked over to the counter and snatched up the phone and dialed Fury’s extension. The male answered on the third ring.

  “Fury here.”

  “I’m in over my head and I need help.”


  “Who else would call you to say those words?”

  “Where are you?”

  “At home.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  “Thank you.” He hung up and resumed his pacing.

  Fury must have left his office as soon as he hung up. The knock on the door came faster than expected. Darkness jerked it open and stepped to the side, allowing the male to enter his home. Fury’s nose flared and he turned, a speculative look in his eyes.


  “You need to open some windows.”


  “You had sex with the FBI agent. You didn’t tell us about that. I can still smell her. It’s faint but I can pick it up.”

  “Put your canine nose away.”

  “Is this the cause of the disagreement you had with her?”

  “Did you come to help me or to be annoying?”

  Fury spun and walked over to the couch. He sniffed and then sat. “What can I do?”

  Darkness crossed the room and took a seat on the coffee table. He hesitated, not sure where to start or what would help.

  “You want her back?”

  Darkness scowled.

  “You think you’re the only male who allowed a female to walk away and then regretted it? Should I make a list of names that come to mind? I could remind you about my history with Ellie.”

  “Spare me. I’m not like other males.”

  “Bullshit. You mounted her. That says it all. Do you think I don’t make it my business to keep tabs on you? You wouldn’t have let her get that close unless you couldn’t refrain from giving in to your desire to have her. You think you’re different but few males actually want to find themselves dependant on a female. They fight it. It’s Species nature in most cases.”

  “That’s bullshit.”

  Fury smirked. “We have trust issues. It’s tough to admit we need or want anyone enough to risk pain. That’s a common thread all Species share. Did you fall in love with her? Do you want us to get her back?”


  Fury didn’t look convinced.

  It annoyed Darkness. “I don’t want her to pay for trusting me.”

  “You do have feelings.”

  “I admire her and don’t want her to be hurt because she took risks for me.”

  “We went over this. It’s not as if we’re going
to call the FBI and ask them why they sent agents to Homeland. They want to pretend it didn’t happen and we’re good with that. We’ll just be more careful, intensify our screening procedure and do more extensive background checks from multiple sources. We’re always upgrading. All we can do is hope to prevent them from doing it again.”

  “I didn’t tell you everything in Justice’s office.”

  Fury sucked in a breath. “Okay.”

  “This is where it gets dicey.”

  “Shit.” Fury leaned forward. “I’m listening.”

  “I want to protect her. I want that made clear. I got the impression she’d be in a lot of trouble and her career could end.”


  “Can I trust you? This might cause tension with the NSO. I’m asking you to keep this information between us. I don’t know what to do.”

  Fury’s eyes narrowed. “In other words, you’re asking me to sit on information that should be shared.”


  The male leaned back and blew out a breath. “I love the NSO and I’d do anything for Species but there’s one exception. That’s my family. They always come first and foremost. You fall under that category. I won’t betray your trust.”

  He stood and crossed the room, retrieving the paper he’d left facedown on the counter. He walked to Fury and held it out. The male took it and read the words. He paled. Darkness took a seat again on the coffee table.

  “Kat implied she was given orders to search for a male at Homeland and help him leave. Those agents she identified at the gates may have been under the same orders.”

  “Why would the FBI want Boris?”

  “She didn’t know. I believe that. She seemed confused as to why the person who sent her here wanted that male but she thought it was personal.”

  “You think Boris screwed over someone in the FBI or that he might know something potentially damaging to them?”

  Darkness shrugged. “It’s a dilemma, isn’t it?”

  “That’s putting it mildly.” Fury leaned forward and laid the note down. “She trusted you not to share this information. I see why you called me. You’re torn between us and not betraying that trust.”

  “I want access to Boris again.”


  “He has the answers. He’d know why the FBI has an interest in him. Give me an hour with that male and we don’t have to involve anyone who could harm Kat in any way. Official channels would put her in harm’s way. They can’t get to him and discover she gave up his name to me.”

  “Does she know he’s in Medical? She took a few tours. Did she see him?”

  “She wouldn’t have been allowed access to the basement area where he’s being held and I kept close tabs on everyone she spoke to. I interviewed them to see what she talked about, trying to figure out why she was really here. She never asked about humans besides the mate hunters. Sunshine had that discussion with her. She never toured Medical either. I double-checked.”

  “We need to tell Justice.”

  “He might talk to the Senator and ask him to make inquiries. No. You said I could trust you.”

  “This is bigger than the female losing her job. Boris seems to be more of a problem than we thought. What if he had help from inside the FBI with his extortion scheme against the NSO? We paid him a lot of money to recover other Species. We need to find out everything we can to make certain that isn’t a possibility.”

  “I don’t know enough about Kat to understand all the risks she faces but I won’t chance it. I refuse to allow her to pay for leaving that note. She wanted to help me.”

  Fury shoved his hair back, the frustration clear in his features. “Fine. You want access to Boris?”


  Fury stood, paced. “I got an update today on his condition. He’s not stable enough to leave Homeland and be transferred to Fuller.” He paused, studying Darkness. “He could die if you aren’t careful. He’s not in the best health, especially after the last time you had a talk with him.”


  “I wouldn’t mind if he died but I’d hate to try to explain why you were covered in his blood or why I put you there. We’d both be in front of Justice. Do you understand?”

  “You’d tell him everything.”

  “No.” Fury shook his head. “I’d break his heart by remaining silent. I gave you my word.”

  “He’s your best friend.”

  “You’re my brother.” Fury hesitated. “Even if you won’t admit the link, I’d stand by you and that means protecting your female too.”

  “She isn’t mine.”

  Fury shrugged. “She’s the first thing you’ve really given a damn about and put your ass on the line for. I owe her for that alone.”

  “She isn’t mine,” Darkness repeated. “You’re making too much out of it.”

  “We’ll see. Just keep in mind that we do know a Senator and could obtain her real name if she didn’t give it to you. That means we could locate her and have her brought back.”

  “Why would we do that?”

  “In case you decide letting her go was a mistake.”

  “It was for the best.”

  “For who?”

  “Both of us.”

  “Let’s go to Medical.”

  “You have a plan?”

  Fury shook his head. “I’ll just say I want to see Boris and you follow me in. I’ll offer to give the officer guarding him a break.” The male frowned. “You may not have an hour but we’ll see how much time we can get. Work fast and try not to kill him.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “You know you’re going to owe me for this.”

  Darkness clenched his teeth. “What do you want?”


  He nodded abruptly. The time had come for them to talk about the past. “Afterward.”

  “Of course.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Darkness approached the cell that held the human. Boris lay in a hospital bed, the machines monitoring him making no sound as the male slept. Fury stayed near the elevator. Darkness unlocked the door.

  Boris stirred. “It’s about time. I need more morphine. I’m in pain.”

  “You won’t be getting any relief from me.”

  Jerry Boris’ eyes opened and he stared in horror at Darkness. “HELP!”

  Darkness paused by the end of the bed and smiled coldly, making certain his fangs showed. “No one can hear you. I’m glad you remember me because we’re not done yet.”

  Boris’ fearful gaze darted frantically around the room, probably searching for the officer who was usually stationed outside his cell. It was easy for Darkness to read when the male realized no one was there to help him. Tears filled the human’s eyes. No pity surfaced inside Darkness.

  “What do you want?”

  Darkness gripped the bars of the foot rail and rattled the bed a little. The male cringed and tried to pull his legs up as far as possible. “Let’s talk about the FBI.”

  Boris panted and some of the blood drained out of his face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes you do.” Darkness released the foot rail and straightened, inching around the bed. He studied every visible inch of Jerry Boris. “I was disappointed with our last conversation.”

  “I told you the truth. That cat girl is exactly where I said. You had to have found her. I bribed one of the guards on that estate and he verified she was there and that she was alive.”

  “I’m not here about the Gift.” Darkness reached behind his back and withdrew a nail file he’d tucked into his waistband. He lifted one hand and used the tip to run along his thumbnail. “I was disappointed you survived.” He paused and examined the metal point. “No one here likes you. I’m sure you don’t have friends at Fuller either.”

  “You’re going to kill me.” Jerry’s voice broke. “You said you wouldn’t if I talked.”

  “I said I wouldn’t as long as you gave m
e the information I wanted and didn’t lie.”

  “I told you the truth!” The male scooted to press his body against the side rail opposite Darkness. “I told you everything I know.”

  “You didn’t mention the FBI. I’ve been busy since we spoke, looking into everything about your life. They sent agents to attempt to take True’s mate. You remember her, don’t you? Jeanie doesn’t like you either.”

  “I don’t know why they wanted her.”

  Darkness lunged and grabbed the male’s hand. Boris fought but not effectively enough to jerk out of his hold. “What did I say about lying to me?”

  “HELP!” Jerry screamed again. The high-pitched sound was painful to Darkness’ keen hearing.

  He used the nail file tip to press just under the male’s index fingernail. “Don’t you hate dirt under your nails? Allow me to help you with that.” He jabbed the point into the tender skin.

  The male screamed again and flopped on the bed. Darkness glanced at the heart monitor, watching the numbers spike. He grinned and leaned in. “Tell me about the FBI, Boris.”

  The male whimpered.

  “This is me being congenial. Do you want to see me pissed off? I could remove each fingernail and then start on your toes.” He removed the metal and released the male’s hand, wiping the bloody tip on the sheet. “Or perhaps one of your eyes. It’s not as if you’ll ever see daylight where you’ll be sent, if you survive this conversation. Keep telling me lies and you definitely won’t.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Darkness chuckled. “Let the fun begin. I like hearing you scream, little man.” He leaned over and grabbed the male’s head. “Right or left eye? Do you have a favorite? I hate both of them so I’ll allow you to decide.” He waved the nail file in front of Jerry’s nose. “Take a good look at me, human. Do you think I won’t do it? I’m no longer amused.”

  Sweat broke out on the male’s forehead and panic showed in his eyes. “Please, don’t do it.”

  “I want you to tell me everything. I already know some of the details,” he bluffed. He shifted the nail file and ran the tip over the male’s cheek and down to the side of his mouth. “Lie once and you lose something. It’s going to be painful. I would have brought a knife but you don’t deserve being cut up quickly. I want you to feel everything.”