Page 35 of Darkness

  Darkness scowled. “What does that mean?”

  “Sorry. That’s my bad attempt at humor.”

  “It wasn’t funny!” he roared.

  Kat started.

  Darkness panted, backing away. “You rest.” He didn’t yell that time but he still looked enraged. “And don’t mention the boy to anyone. You shouldn’t have seen him.”

  “I signed the confidentiality agreement. He’s cute. He won’t get into trouble, will he? I swear I won’t tell anyone about him.”

  “He better not have gone to Missy’s room. I need to check. It would make her a security risk.”

  “She’d rather die than put a child in danger. I know her as well as myself. She’s my best friend. Don’t threaten her, Darkness. Just explain the situation or I will if Salvation paid her a visit. She’ll keep it a secret.”

  “Stay in bed and allow your body more time to heal.”

  He spun, unlocked the door and was gone. Kat leaned back on the bed. “Shit.” She’d nearly died. Darkness had saved her life. All those facts were sinking in. He was also trying to pick fights with her.

  So much for our clean break. She was right back at Homeland. If she believed in signs, it would be a flashing neon one. She and Darkness weren’t done. Not by a long shot. And I’m not sorry about it. I just think he is.

  Darkness located Fury and Salvation down the hallway. He approached. Fury whispered to the boy, chastising him about his behavior. He was on the floor, on his knees at the boy’s level. Darkness caught the end of their conversation.

  “That’s why you can’t roam, Sal. That human knew about our children but what if she didn’t? You’re too young to understand but we have enemies. You need to trust me. I’m your dad.”

  “Sorry.” Salvation appeared contrite.

  Fury ruffled his hair and pulled him into his arms. “You just need to be more careful.”

  Darkness halted a few feet from them. “Did he visit Missy too?”

  Fury looked up and shook his head. “No. Just Kat. How did she take it?”

  “She thinks he’s a baby.”

  Fury grinned. “Ellie does as well.”

  “I’m no baby.” Sal growled, showing his fangs.

  Darkness bent. “Then follow orders and don’t go against your father’s rules. Adults know boundaries.”

  Sal leaned heavily against his father, a little fear flashing in his eyes. “I’m not an adult. I’m a young male.”

  Fury hugged the boy to his chest and rose to stand with his son in his arms. “Is this going to be a problem?”

  “Kat won’t say anything about Sal. She understands why Species children need to remain secret.”

  “Good. How is she?”

  “Much better but weak.”

  “It’s to be expected. Trisha and Alli have gone home to their mates. Treadmont wanted to be informed when she woke.”


  “To check on his patient. He is the only doctor on duty right now.”

  “She’s well.”

  “There’s no neurological damage?”

  “She’s a little,” he searched for an appropriate word, “mellow, but I think it’s from the sedative.”

  “Ted can determine that better than you.”

  “She’s fine. She’s just not as focused as normal. There’s no slur to her speech, no loss of mobility in her limbs and her memory is intact. Those were the things they said to watch out for. Tell him to avoid her room.”

  “Why don’t you want Treadmont to see her? He’s a good doctor.”

  “He wanted to take her off the healing drugs.”

  “Okay.” Fury frowned. “Because it’s dangerous for humans.”

  “He was going to leave the choice to Missy.”

  “She is her friend.”

  “It was my choice but he didn’t respect that.”

  Fury’s eyebrows rose. “You’re not her mate. Or are you?”

  “I need to go.”

  “Where? Back to her room?”

  “She needs rest. I have things to do.”

  “What is more important than staying with your female while she’s in Medical?” Fury grinned.

  “Stop that.”


  “Being amused.”

  “She’s yours. Admit it. You usually deny that when I say it.”

  Darkness was irritated. “I’m not playing word games with you. Kat and Missy have no home. I don’t want her working for the FBI any longer. That means they are going to need housing. Kat will work for the NSO. I have arrangements to make.”

  “You’re keeping her.” Fury chuckled. “I’ll have mate papers drawn up. Congratulations.”

  “Don’t make me curse in front of your young.” He darted a glance at Salvation then glared at Fury. “Stay out of my business.”

  “Whatever you say, brother.”

  “Keep your son away from Missy. That would actually be helpful.”

  “But Sal can have free access to Kat?” Fury had the nerve to chuckle again.

  Darkness snarled and stormed out of Medical. Fury was purposely being aggravating. There were details he needed to take care of before Kat and Missy were released. He jogged toward Security, hopeful that a little exercise would release some of his anger.

  He entered and scanned the room, taking note of everyone on duty. He needed to ask a favor and Bluebird seemed the most likely to do it. She had said she wanted to be helpful. He approached her. She turned in her chair, her smile instant.

  “Hello, Darkness.”

  He glanced around and crouched, lowering his voice. “I need a list of all available homes at Homeland.”

  Her eyebrows arched, her surprise evident.

  “In the Species section. Is there anything open?”

  She recovered and turned to face the monitor. Her fingertips flew over the keyboard as she hunted the information he wanted. “Always. Why do you want to know?”

  “Don’t ask questions.”

  She paused, turning her head. “They are usually for mated couples. Did you take one?”


  She swiveled back around. “See the highlighted dots? Take your pick.” She pointed to one. “True and Jeanie are normally in residence at this one though it comes up in search as available because we removed them from the system when we thought the FBI was coming after her.”

  “Which one is the most distanced from others?”

  She gave him the information. “Is it just curiosity or do you want me to mark it as being used?”

  “I’ll take it.”

  “Okay.” She frowned. “You no longer wish to live at the men’s dorms? Some males have private homes. You’ll live next to Brass when he’s at Homeland. He’s a single male.”

  He debated giving her an answer, realized she deserved one. “I want more privacy. Recent events have left me irritated with certain males.”

  “You know anyone would have assigned you the house if you’d just asked. Why come to me as if you don’t want anyone to know?”

  He clenched his teeth but calmed. “I can’t do anything without everyone discussing it.”

  “Everyone worries because we care about you.”

  “I’m tired of it. This will allow me to come and go as I wish, without it being commented on.”


  “Do they still allow Species-friendly human females to stay in the women’s dorms the way Ellie did?”

  “We don’t need a new house mother but yes, it would be okay for Katrina to stay there if you wish. We’re human-female friendly.”

  “Are there any apartments open?”

  “Always. We are fewer than the males.”

  “Is there anyone willing to give a tour of the dorm?”

  “I can do it.” Bluebird smiled. “I’d like to get to know Katrina better.”

  He scowled. “Thank you. I’ll see when Treadmont is going to release his patient.”

  “Just call me.” She wink
ed. “You have my number.”

  He fled Security, his mind working. He didn’t have a lot of time and there were many things to do. He called Book on his cell phone. The male answered on the first ring.

  “How are Missy’s pets?”

  “Fine. The dog sleeps a lot. He’s lazy.” Book chuckled. “The kitten on the other hand has managed to open the closet door and destroyed a lace on my boot. He seems to be teething.”

  “Get them ready to be moved. Missy should be checked out of Medical soon. She’ll want her pets to go with her.”

  “Okay.” Book hesitated. “They have no home to return to.”

  “I’m aware.” He hung up, taking one of the Jeeps parked outside of Security.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “What do you mean, Missy is gone?” Kat shrewdly assessed Dr. Ted Treadmont. He had a gruff personality, was obnoxiously direct and did not have a good bedside manner.

  “Darkness checked her out a few hours ago.”

  “Where did he take her?”

  “You need to answer my questions before I answer yours.” He tried to shove a light in her eyes again.

  She blocked him by grabbing the mini light and snatching it out of his hand. “Where did he take her?”

  “I don’t know. He doesn’t answer to me. That’s one rude Species. I reminded him that I hadn’t officially released her but he told me he’d put me in one of the beds if I didn’t get out of his way. He wouldn’t even wait for a wheelchair. He snarled something about how her legs weren’t broken and she could walk just fine on her own. Now behave before I call in a nurse to hold you down.”

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” she warned. “I feel fine.”

  “You suffered a closed head injury. I’d like you to answer some of my questions and I need to check the dilation of your pupils. You could have suffered brain damage.”

  “I’m starting to see why Darkness snarls at you. I’m good.”

  “You’re testy. That’s an indication that you could have neurological problems.”

  “My only problem is that you keep annoying me. You think Darkness is rude? I just want to know where my best friend is.”

  “I don’t know. He probably drove her to the front gates.”

  “Shit.” She shoved at the blankets over her lap and reached over the side bar to release it. “Move.”

  “You’re not going anywhere.”

  “I have to find Missy. She’ll be freaking out.” My emergency kit is in the trunk. I have enough clothes for both of us. We’ll need to get a hotel room and figure out our next move.

  She got the side rail down and slid out of bed. The doctor tried to stop her but Kat pushed him back. She felt stronger as she stood there. No dizziness.

  “Get back in that bed, young lady.”

  “I need something to wear. I’m not going to exit your gates with my ass exposed.” I’ll sweet-talk the taxi driver into taking us home. I can pay him after I bust into my trunk. I’m sure he’ll do it if I promise him a fifty-dollar tip.

  “Get back in that bed or I’m calling a nurse.”

  “You do that. Maybe he or she will find me some scrubs or something else to wear.”

  Dr. Treadmont muttered a curse and turned toward the door. Kat made it to the bathroom and stared at her reflection. She was still unusually pale but splashing water on her face helped. She found a toothbrush in the cabinet, unsealed it, brushed her teeth and used her fingers to comb her hair. Voices in the other room assured her the doctor had made good on his threat. She walked out, prepared to do verbal battle.

  Darkness and Dr. Treadmont faced off against each other. Field, the New Species she’d spoken to before, hovered by the door. She paused, taking in the scene.

  “You don’t threaten Kat,” Darkness growled.

  “She’s not released from my care,” Treadmont shot back. “Field? Make him leave this room.”

  Field’s eyes widened and he backed up closer to the hallway. “No way.”

  “Hey,” Kat interrupted. “Darkness, where is Missy? You didn’t just leave her outside the front gates, did you?”

  He turned to look at her. “No. She’s safe.”

  Kat leaned against the door. “Thank you. I was imagining her out there with those protestors.”

  He frowned. “You believe I’d put her at risk?”

  “Dr. Treadmont implied you might have. You left, I took a nap and woke up to him trying to play twenty questions. I’m not in the best mood. Then I wanted to see Missy and he said you’d taken her away. You weren’t exactly thrilled with what I did to protect her from Mason.” Suspicion hit. “She’s not locked up or something, is she?”

  He growled. “No. She’s with her pets. Some female Species are looking out for her.”

  Kat blew out a relieved breath. “I’d like to be taken to her.” She looked at Field. “Can you find me something to wear? Scrubs, whatever. Just something that isn’t open along the back.”

  He nodded and fled out the door. Dr. Treadmont threw up his arms and spun, following him out of the room.

  “Nobody listens to me. I’m just the damn doctor who stayed up all night and most of the day to look after my patient.”

  “Thank you,” Kat called out after him. She lowered her voice, stared up at Darkness. “He’s kind of pushy.”

  “He’s good at what he does.”

  “Obviously. I’m still here and you told me I was in bad shape. I just didn’t like the bright lights he tried to flash in my eyes and his attitude. What paperwork do I have to sign to get released? I need to get Missy and myself home. Well, to what is left of our house. To my car. It should have survived. I have to get the suitcase out of the trunk and check us into a hotel.”

  Darkness blinked but said nothing. Kat inched around him, walked to the door and peered down the hallway. Field carried a small stack of folded clothing. He paused in front of her.

  “I hope these fit. I went to the doctor’s lounge where Trisha and Alli keep spare leggings and T-shirts. You’re all about the same size. The pants might be a little short on you since you’re taller than them.”

  “Thank you.” She accepted them and backed up, closing the door.

  Darkness remained by the bathroom as she dumped the clothes on the bed and reached behind her, feeling for the ties of the gown. “A little help?”

  He brushed her fingers aside to do it. “That’s your plan? Check into a hotel?”

  “Yeah. I have savings. Tomorrow we’ll hunt for a rental. The pet deposit is going to be expensive but I can manage it. Missy is going to need a computer too. She goes a little nuts if she can’t write for a few days. I know she’s got online backup for all her work. That’s one less worry. She can do that anywhere as long as there’s internet and electricity. I have an extra debit card and credit card hidden in the lining of the suitcase. We’ll be fine. I just hope my insurance covers what happened to the house. I doubt it since I pretty much blew it up but the police reports will help. It was done under duress.”

  She yanked off the gown and put on the shirt. The leggings were tougher to get on over the bandages but she managed it. Kat looked down. “I don’t suppose you could find me a bra in my size? I feel kind of weird without one. Shoes would be good too.” She turned to look up at Darkness.

  “The police weren’t told the truth.”

  Kat tilted her head. “What?”

  “No one wanted the truth about Mason or what really happened leaked to the press. They would have twisted it into negative things about the FBI in general and the NSO.”

  “They’ll think I blew up the house to defraud the insurance company. There will be an investigation on what caused the explosion.”

  “It’s been handled. It will be deemed as an accident.”

  “The NSO is going to cover it up?” That stunned her. “They can do that?”

  “You can tell our legal department your concerns and they’ll help you deal with your out world and the insurance issues
with the house. Don’t worry about that right now.”

  Kat gaped at him. “Do you understand that I would be arrested if I filed a false claim? If they prove I turned on that gas and lit the curtains on fire? It’s a crime to destroy your own house and then collect insurance to cover what you still owe on the mortgage. I don’t want to go to prison. The press can kiss my ass. I’ll tell them the truth.”

  Darkness sighed and bent, scooping her into his arms. “You talk too much.”

  “Put me down.”

  He ignored her, carried her to the door, and shifted her in his arms to grip the door handle. He used his foot to shove it all the way open and strode down the hallway. Kat wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I can walk. Are you taking me to Missy?”

  “Eventually. We need to talk first.”

  She studied his severe expression. He looked angry and determined. “Fine. Just don’t bitch at me again about putting my ass on the line for my best friend.”

  “I don’t bitch.”

  “No. You growl and snarl.”

  His mouth tightened into a white line but he said nothing. The lobby was empty. The exit doors slid open automatically and he carried her outside. She glanced at the sky, realizing the day had almost passed. The sun was still up but it wouldn’t be for long. He stopped in front of a waiting Jeep and deposited her on the passenger seat.

  “Thank you.”

  He rounded the vehicle and climbed into the driver’s seat. “Stop that.”

  “Sorry. That’s what people say when other people do something nice for them. It’s called being polite. You should try it sometime. Where are we going, if not to find Missy?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Okay.” She put on her belt. “We’re playing the few-words game.”

  He started the engine and threw it in gear. She gripped the seat with both hands, wondering what he was up to. She realized he wasn’t headed toward the front gates.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “I didn’t want anyone eavesdropping on us. We have some things to discuss.”

  “Fine. That still doesn’t answer my question.”

  “I’m taking you to my house.”

  They passed the men’s dorm. Kat turned her head, frowning at him. “Your house is back there.”