Page 36 of Darkness

  “I moved.”

  “To where?”

  “Someplace where no one can overhear if there is yelling.”

  “Great.” That didn’t sound good. She knew he was furious that she’d risked her life and that he’d had to go to a lot of trouble to save it. She was grateful for all he’d done. He was probably due a little temper tantrum.

  A small guard shack appeared on the left, with gates across the two-lane road he turned onto. He slowed and a New Species stepped out of the building. The officer reached inside as he waved them forward. The gates swung open slowly to allow them to enter an area of Homeland she hadn’t seen before.

  “What is this?”

  “The Species living area. It’s similar to human guest housing but the cottages are bigger.”

  “I didn’t know they were separated.”

  “Now you do.”

  She dug her fingernails into the seat. Darkness was really irritating her. He drove down one street of nice-looking homes, turned right and then made a left. He pulled into the driveway of a pretty, brown single-story home. He turned off the engine and set the parking brake.

  “Don’t move.”


  He got out and walked up the sidewalk to the front door. She had no idea why he was making her wait there unless he had to visit someone first. He returned a minute later and approached her. He just leaned over, unfastened her belt and lifted her out of the seat. Kat hugged his shoulders as he carried her up the walkway.

  The front door stood wide open and he entered the house then used his foot to slam the door. He stopped. Kat glanced around. It was an open living space, showing off a living room, dining area and a bar that separated them from the kitchen.

  “Nice place.”

  “Thank you.” He strode across the room to follow a long hallway.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My room.”

  They passed one open door on the right. Probably a guest room. The door across from it looked like a bathroom from the quick glimpse she got. He paused at the end of the hallway and turned, making sure she didn’t hit the doorway as he took them into the master suite of the home.

  “It’s much bigger than your apartment.”

  “It’s a two-bedroom, two-bath. It’s not as big as some of the homes in the Species living section but it is the one I chose.” He approached the bed and bent, setting her on the edge of the bed. He let her go and straightened, backing up a few feet.

  She got comfortable and took a deep breath. “Okay. You brought me here. Let me have it. Go ahead and yell at me. Tell me what I did to piss you off. I’m ready.”

  “You’re not allowed to risk your life for anyone else’s. You came too close to death. That’s unacceptable.”

  She was surprised by his rational tone. “We’ve already had this fight. Missy is my best friend and Mason didn’t give me much choice. Where is she?”

  “I set her up in an apartment inside the women’s dorms with her pets. She’s fine. A friend of mine is going to make certain she’s comfortable. The females will look out for her and will acquire everything she needs to set up her new life here.”

  That wasn’t the answer she’d expected. “The NSO is okay with that?”

  “I said I’d get you a job at the NSO. I made inquiries and you no longer need to work for the FBI. Give your notice. You and Missy are a package deal. You care for her. That means we care for her as well.”

  They wouldn’t be homeless. It would be tight living, sharing a one-bedroom apartment with Missy but they’d done that right after high school. Missy would probably take over the living room as her office. It wouldn’t interrupt Kat’s sleeping time. It also meant she could kiss the investigation regarding Mason goodbye and all the stress that came with it at work. The police couldn’t touch her if they did charge her with arson. It was almost too good to be true.

  Darkness had made it all possible. “I don’t know how to thank you enough.”

  “Stop saying that,” he growled, his eyes flashing anger.

  It pushed her into feeling a bit of temper too. “Fine. Fuck you. Is that better?”

  “Only if it’s an offer.”

  That remark knocked her for a loop. She gawked at him. Darkness came forward and crouched next to the bed, pinning her legs between his spread ones. She stared into his eyes, stunned. He had that hungry look she remembered too well.

  She flattened her palms on his chest. “Uh-uh. I’m not doing this again. We made a clean break, remember?”

  “Things change.”

  “But you don’t. We don’t want the same things. You made it clear that it can’t ever be anything but sex to you. It’s more than that to me.”

  He put his hands on the bed next to her hips and leaned in. “I’m going to kiss you, Kat.”

  “You don’t kiss.”

  “I’ll make an exception for you.”

  She stared at his lips. They parted and he ran his tongue over them before inching closer. She leaned back, wondering if it was payback for angering him. He’d had to go to a lot of trouble for her. First to save her life then to get her a job and home with the NSO.


  “Why not?” He spoke softly, his gruff voice sexy.

  “This is just cruel.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Yes, you do. It was hard enough walking away once.”

  He lifted one hand and reached behind him, digging something out of his back pocket. Metal clanked and he showed her a set of handcuffs. She glanced at them then stared into his eyes.


  He arched one eyebrow.

  “I’m not going to allow you to hook me up to your headboard and do this dance again.”

  He tossed them across the room. “I’m going to allow you to touch me all you want. I removed them to make a point. I won’t restrain you anymore.”

  “You’re such a bastard. What did I ever do to deserve this?”

  “You got under my skin.” He rose, the movement pushing her flat on her back with her hands still on his chest, just inches between their bodies. He climbed over her, trapping her under him. “You nearly died. When I lifted that roof off you I couldn’t detect your breathing at first. I thought I’d lost you forever.”

  “So this is how you decide to get even? Give me what I want then regret it right afterward?”

  He had the nerve to smile. “I lost control the last time you touched me.”

  “What makes you think it won’t happen again? You’re that smug?”

  “I was too focused on how good your hands felt to remember to use a condom. I could have accidently gotten you pregnant.”

  “Yeah, that was five days of waiting I’ll never forget.”

  “This time will be different.”

  “No. I’m done with casual sex.”

  “There’s nothing casual between us.”

  “My point exactly.”

  He lifted one leg and gently nudged hers. She locked them together, shaking her head. “No.”

  “Spread open for me.”

  “Darkness, don’t seduce me just to be an asshole.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Right. We have sex and then what? You tell me to leave again? That the job offer and living in the apartment were just bullshit?”

  “You’re not living in the women’s dorm.”

  “You said that’s where Missy was.”

  “She is. That’s her new home.”

  “She gets to stay at Homeland but I don’t?”

  “You’re going to stay here with me.”

  She had to be hearing him wrong.

  “This is our house,” he said as he nudged her leg again. “Our bedroom. Our bed.” He rolled over suddenly, taking her with him. “And there will be no more regrets.”

  Kat ended up sprawled on top of him. She spread her legs and straddled his lap, pushing against his chest until she sat atop him. “What kind of game are you playin

  “I’m not. You’re important to me. I don’t want to lose you.”

  He looked sincere and it made her angry. “Are you kidding me?”

  Darkness growled, his mood matching hers. “Do I look as if I’m telling a joke? I got us a house. We shouldn’t have to live in the men’s dorm where other males can hear everything through the walls.”

  “You don’t do relationships. You don’t let anyone get too close to you. What changed? I almost died? That’s what you’re saying?”


  “What about tomorrow or next week when you get over the fact that I had a close call? You shut down again and build up the walls? No thanks.”

  He sat up, almost knocking her off his lap. His arms hooked around her waist and he jerked her tightly against his chest until they were almost hugging. “I tried to resist the emotions you bring forth. I regretted it when you left Homeland.”

  “Which time?”


  “But you let me go a second time.”

  “What do you want from me, Kat? I got us a house and I promise not to restrain you during sex anymore. I’m offering to share my life with you.”

  “Do you want a list?”


  “You’re never home. I lived with you before.”

  “I’ll work fewer hours and spend more time with you.”

  She wanted to believe him. “You don’t like to talk. I do.”

  “I’m talking to you now.”

  “That’s only because you want to have sex. That motivates any guy to be a chatterbox if he thinks it’s going to get a woman’s pants down.”

  “You want proof that I’m going to do everything to be the kind of male a female mates?”

  She couldn’t believe he used that word. “Mates?”

  “Mates,” he growled. “That’s what you want.”

  “It’s not what you want.”

  “I want you.”

  “For sex.”

  “Work with me this time, Kat.” His tone softened. “I’m trying.”

  Tears filled her eyes and she blinked them back. “I don’t want to get my heart stomped on.”

  “I won’t hurt you.”

  “You won’t mean to. That, I believe.”

  Darkness was frustrated. He’d expected Kat to allow him to kiss her and just agree to move in with him. Instead she was sitting on his lap and he felt as if he were holding her in place. She might put space between them if he allowed it. He wasn’t going to.

  She wanted him to talk to her. It wasn’t easy to express his feelings. Losing her wasn’t an option. “I feel things for you.”

  She wiggled on his lap. “I feel. You’re hard.”

  “You’re in my arms.”

  “I need more than just sex.”

  “I had a nightmare when you were sleeping next to me.”

  “I bet.”

  He flashed his fangs. “May I finish talking?”


  “You were on top of me, touching me, and it turned into a nightmare.”

  “This is just getting better and better. I’m sorry that’s traumatizing to you.”

  He rolled, pinning her under him again. This time she couldn’t close her thighs—his hips pinned them open. He was careful to keep most of his weight off her and was aware of her bandages. He didn’t want to hurt her in any way.

  “It was about that female who betrayed me. I trusted Galina. She tried to stick a blade in my heart after I learned she was the reason my brothers died. In the dream you became her and she actually killed me. I’d let my guard down for you and I died in the dream because of it.”

  Kat’s expression showed sadness. “That’s rough.”

  “It motivated me to keep you distanced. I thought I could ignore the emotions you stirred in me and they would fade if you weren’t a part of my life. They didn’t. You said it would happen and you were right. Distance isn’t going to make me want you any less. It just makes me miserable when you’re gone.”

  Her hands massaged him through his shirt. “I can relate to that.”

  “You almost died and all I could think about was how much I regretted sending you away. I wouldn’t have the chance to have you in my life again.” He swallowed against the lump in his throat. “What do you call it? It was a reality bitch-slap.”

  Her lips curved and she smiled. “It was, huh?”

  “Yes. I saw a future I didn’t want. You wouldn’t have been in it. It won’t be easy for me to change but I’m motivated to try. All I have to do is think about going to bed without you beside me and knowing you won’t be the first thing I see when I wake. It’s a bleak outlook. I want you in my life. You will make it a better place.”

  “Damn.” She shifted her hands to his shoulders, curving them there. “Kiss me.”

  “Are you going to live here with me, Kat?”

  “I’m all in if you are. I’d have you shake on it but I really want that kiss. You have the best mouth. Have I ever told you that?”

  “It’s been awhile. I might be bad at this.”

  “I’m willing to risk it.” She grinned. “I’m willing to risk everything when it comes to you.”

  “Me too.”

  Darkness lowered his face, focusing all his attention on her mouth. He could remember some of the basics. He’d been taught how to kiss but it had been a really long time. It was important that he do it well for Kat.

  She closed her eyes when their breaths mingled and her lips parted. He gently covered hers with his. They were soft and so Kat. He darted his tongue out, tracing the inner line of her full bottom lip. Her fingernails dug into his shirt urging him to continue. Her tongue met his and he growled, his control slipping. He took full possession of her mouth, kissing her deeply.

  It all came back to him when she moaned, meeting his passion. He rolled, making sure they didn’t break the intimate connection. He tore at her shirt, careful not to get her skin with his fingernails. Material ripped and she shifted, helping him remove it from her body. She tugged, trying to destroy his shirt.

  They rolled again once she was bare from the waist up. He helped her by using his nails to claw at his own shirt. She hooked her fingers inside the holes, stronger than she seemed when she shredded it apart. Her hands spread across his skin, almost frantically exploring every inch. He hooked the waist of her leggings, shoving them down her hips. He hit gauze and halted, afraid he’d hurt her.

  Kat let him go and reached down, shoving at them herself. He rolled them again, almost right off the bed. He growled, breaking the kiss, and lifted up. “Damn. We should move to the floor.”

  “Only if you’re on the bottom. Rug burn is a bitch.” She lifted her hips, getting her pants down, and kicked them away.

  His allowed himself to admire the length of her beautiful body. He removed what was left of his shirt, tore off his boots and shucked the pants. Her bandaged wounds only served as a reminder of how close he’d come to never touching Kat again. “You’re mine,” he snarled, lunging at her.

  She didn’t flinch or seem alarmed. Her arms opened and she wrapped them around his middle when he came down on top of her, her nails raking down his back. She spread her thighs wide to accept the girth of his hips. He ached to take her, to be inside Kat and know her warmth. The smell of her arousal was strong enough to know she was as ready to be taken as he was to take her. He wanted to kiss her again and went for her mouth. She twisted her head at the last second, preventing him from making contact.



  She adjusted her hold on him and pushed against his chest. He lifted up a little and she turned her head to stare at him. “Condom. I’m not going to have you destroy our new bedroom walls or mess up your hands. You might have forgotten but I haven’t. Tell me you have some.”

  “I do. They are in the nightstand drawer.”

  “Get them.”

  Darkness held her gaze. “No.” He adjusted his
hips, brushing the tip of his dick against her pussy, finding the right spot. He pushed forward slowly, entering her. She tensed, her nails digging into his chest but a low moan broke from her lips.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Not allowing anything to get between us ever again.”

  Her legs lifted and wrapped around the back of his thighs. She locked them, her thighs gripping his hips to hold him in place. “I could get pregnant.”

  “I’m willing to risk it. You thought Salvation was cute, didn’t you?”

  Kat appeared stunned and turned-on at the same time. “He’s adorable but what are you doing?”

  “Proving that I’m serious about you and making our relationship last.” He shifted his hips, thrusting forward despite her attempts to keep him still. Her pussy gripped him as much as her legs did but he still managed to sink every inch of his dick inside her body. “I’m all in, sweetheart.” He nudged her face aside and nipped her throat. She moaned and caressed him. “Relax and enjoy this. It’s the first step in mating. I’m claiming you in every way.”

  Kat eased her grip on him and lifted her legs higher, wrapping them around his ass. “You better not regret this. I’ll kill you. I remember what else you keep in your nightstand drawer.”

  He nipped her again. “I’m certain. I love you, Kat. You won’t have a reason to shoot me.”

  She twisted her head to look up at him. “Say that again.”

  “I won’t give you a reason to shoot me.”

  Her mouth opened and she didn’t hide her outrage. He chuckled.

  “I love you, Kat.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I love you too. Now fuck me. Lose control.”

  “That’s going to happen a lot. No more restraint.”


  He let go of the past. Kat was his future. He started to move on top of her, being gentle. Her moans were music to his ears. He loved the way her hands glided across his skin, her nails raking down his spine. Her nipples hardened, rubbing against his chest. He braced one arm and lifted up just enough to reach between them, found her clit and rubbed. Her pussy clamped tighter around his shaft and he clenched his teeth, fighting the urge to come. He waited for her. Kat’s vaginal walls clenched and squeezed his shaft, milking him. He drove deep inside her, roaring out as he emptied his seed.