Page 2 of Wen

  He shoved his sunglasses into his shirt pocket. “Think slowly rotting corpse with the Vamp hunger, but they go insane within a few months, tops. Faster if the Vamp abandons them and doesn’t feed them his or her blood to help them survive that long. Soldiers are brutal killers, harder to take out than a regular Vamp, since they heal faster. They tend to cannibalize their own bodies doing it, hence the rotting corpse. We just found out they can turn their victims into the same thing. This asshole Vamp dropped off one of them on the edge of VampLycan territory and it made more. Five soldiers wiped out a small town. There were dozens of deaths.”

  “For real? How did that go over with the clan? I bet Trayis is fit to be tied that this happened on his doorstep.”

  “It wasn’t outside of our clan, but another.”

  “So why are you here? It sounds like it should be that clan’s problem, not yours.”

  “It’s a long story, but Decker isn’t in charge there anymore. The new leader, Lorn, asked other clans to help solve this mess because he has his hands full with a few internal problems. I volunteered to track and kill this bastard. He left a mess behind and it could have exposed our kind. It’s a problem for all VampLycans.”

  She let all that sink in. “Someone challenged Decker?” That surprised her.

  “Forget that part. Focus on why I’m here.”

  It was none of her business. That's what he should have said. She wasn't offended that Wen didn't want to share news from her old home. They liked to keep clan business private and she wasn't a part of that world anymore. “Fine. So you're tracking some jerk making amped-up Vampire zombies on speed.”

  “He needs to be stopped.”

  She decided Wen's chin was good to look at, safe. “The master is endangering everyone by leaving behind big enough messes that it could draw attention to your kind and others. An entire town being wiped out had to be a nightmare to hide.”


  “So you've become Wen, the Vampire hunter.”

  He grinned, flashing perfect white teeth, minus the noticeably sharper points. “I think you’ve watched too many movies.”

  “You got the reference, so I’m not the only one.”


  She still liked Wen. That wasn’t good. They were no longer friends and he had become an adult. Those were the most dangerous of his kind and he’d had years to grow out of the sweet person he used to be. With maturity came responsibility. She knew what that meant to a VampLycan. The males were trained to fight, to effectively take out threats and do anything to protect the clan. They wouldn't kill innocent people for the hell of it but anyone who knew too much was considered expendable.

  “What do you need me for, specifically? Am I tasty enough to catch his eye? Or maybe you think he'd want to turn me into an amped-up zombie Vamp? Am I his type or something?”

  “We got Intel that he hangs with a group of rogue Lycans and Vamps who’ve joined forces. They’re working together for once. This ghoul maker wants to start a war.”

  “Is this ghoul maker trying to breed? Is he a moron? It’s against the law for a Vampire to create more VampLyans. That was in the treaty.”

  “I’m surprised you remember our laws.”

  Whoops. It would be smarter to pretend she’d forgotten all about her childhood. It was out of the bag though. “That one just kind of stuck with me. You don’t want Vampires breeding more VampLycans unless it’s a love match. You protect all of your race, even if someone isn’t born into your clan.”

  “He’s not attempting to breed with any of the Lycans that we know about. He’s trying to convince them that we want to wipe out all Vampires and Lycans.”

  “That doesn’t even make sense.”

  “Obviously. This asshole is stirring fear in hopes they’ll join forces to wipe us out first.”

  “Why? I mean, it’s not as though he wants to take your territory. It’s too remote. There aren’t enough blood sources up there, and they sure don’t want to feed off animals.”

  “His master was killed after they invaded clan territory and kidnapped a VampLycan. It’s a long story. Bottom line, he fucked up and pissed us off. It’s a given that we'd retaliate. He fled Alaska, joined with those rogues, and now is trying to make it seem as though we’re going to start a war with the packs and nests.”

  She considered that. “Every nest and pack would attack you guys if they saw a large group of VampLycans enter a city. They’d believe him, and think you've declared war on them.”

  He inclined his head, growing somber. “Exactly. He’s manipulating the situation to make it seem as if we’re the aggressors. I'm here to end that.”

  “I’m still not clear on why you called me.”

  Wen reached out and wrapped his warm palm under her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. “He left this mess on our doorstep so I was sent to end him. It will raise a little suspicion when they discover I'm here, but I plan to give them the impression I've gone against the clans. As for you, what’s more rogue than someone like me choosing to be with a human over my own people? I need them to believe I’ve fled my clan because I refused to give you up. I can track, get the information I need, and then kill this son of a bitch without anyone being the wiser until it's done.”

  Her mouth parted. “What?” She ignored the implied insult that he was too good for her. “But Trayis has allowed some of his clan to mate with humans.”

  “The nest who invaded VampLycan territory is more familiar with Decker’s laws. He would have killed for that offense.”

  “Shit.” If that was the case, she could understand how some crazy Vamp would buy into the ruse. Decker hated humans. That was no secret.

  He grinned and his eyes glowed brighter bluer.

  She squeezed her eyes closed. “Don’t pull that Vampy thing. Don’t manipulate me.”

  “I wasn’t going to.”


  He growled.

  She peeked up at him. “Your irises are glowing. That only happens when you’re about to pull that mind-control shit, Wen. I got older, but I’m not senile. I remember.”

  He smiled. “They also glow when I think about sex.”

  “Is the smell in here is getting to you? Breathe through your mouth.”

  “You wish, golden locks.” He wrapped his arm around her waist, hooking her, and she gasped when he tugged her against the hard, long length of his body. “I’m going to have to convince them we’re lovers…and you know what that means. They aren’t clueless humans.”

  Her knees buckled from the shock of what he was implying. He held her up though as she softly cursed, recovering. Her gaze locked with his.

  “They need to smell me all over you. Inside you.” His voice turned raspy and way too sexy. “It’s a good thing you turned out so pretty, Gerri. It won’t be a hardship fucking you.”

  “No!” Her hands flattened on his chest. “No, Wen.”

  His eyes narrowed and his low snarl was a warning.

  “That means let me go, because it’s not happening. Did you hear me about not wanting a big target put on my back?”

  “There will be no consequences.”

  “Bullshit. My mom had a lot of flaws once she lost her mate, but being dishonest wasn’t one of them. I know about the birds and bees when it comes to humans and nons. She never went anywhere without at least one member of the pack to guard her ass. Anything with a hyper-acute sense of smell knew it, because she was carrying their scent from getting it on with them. It's one thing for me to come here willing to say I was a hooker if anyone saw me with you. What you're talking about is something totally different; you want to flaunt that you're fucking me. I'd have to carry your scent but without the protection the pack gave my mom. That's like telling every Werewolf and Vamp that I’m available for whatever they want. I'll be a walking advertisement that I'm already tainted by your world and open season could commence. No!”

  “Tainted?” he snarled.

k it off. Maybe that was a poor choice of a word, but you know what I mean. Your scent will draw attention and they'll be much more likely to go after me because humans and others don't cross lines by getting intimately involved in a relationship. The ones who don’t want to kill me outright will think it’s fine to take sex or blood from me. I’ll be considered a stray pet they can just grab and keep.” She paused. “Abuse at will? No way.”

  He blew out a breath and seemed to calm. “I’ll protect you.”

  “What happens when you catch this ghoul maker guy and split town? How long will the scent of you linger? I’m not a whore; you can take your money and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. And others don’t know the meaning of the word no, either. I don’t want to be passed around to anyone who decides to attack me because I smell like a doggy sex treat or a willing blood donor. Don’t do this to me, Wen! Please. For old time’s sake. We used to be close.”

  “I promise that won’t happen.”

  “Bullshit. You won’t be around to stop any hybrid dogs or Vamps from taking what they want from me. It will get me killed because I’ll fight.”

  “You have my word that I won’t leave your side until my scent is gone.”

  “What is your word worth to a mere human? Come on. I know the rules VampLycans live by. You’d die before breaking a promise to your own kind but to someone like me? We’re here to step on if the need arises. It’s what’s best for the clan, always.”

  “You’re not just any human, Gerri. You used to be part of my clan.”

  “I was the kid everyone put up with because my mother was mated to one of you. It wasn’t all roses and pretty words. Some of the clan detested me. At least a dozen of them viewed me as an idiot who would betray them one day. The only reason I survived was because you protected me from having any so-called ‘accidents’. Trayis would have punished them but only after he was shown my dead body.”

  “I will still protect you.”

  She dropped her chin, resting her forehead against his chest. “Please, Wen. Find another woman. Brainwash her with your eyes and force her to heed your commands. Anytime she starts to get curious about you, just wipe her memory.”

  “They’d know I was inside her head. No one would believe I’d abandon my clan for a woman I had to hold by force. They’re hollow shells if you repeatedly mess with their minds.” He pressed against her, effectively pinning her to the wall. “Pretty but brainless isn’t my type. I need you.”

  The sexy way he growled those last words did things to Gerri. She tried hard to ignore it. Her nipples still reacted by aching and her stomach clenched. She'd fallen for Wen as strongly as any young, clueless girl could. The L word came to mind but it just brought back the pain. Part of her had wished he'd stopped her from leaving when her stepfather had died and her mother had packed them up.

  Wen had arrived—but he'd come to say goodbye instead. He'd just let her mother take her away.

  “You're fifteen years too late, buddy,” she got out, pushing against him. “Let go and back off.”

  “What does that mean?” He refused to move or allow her to wiggle away when she tried.

  Gerri warred with herself. It burned to have to admit the truth to him but maybe he'd have a heart. She doubted it, but they'd once been close. The fact that she didn't have to look at him while speaking helped.

  “I can't fuck you, Wen. Don't ask me for the impossible. I'm sorry you've been sent on some shit secret-assassin kind of mission, but I can't help out.”

  “You admitted you like men.” He pushed her against the wall harder, almost crushing her. He was all around her, his firm body pressed tight against hers. “Tell me you don't find me attractive. I won't believe it and could prove you wrong. You'll enjoy it.”

  “Son of a bitch.” She stopped shoving since it was like trying to move a boulder. “You totally grew up to be an asshole, didn't you? I know the shit you guys can do to a woman. Pheromones make you smell so good it turns chicks on. You're also horny as hell and could seduce a tree if you set your mind to it. Just don't do it to me, Wen. Please? I don't want to be hurt.”

  He bent his head and backed off a little. She breathed easier—until he pressed his face against her neck. His hot breath fanned the sensitive skin under her ear and he softly growled when he spoke. It was sexy as hell and caused awareness of him to course through her body. She made the mistake of breathing through her nose. The smell of him hit and she barely managed to stifle a groan. He was definitely using his ability to scent like pure sin against her.

  “I'll be gentle.”

  She pushed at him again but couldn’t budge his body. “You're not hearing me.”

  He brushed his lips over her earlobe. “Very gentle.”

  She knew he would be, and that he could get her naked on the bed within a few minutes or less. She'd seen a VampLycan or two in action going after women. That scared her enough to be blunt. “I don't want you to break my heart a second time, damn it! Let go and stop, Wen!”

  He stiffened and his mouth stopped touching her. She opened her eyes when he jerked his body far enough away to put space between them. His chin was where she should have looked but instead she peered up into his eyes. The surprise she saw there was evident. He hadn't expected her to say that.

  “You always thought you were so smart when we were growing up. Guess what? You were an idiot!” She paused but the anger wouldn't be denied. “You have no right to show up and blow apart the life I worked so hard to put together for myself. It was tough forgetting about you.”

  He actually paled. That was something, since he was a golden tan from all the time he obviously spent in the sun. “What?”

  “I was in love with you.” The words were whispered but it felt good to finally get them off her chest. “It broke my heart when I left the clan because I had to leave you. You didn't have that problem. I'm not going to play the role of your lover because it will mean nothing to you once you're gone. But my life will be a mess again, if I even manage to survive and not let you get me killed. I can't take that kind of heartache again, Wen. No thanks. Find another woman. I'll say the same thing to you that you said to me the last time we parted. Bye. Have a good life!”

  She moved fast, darting under one of his arms still pressed against the wall. She rushed toward the door and exited, happy when he didn’t stop her.

  The elevator wasn't there, so she had to wait. The sound of heavy footfalls coming down the hallway made her tense and turn. Wen stormed toward her with his sunglasses back on his face and a stern frown twisting his lips.

  “You were just a girl at the time. That's bullshit. You didn't love me.”

  “Whatever. Keep playing stupid. You were always so good at it.” She turned her back on him. “Find someone else. It won't be me.”

  The elevator doors opened and she entered the lift. It was a relief when he didn't join her. The doors closed and she pushed the button, then leaned heavily against the wall. It was for the best that he'd finally been clued in. He'd find someone else to help him. Another woman could be his bed partner, playing the happy couple to catch his ghoul. The idiot who agreed to be Wen’s lover would end up with the broken heart, dealing with smelling like a walking advertisement for “come and get me” to any bloodsucker or Lycan who figured she was a fan of dangerous men—or a threat to be eliminated.

  She breathed easier when she left the motel and returned to her car parked two blocks over. One glance behind her assured that he hadn’t followed. In seconds, she was behind the wheel and on her way home.

  Wen knew the score. It bothered her pride, but it would be worse to nurse her heartbreak while dodging predators after he returned to Alaska. Her life wasn't the greatest but it beat that. Her dead-end, boring job was welcome. Getting involved in VampLycan politics wasn't.

  Chapter Two

  Gerri towel-dried her hair and smiled at the computer screen. “No way, Ann. You know I don't go to clubs.”

  Her friend frowned across t
he live feed. “Please? Ben will be there but I'm playing hard to get. I blew him off two weeks ago when he invited me to his birthday bash but I want to go. I'll look desperate and sad if I show up alone. We go together and it's just a coincidence. We'll accidentally run into him.”

  “That's the lamest thing ever. You realize that, don't you? He's not a moron. He'll see through your ruse as soon as you walk into that club. You don't hang out with his crowd. Did you get an official invite like his friends did?”

  “No, but it's a nightclub, open to the public. You think it would be that obvious I was there to run into him?”

  Gerri tossed the towel over the handlebars of her stationary bike in the corner of the guestroom she'd turned into a computer/exercise room. “Totally. Find out where he eats lunch near your office and show up there one day. That's way smoother and more believable. I don't know why you want to play games though. Just say yes when he asks you out.”

  “That's why you're single. Men like a challenge. I don't want him to think I'm easy.”

  “Then don't sleep with him on the first date.”

  “You've seen him. Who would say no?”

  “Me.” Gerri leaned closer to the screen. “Just go to the club and tell him you changed your mind. Or don't. I'm not going with you. My plans tonight consist of watching a movie and being in bed before ten. I need clean clothes and I had to take off work today, so I promised Robert I’d come in tomorrow to make up the time. You're lucky you have a washer and dryer inside your condo. I have to put the first load in by the crack of dawn when our Laundromat opens or it never gets done because my neighbors hog the machines until closing time. Now—grow a set of balls and call Ben if you don't want to show up unannounced. It's just after seven, and you said it starts at nine. Get him while he's still at home so he can swing by your place to pick you up. Problem solved.”