Page 3 of Wen

  “What if he asked someone else? That would be awkward to hear over the phone.”

  “It would be more awkward being introduced to his date at the club. Just call him. I'm out.” Gerri clicked off the connection, shaking her head.

  “Are human dating rituals that seriously messed up?”

  Gerri jumped in her seat, her heart racing. She didn't turn around though, not needing to. “How in the hell did you get in?”

  Wen was quiet, and she finally turned her head to the side, finding him leaning just inside the door. He looked as if he'd been there for a while, with his comfortable stance. The jacket was gone but he still wore the same clothes. His eyes were uncovered, and as she stared into them, she wished he still sported the sunglasses.

  “I forgot to brace the door but I locked it. Did you break my locks?”

  “You live in an apartment.”

  She pushed out of her chair, gripping her robe tighter. “The manager has a spare set of keys,” she guessed. “You hypnotized poor Mrs. Wagnor into handing them over.”

  “It was easy.”

  “That's so rude and wrong. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should mess with people's heads. She's a sweet lady. You didn't do anything to her, did you?”

  He scowled. “I don't harm innocents.”

  “You just force them to your will. What did you tell her?”

  “I completely wiped her of meeting me. She won't remember a thing.”

  “Do you still have my key?”

  He grinned. “Yes.”

  “What happens when she notices my set of keys are missing and thinks she's gone senile to have misplaced them?” She crossed the room but kept a good four feet of space between him. “Return them to her so that doesn't happen. You guys never think about the consequences of the crap you do. Leave now, Wen. We have nothing left to say.”

  “I disagree. I remember your parting words when you left our clan too. You told me to eat shit and called me dog face.”

  “I was mad!”

  “I had come to say goodbye and wish you well.”

  “I thought you were coming to stop me from leaving.”

  He moved fast, and Gerri gasped when his hands gripped her around her waist, hoisting her right off her feet. She clutched at his arms as he stormed out of the guestroom and into her bedroom. He broke the connection between them by flinging her through the air. She landed on her back, bouncing when she hit the mattress. It took her a second to realize what he'd done.

  “Damn you!” She struggled to sit upright.

  “What was I supposed to do? Knock your mother on her ass and throw you over my shoulder? Rush into the woods to live out there with you while the entire clan hunted for us?”

  Her mouth parted, but no words came out as she stared at one very angry Wen. His eye color had darkened to a deep midnight blue, a sure indication that he was close to changing shapes. She glanced down and spotted the telling sign of his fingernails lengthening. Hair seemed to darken and thicken along his arms, spreading upward to his biceps. He snarled, the sound loud in her apartment, and he flashed some sharp fangs.

  His reaction killed her anger and made her wary instead. It wasn't like a VampLycan to easily lose their skin. She finally found something to say. “Calm down. Don't go all beasty in my apartment. I'd never get all the hair you'd shed out of my carpet.”

  “They would have caught us within two days—that's what I figured, anyway. Your humanness would have slowed us down, even with me carrying you on my back. I thought we could seek sanctuary with the GarLycans if we could make it that far, to give you time to mature. It was crazy, since they would have turned us back, but my mind went there anyway.”

  Astonishment silenced her.

  “Your mother refused to stay. I begged her but she didn't want that kind of life for you. She said everything reminded her of her mate and it was breaking her heart. You were fifteen, so I had no right to claim you. The age of consent is eighteen unless both parents die. Then it's seventeen. I even considered killing your mother. It wasn't my best day.”

  “Wen…what are you saying?” She scooted down the bed to sit on the edge, not sure her legs would support her enough to stand.

  He glanced at his hands, flexed them until all the extra hair faded from his arms, and then lifted one to brush his fingers through his hair. He turned away, giving her his back. “I had feelings too. I planned to track you down later…but things changed.”

  Her entire world felt as if it were crumbling around her. He'd once thought he was in love with her too. That's what he was saying. What he left unsaid hurt. “You found someone else you cared about more? Do you have a mate? Where is she, Wen? You wouldn't leave a mate for anything. It's against your nature.”

  He sighed and slowly faced her again. “There's no mate, Gerri. My older brother was killed and his responsibilities fell to me. My parents took it hard. He was their first son. My mother went a little insane too. She took his loss the worst. They knew how I felt about you, but made it clear they'd reject you as my mate. They’ve demanded I mate a full-blooded VampLycan. My offspring will carry our family name and position in the clan.”

  Part of her was relieved he wasn't mated but she was also sad. “I'm sorry about Gerbin.”

  “Thanks. I couldn't put you in danger. My mom really has lost her mind and my father is overly protective. She’s mentally fragile, which makes him crazy too. I worried that she’d try to kill you if I ever brought you home—or he would do it to keep her happy.”

  “They think my being human would make for weak grandkids.”


  They stared at each other. He let his hand fall to his side, where it fisted. He took a step closer but then halted. “I'd hoped the attraction would be gone when I set out to find you.” He glanced down her body. “You want the truth? I saw you…and all those feelings I used to have resurfaced. You're beautiful, G.L. You have no idea what you do to me still.”

  Gerri remained seated, sure her legs wouldn't support her now. The old nickname was a reminder of the past. He'd teased her about her golden locks and called himself the big bad wolf. She'd pointed out he had his fairy tales mixed up but he hadn't cared. “That's why you really came to me for help?”

  “I am hunting a crazy Vamp, but I thought of you when I came to the lower forty-eight. My plan gives me an excuse to both spend time with you and accomplish my mission.”

  “Two birds with one stone, huh?”

  He smiled, the blue of his eyes lightening. “Yes.”

  “So you lied about me needing to play the part of your lover because you were hoping if you got me into bed, you could rid yourself of the itch? Finally scratch it?”

  All humor fled. “That was the truth. The only way I'm going to get close to him is if we go in together as a couple. He'll know I'm there for him otherwise, but my exit from the clan to be with a human is plausible. He's most familiar with Decker's clan, since he’s the bastard who sent them to Alaska. I not only have to kill him, but I need to find out what kind of damage he’s done before I do. That means spending at least a few days around him.”

  “Why would Decker do that? I deserve answers if you want me involved.”

  He hesitated, then sighed. “You’re right. Decker wanted to rule all four clans, not just his own. He’s been making sneak attacks on our clan and the others for years. Lord Aveoth forbid him to outright go to war with other VampLycans. The fear of having the GarLycans defend Trayis’s, Velder’s, and Crocker’s clans kept him mostly in check. Then Decker thought he’d finally found a way to control Lord Aveoth and make him join forces to take out his enemies. It backfired. Instead, Lord Aveoth is furious and wants him dead, so Decker fled.”

  “Decker is insane. Never anger a fur bat. They’re cold and mean.” She shivered, remembering the few times she’d seen GarLycans from a distance when one would visit the clan to relay a message. They were terrifying. “Plus they fly. You can’t even outrun them.”

  Wen grinned. “Very true. That’s why Decker fled.” His features turned grim. “The stupid bastard tried to blackmail Lord Aveoth. We’re guessing Decker was furious when he learned that Lorn took leadership of the clan he left behind. He sent a nest of Vamps to fuck with them. Then that small human town suffered.”

  “The Vamps needed to eat.”

  “It was more than that. We took out that nest but one of them survived. He’s the one I’m going after. We’re guessing he’s blaming Decker and all VampLycans for the loss of his beloved master. He has to be stopped before he causes us more trouble.”

  “So you’re going after him. But you’re a VampLycan. You can’t hide that from this Vamp, can you?”

  “He’ll know what I am. He’s collecting rogues, so I’ll pretend to be one. It's a good cover to say being hunted by the same clan members tracking him because you and I are forbidden lovers. It has a touch of truth to it, since my family would be outraged if they knew I’ve come to you for help. I’m hoping he’ll add me to his nest or whatever the hell he wants to call it. I’ll get my information and then be able to kill him.”

  “Wen…I can't do this for you.” But she was tempted.

  Wen approached her and lowered to his knees, so close she could reach out and touch him. “I need your help. I don't trust any other human enough and a manipulated woman wouldn't convince them I'm not a threat. Even Vamps can't stomach mindless blood slaves for long and kill them. You know what I am, and I wouldn't have to worry about you turning on me. You know that some humans would think we're monsters if they learned the truth. I might end up with a knife in my back while I'm sleeping next to one, since I'd have to reveal what I am. I wouldn't die, but it would blow my cover if the woman tried to take me out. That doesn't sound real loving, does it?”

  She swallowed.

  “I need to not only get to him, but I have to find out what he’s done. That means staying at least a few nights to gain information.”

  “What kind of information?”

  “Whether or not any of the nests or packs have taken this dickhead’s words as truth. I need to know if the Vampire Council is urging all the nests to attack us or if it’s just the one this jerk belonged to.”

  She could understand why that would matter. One nest could be dealt with. The council ordering every nest to go after VampLycans would be seriously bad.

  “Aren't you curious about what’s between us?” He leaned closer, staring deeply into her eyes. “I am. I can't offer you forever, but don't you wonder what it would have been like if we'd had the chance to be together?”

  “Wen…” He was so sexy, and she longed to touch him.

  “Worst case scenario, we're going to realize what we had was real. Best case, we'll learn enough to never want to see each other again. We won't be certain either way unless we become lovers.”

  She closed her eyes, unable to stare into his anymore. “God, Wen. Don't do this.”

  “I'm not touching you yet.”

  Yet. “What happens if it was real and those feelings are still there? What if they deepen?” She forced herself to look at him again. “What if we both want forever?”

  Wen looked away that time. “It can't happen. I have to return home and it wouldn't be safe for you.” He returned his gaze to hers. “I'd be afraid my family might want to hurt you or our children.”

  Children. Her guts twisted just imagining having some with Wen. She'd stopped dreaming about that long ago. His family would see her as the enemy. He'd stated as much. She knew all about VampLycans and the importance of first sons. Wen had become just that after his older brother's death.

  She hadn't met Wen’s brother, Gerbin, too many times when she'd lived with the clan. He’d been born over twenty years before Wen. The elder sibling had traveled a lot, doing what Wen seemed to be doing now. He would leave the clan to track down and kill enemies. Wen's father was an elder, ranked high in the clan, so it would fall to his firstborn to carry on that legacy of being an enforcer for the clan leader. There was a real chance any children she and Wen would produce together might lose the ability to shift forms, therefore making them useless in that role. Even Trayis, the clan leader, wouldn't want that to happen to Wen’s children. They were all about keeping the clan strong.

  Her mother had been allowed to mate a VampLycan because he’d been a tradesman. He wasn’t a fighter but instead artistic. Her stepfather had been a genius with a chainsaw and a large chuck of wood, selling his sculptures for big bucks that he’d shared with the clan. He’d actually met her mother while he’d been out in the human world at an art show to promote his work.

  “It's too big of a risk to take,” she managed to say.

  “I don't see it that way.” Wen shook his head.

  Her anger returned. “You wouldn't. I was the one picked on and who lived in fear that someone would finally shove me over a cliff just to be rid of me. Some of those kids were mean, Wen. I don't ever want my child to suffer through that shit or to be seen as weak. I could get pregnant. Did you even think about that? Whoops! It happens. Then what? You'd have the option of killing me outright or taking me back to the clan, where our child would face prejudice. You said it yourself, your own parents would pose a threat. And even though some of your clan might be assholes to a half-human kid, they'd still keep our baby safer than I could. I wouldn't last two weeks out here on my own once my scent changed. Every freak with a nose would know I was carrying something not totally human. I might as well paint a sign that states ‘kill me’ and hang it around my neck.”

  A muscle in his jaw clenched and his eyes darkened. “I won't get you pregnant, Gerri.”

  “I'm not like you.” She was stunned she had to remind him, of all people. “Your women can breed when they want to because they can control their ovulation. But you can totally get a full human pregnant. I don't have any freaky self-birth-control thing going on.”

  “I would smell it if you were ovulating.”

  She frowned back at him. “That's disturbing on so many levels. But what if we're in the middle of this mess you want to drag me into and I hit that time of the month? I'm not on anything.”

  Some of the tension left his features and his eye color lightened further. Humor glinted. “You've never heard of condoms? Do I need to explain what they are to you? Human men wear them to prevent pregnancies from occurring.”

  “Very funny. Those can break.”

  “It won't happen. You're hunting for excuses now.”

  “No. I'm using your own words against you. You said these rogues needed to smell you all over me.” She paused. “Inside me. That means no condoms.”

  “I'll know when your ovulating, and if they say anything, I’ll tell them I’m avoiding getting you pregnant because we’re on the run.”

  He probably had a point, but so did she. “You can't guarantee I won’t get pregnant by accident.”

  “You're not the first human I've touched, Gerri.”

  The stabbing sensation was jealousy, and she hated feeling it. “Oh, that's a selling point.” She rolled her eyes. “So not hot.”

  “Sorry.” He actually appeared to regret the words. “I don't want to hear about the men you've allowed access to your body. I was just stating a fact. I managed to not get them pregnant.”

  Them. She wanted to ask how many he'd slept with but resisted, not sure she'd like the answer. “That you know of. Did you stick around long enough to make sure?”

  That muscle along his jaw jumped again. “Of course. I always used a condom and none of them broke.”

  “Into dating humans, huh? I bet your parents love that.”

  “I've been sent out into your world on many occasions to hunt others and do business for the clan. Sometimes I’m gone for a few months.”

  And VampLycan males are as horny as hell. He didn't need to state that. It also served as a reminder that he'd never contacted her before. “Why come see me now?”

  “This time you don't smell of someone els

  His answer stunned her. “What?”

  “This isn't the first time I've sought you out, Gerri.” The blue color of his eyes darkened again. “I've never left my territory to travel into your world without having someone track you down first. The Lycan I hired reported you were involved in a relationship every other time. I didn't care anymore if I had to take you from someone. I need you, and I'm tired of waiting for it to be the right time to find out what’s between us. Make your excuses, protest all you want, but you're not avoiding the inevitable.” His gaze lowered to the waist of her robe. “I'm going to fuck you, Gerri.” He stared back into her eyes. “Tonight.”

  Her heart rate spiked and so did her breathing. “Wen, please don't.”

  “You want me as much as I do you. Tell me otherwise and I'll call you a liar. You're not afraid of me. You should see how flushed your skin is right now. I can hear your heartbeat.” His nose flared as he inhaled. “I can smell how wet and needy you are. You've been tormenting me since I walked in the door.”

  She clenched her thighs together, horrified because she knew what he was picking up with his super-nose. “That's not from you. I masturbated in the shower. Stop sniffing at me, damn it! That's so rude, and I hate having to admit something so personal. You damn VampLycans have no respect for privacy.”

  He smiled. “Were you thinking about me when you came?”

  She wanted to punch him because he'd hit it dead on with his guess. She usually fantasized about him. “Get out, Wen. I was actually thinking about my ex-boyfriend.”

  The lie seemed to set him off. His features twisted with rage and a snarl burst from him. He lunged and knocked her onto her back. It didn't hurt, but she was so stunned that she didn't react quickly enough to stop him from shoving her robe up her legs and spreading them. His hands gripped her inner thighs, holding them wide open.

  “I'll be the best you've ever had, Gerri. It will be my memory that fills your mind from now on when you touch yourself, wishing it were me instead.”