Page 21 of Wen

  “Shut up,” Trayis barked. “You sound like a youth yourself.”

  Gerri laughed. “He didn’t embarrass himself when he got me in bed.”

  The clan leader turned in his seat to look at her but he smiled. “Don’t encourage him.” He reached over and slapped Yern with the back of his hand on the side of his arm. “Stop looking for something to tease Wen over. He’s got it tough enough right now without you adding shit.”

  The sight of her old home came into view and Gerri unbuckled her belt, leaning forward to get a better look at it. Memories of her childhood flashed through her mind, and with them came sadness.

  Yern parked and both men in front got out. Trayis opened her door and inhaled. “Klentz was a good man.”

  She blinked back tears. “He was.”

  “This is your home again.” Trayis took her backpack. “I had it cleaned this morning, since we haven’t had visitors staying here in about a month. Food has been put in the fridge.” He led the way.

  She followed with Yern at her side. More memories surfaced. She’d been so happy being raised in this cabin. She hesitated when they reached the front door, staring at it. Trayis opened it wide and stepped inside first.

  Yern waited for her, so she moved forward. The interior had been painted and the furniture had been upgraded. The coffee table was the only piece she recognized, and she was touched that it was still there. Trayis followed her gaze.

  “I know Klentz carved the dolphin-shaped legs for your mother. We kept it.” Trayis put her bag down. “Gerri?”

  She gave him her full attention.

  “You stay inside for right now. I plan to inform the clan first thing tomorrow that you’re back with us. Most will recognize you but we have youths who won’t. This isn’t a remote home and you’d run into clansmen. Wen’s scent is still with you but I don’t want some overzealous teen to think they’re protecting the clan by grabbing you. They wouldn’t mean to hurt you, but I won’t risk you being bruised up or hauled in. Yern will be outside on guard duty. His brothers will switch shifts with him. You’re to have round-the-clock protection.”

  “Wen’s parents?” She didn’t fear anyone else in the clan.

  “They are unstable.” Trayis stepped closer. “Wen will deal with them, or I will. One way or another, this is a temporary solution. I refuse to have you in danger with our clan.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It’s good to have you back where you belong. Now I have to go meet with Wen.”

  Her heart sped up. “Does he know I’m here?”

  Trayis shook his head. “I plan to go home and shower, change my clothes, before I see him. He’ll find out tomorrow with the rest of the clan. I want to give him more time to think about all the horrible things that could happen to you in the human world.” Golden streaks flared in his brown eyes and that mischievous look returned.

  “You’re going to give him some shit,” Yern chuckled. “No fair.”

  “That’s why I’m clan leader and you’re an enforcer.” Trayis winked at Gerri. “Stay inside. Promise? Tomorrow morning I’ll come for you and hold that clan meeting. We’ll hold it around nine.”

  “You have my word. I’ll eat and then sleep. I didn’t get more than a few hours last night.”

  Trayis left and she faced Yern. “Are you hungry?”

  “No, but thanks. I’m going to go outside. Do you need anything before I leave?”

  “You can stay in here.”

  “It’s against orders. I’m to patrol outside, and hell, when Wen does find out you arrived today, he’ll try to kick my ass if I spent the night alone with you.” His gaze lowered and he shook his head. “You have boobs. I’m so not getting over that. I was sure you’d be flat as a pancake.”

  She laughed. “Fine. If you get hungry or don’t want to piss on a tree, I’ll leave the door unlocked. I can still do that here, can’t I?”

  “Yeah. No one is going to hurt you.”

  “Trayis wouldn’t tell me the truth so I didn’t bother to ask him. Will my being here cause him any trouble?”

  Yern shook his head. “You’re clan, Gerri. Always have been. I know some of the adults were assholes about not trusting you when you were a child, but you never betrayed us.” His expression tensed. “We have bigger things to worry about these days.”

  “Like what?”

  “Whatever underhanded thing Decker will do. You helped Wen on his mission, so I know you’re aware that the son of a bitch sent a nest to attack his old clan. Some worry he’ll expose us to humans next and send them here.”

  “He’s still the boogeyman.”

  Yern nodded. “Pure evil. We all long for the day he dies. We’re finally at peace with his old clan and united though. They visit us and we visit them.”

  She thought about her house. “Where will they stay if they come to visit, now that I’m here?”

  “We have a few other cabins we built. This home was only used since no one lived here.” He reached out and touched her cheek. “Now someone does.”

  He turned, closing the front door closed behind him.

  Gerri made a slow circle, taking in the large room. It was good to be home.

  * * * * *

  Wen went over every detail of what had taken place in Washington. Trayis had called in a few of the enforcers to be present at the meeting. He’d been relieved that no one questioned it when he’d skipped over his private time with Gerri. He wasn’t about to share those moments with his clan.

  Trayis had food brought in and they ate dinner together as they discussion the mission.

  “Why do you smell like Tymber?” one of the enforcers asked.

  Wen opened his mouth to respond but his friend spoke first.

  “Because he was injured still when he arrived. You’ve met our human lawyer. There’s not much meat on her bones. Wen didn’t want to take too much blood. I gave him some of mine. If you have a problem with that, or want to give me shit over it, I promise to never let you bite me if you’re hurt in battle.”

  Kavler grinned. “Where’d he bite you?”

  Tymber lifted his middle finger. “Right here.”

  “I’ll call this meeting to an end, since it’s obvious we’re all relieved the threat has been taken care of. I’ll share the details with the other clans.” Trayis smiled though. “Go. Wen, you stay. The clans might have questions for you.”

  Everyone left, leaving him alone with his clan leader. Trayis didn’t reach for his phone though, instead leaning back in his chair.

  Wen regarded him with a frown. “I thought you were contacting the other clans.”

  “No need. They know the highlights I’d gotten from Graves and then you over the phone. Horton is dead. That’s all that matters. I wanted to talk about your parents. No one else needed to know that.”

  “My father attacked me first. I slashed his arms to prevent him from doing me harm.”

  “I figured. He’s healed. I saw your father before the meeting. He wants me to punish you for attacking an elder.”

  Wen couldn’t say he was shocked. “What’s my punishment?”

  “Having Mandro as a father. I told him he was lucky you didn’t take his arms off for attacking you. What he didn’t tell me was what prompted the fight. It had to be bad, since you normally tolerate a lot of shit from him.”

  “They found a woman from Crocker’s clan willing to breed a child with me, and she didn’t want a mate.”


  “I guess they figured I’d do it, have nothing to do with my own child, and they could help her raise it.” Anger filled him again at the thought. “I said no, and all hell broke loose. Didn’t Tymber report that to you? He was outside.”

  “His orders were to stick close to you, not tattle. I figured your parents would pull some shit and I wasn’t around to deal with it. I asked him to.”

  “Where were you?” Wen instantly regretted the question. It wasn’t his place to ask. “I apologize.”

bsp; “No problem. I was with a woman.”

  “Oh.” That was news. Trayis avoided women unless he was in heat. He usually had a Lycan brought in to stay with him, and then the woman would leave when his heat had passed. It was well known he avoided VampLycans after some incident in the past. “Did you find your mate while I was gone?”

  “No. It was just a one-night thing.” Trayis smiled. “She’s really cute too.”

  “I’m glad. You need to do something to relieve all the stress you deal with on a daily basis.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to do. Mandro and I had words about you. I told him to leave you alone, reminded him that you are no longer a boy but a man. You’re also one of my enforcers. Even as an elder, he has no right to issue you orders. They are there to give advice, not manipulate the lives of the clan.”

  “I bet he didn’t take that well.”

  “No, he didn’t. I told him if he didn’t like it, that he was welcome to leave the clan to join another. I ordered him to leave you the fuck alone and told him that he wasn’t permitted to interfere with your life anymore. That goes for his mate too. He’s fucking with my enforcer, and I won’t have that kind of tension in my clan.”

  That stunned Wen. He didn’t even know what to say.

  “I made it clear that their actions have made you reckless with your duties. That gives me the right to step in. You put Gerri in danger just to spend time with her because they forbid you to.”

  A sick feeling settled in Wen’s stomach. “Did you tell my father I was with her?”

  Trayis nodded. “I did. I also made it clear that I’d be thrilled if you mated her.”

  Wen shifted in his seat. “I’m sure he had plenty to say to that.”

  “He did. He started in with that bullshit about weak bloodlines clouding the next generation. I told him that wasn’t something I considered a problem. He called me incompetent to lead our people, if I felt that way. And I told him he was more than welcome to challenge me.”

  Wen stopped breathing, staring at his clan leader.

  “He immediately backed down.”

  Wen sucked in a sharp breath. “You would have killed him if he’d attacked.”

  “You’re a good man, Wen. You have honor. So do I. I can’t say the same for Mandro since your brother’s death. His mind is the only thing clouded and incompetent. One of us has to deal with him.” Trayis stood. “You volunteered for a very dangerous mission to be with the woman you want. That not only put your ass on the line, but Gerri’s. I’m done waiting for you to stand up to them. I’m forcing the issue to a close, one way or another. I refuse to lose you. That weakens the clan. But you’re miserable and a danger to yourself because of their demands. Fix this. I don’t care how. Do you understand?”

  Wen stood. “I do.”

  “Do you have a problem with anything I’ve said?”

  “No. You’re right.”

  Trayis got to his feet and rounded his desk. “He’s an elder but that doesn’t make him infallible, Wen. I’m considering it a family matter between the two of you, however this ends.”

  Wen stared deeply into his eyes. “You’re giving me permission to kill him?”

  “I’m telling you this can’t go on any longer. Stand your ground. Make it stick. If he won’t allow it, that’s his choice. Not yours. I won’t lose you.” Trayis reached around him and gripped the back of his neck, holding tight. “You’ve been an amazing son to them, tried your best to make them happy, but you are not Gerbin. It’s time you let them suffer the pain and reality of his loss without trying to soften the blow. However they handle that is on their shoulders, not yours. I need you, Wen. You. Be who you are. No more living in the shadow of death.”

  Wen understood.

  “It’s been a rough few days for you. Yesterday you were severely injured, and while I’m sure you’re mostly healed, your strength isn’t at its peak. I don’t want you to deal with your parents tonight. Tomorrow is soon enough. Tymber is waiting for you outside. His orders are to make certain you get rest tonight and that no one disturbs you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re my friend, you’re my enforcer, and I consider you to be like a brother. I’m done watching you suffer. Tomorrow is a new day.” Trayis released him. “Now go. I do have phone calls to make.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Gerri jerked awake when the master bedroom door slammed into the wall. She’d closed it just in case Yern entered the house to eat or use the guest bathroom, which happened to be just a door down. The outline of a big man framed the doorway. She’d left the living room lights on but they were down the hall a bit so she couldn’t make out much of whoever stood there.


  She’d recognized that growl anywhere. “Wen?”

  “What in the hell are you doing here?” He took a few steps closer, then halted.

  “Trayis brought me.”

  He just stood motionless. She shoved off the covers and scooted to the edge of the mattress, then flipped on the lamp next to the bed. Wen was staring at her with a furious expression on his face and his eyes were dark. The color hadn’t quite reached black but close.

  “That sneaky bastard,” he finally muttered.

  “He was going to tell you tomorrow, along with the rest of the clan. He invited me back. I accepted.” Was he angry that she was there, or just angry that Trayis hadn’t told him yet? She climbed out of bed but didn’t approach him. “He said I’m still clan and gave me the option of returning.” She straightened her shoulders and prepared to do battle with him if he ordered her to leave.

  He didn’t start a fight. He just stood there staring at her. He didn’t look happy to see her though. That hurt.

  “I wanted to come back. This is where I was raised. Living with humans sucked ass, Wen. I know I’ll face some problems with the clan until some of them adjust to me again but at least I’m not living behind bars on my windows. I don’t have to worry about being mugged or murdered on a daily basis. I have a job here. Trayis gave me one. You got me fired from the last one I had, remember? I told you it’s not easy for me to find work since I never graduated high school and I sure as hell couldn’t afford college.”

  He blinked but said nothing.

  “It doesn’t mean I expect anything from you, if that’s what you’re worried about. You made it clear you couldn’t mate me. Fine. But I’m still going to live here. We can avoid each other if that’s what you want.” She remembered then that Trayis was going to force Wen to take a desk next to hers in his office. “Say something.”

  He didn’t.

  Now she was getting angry. “What are you doing here anyway? In my house?”

  “Trayis didn’t want me to get into another fight with my father so he had Tymber escort me to a guest house. This one. He set us up to be here together. I came inside and picked up your scent.”

  “You got into a fight with your dad?”

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, blowing it out. He turned, lifted his hand, and ran it though his hair. “That sneaky bastard,” he said again.

  Her anger drained, only to be replaced by amusement. “Your dad or Trayis?”

  He turned back to her and actually smiled. “Trayis.” He took a few steps closer and his attention focused on her body. She wore a nightshirt that hit her thighs.

  “Eyes up here and off my legs. You didn’t answer me. You got into a fight with your dad?”

  He held her gaze. “Remember the homecomings I told you about?”

  She did—and jealousy instantly rose. “Some woman was waiting in your bed?”

  “At their home. They always insist that I eat dinner with them on the days I return, no matter how late the hour.” His expression hardened into a grimace. “Gerbin always did that.”

  She closed the distance and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing against his chest. “I’m sorry. You’re not him, and that’s so fucked up.”

  He stiffened but then h
is arms came up, loosely hugging her. He relaxed and pulled her closer. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  She kept her head tucked down, cheek pressed against his shirt. “I’m kind of upset with you but I’m so happy you’re healed. You are, aren’t you? I didn’t see any bandages, and that T-shirt you’re sporting is pretty tight.” She ran her fingers along his back, feeling only warmth and smoothness under the soft cotton of his shirt.

  “I meant to come to you after that fight but I was injured. Micah took good care of you, didn’t he?”

  “Micah was great. That’s not why I’m upset.” It was easier not looking at him while they talked. “Sherry.”

  His body turned rigid against her once more.

  “Yes, I know she gave you blood. I was worried sick when Micah said you were injured so he let me use his phone to call you. She answered while you were in the shower. She assumed I was Stellia. I didn’t correct her.”

  Wen let her go with one arm. His fingers slid into her hair and gave it a tug that forced her head up. She looked into his eyes then. He frowned.

  “I didn’t fuck her, Gerri. It wasn’t like that. Hell, I don’t even remember drinking her blood. I had passed out from blood loss at that point. Graves said my fangs were out so they just shoved her arm in my mouth. Instinct took over to feed, since I was so hurt. I am part Vampire. I never break my word. It’s over between her and I.”

  She believed him. “It sounded like she was in your room while you were in the shower because she talked to you and you answered.” She paused. “And she called you ‘babe’. That sounds pretty intimate.”

  His eyes turned black and he growled. Gerri gasped when he suddenly lifted her off her feet. He strode over to the bed and threw them both on it. Wen nearly crushed her under his body but he adjusted fast, using his arms and legs to pin her down as he lifted his chest so she could breathe. Their faces were inches apart. He wiggled his hips against her legs and she spread them until his lower body fit between her thighs.