Page 22 of Wen

  “I didn’t fuck her, Gerri,” he snarled. “I washed off the blood and she was in Micah’s room. So was I. That’s where Graves took us. I’d taken too much blood from her so she was recovering on the bed, fully clothed, so she didn’t faint.”

  She wiggled and freed her arms enough to touch his face. Hair had sprouted on his cheeks. “Okay. I trust you. Do you need to shift?”

  He seemed to calm enough to get himself back under control. The excess hair went away, his eye color returned to blue, but the fangs in his mouth remained. “No. I went for a run with Tymber before I came here. I’m just pissed. I’d never break my word to you.”

  “I was jealous,” she admitted. “I really hate her. How sad is that? I haven’t even met her and yeah, I want to strangle her for calling you babe and being anywhere near you when you were in the shower. Did she get to see you naked and wet?”

  His expression softened. “Doubtful. She paled every time she sat up on the bed from blood loss. I don’t even know how she managed to make it inside the hotel and up to the room in that condition. I was too out of it to remember that part myself. I had to ask Graves how he got me to the room.”

  She stopped caressing his face and lowered her hands to his shoulders, resting them there. “Are you upset that I’m here? I don’t want to go back to my old apartment or to that life. I know you can’t mate me but I want to be close to you. We could be lovers. I thought about that. We’ll use condoms and shower after we’re together. That way your scent won’t linger on me. We’ll have to be careful about not touching when we’re not in this room, since contact can be smelled on our clothing if we hug.”

  “I don’t want to sneak around with you.”

  “Oh.” His words hurt but she wasn’t surprised. He’d made it clear about his parents and how they would react if they found out.

  “I don’t plan to hide that you’re mine any longer.”

  Gerri gaped at him, stunned yet hopeful. “What are you saying?”

  “Do you honestly believe you could live this close to me and I would be able to stay away? Trayis knew that when he brought you to the clan. There’s no fucking way I’d be able to sleep knowing you were alone in a bed I could so easily share with you. I’d go insane within days worrying about you, wondering if other men were considering pursuing you. Fuck that. You’re mine, G.L. You’re here and you’re staying. I’m headstrong, sometimes do stupid shit, but I’m not a total moron.”

  She smiled. “You can occasionally be a bit of a bonehead.”

  “True but not about you or this. Trayis has left me with no choice.”

  His last words almost made her want to flinch. “Do you resent that? Or me?”

  “No. He’s right. I haven’t been happy because you weren’t in my life. I’ve tried my best to do right by my parents but it’s time to claim you.” His gaze slid to her shoulder, then studied her eyes. “I’m going to get off you, we’ll strip, and then I’m going to bite you. Are you ready to become my mate?”

  “I’ve always been ready.”

  He smiled. “Me too. You’re going to have to drink from me.”

  “I know how it goes.”

  He lifted up and climbed off the bed, yanking at his boots. “Get undressed.”

  She didn’t have to be told twice. After so many lonely years, Wen would finally be her mate. Her deepest fantasy was about to happen.

  She was able to get naked faster than him, since she only had to toss off the nightshirt and get rid of her undies. Wen didn’t say a word as he pulled his T-shirt over his head then unfastened his jeans, pushing them down his long legs.

  “You sure about this, G.L.? There’s no going back once we bond.”

  “I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.” He was her heart and always had been, for as long as he’d been a part of her life.


  “A little. I’m not a fan of pain and you’ve got some awfully big fangs.” She smiled though, teasing him a bit. “Of course, everything on you is big.” She openly admired his stiff cock when he straightened. “You look excited.”

  He chuckled. “I am. I’ll bite while you climax. It will distract you. I promise.” He took a step closer.

  She held up her hand. “Wait.”

  He froze. “What?”

  “I don’t have fangs. Don’t we exchange blood at the same time in a mating ritual? How do you want to do that?”

  “We’ll figure it out.” He moved fast, wrapped his arm around her waist and hoisted her off her feet. He turned and they landed on the bed side by side, against each other. “Step one. Get her naked in a bed.” Amusement teased his voice and showed in his glowing blue eyes.

  She laughed.

  He rolled on top of her, adjusting until once again his hips were between her thighs. This time clothing didn’t separate their skin. “Step two, pin her down so she can’t get away.”

  “I can’t wait for step three. Did they teach this to you as a young VampLycan?”

  “Blame Angelo. He’s Micah and Graves’s father. He claimed his mate in the woods while he was walking her home to her parents after a pack event. They got into an argument and she threatened to date other Lycans because some women had been flirting with him. He lost his mind, since he knew she was his. Took her to the ground, seduced her, and that’s how it went down.” He laughed. “It wouldn’t have been so bad except it had rained earlier that day. She was kind of pissed about having to tell her parents they were mated while both of them looked as if they’d been mud wrestling. Their clothes were ripped up too. He nagged us boys to never make that mistake.”

  “I met them.” Gerri laughed too. “I can’t imagine Angelo doing that to Mandy. She’s so tiny.”

  “She had more clothes left on her than he did, from what I heard. Don’t let her size fool you. She’s pretty strong and had wanted to mate Angelo for a while. He’s two years older than her and didn’t want to take her the day she turned eighteen. He wanted her to have at least a year to enjoy being an adult before she started having his cubs. One of the downsides to being full Lycan is the males get the urge to impregnate their mate right away.” He frowned all of a sudden. “You met them? How?”

  “I’ll tell you later. Right now…” She ran her hands over his arms. “I have this super-hot guy on top of me with some sexy fangs. Don’t be a tease, honeybun.”

  He growled, his eyes glowing brighter. She didn’t look away from him, knowing he wasn’t trying to control her mind. He was just seriously turned on. So was she. He kissed her, his mouth taking full possession. Gerri moaned, meeting his passion.

  The scent of him filled her nose and she knew his pheromones were filling the room. Wen smelled like pure sin and sex. She wrapped her legs around his hips and ground her pussy against him. He broke the kiss and tried to lower down her body.

  She fisted his hair to keep him in place and shook her head. “I’m ready and wet. Feel me?”

  “I want to taste you.”

  “Later. We have forever for that.”

  “I don’t want to rush this.”

  “Are you kidding? I’ve always wanted you. Fuck me and bite me, Wen. Now.”

  He grinned. “So bossy.”

  “Get used to it, honeybun.”

  A deep laugh blasted out of him. “Promise to never call me that in front of anyone else.”

  “But I want to lick you and savor everything about you. Honeybuns are my favorite. I always crave them.”

  He lowered his face, brushing hot, sensual kisses along her throat. His fangs came into play, lightly biting her. “You drive me insane in the best way.”

  She lifted her legs higher, digging her heels into his ass, trying to urge him to enter her. “Fuck me,” she moaned.

  He nipped her hard, then twisted his body a little, arched his back, and reached down. She knew what he was doing and helped by holding still when he gripped his shaft, rose up a little, and guided the head of his cock to her pussy. He groaned deep a
s he slid in a bit. He released himself and then used his upper arms to cage her under him tighter.

  “Yes,” she urged. “Do it.”

  “I’m not going to last long,” he warned.

  “Me either.” She bucked her hips. “Stop teasing.”

  “Gentle or rough?”

  The words came out snarled but she understood. “Don’t hold back. Take me.”

  Gerri moaned louder as Wen thrust into her deeply. His cock felt big, thick, and incredibly hard. He didn’t try to kiss her mouth but stayed at her neck, licking and lightly biting. She clung to him as he powered into her. Between the sensation of him physically inside her and the way he smelled so incredible, she felt nearly overwhelmed with pleasure.

  “Oh God,” she cried out, knowing she hadn’t lied about coming fast. Ecstasy built as he pounded into her. Wen sank his fangs into her throat, the sharp jolt of pain sending her over the edge. She almost screamed but didn’t have the breath to do it. She threw her head back, her mind blown from the power of her orgasm.

  Wen didn’t slow, only fucked her harder, making animalistic sounds as he clamped his mouth tighter onto her throat. He lifted one arm and shoved his hand near her mouth. It was wet, and she realized what he’d done. The soft, meaty area of his palm bleed. He must have used a claw to tear it open. She closed her mouth around it, drinking.

  Wen groaned, and she felt him coming inside her. He shook from the force of his release, riding her until the last tremors shook his body. They both drank, locked together. Wen released her throat first, running his tongue over the bite a few times. He pulled his hand back and kissed her, the taste of blood on their lips.

  “My mate.”

  “My mate,” she repeated.

  “I’m never going to let you go, G.L.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  He slowly began to move inside her again, and she moaned. “What are you doing?”

  “No rest for the wicked. Do you want to know how I’m feeling? I’m inside my mate. I’m going to be here for a while.”

  The blood she drank suddenly hit her system. Adrenaline and heat made her claw at him, desperate to hold him tighter. “Please!”

  “Get used to the blood highs, my sexy little powerhouse. It’s going to be a long night but I’ll let you get some rest in between.”

  “Shut up and make me come again.”

  He laughed. “Bossy mate.”


  Chapter Eighteen

  Wen answered the door when the knock came. He jerked it open, not surprised to see who stood there. “Morning, you devious asshole.”

  Trayis loudly inhaled and then had the nerve to grin. “I knew you’d mate Gerri. Are you able to step aside to let me in or are you going to be an overprotective ass about letting even safe males around your new mate?”

  Wen backed up. “She’s still getting ready and should be out soon. Come in.”

  “Have you shared the news with anyone yet?”

  “No. We woke up, I made breakfast with her, and then we showered, since you told her you were coming at this hour. All that long hair of hers takes forever to towel dry enough so she doesn’t have a soaked shirt on her back. At least that’s what she said when I asked why it was taking her so long in the bathroom.” Wen closed the door and faced the man standing just inside the house. “I figure I can announce it when you let everyone know Gerri is back with the clan. Or they’ll smell it if we get close to them.”

  Trayis sniffed again and grinned. “Your scent is mixed with hers pretty strongly. Is she okay?”

  “I’d never hurt her.”

  “She’s not a large woman and you took a lot of her blood.”

  “I gave her a lot of mine back.”

  “No side effects? Weakness this morning?”

  “She’s fine. Are you looking for a reason to delay this meeting?”

  “No. It’s new for me to play an actual father role. I verbally adopted her.” He winked. “I imagine that would be a question I’d ask someone who’d just claimed my daughter.”

  Wen frowned, not liking that. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because Mandro can be an asshole and a problem as an elder. Some may side with him. It’s an extra layer of protection for her against your father. Gerri is no longer just a human with clan standing that you took as a mate. Let him try to claim now that my daughter would make weak offspring with his precious only son.”

  Understanding hit, and Wen had to keep his jaw from falling open.

  Trayis smiled wider.

  “Insulting a clan leader is punishable.”

  The humor left Trayis’s face. “Damn straight it is. I want you both happy, Wen. You and Gerri belong together. You always have. I’m tired of parents getting in the way. Hers. Yours. My priority is a happy clan.”

  “She didn’t tell me you’d adopted her.”

  “Did you two really talk all that much last night?”

  Wen shook his head. “No.”

  “I didn’t think so. She probably doesn’t realize the full extent of being put under my protection. At least you look as if you might have gotten a few hours of sleep.”

  “She’s human. I didn’t want to wear her out by keeping her up all night.”

  Trayis reached out and gripped his shoulder. “She’ll get stronger the more you exchange blood.”

  “She’s no weakling.”

  “I’m aware.” Trayis released him and his head turned.

  Wen sensed Gerri coming and smiled at the sight of her. “There’s my beautiful mate.”

  She hesitated upon seeing Trayis, then bowed. “Trayis.”

  “Enough with that shit, Gerri.”

  Wen didn’t like Trayis’s tone and growled.

  Trayis snarled back.

  Gerri was between them faster than he thought she could move. “Is it time to go? No fighting in the living room. I’d forgotten how much testosterone you VampLycans ooze. I’m not even sure what you both are upset about.”

  “Wen doesn’t like me giving his mate an order.”

  “I don’t,” Wen agreed. “She was being respectful.”

  “Her status in the clan has changed regardless of you mating her. She no longer bows to me because she’s family.” Trayis lowered his gaze to Gerri and his tone softened. “Okay?”

  “Yes. I’m just used to doing it.”

  “No longer,” Trayis repeated. “Let’s go. I told the clan we’d meet outside my office. Everyone has been ordered to be there.”

  Wen kept close to Gerri as they walked through the woods. A few other VampLycans joined up with them. He caught their surprised looks at seeing Gerri—then outright shock when their sense of smell kicked in as they got close enough to them. He held their gazes, daring anyone to give him any shit. None did. Instead, they all smiled at him and he saw genuine happiness in their expressions.

  Though relieved, it also saddened him when he realized why he’d automatically expected opposition. His parents had darkened his outlook on mating humans so deeply, he’d projected those negative feelings on the rest of the clan. The truth was there every time another VampLycan joined them on their walk and their reactions continued to be so positive. No one spoke though, because Trayis remained silent.

  They finally reached the office. It was a large barn-like structure. Nearly eighty VampLycans waited outside. Wen noticed that Gerri’s grip on his hand tightened when heads turned and it seemed everyone was staring at them. He pulled her even closer, their bodies bumping together with each step. He searched for his parents and found them near the office door.

  Mandro’s eyes turned black with rage when he spotted them. His mother clutched at his father with a look of horror etched on her face. Wen felt dread. They obviously remembered Gerri. She had changed over the years but not enough to confuse them regarding her identity. They would cause a scene.

  His father didn’t even wait for Trayis and them to reach the front of the building. He pulled away from his ma
te and threw up his arm, pointing at Gerri. “What is the meaning of this?”

  Wen halted with Gerri next to him. He pulled her flush to his side but prepared to leap forward if his father attempted to get close to her. He wouldn’t allow it.

  Trayis stepped between his father and Gerri, probably blocking his dad from even seeing her.

  “The meaning of what, Mandro?” Trayis’s voice boomed in the silence. “Everyone here who is an adult will remember Gerri. She’s returned to her clan. For the youths gathered, I’m certain you’ve been told about Klentz mating to the human Carol, and that she had a daughter named Gerri. This is her. Her mother left our clan to return to the human world. Gerri was a youth who was forced to leave at her mother’s demand. She’s returned to her home, now that she’s an adult, and has finally mated to Wen. They are true mates. That calls for a celebration.”

  “No!” Wen’s mother screeched.

  Wen tugged Gerri behind him and let her go. Two VampLycans flanked him from behind and he glanced back. Tymber and his brother Yern were there, taking protective stances inches from Gerri. The look in their eyes told him they’d keep her safe. He stepped up next to Trayis just as his mother dodged around his father.

  “I won’t allow it,” his mother shrieked. Her claws flew out and hair sprouted along her skin. “She’s not mating my son!”

  Mandro grabbed her around the waist and jerked her into his arms. “You can’t attack her. Calm.”

  She fought him, trying to break free. “I can! Not a human, not with my son! Never! I’ll kill her first!”

  “Enough!” Trayis thundered.

  Wen winced, pain shooting through his ear from the volume of his clan leader’s shout so close to him. Other clansmen had the same reaction, some of them even throwing their hands up to cover their ears. Wen’s mother stilled in his father’s arms.

  “Is it true?” Mandro snarled. “You mated her?” His black eyes locked on Wen.