Closing the door to Adara’s room, Zayn looked at Nasir who extended a cell phone out to him. Zayn looked down at the screen and saw the message.

  “Kevin’s dead. You’re next.”

  Zayn looked at the message, confused. “I thought at the facility everyone was dead. Who sent this? Is there another one out there?

  Nasir shook his head. “I am not sure. We just got this, and I wanted you to see it first. Derrik was dead at the facility, but I am sure Haydar could have had other mercenaries working for him.”

  Zayn looked up at Nasir. “Have we checked to verify this is true?”

  “I assumed you would want to be there when we go, so I have the men ready to head to the club and some to go to his home. Just waiting on your go,” Nasir explained.

  “Let’s go. I don’t want people to know about this, that it’s related. I don’t want them to think that, just because they are associated with us, they are going to die.”

  “I understand, Zayn. I haven’t told them what it’s in regard to; I just have them ready to move out. The Ghul are not foolish enough to fall for that propaganda anyway.” Nasir motioned for Zayn to follow him. They moved down the stairs and out to the training grounds. Zayn saw two groups of eight lined up against the cars. He signaled to the men, and they quickly got into their vehicles. Zayn and Nasir got into the last one that headed for the club.

  “I really hope it isn’t true. I know him and Nikole were sort of close,” Zayn said. “I want to know what he would want with Kevin. He doesn’t know anything.”

  “Well, whoever is doing this doesn’t know that, so they must have thought there was reason to attack him.”

  The convoy pulled into the parking lot of Impact. “There are two cars out front. One of those has to be Kevin’s. Let’s take half around back and half through the front.” Nasir nodded to Zayn and radioed in the orders.

  “Nasir, let’s take the front. The other team can take the rear.”

  They moved to the front door. Nasir tried to turn the handle, but it was locked. “He must have used the back door because there is no sign of a break in here.”

  Zayn watched as one of his men burst through the door, opening the club entrance. Walking over the threshold, Zayn led his men inside. Nasir signaled the men to break off and start searching for bodies. Zayn walked around the first level of the club in search for a sign that there had been trouble.

  “Sire, come quick,” one of the men called from upstairs. Zayn and Nasir ran up the stairs and stopped when they saw what the Ghul had found. Kevin was tied to a chair, his throat cut and his blood pooled everywhere. Nasir walked around the bar and over to the corner, careful not to step in the blood. He saw Kevin’s arms and legs tied with rope and duct tape. “Maybe he didn’t tell them what they wanted to know and that’s why he is dead” one of the Ghul said.

  “Your Highness, you are going to want to see this down here,” Zayn heard one of the lieutenants say. Feeling his gut start to turn, Zayn left the upstairs and headed to the location he was being beckoned to. Zeus was dead on the floor. Nasir came up from behind Zayn, running his hand though his hair, taking in the situation.

  “This isn’t good, a lot of our people come here and this is going to scare the ones that were there for the 1777 attacks” Zayn told him.

  “I know, Sire; we will get someone on this for damage control. Let’s head back home, because I want you out of the public setting where we can keep you under proper protection.” Zayn nodded to him in agreement while turning and walking for the front door. Zayn stopped at the entrance of Kevin’s office. Opening the door he walked in and flicked the lights on. Just as he thought, security monitors. “Nasir!”

  “You okay, Zayn?” Nasir asked as he walked in, seeing what the King had spotted. “I’ll have my guys on this right away.”

  Zayn gave his approval then left the room. “Let’s go, Nasir. The Ghul can stay and take care of this.”

  Walking out to the car, the two men entered their vehicle and proceeded home in silence. Pulling onto the property, Zayn broke the silence. “You think that’s what is going to happen to Nikole?”

  Nasir hesitantly replied, “I don’t think so. I think they still want something or why else move her then come kill a friend of hers. I think she is still alive.”

  They walked into the house, uneasy about the events that occurred. Zayn made his way up the stairs. “I’ll be alone for the night, Nasir. Come and get me if you gain any developments.” Nasir watched Zayn climb the stairs at an even pace. He knew the King was torn up inside. He had to find a better way to handle this.

  Entering his room, he slammed the door, watching a picture fall off the wall, shattering the frame. He walked over to his chair and slumped in it. Looking to his right, he saw a picture of Nikole and him at his birthday celebration 10 years ago. He felt like the pain was breaking his heart. His omm always told him there is no shame in crying when it’s about ones you love. He loved his okht and wanted her home.

  Adara heard the door across the hall slam shut. She wanted to go help him and be there for him. Why did she care so much? It made no sense to her. She decided she had no choice; she had to go check on him and see if he was all right. She left her room and stood in front of his door. She raised her hand, about to knock when she thought she heard something. Leaning against the door, she could hear him; the King was in his room, crying. Backing away from the door, she just stared at it. If he wanted someone to witness this, he would have come to her. She turned and headed back to her room.