Dominic watched from across the street as the Ghul frantically looked for clues outside of the club. He laughed to himself at how easy they were to outsmart. He turned his radio to FM 89.2 so he could listen to the transmitter he’d planted inside Kevin’s club. Hopefully he could pick up on their next plans. Just when he thought he wouldn’t hear anything useful, he heard shouting.


  “You ok, Zayn?”

  “I’ll have my guys on this right away.”

  “Let’s go, Nasir. The Ghul can stay and take care of this.”

  He wondered what it was that made the King yell for his Ghul guard. He turned the radio off; the recording device would pick up anything else. He watched as Zayn and Nasir got into their car and drove off. Putting his car in gear, he pulled out and decided to follow them.

  Passing the streets of Colorado Springs, he started to recognize some of the names. The chick from the bar lived two streets over. Deciding on a detour, he turned down her street and drove to the end of the cul-de-sac. Grabbing his black bag, he got out of his car and headed to her back door. Looking around her house and inside the window of the bathroom, he noticed no alarm indicators on the windowpanes. Hopefully she didn’t have a system installed. Setting his bag down and getting out his lock-picking set, he opened her back door.

  Walking in through the kitchen undetected, he noticed that all the lights were off except for the bedroom. Slipping his leather gloves on, he grabbed his knife and made his way to the front of the house. Looking around the doorframe to the bedroom, he saw a camouflage jacket sitting on the chair. Thinking to himself that is an odd style for a girl with class to wear, he tried to listen for movement. He heard the steps of what sounded like boots. On full alert now, he backed into the shadows and waited for the person in bathroom to appear.

  Dominic heard the toilet flush and saw a shadow being cast on the ground. He noticed that the figure was different from what he remembered Adara’s being. Peeking around the door, he recognized the Ghul uniform. With the Ghul’s back turned to him, he was able to sneak up behind him. Taking the butt of the knife, he hit the Ghul in the back of the head, right over the spinal cord. The brunt of the force sent the Ghul to the ground as he lost consciousness.

  Dominic picked the unconscious body up from the ground and carried him over to the table in the dining room; here he secured the body so there was no room for escape as he reached for his knife. Dominic felt the twinge of hunger set in as he realized it had been a while since he last ate. Walking into the kitchen, he saw an apple on the counter and grabbed it. Walking back into the dining room, he pulled up a chair and began to cut slices of the apple to feed himself. He watched intently, waiting for the Ghul to awaken so he could begin his torture. The Ghul started to stir, letting out a small moan before pulling against the rope trying to get free. “Hello, my name is Dominic, and you and I need to chat.”

  The Ghul’s eyes opened, and for a split second he was confused, before he realized he was tied to the table. His eyes shot over to Dominic, and he watched him as the smile crossed Dominic’s face. The Ghul growled, anticipating the next moments to come. Dominic sat up from the chair and ran the tip of the knife over the Ghuls calf, up his thigh, down the middle of his stomach and across his throat. “You should know this is going to hurt, and it might get a bit messy.”

  Dominic laughed while stabbing the knife in the left arch of the Ghuls foot and slowly worked up his leg. The sound of the victim’s muffled screams through the gag soothed Dominic as he dragged the knife up his body. The blood started dripping on the table, running down the end and spilling onto the white floor. Dominic cut the Ghul up limb by limb; he wanted the King to know no one was safe.