Page 2 of Aveoth

  Bitterness tightened his chest but he refrained from uttering sharp words that would wound her. His plight wasn’t her fault. That responsibility rested squarely on his mother’s shoulders. He didn’t hold it against her, but he resented the consequences of the choices she’d made long ago.

  He was the one who had to deal with the fallout if the truth was ever discovered.

  “Do you know why I chose Lane to take as a lover?”

  She refused to look at him, but she shook her head enough to be seen. “No. She was beautiful…”

  “I barely noticed. She had fallen in love with a man who had lost his true mate. He became lonely enough to want another. That meant he had to decide who to spend the rest of his life with, rather than rely on instincts. He picked another woman instead of Lane. I was her solace. She thought it might make him regret his decision, when he’d heard I’d chosen her.” His blood seemed to freeze throughout his body. “Being my companion was her version of revenge against him.”

  A shiver vibrated Winalin’s frame slightly. “I don’t understand.”

  “She wanted him to believe he must have misjudged her, if I’d picked her as my lover. Ironic, isn’t it? I accepted her because he caused her so much pain. I figured I couldn’t hurt her any more than he already had.” He shook his head. “You don’t wish to be here. Go home.”

  “Elco wants me to be with you.”

  “You’re no longer a child.” His voice deepened with anger. “Tell Elco to earn his own way into my good graces. He’d find no favor from me regardless if I took you into my home or not. Tell him to feel grateful for my refusal, or I might decide to cause him harm for using you in this manner. I’m very protective of any woman sharing my bed. I’d feel the need to kill him for such an offense.”

  “He’s honoring you by offering me.”

  “He’s attempting to make you his whore—but I won’t stand for it. You shouldn’t either.”

  She lifted her gaze then, her violet eyes showing a spark of emotion.

  He smiled. “Ah. You do have some spirit inside you.”

  “Elco is all I have. Please don’t harm him.”

  His amusement died as quickly as it had risen. “My mistake. I believed you had grown some backbone, but that’s fear in your eyes.”

  “You’re cruel,” she whispered.

  “Yes.” He didn’t bother to deny it. “Yet here you are, offering to strip out of your gown and allow me to do anything I want to your body. I’m trying to decide if you’re very brave or sadly foolish. Which one is it?”

  “I obey the head of my household and wish to serve our lord.” The purple in her irises darkened. “Did you kill Lane?”

  “Is that what they think? That I murdered her in a fit of rage?”

  Her silence answered him. He turned, faced the balcony again, and stared out at the partial moon peeking from behind the clouds. Winter approached in a matter of months, and with it would come the oppressive cold.

  “Did you?”

  “Would you flee for safety if I said yes?”

  “No. I’ve come to serve you.”

  He chuckled, the bitterness winning out. “That makes it all the more tragic. I didn’t kill Lane. She did that to herself. A home is as warm as the person you share it with. Only ice remains here. Go home, Winalin. Do not return. I shall never welcome you into my bed, and that is something the both of us should be grateful for.”

  “You’re lonely.”

  His shoulders tensed, and he turned once more to stare at her. “I’m dead inside. I no longer feel much of anything. I breathe and exist. Everything I touch seems to die. Run along now, Winalin. This is the last warning I’ll give. Never enter my home again.” His lips parted and his fangs extended. “Run!”

  She gasped and was gone in a dark blur of movement. He listened to her hasty retreat as her shoes struck the rock steps until his door slammed from below.

  The silence once more settled around him as he faced the balcony. The moon mocked him as he stared at its beauty. It was so far out of his reach, so unobtainable, like everything else.

  He dressed in his outside clothing minutes later, strapped on his weapons and grabbed his cloak. He had hours before the dawn would come, and hopefully with it, he’d find some peace. Sleep seldom came anymore but he knew at some point, his body would weaken.

  He strode to the back staircase, toward the spare living space below his home, where he kept an office. His cell phone rang. He paused, dug his hand inside his pocket, and withdrew it. The number wasn’t one he recognized.

  “What do you want?” He knew his voice came out harsh as he answered but figured it would probably be Elco. The bastard was getting on his last nerve.

  “A truce.”

  The male’s voice was familiar—and much hated.

  “Decker.” He growled low. “Where are you hiding? I’ll find you, and when I do, you’ll know my wrath. I told you to leave the other clans alone, yet you disobeyed me.”

  “I have something you need.”

  “Your death at my hands will be more than enough. I’m leaving now to come for you.”

  “Her name is Jillian. She’s my granddaughter, and she’s only hours away. She carries the bloodline. You may have her if you give your word the hunt ends. I need your given oath of honor that I won’t be killed, by you or by someone you send after me.”

  Temptation taunted Aveoth. His resolve to kill Decker weakened slightly at the thought of being given the granddaughter.

  He’d never take a Gargoyle as a lover. They were too cold and he needed some warmth in his life. No GarLycan females interested him, and he’d made certain to meet them all. A VampLycan, though, tempted him. They were known for being passionate. She might melt some of the ice that had taken hold of him.

  Of course, that would mean Decker would have to kidnap her. That didn’t sit well with him. He’d refuse the offer, but at least warn the woman of her grandfather’s intentions.

  “What clan is she with? I may have met her already and hold no attraction to her, bloodline or not.”

  Decker hesitated. “My son Decon spent a few years in the human world in college, learning how to manage money for me. He played with a human for a while and got her pregnant. The mother raised her. I only recently became aware of her existence. She’s fully grown and healthy. She knows she’s to be given to you. I’ve been told she doesn’t resemble your beloved Margola, who you were once promised, but Cole swears she’s very attractive. Do we have a deal?”

  His heart beat faster at the idea of this human-raised woman. The fact that she had agreed to come to him was almost too tempting to refuse. But price was too high. Decker couldn’t be allowed to hold the power he’d once wielded over VampLycans.

  It wouldn’t hurt, though, to test the bastard regarding what his price would be for the woman.

  “I take it the Vampire Council has finally gotten tired of you.”

  Decker sucked in a sharp breath but said nothing.

  “Did you think I wouldn’t know who has been helping you?”

  Decker growled. “None of that matters. I’m offering you my granddaughter. She’s half human. That’s her only flaw, but it will make it easier for you to control her if she’s headstrong.” Decker rushed on, “Some women are at times. I was told she can’t shift, so there won’t be claws to deal with.”

  He flashed to the memory of Decker’s other two mostly human granddaughters he’d met. Dustina and Batina had both found mates, and were happy with the VampLycans. He envied Drantos and Kraven.

  He longed to say yes…but he had others people to consider. “What do you want in exchange?”

  The hesitation on the other end of the phone made Aveoth snarl. “I won’t give you anything more than your life. I know you wanted to use your own descendants to persuade me to kill your enemies. That will never happen. Peace amongst the clans will remain. I won’t allow anything less. You can keep this granddaughter if that’s the price. I have to go. I k
now where you are, and I’m coming,” he lied. “It was a mistake to call me, Decker. I have special gifts that help me sense your location every time you speak.”

  It was a bullshit bluff but his enemy wouldn’t know it.

  Fear laced the VampLycan’s voice when he responded. “Just my life? I’ve lost everything. I also want to be reinstated to my previous position.”

  “That’s never going to happen. I won’t hunt you if you stay out of Alaska. That also means you stay far from other VampLycans—and never send others after them again, either. That’s the deal. Take it or leave it. Otherwise, I’ll find you regardless of where you hide on this planet. Where is she?”

  Seconds of silence ticked by.

  “I’ll see you soon.” Aveoth moved his thumb to hover over the screen and end the call.

  “The jet carrying her should arrive near dawn, at my private airstrip on the edge of my territory. I just spoke to the pilot.”

  “You meant to say your previous clan’s territory, I’m sure. We have a deal. Don’t break the terms we’ve made or the hunt resumes.” Aveoth hung up and shoved the phone deep inside his pocket. Airstrip. He snorted. It was really just a long patch of ground that had been paved.

  His heart sped up. He was pretty sure that’s what it felt like to be alive again. His breathing increased and his fangs elongated inside his mouth at just the thought of a warm, willing female who would share his bed.

  He silently swore to protect her. Nothing would happen to this one. He couldn’t take the loss of anyone else he grew to care about.

  He tapped the screen, found the number he wanted, and connected the call. It was answered on the third ring by a sleepy-voiced clan leader.

  “I apologize for the hour, Trayis. This is Lord Aveoth.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “I just wanted to let you know that Decker has been in contact with me. He seems extremely motivated to find a way to return to Alaska. He’s attempting to make deals to earn my help to reclaim his clan. That’s not going to happen.”

  Trayis chuckled. “It sounds as if the Vamp Council isn’t his safe harbor anymore. That’s great. Wen will be thrilled when I tell him. We’d hoped that crazy Horton would be able to stir up some shit with whatever kind of alliance Decker made with the Vampires before he was taken out.”

  “Can you contact the other clans and warn them? Decker seems desperate. I wouldn’t put anything past him. I also wanted to tell you my scouts will increase their night patrols. Spread the word. “

  “I’m on it. I’ll call them now and set up a meeting for tomorrow. You’re invited too, of course.”

  “I have obligations already but keep me informed if something happens.”

  “I will. Thank you, Lord Aveoth.”

  “You are welcome. We can defeat him if we keep each other in the loop. He’s stupid and will come after Lorn’s clan again.”

  He disconnected and guilt surfaced. It would have been best to share all the information with Trayis, but he didn’t want them to raise hell about the woman. She was a relation to Batina and Dustina, and therefore they might protest him bringing her to the cliffs.

  The landing strip was near the border of his territory but actually on Lorn’s clan lands. He knew from the reports of his scouts that Lorn never had guards patrol that section. No enemies would breach from the GarLycans’ side. Tonight would be the exception, when that aircraft landed, but he’d be there—waiting and watching.

  He’d kill any of Decker’s loyal if they did more than drop off the woman and leave in peace.

  Chapter Two

  Jill plotted murder while she glared at Shark and Scarface. Those were the names she’d dubbed them with. They had her handcuffed and strapped into a comfortable chair inside some small, fancy jet. The turbulence made her feel a little sick but she didn’t complain. They might enjoy it if they realized she was suffering.

  “We’re almost there.” Shark gave her a toothy grin. “Would you like some advice?”

  “I listen better when I’m not trussed up like a turkey. Let me go and I’ll be more than happy to let you totter on about anything you want.” A mental picture of punching him in the mouth made her smile. “I’m not mad anymore.”

  Scarface chuckled. “She’s lying. She can’t hide the fury in her eyes.”

  “I see it.” The lawyer sipped some dark liquid out of a glass and puffed on a stinky cigar. Both of them had lit up and practically chain-smoked since she’d woken.

  “I have to use the restroom.”

  Scarface shook his head. “We fell for that once already. You ran out with the lid for the trash, threw it at my head, and rushed the cockpit to scream about how you were kidnapped. A wasted effort. Both pilots are more than aware you didn’t board conscious. They saw me carry you in over my shoulder. They won’t help you.”

  The plane shook again. It made her stomach queasy, and she prayed she wouldn’t throw up her lunch. Not that there could be much left of it. She wasn’t sure how many hours had passed since she’d been kidnapped and when she had woken on the plane. The small windows were dark enough to assure her that the sun had gone down.

  The plane swayed, rose up and then dropped.

  “She doesn’t look well,” Shark noticed.

  “I’m fine,” she lied.

  “The turbulence is from the mountains.” Shark puffed on his offensive cigar again, the smoke lingering near the arched ceiling. “We’ll be past them soon and landing. We have to stay low to avoid radar detection.”

  Jill didn’t want to know that. She imagined crashing into the side of a mountain and turning into a fireball. “You said we’re going to Alaska?”


  “That’s where the douchebag lives?”

  “Yes. He did. And do not speak of your father that way. He’d be offended.”

  “Oh, that would be a shame.” She snorted, tugging on the handcuffs. She didn’t do it for long since the metal restraints painfully dug into her skin. “He’s such a great guy after all, who threatened a pregnant woman and abandoned an unborn baby. To add insult to injury, he then sent thugs every blue moon to terrorize us. Does he kick puppies too? He should put that on his life resume to really impress people.”

  “She’s sexy until she opens her mouth.” Scarface licked his lips. “I wish I were the one who gets to tame her. I bet it would be a challenge. She has no respect whatsoever.” He spread open his leather jacket and used his fingers to tap the belt looped through the top of his jeans. “I’d take this off and blister her ass with it until she forgot sarcasm.”

  “Wow, that’s so tempting, but I have a better idea, meathead. Why don’t you take it off, go into the bathroom, and hang yourself with it? Do the world a favor and make sure you never breed mini idiots. I’m more than happy to lend you these handcuffs to hook your wrists behind your back in case you change your mind at the last second. Be my guest.”

  He leaned forward in the cushy seat and glared. “What did you say to me?”

  “Stop allowing her to bait you,” the lawyer sighed. “She won’t be our problem much longer.”

  “She’s a bitch, Cole.”

  “Actually, she’s not. You’re smelling what I am. She definitely takes after her mother.”

  “Are you sure she inherited any blood from her father or grandmother? What if she’s too tainted?” Scarface snarled. “That would blow our plans to hell if she’s rejected by Lord Aveoth.”

  “Decon said he tested the child once when she was small. He got her alone, away from the mother. She’s his child.”

  “What in the hell are you talking about?” Jill was furious and panicked at the same time. The sperm donor had been near her? It was alarming.

  “Your father went to your school once when you were young, to personally inspect you.”

  “I don’t remember that.” Had the bastard spoken to her? He sure hadn’t introduced himself. She’d have punched him in the nuts.

  “You wouldn’t
. He just wanted to get close enough to see and study you. Then he brushed against you and got a blood sample by scratching your arm.”

  She had no memory of that. “He sounds like a pervert on top of everything else. That’s creepy as hell.” It also didn’t sit well with her one bit. How dare that son of a bitch spy on her. “What a coward.”

  “Do not speak of your father that way!” The lawyer stubbed out his cigar and finished his drink. “Decon tried to protect you from his father. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “This should be good. Lay it on me. What, pray tell, was he protecting me from? Is Gramps a child molester? I wouldn’t be surprised, with that family.”

  Scarface lunged to his feet, his hand fisted. “How dare you speak so vile of Decker!”

  “Sit,” Cole demanded.

  The ugly thug actually growled at Jill.

  “You heard him. Sit, bulldog. That’s what you sound like. Need someone to toss you a bone or get you a flea collar to mellow your muzzle out?”

  “I’m going to kill her. I’m going to rip her arms off. I’m—”

  “Sit, Boon!” The lawyer’s face contorted with pure rage and his voice came out deep and scary.

  It startled Jill. She gaped at him with her mouth hanging open, then she slammed it closed. Scarface sat, his ass hitting the seat hard, and he grabbed for his seat belt to strap around his waist.

  “She should have been drowned at birth,” Boon muttered.

  Cole lit a new cigar.

  “Dear God. Another one? Do you see the smoke haze in here already? I thought you wanted me alive?” She glanced up. “Doesn’t this thing have air circulation? Shouldn’t it suck that crap out? It’s like fog, it’s so thick.”

  “Shut up.” Shark puffed on the cigar, blew smoke upward, and relaxed in his seat. “Cities bother us with the stench of so many bodies. This is how we deaden our senses. You reek of them still, and I don’t want to smell you.”

  “I took a shower this morning, and I don’t stink. I think it’s Fido’s dog breath.”

  Scarface snarled and tried to get up, but forgot his seat belt was on. He was yanked back down before he could move more than a few inches.