Page 3 of Aveoth

  “You do smell. You’re just accustomed to the stench from living with them all your life.” Cole smiled. “Have you always been so free with sarcasm?”

  “You mean being honest?”

  He laughed and turned his head to gaze at his scarred fellow kidnapper. “She has no idea what she is. This is what happens when you resist your true nature. Feel pity for her, Boon. She probably experienced bloodlust in her teens and had no outlet for it. It turned her mean and insane.”

  “Oh, I’m feeling bloodlust right now. Forget my teens.” Jill gripped the armrests her wrists were handcuffed to. “And I’d go find a mirror and a good shrink if you want to talk about who’s insane. You abducted me!”

  “Your father protected you.” Cole ignored her words. “He never meant to have you with that woman. She was a college fling and nothing more. Of course, he knew his father would try to use you in some way. Back then, Decon was naïve. He didn’t understand the full scope of what was at stake by hiding your existence or what we could trade you for. Your bloodline makes you valuable. Now he’s wiser, and he’s learned that what’s good for all of us is good for him as well. It was actually quite noble of him to keep you safe.”


  Scarface sniffed and glanced around, looking for an animal.

  Jill laughed and shook her head. “Great. I’ve been kidnapped by idiots who don’t get jokes. You’re talking bullshit. Never mind. Blather on.”

  “I hope Aveoth tears her apart with his bare hands.” Scarface glared. “He killed his last lover.”

  “Great. Another nutjob. Is this your brother? I figure it must run in your family. If not, you should totally hook up with him if he’s into killing whoever he’s screwing. You need some man-love, Fido.”

  He reached for his seat belt and growled again.

  “Enough,” the lawyer demanded. “I won’t advise you about what you are, Jillian.” He took another puff of his cigar and smiled at his pal. “Whatever you wish to do to her, reality will be so much worse. Aveoth is punishment enough.”

  Uneasiness pitted the inside of her stomach. “I thought you were taking me to the sperm donor. Can you try to at least keep your crazy stories straight?”

  “Your father,” Cole stressed the word, “needs you. You finally have a purpose, because you carry the bloodline that his enemy wants. You’re ensuring our survival by becoming an offering to Aveoth, who currently wishes to track us all down and kill every person associated with our clan leader. That would be your grandfather.”

  “I like him already.” She paused. “I’m talking about this Aveoth, just to be clear. Not the sperm donor or his daddy. Did you say clan?” She glanced down at the stray blonde hairs hanging over her shoulder; Scarface had messed up her braid when he’d grabbed her in the shop. “So, I’m part Irish or something? I wish I’d known that so I could have worn all those cute pins on St. Patrick’s Day.”

  A bell dinged and Cole snubbed out his cigar. “We’re landing.” He put on his seat belt and secured the whiskey glass by dropping it into the side pocket attached to his chair. “Aveoth should be waiting if Decker was able to make the deal.” He stared at Scarface. “Are you prepared, Boon?”

  “To die? No. I will fight until I don’t have breath left if this goes sideways. You escape, Cole. One of us must survive.”

  “I usually hate flying, landings especially, but I’m kind of excited all the sudden.” Jill tugged on her handcuffs but they refused to break. “You know only cowards run, right? Whoever this guy is, I hope he’s some killer freak who hates you. I think one look at me and he’ll know I’m not your friend. You don’t kidnap them.”

  “Aveoth is dangerous.” Cole glared at her.

  “Fantastic. I guess you never heard that saying about the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Want to guess where you stand in my head?”

  “She’s insane.” Boon shot a glare her way.

  “That’s rich, coming from you, dog boy. At least I’m not barking and growling.”

  “I don’t bark!” he barked.

  “Enough!” Cole ordered again, loudly. “We have more important issues to deal with. Aveoth may be out there, and there’s no telling what kind of mood he’ll be in. But he’ll have made the deal with Decker if he is, and he won’t be happy about that—and could take it out on us.”

  “Damn.” A look of fright crossed the other man’s features.

  Jill hid her uneasiness. Both men were mental cases but their fear seemed real. Whoever this Aveoth guy was, he must be bad news to inspire that kind of reaction. Her bravado began to waver.

  “Who is this badass again?”

  “Your keeper, if things go the way we hope.” Shark looked nervous.

  She didn’t like that one bit. “You don’t like this guy?”

  “He’s deadly,” Boon warned ominously.

  “And you’re such a sweetheart. I take it that your lives are in real danger?” She hoped so.

  The jet landed with a rough bump and the brakes made her jerk sharply in her seat—the pilot hit them hard, slowing their momentum. She wished she could see outside but couldn’t. The motion finally stopped and the engines cut out.

  “Is this guy really a threat to you?” She peered at Cole.


  “Awesome.” Inside, she was terrified but she refused to show it. Just because the lawyer wore a suit didn’t mean anything. She bet he was far worse than the one who pretended to be all doglike. “Let’s stop sitting here, then. Open the doors and let’s say hello to this guy.”

  Boon unfastened his belt and growled at her again. Rage twisted his features. “I hope he’s not out there and that he refused the deal. She’ll be useless then. I call dibs if that’s the case.” His fingers tapped his belt. “I’ll break you.”

  “You don’t mean that.” Cole stood.

  “I do. I’ll tie her down and whip her until she begs for mercy. I’ll make her bleed. And if she’s lucky, I’ll allow her the privilege of being mounted by me.”

  “I so hope you’re talking about stuffing my dead body and hanging it on your wall next to the deer heads I’m sure you keep in your living room. You totally look the type to kill Bambi.” Her gaze lowered to his crotch. “Because ewww, if you’re talking about sex. I’d rather die.”

  “You will die! That’s a given. You’ll suffer first, and then I’ll fuck you. Hell, I’ll let everyone who wants you take a turn.”

  She hated him…and knew he meant it.

  “Well, if you touch me, I’m sure I’ll appreciate your friends at that point. Anyone would be a step up from you.”

  He lunged at her, but Cole moved faster, stepping into his path.

  The cockpit door opened and one of the pilots entered the cabin. “We have company.” Terror paled the man’s features. “There’s someone out there.”

  “Shit!” Cole reached up and ran his fingers through his hair. “Lord Aveoth took the deal.” He turned and approached Jill. “Be silent if you have any intelligence at all.”

  He unfastened the belts holding her down, unlocked the handcuffs chaining her to the chair, and grabbed her shoulders, hauling her to her feet.

  Jillian fought, but couldn’t get away as the lawyer switched the handcuffs, moving her hands from the front to behind her back. She couldn’t do much when both men pushed her forward as the pilot rushed to open the door at the side of the cabin. Built-in stairs lowered as her heart pounded. She hated the company she kept but she had a really bad feeling about whoever they were taking her to.

  Things could always get worse. Life had taught her that lesson well.

  It was dark and the wind blew, blinding her as loose strands of hair whipped into her face. She couldn’t even push it back since the handcuffs prevented it. She tucked her chin down, turned her face into her shoulder, and tried to see the steps. Fear gripped her over the possibility of falling. She wouldn’t even be able to grab for the railing with her hands behind her back. She was glad it was su
mmer, at least, and there was no snow to contend with. Still, a nasty spill down onto the runway didn’t sound fun or painless.

  She reached the bottom and tossed her head, facing into the wind to clear her hair away from her eyes.

  This wasn’t like any “airport” she’d ever been to.

  Thick trees lined both sides of the runway, and the only lights were mounted on poles strategically placed along its length, about every two hundred or so feet. No houses or buildings were within sight.

  She didn’t see anyone.

  Her gaze traveled over what she could make out and there was nothing but blackness behind the lighted airstrip. It sank in that they’d landed on a road.

  “Where’s the real airport?”

  “There isn’t one in this area.” Cole stood behind her, adjusting his hold from her arms to the chain between the cuffs. “There are some houses a few miles from here but they’re abandoned. This was our leader’s vacation retreat.”

  “Why isn’t anyone living here?” It wasn’t the chilly wind that sent a shiver down her spine.

  “Because of him.”

  Something moved by the tree line to her left, and she watched with trepidation as a large figure stalked forward. He stayed in the shadows for a few steps but then a black-haired man was revealed. He wore some kind of dark cape thing that blew in the wind, and it billowed out as he approached.

  Bright, brilliant blue and silver eyes came into view, and she couldn’t help but stare into them. They were amazing and kind of scary at the same time. His features stunned her. He was perfection. His bone structure was chiseled to resemble some kind of masculine god. Broad shoulders and an impressive chest wasn’t hidden at all by his odd choice in clothing. He wore no shirt and the cape thing hung open in the front. Muscular thighs were encased in tight leather, with some seriously badass biker boots on his big feet.

  He paused ten feet away.

  “Lord Aveoth.” Cole stepped to her side but kept hold of the chain.

  Jill glanced his way as the lawyer bowed slightly, his gaze lowered to the pavement in front of his feet. She didn’t miss the look of fear on his expression, and seeing him cower was slightly satisfying after everything they’d done to her. She glanced back to find Boon with his head lowered too, looking equally scared.

  Her attention fixed once more on the man who frightened them.

  He was hot. His good looks and fascinating eyes alone would have drawn any woman’s attention, but the size of him was a bonus. His silvery-blue gaze held hers and some of her fear eased. He wasn’t glaring at her.

  “This is her.” Cole gave her a slight push with his hand, releasing the chain linking the cuffs together. “Go to him.”

  “Fuck you,” she muttered so he’d hear, but she walked closer to the stranger.

  He held very still until she stopped a few feet in front of him, unsure what to do.

  He held out his hand as if he wanted to shake hers. “I am Aveoth.”

  Even his voice was sexy, in a gruff, deeply masculine way.

  “I’d shake but I can’t.” She turned enough to allow him to see her back. “I’d love to if someone would unlock these.”

  A look of anger crossed his handsome face when she turned again, making his mouth tense into a tight line. He didn’t look at her with that mean expression, but instead glared over her head. “Where is the key?”

  She glanced at Cole and Boon. Shark wriggled a hand into his front pocket and tossed the keys in the air.

  Aveoth caught them and he stepped around her, his big, warm hands covering hers. She meekly allowed it, since he seemed to want to let her go. One cuff opened, then the other.

  She pulled her arms in front of her, intent on rubbing her wrists, but the big guy moved faster.

  He stepped around her and gently cupped her wrists in his larger hands to examine them. She glanced up and saw his anger when he spotted the red marks from her struggles with the metal. He turned his head, and the expression on his face made her instantly like him. He appeared utterly furious at the other two men.

  “You bruised her.” His voice deepened more.

  “She fought.” Boon glanced up. “She’s a mouthy bitch. It’s a miracle those are her only injuries.”

  “They hurt my throat too.” Jill hated her captors, and had no problem screwing them over if this Aveoth didn’t like men who abused women. Which seemed to be the case.

  The hunk with the incredible eyes released her wrists and stepped closer. “Show me.”

  She could have stared into his eyes for a while longer, but instead tipped her head back. “Boon choked me while Cole held my arms so I couldn’t fight. I thought I was going to die.”

  He trailed his warm fingers along her throat. His touch was feather-light for the seconds it remained before he withdrew his hand. She met his gaze again, briefly.

  He turned his head to glower at her captors. “What do you mean, she fought?”

  “She put up a fight,” Boon explained. “She wasn’t going to come with us. You should be thankful we didn’t beat her to a pulp. Wait until you get to know her. She’s being nice and meek right now but her mouth is enough to get her killed.”

  “Decker said she agreed to be mine.”

  Absolute silence followed Aveoth’s words.

  Jill stared at Cole and Boon. Both men appeared uneasy, and when she glanced at Aveoth, pure rage showed on his face—all of it still directed at the men.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Aveoth?”

  Aveoth looked down at her. He was a good foot taller. “You may call me Aveoth. What should I call you?”


  “What do you wish to say, Jill?”

  He was so polite. “I was kidnapped by them from my work. They strangled me until I passed out to put me on that plane. Can you please help me get home?”

  “Are you the granddaughter of Decker Filmore?”

  She hesitated. “His son knocked my mother up and abandoned her as soon as she told him that she was pregnant with me. Decon is a sperm donor only. He threatened my mother until the day she died. That family never wanted me, and I don’t want anything to do with them.”

  “Why did Decon threaten your mother?”

  “He didn’t want anyone to know about me. He sent thugs after her every few years to make threats.” She shot a nasty look at the men. “Assholes like them. She cried for days every time they found us. After dealing with those two, I understand why. I hate that entire family and anyone who works for them.”

  “I don’t blame you.”

  “We are gifting you with the bloodline, Lord Aveoth,” Cole interrupted. “She’s been delivered to you. May we leave now and tell Decker your arrangement is in place?”

  “Yes.” Aveoth kept his attention on her.

  “Wait!” she gasped. “You’re just going to let them go?”

  His eyebrows arched upward. “What would you like me to do?”

  “They kidnapped and strangled me!” She pointed at Boon. “That sick asshole threatened to take off his belt and beat me. You can’t just let them get back on the plane. Call the police and have them arrested!”

  He hesitated, then spoke. “I am the law here.”

  “Fine. I demand they pay for the shit they did. Boon threatened to rape me and allow his friends to join in.”

  All traces of softness left his face. “Halt.” His voice came out deep and loud.

  She darted a glance at the two men and verified they’d stopped walking. Jill looked back at Aveoth. “Arrest them and put them in jail.”

  “We don’t have a jail here.”

  “You can’t just let them board that plane. They’ll fly off and get away with what they’ve done to me. They could hurt someone else! They’re real assholes.”

  “I don’t have much of a choice. I can sternly warn them to change their ways and give you my word of honor they will never grace your presence again.”

  “We’re leaving now.” Cole sounded nervous. “We d
id our part. Can we go?”

  “Good luck with that mouthy bitch. Do you want my belt?” Boon glared at her. “Take my advice and whip her into shape.”

  Her temper snapped. No way was she going to stand there doing absolutely nothing while those pricks just flew off to go back to her sperm donor. Once again, that jackass would win. It wasn’t fair. Decon Filmore had terrorized her mother, ruined her childhood, because he’d never stopped sending thugs after them both. They’d had to move every time.

  She glanced at the man in front of her. He was bodybuilder-large and looked pretty fit. He also was drop-jaw gorgeous.


  He stopped glowering at the two men long enough to peer down at her. “Yes?”

  “You said you’re the law but you can’t lock them up, right?”


  “I suppose burying their bodies in a shallow grave is out?”

  He nodded. “I swore I’d send them back alive.”

  She took a good look at the man. He really was a big, muscled bastard. Her gaze slid to the shark in the suit and dog boy. “If you had to, could you take them both in a fight?” She looked back up at him.

  “Yes. Easily. Why?”

  “I’ll do anything you want if you kick the living shit out of them and send them back to my sperm donor bleeding. Can you do that?”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Anything?”

  Her breath froze in her lungs as his gaze dropped to her breasts. It was obvious where his mind had traveled. She’d had enough men hit on her to recognize the look. Some of her fear cooled instantly while she debated the consequences. He was a stranger, probably the most intimidating hunk of masculinity she’d ever seen in person, but she didn’t know anything about him other than thugs feared him.

  Boon made that growling noise again, and she turned her head, meeting his glare straight on. Malice shone in his eyes and his hands fisted at his sides. If looks could kill, she’d be in her death throes at that moment.

  Decision made. Totally worth it.

  She faced the tall badass. “You heard me. You don’t have a jail. Murder is illegal, right? So beat the living shit out of them and I’ll sleep with you, if that’s what you want. Is that clear enough?”