Page 25 of Only With Me

  Her shaking hand covered mine. “I love you, Nic.”

  “You may kiss your bride,” the preacher said with a chuckle.

  And kiss her I did. It was slow and sweet. Gabi wrapped her arms around my neck as I picked her up and held her tightly against me. When our lips parted, her eyes captured mine.

  “You’re mine now.”

  The sparkle in those baby blues was a fucking turn on, but what she said next left me utterly breathless.

  “I’ve always been yours.”

  After what seemed like a thousand photos, the photographer finally let us go. We headed to the hotel bar where we ordered a drink and five other people bought us drinks. By the time we made it back up to the room, Gabi was buzzing and I was fighting a painful hard-on.

  When the door shut, Gabi slowly walked backward away from me. A come hither look in her eyes.

  “That’s a beautiful dress, prinkipissa.”

  Her eyes lit up and she licked her lips.

  “Did you know you call me prinkipissa when you’re about to fuck me, and agapiméni when you make love to me?”

  I laughed. “I never thought about it.”

  She nodded.

  “What do you want me to do to you right now? Fuck you. Or make slow, passionate love to you?”

  Her mouth parted open slightly. “What do you want to do?”

  “Fuck you. With your wedding dress on. It’s too beautiful to take off just yet.”

  Gabi moaned.

  “Keep your shoes on. And let me see the other surprise under that gown.”

  With a full-blown smile, Gabi slowly pulled up the dress, one painstaking inch at a time until the only thing showing were her sexy ass legs and a baby-blue see-through lace thong.

  “Fuck me.”

  “I believe I’m supposed to say that to you.”

  Quickly walking up to her, I dropped to my knees, pushed the thin panties to the side and buried my face in her pussy. Gabi’s hands pulled at my hair as she started to rock her hips into my face.

  “Oh God. Yes. Nic. Yes.”

  Her body started to trembled and I pulled back, leaving her on the edge of an orgasm.

  “What? Why did you stop?” she panted.

  Standing, I quickly started to take off my tux when she stopped me.

  “No! Don’t. You look so damn hot in that tux, it makes me even wetter.”

  My heart slammed against my chest. With a smirk, I said, “My new wife likes to talk dirty, does she?”

  She slowly nodded.

  I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock. Slowly moving my hand over my shaft, I watched her as she stared at me working myself.

  “You like that, baby?”

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  My other hand went between her legs. Slipping two fingers in, I about dropped back down to my knees. She was dripping wet.

  “Turn around and put your hands on the table, Gabi. And don’t let go.”

  She quickly did as I said. With my fingers, I leisurely pulled the barely-there thong down her legs and tossed it to the side. Using my foot, I pushed her legs apart then cupped her tight sweet ass. My eyes lifted to her hair twisted up. Reaching over, I took the pins out until her long blonde hair fell around her shoulders. Grabbing it, I held onto it with one hand while I moved my cock into position.

  Gabi pushed her ass back against me, silently begging me for more. One quick push and I filled her completely, causing her to cry out in pleasure.

  Wrapping her hair around my hand, I pulled gently. When she moaned I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Hang on, baby, this is going to be quick so you better come fast.”

  It didn’t take Gabi long to cry out my name as she fell apart with each pounding movement. As soon as she grew quiet, it was my turn. Her pussy tightened around my cock as she pulled every ounce of cum out of me when her second orgasm hit.

  Slowing down, I stayed inside her and leaned against her back. Fuck this gown was sexy as shit. I placed light kisses on her bare skin as my cock twitched and jumped inside her.

  “That. Was. Amazing,” she panted.

  I stood and slowly pulled out of her. Watching my cum trickle down her leg was the hottest fucking thing I’d ever seen. I ran my fingertips along her bare back as she stood. Glancing over her shoulder, she flashed me a sexy smile. The rest of the night was going to be about loving this woman. Showing her how happy she had made me and whispering how much I loved her.

  MY BODY WAS tangled up in Nic’s as I laid there and stared out the windows while my fingers lightly brushed over his arm.

  I gently sighed as contentment settled in. Glancing down, I smiled as I looked upon Nic sleeping so peacefully. His head laid on my stomach and his arms and legs were wrapped around my body like a pretzel.

  It was crazy insane how much my life had changed since he came into it. I used to live in fear of being found by Dante, now I lived with so much peace and content in my heart I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

  Lifting my eyes, I watched the sun dance on the water. Last night had been amazing. Nic showered me with attention in every possible way imaginable. The things he whispered to me while he made love to me still had my stomach fluttering and my heart racing.

  I closed my eyes only to snap them open when Nic’s phone vibrated on the side table . . . again. Last night he had silenced it, refusing to answer his mother’s texts. Pulling my lip in between my teeth, I glanced over at the phone. It buzzed again. I carefully untangled myself and reached for his phone.

  “Ignore it,” Nic mumbled while grabbing me and dragging me back over to him. I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “You should probably answer her, Nic.”

  He crawled over my body, planting soft kisses as he moved up toward my lips.

  When his gaze met mine, I inhaled a deep breath. He was so damn handsome. His dark hair and hazel eyes were just the icing on the cake. Nic had a body to die for. Rock solid muscles that knew how to hold me perfectly, whether he was making love to me or being a little rougher.

  The scruff on his face had me moaning as it brushed against my hypersensitive skin.

  His mouth sucked on a nipple, causing me to gasp and arch my body up for more.

  Finally making his way to my lips, he whispered, “I’ll call her after I make love to my wife.”

  Slowly sinking deep inside me, we were soon lost in a world of utter bliss. A world where it was only the two of us. Soft sweet kisses, whispered words of I love you, and touches that were sure to set my body on fire.


  This was heaven.

  Sipping my coffee, I pulled my knees up to my chest and took in view. The beautiful blue water of Lake Tahoe was calming. Nic couldn’t have picked a better place to get married. I hated Las Vegas. I’d only been once, but the idea of going there and getting married would have made my skin crawl.

  I could hear Nic talking on the phone. From what he was saying, I was going to guess Katerina wasn’t very happy.

  I’d already called my parents yesterday when we arrived and told them we were eloping. It killed me to hear the sadness in my mother’s voice. She’d missed so much the last six years, and in a way it was selfish of me to deny them this. But it was only fair. If I didn’t want Nic’s family here, I couldn’t have mine here. I promised her we would fly back home and do something special.

  “Mama, will you stop acting like you’re crying,” Nic said as he stepped out onto the balcony.

  My fingers went to my lips in an attempt not to laugh.

  He sat next to me and rolled his eyes.

  “It was last minute. No one knew. Well, Charity and Cole knew.”

  Peeking back out over the lake, I silently wished we could stay here forever.

  “We’ll do something when we get back. Yes. We can have a reception. I’m sure Gabi would love to invite her family out for that.”

  Smiling, I nodded.

  “See, she just said yes. Wait,
what are you doing? Dad, what is she doing?”

  Oh no. This could only mean trouble.

  “How does she have the number? Dad, will you please stop her?”

  Nic covered the phone then said to me, “Code red. Call your mom. My mother is about to call her and plan the reception.”

  I nearly fell out of the chair. “What?” I cried out as I raced back into the room.

  My hands fumbled around with my phone before I was finally able to dial my mother’s number.

  “Hello, sweetheart. How is the honeymoon?”

  “Good. It’s good. Mom! Listen! Katerina is going to call you and—”

  “Oh, she’s buzzing in right now.”

  “NO! Don’t answer it!”

  “Why on earth not, Gabi?”

  “She’s going to invite you to a reception for us in Colorado Springs.”

  My mother called for my father. “How exciting!”

  I shook my head. “Mom, you don’t understand Nic’s family. They are overwhelming, to say the least.”

  “Nonsense, Gabi. I’m looking forward to meeting them. Now, let me listen to her message and call her back. Oh, this is going to be fun! We can plan it together. The menu, the desserts. How exciting!”

  I groaned as I sat on the sofa. “Mom, Katerina will take over. It will be a Greek festival when she is done planning it.”



  Not even the sound of her breathing. Then, finally, she spoke.

  “Is that so?”

  Oh. Shit.

  “We will plan something for there at home. Nic and I can fly out and—”

  “No no. Let’s do this. I think it will be more . . . interesting.”

  “For who?” I asked chewing on my thumbnail.

  She laughed so evil I had to pull the phone away to make sure I still had my mother on the line.

  “Don’t worry, Gabi. I’m positive I can hold my own next to Katerina. Besides, everyone knows what they say about Greek food.”

  I held my breath. Dear God no. Please no.

  “It’s just Italian food, but without the flavor.”

  Relaxing back against the couch, I sighed.

  “I’m not going to talk you out of this, am I?” I asked with nothing but defeat in my voice.

  My mother laughed. “Enjoy your honeymoon! Talk soon.”

  And just like that, she was gone. Probably dialing Katerina’s number right then. I covered my face with my hands and groaned. “This is not going to end well.”

  Dropping my hands to my sides, I turned to see Nic walking in. He sat on the couch and said, “She let me go. Said your mom was calling.”

  He looked at me. “You know what this means, don’t you?”

  I nodded. “Food wars.”

  With a slow smile, he fist pumped. “Yes!”

  Sitting up, I looked at him like he had two heads. “Are you crazy? You want our moms to compete?”

  Now it was his turn to look at me like I was crazy. “You’re kidding, right? Italian food, made by your mother. Have you tasted her food?”

  Laughing, I nodded. Nic and I had flown back to New Jersey a couple months ago so I could properly introduce him to the family. He never left my mother’s kitchen.

  “Yes, but you know your mother won’t let you take a bite of Italian food.”

  He brushed me off with a gruff laugh. “I’m not worried.” Standing, he pulled out his phone again.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Texting your mom. I’m going to see if she’ll make that pasta with artichoke in it.”

  I watched him walk out onto the balcony as he typed away on his phone.

  Shaking my head, I leaned back against the couch.

  “This ought to be interesting,” I mumbled.

  IT WAS THE beginning of October and the weather in Colorado Springs was perfect for Kilyn’s baby shower.

  I’d gotten to Thano and Kilyn’s house early this morning to do some last-minute baking. Kilyn had given me the house key and told me to come anytime. The house had been quiet until I heard Kira up and running around.

  Kilyn walked into the kitchen and smiled. Her hand rested on her very pregnant belly.

  “Hey, how are you feeling?” I asked with a wide grin.

  “Like a beached whale. I am so regretting pushing the shower off this close to my due date.”

  “It doesn’t bother me any and I’m sure it won’t the guests. You’re the one who is about to pop out a baby.”

  She rolled her eyes. “He is all over the place this morning.”

  Kilyn and Thano had decided not to tell anyone the sex of the baby. It was their little secret to hold on to and I totally got it. Each day Kilyn would either call the baby ‘he’ or ‘she’. She alternated. It was kind of evil how it threw Katerina off each time. But I also knew Kilyn got her kicks from driving Katerina insane.

  “Who has a baby shower two weeks before her due date?”

  I laughed. “A mom who is busy.”

  She chuckled. “I finished my last house design yesterday. I’m off for ten weeks. It’s going to feel like heaven.”

  “I bet,” I replied.

  “Tea?” Kilyn asked as she filled a kettle up.


  Turning back to my work, I started back up at frosting the oat flapjacks.

  “Oh. My. God. Is that apple cake?”

  Peeking over to the table with more desserts on it, I grinned. “Yep.”

  “Where is the custard sauce? I remember my grandmother making a custard sauce!”

  Laughing, I pointed to the refrigerator. “It’s in there.”

  Kilyn was soon dipping her finger into the custard sauce and moaning in delight.

  “What’s going on in here?” Thano asked as he walked in with Kira in his arms. She gasped as her little eyes looked at the kitchen island filled with different desserts.

  “Your wife is getting a little frisky with the custard sauce.”

  Thano laughed as he put Kira down. “So, where are all the whiskey cakes? Don’t the Irish put booze in almost everything?”

  I chuckled. “Pretty much. I’ve got some barmbrack sliced up on that plate. It’s like a fruit cake, but ten times better. The fruit is soaked in Irish whiskey and tea, so be sure to cover it up when you’re done.”

  Thano reached in and took a piece out. He practically melted on the spot when he put it in his mouth. “Damn, that’s moist.”

  “Just don’t eat too much of it,” I said with a wink.

  “Mommy, can I have pancakes?” Kira asked.

  “How would you like to eat traditional Irish pancakes?” I asked. Kilyn beamed.

  Crinkling her nose, Kira asked, “Are they good?”

  I shrugged. “Depends. Do you like strawberries and chocolate?”

  Nodding her head, Kira replied, “Do I ever!”

  Laughing, I motioned for her to follow me over to the stove.

  “You know how your mommy likes to make crepes?”

  Kira nodded.

  “These are kind of like that.”

  “Oh,” Kira said.

  Kilyn laughed. “They are that!”

  Leaning in, I whispered, “Don’t listen to her. The Irish pancakes are special.”

  Kira’s eyes grew wide. “Why?”

  I looked around as if to make sure no one could hear me. “They have magic in them.”

  “Cool! What kind of magic?”

  “Good luck magic.”

  Kira was entranced. I loved having her help with the pancakes. It reminded me of when I used to help my mother make breakfast sometimes. Plus it gave Thano and Kilyn a little bit of time to enjoy breakfast on the back porch, just the two of them.

  Kira sat at the kitchen island and ate her pancakes as I went back to work.

  “Have you always liked to cook, Aunt Gabi?”

  My heart seized in my chest. Aunt Gabi. I loved being called that!

  I nodded. “Yep. When I was
your age, my grandmother used to teach me everything she knew about cooking. Baking is what I really loved to do though, so we would make the most amazing Italian desserts. She hardly spoke English, so I had to learn Italian to be able to speak to her.”

  “That’s cool! Can you still speak Italian?”

  “I can. Not as well as my parents, but I can hold my own.”

  She laughed and finished eating her pancakes while I finished up on a few other things. Phoebe would be by later with the cake she had decorated.

  “Do I get to stay for the baby shower?” Kira asked.

  “I think so. Your Mitera and Pappou will be here. Plus Yiayia.”

  Kira smiled with delight. It warmed my heart to see how much she loved her grandparents. It also made me sad knowing they were all she had since Kilyn’s parents had died.

  The doorbell rang and Kira jumped down to get it.

  Kilyn came into the kitchen with a confused look on her face. “Who could that be? The shower isn’t for another three hours.”

  “Mitera!” Kira called out.

  My hands went to my hips. “Why is she here?” I asked.

  Kilyn tilted her head and gave me a dumfounded look.

  Katerina walked in with her best friend Maria, Aunt Agnes, and Aunt Maria. I would never get used to all the Maria’s in this family.

  “What are you guys doing here so early?” Kilyn asked.

  Katerina glanced over to me and smiled. “We came to help Gabi of course.”

  I added the last touch to one of the desserts and stood tall. “Done. Everything is ready to go.”

  All eyes landed on the desserts.

  “Everything looks amazing!” Aunt Maria whispered. I could feel my chest stick out a little bit more as pride raced through my veins. Even I had to admit everything looked amazing.

  Katerina walked over and stared down at the cake. “You baked all of this, Gabriella?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “It all looks amazing.”

  Smiling, I said, “Thank you, Katerina.”

  She eyed the other desserts then turned to the other Greek women in the room.

  “All right, ladies. Let’s get everything set up and we can start bringing in the food.”

  “Food?” Kilyn and I both asked at once.

  Katerina glanced over her shoulder at us. “Yes. You can’t expect people to eat only cake and ice cream.”