Page 26 of Only With Me

  My jaw dropped open and I took a step toward her, my finger in position to tell her off. Kilyn stepped in front of me, blocking my move.

  “Um, Katerina, I thought we decided to only do desserts. That was the plan.”

  She waved her hand to dismiss Kilyn.

  “Nonsense. People need food. A good Greek salad and some meat will do them wonders. You can’t live on desserts alone.”

  Kilyn turned to face me after Katerina left the kitchen. “I’m so sorry.”

  I was still glaring at the spot where Nic’s mom had just retreated.

  “Oh. Oh, it’s on now,” I mumbled.

  The rest of the day was spent with me and Katerina trying to shove desserts and food down people’s throats. In the end, it turned out to be a beautiful baby shower and Kilyn had a wonderful day. So, that was all that mattered.

  Sitting back in the chair, I kicked my feet up onto the other chair and smiled. Thano came walking in.

  He stopped walking and looked down at me. “If that isn’t a victory smile, I don’t know what is.”

  Blowing on my knuckles, I rubbed them against my chest. “Not one piece of dessert left. Nothing. Nada. Zero. But there is a shit ton of food left. I won!”

  He laughed. “I wasn’t aware there was a contest going on.”

  “Neither was I until your mother showed up with her gang of Maria’s and tried to take over. Well, not today! Victory was mine!”

  Thano stood there with a shocked look on his face. “You do know this isn’t healthy. If my mother thinks you’re competing with her, she won’t stop.”

  I folded my arms over my chest. “I won’t either.”

  “And to think when Nic first told me about you I was worried.”

  With a wink, I stood and started to clean up the kitchen. “Don’t worry about this, Gabi. I’ll take care of it all.”


  I jumped and turned to look at Kilyn. She had a look of pure horror on her face. “What’s wrong?” I asked in a panicked voice. Thano kept going about his business cleaning up.

  “We need to enact Plan D.”

  I jerked my head back in surprise. “Huh?”

  Thano rushed by me and was in front of Kilyn. His hands cupping her face. “What? No! Not now, Kilyn. There are still people here.”

  “Wait. What is happening? What’s Plan D?” I asked. Then it hit me. The story she told me about Plan B! She was in labor!

  “I know, Thano. Do you think I want to be going into labor right now with a houseful of your Greek family!”

  My stomach dropped. “W-what! You’re in labor?”

  Thano and Kilyn looked at me and both said, “Shh! No one can know.”

  I nodded. “Okay, well wait. What happened to Plan C?”

  Thano rolled his eyes. “It’s a long story. But we need a distraction, Gabi.”

  “A distraction?”

  “Yes, Claire is here which is good. We’re going to use her car to head to the hospital. It will be hours before anyone figures out we’re gone.”

  I frowned. “Um. It’s your baby shower. I’m pretty sure people will notice the parents of said baby are missing.”

  Thano looked at me and grinned. “Gabi, you’ve been around this family long enough now to know they won’t notice we’re missing for at least an hour and a half. Especially if you throw them off.”

  I wrung my hands together. Damn it. I wish Nic hadn’t had to work today. “Okay. Claire knows?”

  “Yes. She was standing next to me when the first contraction hit.”

  I paced back and forth. How was I going to cause a distraction? Then it hit me.

  “I think I can buy y’all a few hours at least.”

  Furrowing her brows, Kilyn asked, “How?”

  Smiling, I walked up to them and ushered them outside. “Leave it to me. Where is your hospital bag?”

  “In the car already. Thano kept panicking about it,” Kilyn said with a giggle.

  “I’ll grab it, but we forgot something else. Kira.”

  I waved him off. “I’ve got her. Don’t worry. As soon as Claire or I get the all clear, one of us will bring her.”

  Kilyn grabbed my hand. “Thank you, Gabi. Someday, I’ll do the same for you.” My heart jumped into my throat, and I was once again reminded of how much I wanted to have a child with Nic.

  I gave her a gentle grin. “Go. Go have your baby in peace!”

  WALKING INTO THE kitchen, I came to an abrupt halt.

  Gabi and my mother were each holding up a spatula like a weapon at each other.

  “Um . . . as interesting as this is . . . what in the hell is going on?”

  “She tricked me!” my mother said as a slow smirk moved over Gabi’s face.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Mom jerked the spatula causing batter to hit Gabi on the forehead. Her eyes widened in shock. “You threw food at me!”

  “Tell me where they went! My sons get married and start hiding secrets.”

  “Who are we talking about?” I asked while I looked between the two of them. “And where is everyone?”

  “Everyone left after I won the cook off.”

  My brows lifted. “A cook off?”

  “Yep. I challenged her to see who could make the better moussaka.”

  I clutched my chest. Had Gabi gone insane? “You did what?”

  “We did a blind taste test and Gabi cheated. She thinks she won.”

  Gasping, Gabi flung her spatula at my mother, spraying white batter all over her face. “I did not cheat, Katerina! Admit it. Everyone liked my moussaka. None of the Maria’s could tell the difference!”

  My mother moaned. “Traitors! They’re all traitors.”

  I closed my eyes and shook my head while asking the Lord for strength. Looking back at Gabi, I said, “I knew from the beginning you knew what you were getting into with my family, but baby. I never dreamed you’d turn into my family.”

  Gabi’s phone went off. Narrowing her eye at my mother, she said, “I’m watching you!”

  Her eyes dashed down to read a text. When she looked up, she was grinning. When she looked back up, a tear was rolling down her face.

  “Well now sweetheart, don’t cry because you know I’m the better cook.”

  “Mama!” I said as I made my way over to Gabi. Brushing the batter covered string of hair away from her face, I lifted her eyes to mine “Hey, what’s with the tears?”

  “Kilyn and Thano are asking everyone to come meet there their new baby.”

  My mother dropped her spatula. “What? They had the baby? How? Why?” Then she covered her mouth with her hands. “You were Plan D, weren’t you?”

  Gabi laughed. “Yes, Katerina. I don’t think I was originally part of Plan D, but I helped execute it.”

  My mother started to cry as I wrapped the two women I loved more than life in my arms. “You’re both nuts do you know that?”

  Pushing away from me, my mother was on the phone and running out to the living room to the few people still here.

  “Thano had the baby! The baby is here.”

  “Opa!” was cried out by everyone in the living room.

  Gabi shook her head. “She does know Kilyn was the one who actually had the baby?”

  Chuckling, I said, “She knows. Hey, where is Kira?”

  “Claire took her up to the hospital while I kept everyone occupied with the cook off. Thano and Kilyn wanted it to be just them for a bit.”

  I drew her closer to me, my lips inches from hers. “That was brilliant by the way. The whole cook off thing.”

  She shrugged. “I’m slowly figuring out how to manage your mother.”

  Our mouths crashed together in a slow sweet kiss.

  When Gabi finally pulled back, she gave me an evil little grin. “By the way, Aunt Maria said she liked my moussaka better than your moms!”

  “You better take that secret to the grave with you.”

  Laughing, she said, “
I promised her it would stay between the two of us.”

  “Come on, let’s go meet our new niece or nephew.”

  She pulled my arm back to stop me from walking then whispered, “It’s a boy, but I wanted your mom to be surprised.”

  My heart squeezed in my chest at her words. I knew my mother could be a royal pain in the ass. But that small sweet gesture by Gabi just showed how much she cared for her.

  Then I realized what she had said. Thano has a little boy. Damn. I’d never in my life been jealous of one of my brothers before, but with them both having kids now I was finding I was more and more jealous of both of them.

  “Awesome. Then let’s lock this place up and go meet the next Drivas heartbreaker.”

  Gabi and I sat in the waiting room and played with Kira while a steady stream of family came in and out of Kilyn’s room.

  “She has to be exhausted, Nic. This is insane. Why won’t she tell your mother enough already?”

  I shrugged. “Dad even tried to get everyone to leave.”

  Gabi stood up. “We haven’t even had a chance to really look at Alec. I want to hold him before Kilyn passes out.”

  The resolve to do something was already in full swing. I stood and took Kira’s hand. “Let’s go see your baby brother.”

  Kira clapped. “Yay! Once Mitera came in, I couldn’t get to him anymore.”

  I laughed as I scooped up my niece and followed a very determined Gabi to Kilyn’s room.

  When we walked in both Kilyn and Thano looked exhausted. My mother was standing over the baby telling Aunt Agnes how Alec meant men in Greek. Yiayia was sitting in the corner watching TV with Dad. Well, Dad was actually asleep. Cousin Sophia was talking to Claire about setting her up with a nice Greek boy to which Claire declared she’d rather die an old maid.

  Gabi cleared her throat loudly then spoke loudly. “I’m going to have to ask everyone to leave now.”

  All talking ceased and every head turned to look at my wife.

  “What?” my mother asked with a half laugh.

  “It’s time for everyone to leave. Kilyn is exhausted, and the nurse needs to do a few tests on Alec, so I think now would be the perfect time to say goodbye and let everyone rest. Besides, Kira would really like to spend some time with her baby brother and her parents without someone trying to take the baby from her.”

  “Yeah! What Aunt Gabi said!” Kira piped in.

  Thano was smiling at Gabi and Kilyn looked as if she was about to burst into tears of joy when she saw people gathering up their things and heading out. Each person stopped to look at the baby one more time.

  Everyone was telling Thano and Kilyn how beautiful Alec was.

  When Yiayia walked up, she leaned over and took the baby in. “Don’t spit on him, Yiayia!” Kilyn cried out.

  Gabi turned to me. “I didn’t think the Greeks still did that silly superstition anymore.”

  I was about to answer her when my mother walked up and said, “You will make a wonderful mother someday.” She moved her lips and fake spit on Gabi. To which Gabi yelped and jumped back. Then they all followed my mother’s lead as they passed Gabi by.

  When it came to Yiayia, Gabi cringed and closed her eyes. When Yiayia placed her hand on Gabi stomach she smiled. Gabi opened her eyes and gazed at my grandmother.

  “Soon. Very soon. You better start eating or the child will starve.”

  Gabi’s mouth fell open as she watched Yiayia walk out the door.

  “Okay, first off, there is no way that woman can tell if I’ll be having a baby soon and they all spit at me!”

  “Well, they didn’t really spit at you.” I said.

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure Sophia let a real one fly!”

  Kilyn laughed. “Thank you so much, Gabi. I was so ready for everyone to leave a few hours ago.”

  Thano had sat Kira on the couch and placed Alec in her arms. The way she looked at him tugged on my heartstrings. Then she started to sing to him and I’m pretty sure the four of us were all crying like babies. I was too busy watching Gabi’s face to pay attention to Thano and Kilyn. The way she was looking at the scene before us was like she was wishing with everything she had that that would be us soon.

  Once Kira was finished with her song, she asked Gabi to hold Alec while she went and snuggled with Kilyn.

  “I’m more than happy to do that!” Gabi said. She sat in the rocking chair and rocked Alec as she traced her finger gently around his face and head.

  I glanced over to Thano, he smiled at me and I returned the gesture.

  I walked over to him and stuck my hand out. “Congrats little brother. He’s beautiful.”

  Standing, he pulled me into a hug and then asked in a hushed voice, “Are you trying?”

  “We are.”

  He grinned bigger. “That would be awesome to have all the little dudes grow up together.”

  “Yeah. Your kids, Thad’s little one, and God willing, one for me.”

  “Just one?” Thano asked.

  My hand pushed through my hair. “I’m not greedy.”

  Hitting me on the back, he peeked back over to Gabi. “It’s a blessing, bro. And I have no doubt you’ll be experiencing it soon.”


  TO SAY THE Drivas household was chaos is putting it mildly. There were people everywhere. A Maria in nearly every single room.

  Kids running in and out of the house screaming and yelling. It was insane.

  But it was a beautiful insanity.

  This was my new family. And no matter how much they were in our business, I knew it was because they loved us. And no matter how many times Katerina cracked a shot at my cooking, I knew it was because she knew I could handle it and would dish it right back.

  I loved this crazy Greek family and so did my parents. My father and Dimitris were currently in a debate about a Greek god and the Roman Empire.

  My parents, Antonio, and his girlfriend Kate, had flown in to spend the holidays with us about a week ago. I had somehow managed to talk both my mother and Katerina out of throwing us a reception. The idea of my mother and Nic’s mom going head to head was not one I wanted to deal with. Especially since I hadn’t been feeling all that great most of November. I’d kept it to myself, but Nic had noticed. When he didn’t say anything, I knew he was trying not to get his hopes up.

  “For the love all things good, Yiayia. Stop saying that!”

  I glanced over to Charity who was sitting next to Yiayia as they both knitted. Covering my mouth, I held in my laugh. For someone who hated knitting club, Charity had really fallen in love with it.

  “I’m just saying, child, you’re having twins.”

  Charity sighed. “Yiayia, I know you’re old as dirt, but there is this thing called a sonogram. They actually look at the baby. Hear the heartbeat. Here, look.”

  She shoved her phone in Yiayia’s face. “That is a 3-D image of my child. There is only one! If there were two, we’d know.”

  Yiayia simply smiled then shrugged. “You’re having twins.”

  Charity sighed. “Go back to knitting me a blanket, old lady.”

  Cole and Nic were outside playing football with some of the cousins’ kids. Kate sat so close to me I thought she was going to crawl onto my lap.

  “Kate, they won’t bite.”

  She nodded. “I know, but Yiayia over there.” Kate looked at me as fear laced her face. “She told me I had a good birthing vessel! What does that mean? I thought Antonio was going to fall to the floor with a heart attack.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Ah. Yiayia keeps you on your toes.”

  Kate agreed. “How old is she?”

  Tilting my head, I realized I had never asked Nic. “You know, I’m not sure.”

  “My guess is a hundred. She started to speak to me in Greek earlier. I think I threw her off when I answered.”

  My head turned to look at her. “You speak Greek?”

  Kate smiled. “Yep. I speak four other languages. Greek, Ital
ian, Spanish, and Russian.”

  “Holy crap’ole! Do you work for the FBI too?”

  When she didn’t answer, I cleared my throat and looked away. “So, anyway.”

  She chuckled and glanced around the room. “How do you keep up with everyone?”

  “It’s kind of easy. Most of the women are named Maria. Or somehow they have that in their name somewhere.”

  Kilyn walked up and sat down on the other side of Kate.

  “How’s it going, ladies? Hiding from the family?”

  Kate let out a nervous chuckle.

  “Kind of. More like staying out of the way,” I said with a wink. “Where’s the baby?”

  Kilyn rolled her eyes. “Katerina has him. I swear the woman has taken my son’s penis out six times to show everyone he’s a boy.”

  Kate choked on her drink. “W-what?”

  I leaned over. “Don’t ask.”

  She nodded then whispered, “I’m starting to see why you didn’t want a reception, Gabi.”

  Nic walked in with Antonio and declared to my mother we were leaving. Katerina handed Alec back to Kilyn who promptly took off like a bolt of lightning. I’m sure to hide somewhere.

  “What? Why are you leaving?” Katerina asked.

  My mother walked up and said, “We need to still do the Feast of Seven Fishes.”

  Katerina frowned. “Oh right, the Italian Christmas Eve thing.”

  Nic kissed his mother on the cheek. “Bye, Mama.” Turning to his father, he shook his hand and hugged him. “Bye, Dad. Enjoy the rest of Christmas Eve.”

  Dimitris smiled. “We will, son.” He then shook my father and Antonio’s hand before giving my mother, me, and Kate all a kiss on the cheek.

  Katerina hugged me good-bye and held onto me a little tighter than normal. When she pulled back, she had tears in her eyes.

  “Katerina, are you okay?” Her hand came to my face and I couldn’t help but lean into the gentle touch. I smiled and she smiled back. I placed my hand over hers and silently let her know she was right. Covering her mouth, she turned and walked back into the kitchen.

  “What was that all about?” Nic asked.

  Shrugging, I replied, “Beats me. Maybe her way of silently thanking me for not kicking her ass at desserts tonight?”