Page 5 of Only With Me

  Jesus. Get a grip, Drivas.

  Gabi placed two platters down in the middle of the table, pulling me from my daydream. The pasta and sauce was on one, and the chicken parmigiana was on the other. The large bowl of salad appeared last.

  Gabi sat down across from me. “Dig in!” she said with a huge grin.

  After taking another bite, I moaned and nodded my head. “This is good. So damn good.”

  She chuckled. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “So, how was the rest of your day today?”

  Her eyes lit up. “Well, I played around in the kitchen downstairs with a recipe I’m trying to perfect.”

  I smiled. You could see the excitement in her eyes. “What are you trying to do?”

  Her face turned scarlet. “Make macarons.”

  My brows lifted. “Macarons? Those little colored cakes? They look easy to make.”

  She laughed. “Yes! Those little colored cakes. They’re not as easy as you would think. To get a smooth and shiny shell takes practice and honestly, I suck at it.”

  Taking another bite, I winked. “I say screw the macarons and give me more of this dish right here.”

  A smile danced on her lips as she said, “Thank you, Nic.”

  Before I knew it, dinner was over. Gabi pointed to my wineglass. “Do you not like the wine?” Gabi asked.

  “On call tonight, so I’m going easy on it.”

  She simply nodded then stood. “I should get this cleaned up.”

  The chair almost knocked backward when I jumped up. “Let me help.”

  Gabi smiled and we quickly got everything cleaned up and the leftovers put in a to-go container for me.

  “I can put some music on and we can finish this wine on the balcony if you’d like.”

  With a nod, I followed her into the living room. My dick was throbbing as I watched her lean over while picking out something to listen to.

  Fucking hell, that ass was perfect. And her tits were begging to be kissed and sucked on.

  “Anything in particular you’d like?”

  There was no way I could stop myself any longer. Walking over to her, I placed my hands on her hips, causing her to jump.

  “There is something I’d like, now that you mention it.”

  Gabi spun around and looked up at me. She searched my face until our gaze locked. I could get lost in those eyes for hours on end.

  “Nic, I’m not the type of girl who falls into bed with a guy I hardly know. I need you to know that.”

  Lifting my hand, I twirled a piece of her hair with my finger. “I’m not asking to sleep with you, Gabi.”

  She quirked her brow up.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to fuck you, but I’m a patient man.”

  “Nice,” she said with a smirk.

  “What I’d really love is for you to fall apart on my fingers. Will you let me make you come, Gabi?”

  “Oh my,” she whispered as she grabbed onto my upper arms. Leaning in closer, I licked my lips.

  “Nic,” she gasped as I pulled her closer to me. “I . . . I don’t know.”

  “Tell me you’ll let me touch you, Gabi. I want so badly to touch you.”

  Her mouth parted slightly as I ran my finger along her collarbone and straight down her chest and through her cleavage. Gabi gasped and held onto my arms tighter.

  “You’re so damn beautiful. Do you know that?”

  Her eyes closed as I moved my hand and cupped her breast through her dress. It took every ounce of strength not to rip the damn thing off and bury my face between those perfect tits.

  Backing her against the wall, I slowly moved my hand down and under her short black dress. Her body shuddered and I couldn’t help but catch my own breath. Her skin felt like silk.

  I lifted her dress and felt her body tense.

  “Do you want me to stop, prinkipissa?”

  As fast as her body tensed, it relaxed. Her eyes caught fire, and I was positive if I went further she’d let me. But I wanted to move slow with her. Honor and give her the respect she deserved. Well, I had my goddamn hand up her dress, maybe I wasn’t being so respectful. And in that moment, I didn’t give two shits.

  My lips moved to her neck where I placed soft kisses and repeated my question.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “W-what . . . what did you . . . call me?” she gasped between breaths.

  Smiling, I spoke against her ear. “Prinkipissa. It means princess.”

  “Oh, you’re good.”

  With a light chuckle, I trailed my hand up further, brushing my fingers against the lace fabric of her panties.

  Slow. Go slow.

  Inhaling a breath, Gabi pushed her hips out, silently begging for more.

  I fought the urge to rip her panties off. With slow movements, I slide my hand barely inside. The hint of hair leading me to the prize I was after.

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  My heart dropped as I said, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

  MY BREATH WAS labored as I pushed my hips into Nic’s touch. I felt like a slut, silently begging this man I had only met hours earlier to touch me. I’d never needed to orgasm as bad as I did right then. His touch drove me insane.

  Wildly insane.

  Then his pager went off, and it felt as though a gallon of cold water had been poured over us.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

  Nic rested his forehead against mine as I desperately tried to catch my breath. He pulled his hand out and rested it against the wall, next to my head.

  So. Close.

  I was so close to having a real orgasm. Okay, I’ve had real ones with BOB, but one with an actual man present would be nice.

  “I’m so sorry, Gabi. Damn it. I’m so sorry I’m leaving you hanging. Do you want me to finish?”

  Yes! Yes, I want you to finish!

  “No. It’s totally okay.”

  His eyes turned dark. “It’s not okay.”

  I swallowed hard.

  He leaned in and kissed me. When he pulled back, his eyes were filled with nothing but lust. “Don’t make yourself come.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Stepping back, Nic pulled out his beeper and looked at it, then looked back at me. “I don’t want you to touch yourself. The next time you come will be because I’m the one who makes you fall apart into a million pieces.”

  My eyes widened in shock and I couldn’t help but laugh. Nic stared at me with a deadpan expression.

  Holy shit. He’s serious.

  “Wait. Are you serious?”

  Pulling me against him, I felt his hard dick pressed to my stomach. I found myself loving the alpha vibe he put off. That was something I’d never experienced before and I wanted more. The idea of waiting for him to finish what he started shot my libido even higher up.

  Gulping, I whispered, “I promise I won’t.”

  He smiled and my knees went weak. “That’s my girl.”

  My girl? My lower stomach pulled with desire at his possessive tone.

  When he released me, my head was spinning and my heart raced. “I’ve got to go. Tomorrow I have off. Are you free?”

  My stomach dipped at the idea of spending time with Nic.

  “I am. I have the day off tomorrow.”

  He leaned in and gently kissed me on the lips. It was so tender I swear my heart melted. “Thank you for dinner, agapiméni. It was amazing.”

  There was that other word again.

  “Y-you’re welcome, Nic.”

  And just like that he was gone from my space. He made his way into the kitchen, grabbed the leftovers and walked to the door.

  My fingers traced along my lips where they still tingled.

  When I heard the door open, I faced him and called out, “Be safe.”

  He stopped, glanced over his shoulder and smiled.

  Oh Lord. Did the earth just move?

  With a wink, he replied, “Always.”

door shut and I stumbled back against the wall. My hand clutched to my chest as I tried to steady my heart and scattered thoughts. It was hard ignoring the throbbing in my lady bits, but I forced it out. I’d wait for him. As much as I wanted to come, I actually wanted Nic to be the one to fulfill that longing. From the tease I just got, I was positive I’d be in a blissful euphoria.

  My hands came to the sides of my face. Shaking my head, I asked, “What in the hell just happened?”


  With a quick glance over my shoulder, I called out. “I’m out on the balcony.”

  Charity stepped out onto the balcony as I flashed her a grin. “Did you get lucky?”

  “Yes. But he sucked in bed.”

  Laughing, I asked, “Why, what happened?”

  She groaned and flopped onto the seat. “It’s what didn’t happen. He was a wham, bam, thank you ma’am kind of guy. No foreplay, no touching, no sucking of any kind.”

  “That sucks.”

  “Ha. Yeah, I’m glad I charged my vibrator. I didn’t even get an orgasm out of it.”

  Wrapping my hands around my mug, I took a sip of tea. “I take it no more dates with Scott?”

  Her head dropped back and she let out a long frustrated moan. “Ugh. I tried so hard to like the guy. He has a zero-fun level. Not spontaneous at all. Not a good lover. It’s all wrong. Damn it. Why can’t I find a guy who likes to have fun and fucks good?”

  “Never one to mince words, were you?”

  Spinning in the chair, she pulled her legs up and rested her chin on her knees. “Speaking of fucking. Did y’all?”

  My lip curled. “Gosh, Charity.”

  “What? I like to get to the point. You should know that about me by now.”

  “For your information all we did was kiss.”

  Her head jerked back. “Say what? That Greek god didn’t try to make a move on you?”

  “Oh, he did. Then his pager went off.”

  Her eyes about popped out of her head. “No!”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “How close did y’all get?”

  Heat moved over my cheeks. “Well, he had his hands under my dress, right inside my panties.”

  Charity closed her eyes and slowly shook her head “That. Blows.”

  With a light chuckle, I replied, “Yeah it does.”

  “Well, looks like we’re both having to hit BOB after these dates.”

  I took another sip of my tea and looked away. From the corner of my eye I saw Charity leaning out to look at me.

  “What? Did you have phone sex when he was on a call or something?”

  Turning, I hit her on the leg. “Of course not! He made me promise him something.”

  Her mouth dropped open and her eyes danced with excitement. “Tell me!”

  My hand covered my face as I slid down in the chair. “Ugh! I can’t!”

  “Oh. My. God! What did you promise him?” Then she gasped. “He told you not to get off without him, didn’t he?”

  “How did you know?” I asked while sitting back up and staring at her.

  “I told you, I’ve been with a Greek guy. They are possessive as fuck, but in a hot way. That would drive me even more insane, and I’m pretty sure ole Nic knows that.”

  Rolling my eyes, I set my mug down on the small metal table. “Char, I’m going insane. I’ve never in my life been this turned on and it’s growing by the hour. No . . . by the second! My mind keeps wandering back to last night. To his touch and his insanely good kisses. I feel like I’m going to explode. This has never happened to me before. It’s like my libido has taken control of my mind and body.”

  Charity stared at me for a good thirty seconds with a serious look on her face, then lost it laughing.

  I swatted at her. “I shouldn’t have told you!”

  Her hands waved about in an attempt to stop herself from laughing. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just I’ve never seen you this way before. You’re horny as hell and that man knows exactly what he is doing.”

  My brow lifted. “What do you mean?”

  “Gabi, he knew you were worked up. He also knows by telling you not to give yourself relief, you’re going to fall apart the moment he touches you. It will get him off even more. If either of you can resist full-on sex the next time you’re together, I’ll sign up for another year of knitting club.”

  “Really?” I asked with a chuckle.

  “Yes, because I’m positive you’re gonna have nookie next time you see him.”

  My arms wrapped around my body. “I feel like such a . . . a . . . slut.”

  She dropped back in her chair again. “What? Why in the hell would you say that?”

  “Because I’ve just met the guy and all I can think about is having sex with him. What does that say about me?”

  With a wiggle of her brows, Charity answered me. “That you’re normal. Gabi, it’s okay to be turned on by a man. By his touch. Besides, I bet that scruff would feel good between your thighs.”

  Jumping up, I cried out her name. “Charity! Stop! Ugh, you’re such a . . . a . . . slut!”

  Tears were now sliding down her face. She didn’t even attempt to stop laughing.

  My phone buzzed and I let out a yelp.

  Charity was up and wiping her face. “Is it him? Is it?”

  I pushed her hands away as I fought to get to my phone in my pocket.

  Nic’s name lit up the screen.

  “Oh, my God, it’s him!”

  “Answer it, Gabi!”

  With shaking hands, I slid my finger across my phone. Charity and I stood perfectly still. When she bumped my arm, I remembered to breathe . . . and talk.


  Ugh. I sounded too eager.

  “Hey, Gabi. Did I wake you?”

  I laughed. “No, I’ve been up since five. That’s sleeping in for me.”

  “Awe, the whole bakery getting up at the crack of dawn thing.”

  Smiling, I felt my body warming. Just the sound of Nic’s voice did things to me.

  “Something like that.”

  Charity was trying desperately to put her ear to mine to listen in. Pushing her, I walked into the living room.

  “So, how do you feel about a hike?”

  “In the mountains?”

  Nic laughed. “Yeah.”

  My heart about leapt from my chest with excitement. “I’ve never been before.”

  His silence on the other line scared me. “Are you serious? You’ve never been hiking or up in the mountains?”


  “Well, this makes me rethink my plans for where I wanted to go. Do you have good shoes you can hike in?”

  Smiling, I spun around and looked at Charity. “Yes! Charity actually made me buy some hiking boots a few months ago. We had planned on taking a trip up to Pikes Peak but she keeps backing out on me.”

  “Well put them on, girl, I’ve got a day planned for us.”

  I could hear the smile in his voice. “Should I meet you somewhere?”

  “No, I’ll pick you up in an hour.”

  My eyes widened in shock. “An hour?”

  “Is that too soon?”

  Not wanting Nic to think I was high maintenance, I chuckled but wore a look of horror on my face. “No. That’s plenty of time.”

  Charity clutched her chest then took off running to her room.

  “Great, see you then, agapiméni.”

  Butterflies galore took off in my stomach. I’d never had a man call me sweet names before. So when Nic called me one, and said it in Greek, it pretty much made me weak in the knees. “K. See ya then.”

  The moment I hit End, Charity was yelling for me to come to her room. “We are at emergency level one! From what I got we have hiking and mountains. Anything else?”

  I stared at her with a deer caught in the headlights look on my face. “Um, no that’s all he mentioned.”

  She tapped her chin. “Okay, I can work with this. Hair, clothes, makeup
, and keep it natural.”

  I nodded. “Sounds good.”

  The clap of her hands scared me. “We need music.” Spinning, she rushed over to her iPod and searched frantically. A huge smile spread over her face. “This one! It’s perfect!”

  When the song started, I groaned. “Seriously, Char? That song? Why that song when I’m going hiking?”

  Her hands went to her hips. “It’s the words, Gabi. It’s perfect!”

  Olivia Newton-John started belting out the lyrics to her song “Landslide”. It was true though. It felt like I was riding a landslide and I had to confess, the last twenty-four hours was the most fun I’d had in years.

  AFTER HITTING END, I stared out the large set of windows in my bedroom that looked out at the mountains.

  Goddamn that voice of hers.

  What was it about this girl that had my mind spinning and my chest feeling like I was on a freaking roller coaster?

  I wasn’t sure what in the hell was going on with me, all I knew was I couldn’t wait to see Gabi again. After four hours in a standoff with a drugged up nutcase last night, I drove by her place at almost three in the morning. Tempted to call her, but knowing how crazy that would make me.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss. Or the way her body shuddered when I touched her. I loved how responsive she was to my touch. I couldn’t wait to pick up where I left off last night.

  Fuck. I’ve never in my life longed to see a girl again after a date. Hell, I didn’t even do dates. There was something different about Gabi Mandola.

  Something very different.

  Pulling my jeans on, I got to planning out the day with Gabi. First stop, Woodland Park. I couldn’t wait to show Gabi my favorite hiking trails.

  My doorbell rang and I froze.


  Maybe if I stood here and was really quiet.

  It rang again and then my phone went off.

  Mama: Your truck is here. Wake up!

  Groaning, I sliced my fingers through my hair and headed to the door. Opening it, my mother pushed in.

  “First you don’t come to the family dinner the other night, then you don’t answer your phone yesterday or last night.”