Page 6 of Only With Me

“I was working, Mama.”

  “Hmph. That job of yours, it scares me and keeps you from the family.”

  Pulling the T-shirt over my head, I replied, “I love my job.”

  “What you need is to not love that and find you a nice Greek girl to settle down with and love.”

  My heart seized. Surely if my mother accepted Kilyn into the family, she would Gabi.

  Wait. What am I even saying? No. Relationships are not my thing.

  But if I dated an Italian girl, how would my mother feel? All hell broke loose when my youngest brother Thano fell in love with Kilyn, an Irish girl.

  “I brought you some moussaka. I’ll put it in the refrigerator for later.”

  “How’s Pa?”

  With a grunt, my mother answered. “Grumpy. He wants to go on a trip. See the world he says.”

  “That sounds like a great idea. Why don’t you?”

  She turned and glared at me. “I have a feeling there is something about to happen. Something big.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. “R-really? Like what?”

  With her eyes narrowed at me, I took a step back. “I think Kilyn is pregnant. That girl is so damn stubborn. It’s the Irish in her. But I see the glow on her face.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief and laughed at myself. It wasn’t like my mother was a psychic. There was no way she’d know about Gabi.

  “What. Is. This?”

  Jerking my head up, I saw her holding the Tupperware container that Gabi made for me.


  Her head slowly turned to the side. “I know it’s food. It’s homemade food and not in one of your containers. Who made it for you?”

  Holy shit. My mother new the type of food containers I owned? That was almost borderline crazy.

  No. It was crazy.

  “A friend.”

  Her lips pursed as she casually nodded her head. “This is Italian food, Nicholaus. You missed family dinner for Italian food made by a . . . friend?”

  “No, Mama. I missed family dinner because I was working.”

  She glanced up. “That’s right, Oliver said you were delivering some warrant or something dangerous.”

  Moaning, I blew out a frustrated breath. “You cannot keep calling my sergeant when I miss family night. I’m a grown man. And I can like other food besides Greek.”

  “Who is she?” Her hands went to her chest as if I had mortally wounded her.


  “The girl who cooks you this . . . this . . . food!”

  “What makes you think it’s a girl, Mama?”

  “It isn’t?”

  I was at a crossroads. Did I lie to my mother? Or tell her the truth.

  “Liam’s wife made it and had leftovers. That’s all.”

  A look of relief swept over her face.

  Shit. I’m going to hell.

  I had never lied to my mother.

  Okay, that’s a lie.

  Opening the lid, she smelled it. “Ugh. Too much basil, my goodness. Poor girl needs to go to cooking school. Italians. I swear.”

  I watched as she opened my garbage and banged the dish on the side. Sending my heavenly delight into the trash.

  Stumbling back, I asked, “Why would you throw perfectly good food away?”

  Holding up the moussaka, she grinned. “This is good food. That . . . that was nonsense. Make sure you eat this today. Now, your brother Thaddeus and Phoebe are planning a baby shower. The whole family will be there. A week from tomorrow. I have the perfect girl I want you to meet.”

  “Mama, please don’t set me up with anyone.”

  She held up her hand. “Shh! You are thirty years old, Nicholaus. Your sperm is growing weaker by the day.”

  My mouth dropped open. What had I done in my life to deserve this?

  “Aunt Maria’s niece from Greece will be there. Her name is Aphrodite. You know what that name means in Greek?”

  Rolling my eyes, I nodded. “Mama, I’ve met her a dozen times. And yes . . . it means Greek goddess of love.”

  “Equal to the roman goddess Venus.”

  Why was she bringing that up?

  “She is probably a good lover, unless you have tested those waters with her. I know you like your women, Nicholaus.”

  My hands raked down my face. “Mama, why do you go there?”

  “Don’t be ashamed of your sexuality. Greek men are very proud of that. Take your father for instance.”

  I held up my hands. “No! Let’s not talk about what a great lover my father is. Please.”

  With a shrug, she washed out the container that held my leftovers from last night. “I’m just saying, there is a reason I had three sons. Your father’s sperm was young and strong.”

  “Ugh! La la la la la.”

  There I stood, almost thirty-one years old with my fingers in my ears trying not to hear my mother talk about my father’s sperm while singing out a tune.

  Hitting my chest, my mother frowned. “Stop that. I worry about you. Now, what time will you be over for dinner tonight? It’s your day off, right?”

  “Um, I . . . ahh . . . well . . . I . . . um.”

  “Nicholaus, what are you hiding from me?” She gasped. “A girl? Are you spending the day with a girl?”

  I laughed. “No. Cole and I are going hiking.”

  She frowned for a moment and looked deep into my eyes before her smile returned. “Bring him, I’ll make sure there is a good Greek girl there for you both.”

  “No, Mama, we can’t. We’re planning on camping out all night.”

  The lies! The lies were flowing from my mouth. I made a mental note to text Cole. I didn’t trust my mother.

  Her eyes searched my face, looking for any sign I was going to be with anyone other than Cole.

  With a pat on my chest, she said, “You be careful. There are wild animals up there, Nicholaus. You two boys would give them a lot to chew on.”

  She squeezed my arms as she lifted on her toes and kissed my cheek. “Se agapò.”

  Kissing her on the forehead, I replied, “I love you too, Mama.”

  “Bring that food! You can heat it up.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  One quick look at the clock told me I was going to be late picking up Gabi. “Cole is waiting on me, Mama. I need to get ready to go.”

  Taking her hands, she grabbed onto my face and stared into my eyes. She smiled and said, “I think you’re going to find love soon, o gios mou.”

  I forced a smile. I had a feeling I’d already found something close to it and my mother was not going to be happy about it.

  “HOW DID YOU do it?”

  “Well hello to you too, Nic. I’m fine. Kilyn’s fine and Kira misses her uncle and would like to see you before she turns ten.”

  I rolled my eyes. My little brother Thano could be a serious pain in the ass.

  “Hello, Thano. I miss Kira too, I’ll plan to come over soon and speaking of your wife, Mom thinks Kilyn’s pregnant.”


  Laughing, I rubbed the back of my neck. “I’ll take your silence as a yes, she is.”

  “How in the hell does she do that? Kilyn will freak out if Mom says anything to anyone.”

  “Well, she already said something to me, you can only imagine who else she voiced her thoughts to.”


  “The reason I was calling, is to ask you how you dealt with telling mom about Kilyn?”

  “Why? Are you dating someone?” He said it with a fake laugh.

  I didn’t say anything.

  “Holy shit. Who is she?”

  “We’re . . . hanging out, that’s all. Her name is Gabi.”

  “Kilyn! Kilyn!”

  “What are you screaming about?” I asked as I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

  Thano laughed then called out, “He’s dating someone!”

  “Who’s dating someone?” Kilyn asked in the background.

  “Nic’s spe
nding the day with a girl and he’s hiding it from mom.”

  I sighed. There was a lot of noise and all I could hear was Kilyn demanding the phone.

  “Nic! Yeah, hi . . . it’s Kilyn. For the love of all things that are good in this world, please tell me you’re dating someone. Please!”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. Poor Kilyn would finally get a reprieve from my mother if I had a girlfriend. Especially if she wasn’t Greek.

  “It’s only a second date. And she’s Italian. Very Italian. Like both her parents were from Italy.”


  It sounded like the phone dropped to the ground.

  “What did you say to my wife, you bastard? She’s crying.”

  Laughing, I replied, “I told her I was going on a second date with a girl who was Italian.”

  “Dude, don’t fuck around with me. This is not the time. Are you serious right now? I mean, the whole you going on more than one date is freaking awesome, but she’s not Greek? Don’t do me that way if you’re fucking around.”

  Shit. This should be a warning sign for me.

  “For real, it’s only a second date though. Do you really think Mom will freak if she finds out?”

  “A second date for you is huge. And yes. She’s going to freak the hell out. I need to go. Kilyn and I have some celebrating to do!”

  The line went dead. Pulling the phone back, I looked at it before tossing it on the passenger seat.

  My fingers laced through my hair. “Shit,” I whispered. I’d have to keep Gabi a secret for now. That wouldn’t be so hard.

  Ten minutes later I was parking and heading to Gabi’s front door. The door to the bakery opened and Charity came walking out. I smiled and waved.

  “Hey, Charity.”

  She stepped in front of me and held her hand up. “Listen, Gabi is like a sister to me. She doesn’t open up to anyone, not even me half the time. If you hurt her, I will find a way to hurt you. I don’t care that you’re the po-po.”

  My head jerked back and I chuckled. “The po-po?”

  “I will find a way to hurt you. Capisce?” She stood on the tips of her toes and stared me down.

  Clenching my jaw to keep from laughing, I nodded. Charity was all five-foot-two and probably weighed next to nothing. It was kind of cute how she thought she was a threat.

  “Got it.”

  “I’m serious, Nic. Gabi means a lot to me and I need you to know how big this is for her. I’ve only known her to go on two dates and they were both not something she wanted to do. She likes you, don’t play her.”

  The thought of playing Gabi caused a tightness in my chest. The last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt her.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I like the whole alpha male thing you’ve got going on, but heed my warning, mister.”

  I held up my hands in defense. “Charity, from the little I know of you, trust me, I won’t be getting on your bad side.”

  She smiled. “Good. Now, she doesn’t know this, but she has tomorrow off because I’m hoping you’re planning a nice evening for her and I don’t want her rushing home.”

  “I hope I am. At least I’m trying to. I’m not really good at the whole dating thing.”

  She narrowed her eye at me. “I figured as much. Just blow her mind away with some earth shattering sex.”

  Holy shit.

  “Wow. You went from don’t hurt her to earth-shattering sex? It’s only our second date.”

  She nodded. The way her smile crept over her face, I couldn’t help but smile back. Charity tapped her hand on my chest, “I love her, but Jesus Christ she needs to loosen up. The kind of loosening up you do after you’ve had mind blowing sex.”

  “You realize how much pressure you’re now putting on me, right?”

  She laughed. “Please, I’ve been around the block, Nic. I know your type. I seriously doubt you have problems making a girl—” Her eyes traveled down to my dick and I instantly felt violated.

  I covered my junk and her eyes lifted back to mine.

  “Loosen up,” she finished with a wink.

  Pinching my brows, I said, “I don’t know if you complimented me or insulted me just now.”

  With a one-shoulder shrug, she turned and headed back into the bakery.

  I shook my head to clear my thoughts and also made a mental note to hook up Charity and Cole. Cole would love the feisty attitude of Charity and I had no doubt she would keep him on his toes. They would be perfect for each other.

  Pressing the bell, her sweet voice soon filled the air.


  “Hey, it’s Nic.

  “Come on up!”

  I could hear the smile in her voice and that caused my body to warm. All these feelings were new to me and I wasn’t really sure how to read it. Is sex on the second date to soon? Maybe I should have asked Thano.

  Stopping, I pulled out my phone and hit his number.

  “Hey, if you’re calling to tell me that was all a joke, I’ll hate you forever.”

  “No. No that’s not why I’m calling. I need to ask you something.”


  I pulled in a deep breath. “How did you know Kilyn was . . . different . . . from other girls?”

  Thano didn’t say anything at first before he smiled. “Um, I just knew. I felt things I’d never felt before. Not even with Savannah.”

  His words from before came back to my mind.

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Wanted to see her every chance I could. Would think of excuses to call her on the phone just to hear her voice.”

  “What about sex? Is the second date too soon?”

  “Do you like her? I mean, really like her? Not like a I want to get in her pants and fuck her like her.”

  I nodded even though I knew he couldn’t see me. “Yeah. I do. I’ve never had a woman make me feel this way before. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I want in her pants. Bad. But, if she told me she wanted to wait, I’d wait as long as she needed. I love being around her. Gabi makes me laugh. I feel relaxed when I’m with her.”

  “Take your time, Nic. Get to know each other.”

  “So you’re saying no sex today?”

  “I’m saying let your heart lead the way. You’ll know when the time is right.”

  There was a few seconds of silence before Thano laughed.

  “Damn bro. I never thought we’d be having this convo.”

  “Me either. I’m not saying it’s anything more, but I’m also going on a second date and hoping for more.”

  “Well, don’t push her, dude. If she’s the one, she’s worth the wait.”

  Knocking on the door, I went to reply when Gabi opened the door.

  My God. She was beautiful.

  “Gotta go, Thano. Later.”

  Hitting End, I shoved my phone in my pocket.

  “Good morning!” she said with a huge smile on her face.

  I said the only thing my brain could muster up. “Hey.”

  She opened the door wider, motioning for me to come in. “Am I dressed okay? I mean for hiking and all that?”

  My eyes raked over her body. She wore black yoga pants, and a T-shirt that had the name of her bakery on it in hot pink. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail and she wore a wide hot pink headband. Her makeup was light, like the first day I met her.

  She looked adorable as fuck. And sexy as hell. I couldn’t believe her dressed this way was sexier to me than last night.

  “You’re perfect.”

  Her cheeks turned pink. “You’re too sweet. I’m only in yoga pants and a T-shirt. Hardly perfect.”

  I shook my head and took a step closer to her. Her tongue instantly ran over her lips as she prepared for my kiss. All I could think about was tasting her again. She tasted sweeter than honey.

  Leaning down, I wrapped my arm around her and rested it on the small of her back. “I’ve been thinking about kissing you ever since last night.”

  Her chest rose and fell quickly. T
he corner of her mouth rose as she whispered, “Then kiss me.”

  Before I had a chance to, Charity came walking out from her bedroom and up to us. She dropped a bag at Gabi’s feet. “Well, don’t you two look like you’re getting to know each other?”

  I jerked my head back and gave her a confused look. “How in the hell did you get up here before me?”

  “Wait what?” Gabi asked as she looked between the two of us.

  “Back steps. I ran. Fast.”

  “I’d say,” I replied.

  “Did you see each other or something?” Gabi asked confused.

  With a cocky grin, I answered her. “Charity here was nice enough to offer me some tips about our date today.”

  “Really?” Gabi asked as her brow rose up in question.

  Charity grinned from ear to ear. “I packed you an overnight bag. Don’t come home tonight.”

  “I have to work tomorrow, Char.”

  “Nope. I’m making you take another day off.”

  Gabi laughed. “I’ve already had two days off. I need to . . .”

  Lifting her hand, she placed her finger on Gabi’s lips and loudly said, “Shh, we’ve got this. Go have fun. Loosen up.”

  She shot her eyes at me and nodded, as if reminding me of our conversation downstairs.

  “I don’t know, Charity. I don’t think I need to be taking another day off.”

  Finger to lips again. “Shh.” Charity took Gabi by the arm and walked her away from me. “Gabi. I mean this as a friend. An opportunity like this—”

  She pointed to me. I looked around like there was someone else in the room.

  “He doesn’t come along all the time. You need this.”

  Gabi’s head pulled back in question? “Need what?”

  With her hands on her hips, Charity titled her head. “Hello, Greek dick meet Italian pussy? Remember?”

  Gabi’s mouth dropped open, and I was pretty sure I choked on my own spit.

  “Charity! What is wrong with you?”

  I attempted to clear my throat and stop coughing as Gabi walked over to me. “I’m so sorry. Water?”


  After handing me a glass of water, Gabi looked at me with sadness in her eyes. “If you want to cancel today, I completely understand.”

  Stopping, I took her hand in mine and pulled her to me. “I was taken by surprise, Gabi. There is nothing more I’d rather do than spend the day with you.”