Page 38 of The Tycoon's Baby

Alex and Cassandra were going on a vacation. That shouldn’t bother me. She’s his wife. I’m his maid. I folded the third skimpy bathing suit she’d laid out and put it into her suitcase. I caught myself wondering why she wore anything at all. None of the suits would leave a thing to the imagination. Then I chastised myself for my own jealousy. I wasn’t jealous of the suits, or the vacation, I was jealous that she was going to get to spend time with Alex and I wasn’t. Every time he went on a business trip or a vacation, even before the baby, I missed him. Something about just knowing he’s near made me all warm and tingly inside.

I’d heard them arguing earlier again. I’d felt a little guilty this time because I realized that she was angry about the nursery. I know that I hadn’t asked him to do that, but the fact that he felt the need to do this for me both touched me deeply and made me a little nervous about the future. He’d told me that he wanted a relationship with the baby and I wanted him to have that. But given the fact that his wife didn’t even know it was his yet and that she was already angry about him designing a nursery for the “maid’s kid,” I had to wonder how it was all going to go.

And then there was the far future that I tried not to worry over. I know that I’d be much less stressed if I stayed focused on the here and now but I don’t intend to be a maid forever. Once I’ve had the baby and gotten back on track with my life I fully intend to continue to pursue my dream of becoming a Physician’s Assistant. That was going to mean not coming here every day. By then, if Alex and the baby have a relationship how will I take him away? Then there was the other sinister, ugly little thought that seeped into my mind unbidden and unwelcome sometimes. What if he decided he wanted the baby and he tried to take him away? I wanted to believe he’d never do that, but I’ve seen first-hand how much control his lawyers have. The thought of Cassandra being my child’s caretaker made me shudder. I would never let that happen, no matter how far or how fast I had to run.

“Hello Victoria,” I heard his voice behind me. I finished folding his wife’s black lingerie and put it in the bag before I turned around.

“Hello,” I said. “I was just getting Mrs. Reigns’ things packed. Did you need me to get yours ready too?”

He smiled. Something inside of me melted. “No thank you, Vicki. This is a business trip. I’ll just need my suits which are already in the wardrobe bag. I can pack my own underwear.”

“Oh, I thought it was a vacation. I mean, I’m sorry. It’s none of my business anyways.” Embarrassed and again chastising myself for being so forward, I turned back to my work. I felt a jolt of electricity race through my veins, starting at the spot on my shoulder where Alex had laid his hand. I turned back towards him, dangerously close to his face and those full, soft lips.

“Don’t apologize to me, Vicki. I know that you work for me, but I’d like to also think we’re friends. Friends are allowed to make conversation with one another.”

I nodded, only because my mouth was too dry to speak. I was watching his mouth as it moved and I barely heard the words because all I could think about was how badly I wanted to kiss him. I was a mess. Maybe it was the hormones. Maybe once this baby was born I could stop lusting after my boss and think about getting a real life again. I knew one thing for sure; when I looked at his face I didn’t believe that he would ever try and take my baby… at least I didn’t want to believe it.