let the chips fall.

  Serenity made her glow as she settled into his arms as though having him carry her delighted her. “Make love.”

  That was the answer he’d been dying for. “Yes. We’re going to make love. You’ll see this can work. Everything will fall into place as long as we let it.”

  They could worry about her career later. He would give her all the encouragement he could as long she stayed close. They could even deal with changing residences if she lived with them. He and Eric had bought their current house with her in mind about six months back, but they could always sell it and find another if that made Belle happy.

  He started down the hall, wearing a big smile. Tonight, everything would change. He and his friends would do whatever necessary to erase the memory of every other man from Belle’s memory bank. After tonight, she’d have no more room in her head—or her heart—for any men except them.

  Kellan held the doors to the suite open as Tate swept her inside. He didn’t like the grim lines on Kell’s face. Clearly, his pal was still worried, but that would change after this night, too. Belle and her giving nature would melt that sheet of ice around his heart. And he’d help however he could because she deserved the family she wanted.

  It would work. It had to because Tate knew he would break if it didn’t.

  Chapter Four

  Belle felt like she was floating in a haze of happiness. Tate carried her as if she weighed next to nothing, and that was so far from the truth. She hadn’t been cradled like this since childhood. She reveled in the way he held her close, the embrace so warm and intimate. Maybe other women about to take on three strapping lovers would be worried. Belle wouldn’t deny that she was a bit nervous, but they made her feel so safe—yet so desperate. Tate leveled a hot stare in her direction. Her breath caught. Then Eric looked her up and down, his hazel eyes undressing her without a word. Somehow, that stare made Belle feel naked. Her heart drummed. Finally, she cast a shy glance at Kell. His taut expression told her that he plotted to devastate her from head to toe and show absolutely no mercy. Arousal clawed through Annabelle unrelentingly.

  “All right, love. Tate’s had his turn. Now it’s mine.” Eric eased her from Tate’s arms and into his.

  Breath hitching, she settled against his lean strength, drawn as always to his sharply-cut golden hair and glittering hazel eyes, full of sexual promise. When they dropped to her chest and flared, she glanced down to find that her bodice had shifted and her breasts were almost exposed.

  “Oh, I need to fix that.” She reached for one of her straps.

  Eric’s hands tightened on her. “Don’t you dare. We’ll have you out of that dress shortly, so your modesty, while very sweet, is utterly unnecessary with us.” And unwelcome from the sound of his voice. “You should be far more focused on all the pleasurably dirty things I plan to do to you. Want me to tell you all about it?”

  Belle barely managed a shaky nod.

  If he was anything like Tate, the next words out of his mouth would damn near set her on fire. She’d never guessed Tate could talk like that, but she felt as if she’d glimpsed a new side of him, one with a confidence he didn’t often display. He’d taken over the minute his lips had touched hers—turning surprisingly commanding—and Belle hadn’t wanted to do a thing beyond follow his lead. Now, she ached to know what Eric had in mind.


  A wicked smile curled his lips. “I want to strip you bare so you have nowhere to hide and I can take in every single inch of your gorgeous flesh. Then I’m going to touch and taste every part of it. I’ll caress your shoulders, kiss your nape, run my tongue down your spine, suck your nipples, and lave your clit until you’re crying out.”

  Wow. He and Tate had gone to the same school of seduction. All of that sounded wonderful…and a bit overwhelming since no man had ever done any of that to her. Just the mere suggestion had need bubbling under her skin, her nipples tightening, her clit aching.

  “Why don’t you start by kissing me?” She responded with a sultry tone of her own. She wasn’t sure where it had come from—or the confidence that accompanied it. Maybe she was not only uncovering a new side to them, but they’d sparked one in her with their touch.

  “My pleasure.” Eric’s lips found hers, teasing gently, a brush of heat and softness that left her wanting more.

  He seemed to surround her as he kissed her, never pausing or faltering as he slid his fingers through her hair and pressed her body to his own. Belle opened for his onslaught and tasted a hint of the beer he’d had at the reception, along with a spicy, addicting tang. With a little moan, she opened to him and threw herself into the kiss, aroused by Kell’s eyes on her, by Tate sidling up behind her to feather his lips up her nape.

  God, she was melting.

  Before she’d even finished the thought, all her bosses worked together to ease her to the floor. Eric didn’t miss a beat. He covered her, steadying himself above her. As he plunged his tongue deep in a silky kiss, he reached under her skirt and brushed one warm palm up her thigh, to her hip. He parted her legs with a nudge of his own and rocked his erection right against that sensitive spot that had her gasping. Heat flashed from her lips all the way to her core.

  “You look too pretty not to ravish, Annabelle,” Kellan said over the roaring of her heart.

  She was wet in a way she’d never imagined. She’d read about passion, knew the basics, but no man had ever taken her there before, ever made her feel so restless and needy and ready to beg.

  “In fact, I think I’ll start now. It’s my turn,” Kellan insisted.

  As Eric raised his head with a growl, Belle gave a little shiver and glanced at the only one of her bosses who hadn’t yet kissed her. Kellan impacted her like a sex bomb exploding all through her system. As unwilling as she was to end the addictive perfection of Eric’s kiss, she was dying to know the flavor of Kell’s mouth and every dirty desire he wanted to slake on her.

  Eric brushed her hair back and planted a final kiss on her lips, his eyes seductive. “Don’t be scared of the Dom there. He might want some things that seem strange at first, but they’ll bring you pleasure in the end.”

  He’d mentioned discipline. That meant spanking or flogging or something mysteriously kinky she barely knew about. She risked another glance up at Kell.

  He was six foot three inches of pure sin, from his conservatively cut dark hair, all the way to his stylish black Italian loafers. As he crouched beside her now, his shoulders loomed broad, his stare hot with demand. Annabelle swallowed hard. Kellan Kent had a body built for sex.

  She noticed that he’d loosened his tie since entering the suite. A sexy five-o’clock shadow graced the sharp line of his jaw. Kellan’s face was all planes and angles, making his beauty undeniable but predatory.

  “Take off your clothes, Annabelle. Now. I want to see every inch of you. You’ll present yourself to me. Do you understand? Is that command spelled out for you in those books you read when you think no one is looking?”

  She felt herself flush. He knew what was on her tablet? “That’s private.”

  Kellan’s eyes flared, and she realized she’d just challenged the Dom. “Oh, no it’s not. That tablet is company property, bought for you with my credit card, and I was beyond excited to find out that you used it to read erotica—and not just any erotica.”

  She read BDSM and ménage. And judging from the looks on their faces, they all knew it. Could they guess that when she read those books, she imagined that her bosses were the heroes and she was the lucky woman in the middle?

  Belle rose unsteadily to her feet with their help. The men she worked for were obviously nosy bastards, and she made a mental note to put a passcode on everything.

  “Answer me. Do you understand what I’m asking of you?” Kell barked.

  In that moment, she was thankful for her books. “You want me to undress and present my naked body for your pleasure, Sir.”

  A look of deep satisfaction
crossed his face. “That’s exactly what I want, and we’re going to sit back and watch you take off every stitch of clothing.”

  They were all watching her now. The three of them stood side by side. Having already ditched his suit coat, Eric worked at the buttons of his shirt, but he’d been an athlete all his life. She already knew how gorgeous he was going to be. Tate had stripped to the waist in the last few minutes and now shocked her as he showed off his jaw-droppingly muscled chest. His slacks rode low on his hips, showing off the notches there. He might have an amazing brain, but he obviously knew his way around a weight room. And Kell…she’d accidentally caught sight of him changing shirts in his office once, so she knew how gorgeous he was. Hell, those three men were practically Greek gods. Annabelle had always felt too big—big butt, big boobs, big dreams. Her mouth was a bit too sassy, her skin a shade too dark. What did they see in her?

  “Stop thinking, Belle,” Kellan commanded. “Focus on the orders you should obey and the Masters you should please.” His voice went low, the very sound of seduction. “You don’t have to worry about anything, love. We think you’re beautiful.”

  “Yes,” Tate agreed. “Show us.”

  “Let us see what we’ve been dreaming about for a year.” Eric finally slipped out of his shirt, leaving her gaping at his perfect form—wide shoulders, hard pectorals, tapered waist, ridged abdomen.

  They weren’t stupid men. They must see her flaws. Shockingly, they didn’t seem to care. She forced her fears aside. She’d let them rule her for too long, and that hadn’t gotten her anywhere. The only path her anxiety had taken her down was a lonely one.

  Belle reached around for the zipper of her dress, trying to grasp it between her fingers. Since she’d needed Kinley’s help to get dressed, it shouldn’t shock her that she couldn’t quite reach.

  Kellan slipped behind her. “Allow me.”

  She stood still, head bowed as he brushed her long hair over her shoulder, her breath catching as he dragged the zipper down. Cool air caressed her back. A wave of heat seared her when Kellan brushed his palms across her skin, parting the dress, letting it slide from her torso and fall to her waist.

  Eric and Tate stared. Their gazes sizzled her flesh, flared her need again. But Kell took his time exploring, his fingertips tracing her spine and down to the small of her back.

  He leaned in, his breath playing on her skin. “You’re so soft.”

  A shudder went through her. Belle closed her eyes and drowned in sensation. She felt soft—and vulnerable, yes, but so strong and ready. She let her head drift back to his shoulder, the masculine scent of his aftershave washing over her.

  His fingers drifted up her back to play between her shoulder blades, along the curve of her spine. Thank god she’d thought to wear pretty lingerie. Usually she didn’t notice or care what went on under her clothes as long as the undergarments were clean, but the lacy white bra she’d worn under her cocktail dress tonight had scalloped edges and demi-cups. Not that it seemed like she would be keeping it on for long.

  She’d barely finished the thought before Kellan unhooked her bra with shocking efficiency. Belle caught the cups against her and shielded her breasts.

  “Don’t,” Tate protested. “I want to see them, Belle.”

  “He’ll be the easy one to deal with. I have no problem telling you that if you don’t drop your hands, you’ll find yourself over my knee,” Kellan said.

  “I’d pay to see that, baby.” Eric shimmied out of his pants and socks, then stood before her in nothing but his boxers. His cock tented the cotton.

  Belle tried not to gape—or let on that her mouth practically watered at the sight.

  “Oh, you’ll see it. She owes me for the lies earlier,” Kellan explained. “But it’s up to her just how red she wants her ass to be when we take her to bed. What’s it going to be, Annabelle?”

  She dropped the bra, baring her breasts to their gazes. A low ache simmered deep in her pussy, a new and wholly erotic feeling that made her so very aware that she was a woman.

  “Everything else,” Kellan commanded as he strode across the lavish suite and gracefully tossed his big body into one of the chairs, then looked back at her expectantly.

  A king on his throne, waiting for his lover to reveal her treasures to him. The image was so clear in her head that she couldn’t help but comply.

  With shaking hands, she pushed the dress over her hips and let it slide to the floor. Her panties were the same gossamer white that had hugged her breasts—so much sexier than the underthings she normally wore. When she’d looked at herself while dressing, she’d liked the way the pale fabric made her skin gleam. She tried to let that memory bolster her confidence so she could stand before them in almost nothing.

  “All of it, Belle.”

  She nearly cursed Kell for pushing her out of her comfort zone so quickly, but she didn’t dare say it out loud. Besides, she already knew he wouldn’t let her hide behind anything.

  Still, Belle bit into her bottom lip and hesitated. No one had seen her naked in years. But what did she have to be ashamed of? She might not be a beauty queen or a movie star, and yes, she might have a few too many curves, but she wasn’t atrocious.

  The truth was, if she wanted to know what it meant to have their eyes all over her, what it felt like to have these three men pleasure her, then she had to get brave.

  Drawing in a bracing breath, Belle eased her thumbs inside the waistband of her panties and pushed them off. As she fought off a quiver, she stood in front of them wearing nothing but her budget-busting shoes and an apprehensive smile.

  Silence. Utter, terrifying silence. Well, what had she expected? Applause?

  Finally, Eric swallowed thickly and took a step toward her. “God, you’re more beautiful than I thought.”

  “So fucking gorgeous.” Tate toed off his shoes and started in on his slacks. “I can’t wait.”

  Only Kellan refrained from tearing off his clothes. Instead, he sat, watching her, dissecting her. “Come to me, love.”

  Annabelle heard the approval in his voice, saw warmth in his blue eyes, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this wasn’t just a post-wedding hookup. Maybe this really meant something to them.

  She cast a questioning glance at Eric and Tate, both of whom gestured her over to Kell. Yeah, she had absolutely no question about who was in charge. Still, she stood rooted.

  The reality of the moment, the gravity, made her heart pound until it roared in her ears. Just walk across this suite totally naked in front of men who, up until tonight, had merely been her bosses? At her hesitation, Kellan raised a sharp brow. Guess the answer was yes. Clearly, he wasn’t going to let her slide or give her the easy out. He managed to communicate that without a word.

  She fidgeted. It would be so much easier for her if they would just pounce on her, but no. Kellan forced her to make the choice to approach him. Her implied yes obviously wouldn’t do. Eric and Tate watched her with keen, unblinking stares, obviously on board with his plan.

  Talk about being circled by sharks.

  Kellan sat up and patted his lap, leaving Annabelle no doubt he meant to spank her. “I won’t force this on you. If you prefer, I’ll walk out and leave you to them. They’ll fuck you senseless and give you pleasure. That might be enough for you, but I think you need something more. I think you crave the dominance I’m wired to give you.” He shrugged casually, but Belle sensed he cared very much how she felt. “If you don’t want to try, tell me now.”

  “If I did, you would be disappointed.” The thought slipped out.

  “Yes. That’s perceptive.” He nodded. “I think a power exchange would work well between us, but if you choose not to submit to me, I won’t treat you any differently than I have for the past fourteen months.”

  There was only one answer in Belle’s mind. She’d fantasized about this a million times. She couldn’t imagine making love without all three of them. She hated to disappoint Kell. Despite all the pretty wo
rds and implied promises tonight, the future might not work out for the four of them, but they’d have no chance if she didn’t give it her all now.

  Taking in another fortifying breath, Annabelle crossed the room with a smile.

  Something eased in Kell’s eyes. “Excellent. I’m proud of your courage. Let’s get your punishment out of the way so we can focus on making you feel good for the rest of the night.” He sent her a little smirk. “Although I suspect you’ll enjoy this, too. Over my lap.” He took her hand and urged her down. “If you need to stop me tonight for any reason, just say the word and I will. Later, you’ll have a safe word. We’ll also have a contract. But tonight, we’ll keep it light.”

  Annabelle frowned. She didn’t like the idea of a contract with Kellan. She wanted to share her heart with him, not a legal document. But not only was he a Dom, he was also a lawyer. Both sides of him would insist on spelling out the terms, rights, and conditions of their relationship, including its ending, before it had barely begun. She suspected his ex-wife also had a lot to do with that. Kell would need a crystal-clear agreement between them to feel safe. The realization made her sad.

  “Let me help you get in position.” Tate raced to her side, his