warm hand searing the small of her back. He glanced down at her butt. “God, Belle, look at that ass.”

  She winced. “I try not to.”

  As he smoothed his hand down one cheek, his eyes narrowed with desire. “Hmm. I won’t be able to get it out of my head.” He squeezed the plumpest curve, then stepped back with a sigh of regret. “Get the discipline over with, Kell. I want to put my mouth on her.”

  Desire pooled between her legs, making her feel shaky and overheated. She pressed a hand to her stomach as if that would calm the butterflies dancing inside. When it didn’t, she tangled her fingers with Tate’s for support and lowered herself over Kellan’s lap.

  Trying to perch over his thighs was nothing short of awkward. She shifted and rebalanced, seeking a comfortable position.

  Kellan’s big hand anchored her at the small of her back. “Stop wiggling.”

  Belle did her best to comply, stilling and breathing through every heartbeat, trying to clear her head of everything except giving him what he wanted. At least that’s what the Doms wanted in the books she read.

  When she calmed and stopped squirming, Kell rewarded her with a caress up her spine. Another hand joined his, this one on her outside hip, skating up to cup her ass. She suspected that belonged to Eric. Belle knew she’d guessed right when a third hand planted on her skin, palming her nape before long fingers tangled in her hair. Definitely Tate’s.

  Desire tore through her. They were all touching her at once, exploring her together. She’d wanted and waited, never imagining for a moment it would happen. But here she was, at their mercy.

  She kind of hoped they didn’t have much.

  “Will you look at that?” Eric’s voice broke the thick silence.

  “I’m telling you, that is the juiciest ass I’ve ever seen,” Tate said.

  “Sustained,” Eric quipped as he squeezed one of her cheeks. “This visual is all the evidence I need.”

  “Ah, do you smell that, gentlemen? Our sweet secretary is aroused.” A wealth of satisfaction darkened Kellan’s voice.

  “Administrative assistant,” she piped up, her belly and her breath tight.

  She ran that office, damn it. Regardless of the fact she was draped over her boss’s lap, her naked ass in the air, that didn’t mean she had no professional pride. Her current job might not be her dream, but she did it well.

  At that, the hands caressing her, except the one at the small of her back, lifted away. A moment later, she heard a whoosh she couldn’t place. A sudden smack followed it. Then hot pain blasted across her right cheek and flared over the skin of her ass. Her breath fled. Her heart raced as Kellan held his hand on her.

  “In the office, I’ll call you whatever you like.” His voice turned silky. “Hell, you keep the place functioning most of the time. But in the bedroom, you’re our sweet little secretary.”

  His words revved her up. The independent woman in her said that she shouldn’t like what Kell murmured, but no denying that he made her even wetter. Her emotions were all askew, running haywire. And now that the pain had passed, a burning tingle flared just under her skin. No, a deep arousal—hot, wicked, and addictive. “Yes.”

  Another smack. “Just yes? Think carefully.”

  Sensation blanketed her brain, muffling her thoughts. Belle tried not to lose herself in his touch, in her desire to feel his hand on her ass again. She had to focus. What was it he wanted?

  “Sir. Yes, Sir,” she blurted as soon as she figured it out.

  “Much better.” He smoothed his hand over her cheeks, distributing the heat and rewarding her—for the moment. “Now, let’s talk about lying. I don’t like it and I won’t tolerate it.”

  “I second that,” Eric put in.

  “Me, too,” Tate added.

  “There you go. I’m not talking about social situations. But Belle, we’re not merely your friends. You can’t blow us off with a polite excuse. We’re about to become your lovers. If you lie to us, expect consequences. We need to know how you feel, when you’re hurt or sad, scared or worried. You can’t just smile away your emotions.”

  “They belong to us,” Eric explained. “Like your body is about to.”

  “So, for lying to me in the hallway, I’m giving you a count of twenty. If I catch you lying again, I’ll give you more. You will always tell us how you feel. Like now.” Kell’s expectation hung in the air between them.

  She didn’t even think about withholding or lying. The words just spilled out. The situation was so intimate there didn’t seem to be room for anything but honesty. “Hot, achy, the tiniest bit scared.”

  “Perfect. Thank you for your honesty. We know you’re nervous because this is our first time together. We’ll make sure that you come to trust us.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she breathed.

  Three quick smacks had her moaning when the pain hit. The next two made her writhe as the ache deepened. He clearly meant business with those slaps, but the shocking sting morphed into something she found herself craving even more of.

  After another five, they were halfway through the punishment. A haze of desire descended and she slowly lost herself in the rhythm of Kellan’s discipline—the whack of his hand and his hard exhalation, followed by Eric’s moan, Tate’s groan, and her whimpering out the count before it started all over again.

  Belle shook, on fire, desperate for more. She gripped his leg, dug her nails into the wool of Kellan’s pants. He drew in an audible breath, dragging in her scent again. She felt the thick line of his erection against her belly harden even more. Disciplining her really did something for him.

  “How are you, love?” he asked.

  Shaky, shocked, and so, so alive. “Good, Sir.”

  “Excellent. Keep counting.”

  “Hurry. As soon as you’re done, I’m definitely offering her my penis.” Tate sounded so completely earnest that Belle cracked a smile.

  “I have no doubt,” Eric drawled. “We all are.”

  Kellan ignored them and peppered five more quick slaps across her cheeks, branding the heat under her skin until she felt helpless and drowning in sensation. Completely needy.

  “Can you take five more?” He didn’t demand, but everything in his tone told Belle that he really hoped she could.

  Happily. “Yes, Sir.”

  She closed her eyes, wanting to block out everything but the sound of his flesh striking hers, the feel of his hand rubbing the heat into her skin. She counted each time his palm stuck her bare backside. Belle savored each smack, delighting in the sting and the blaze that followed, settling into her pussy.

  God, who would have guessed that she’d like it? Descriptions of spankings in books had always made her uncomfortably wet, but the reality… Belle sighed in contentment. The reality of this oddly sharp pleasure went far beyond anything her imagination could have conceived. He dissolved her into a shaking, aching mass.

  Before she knew it, Kell delivered the last slap and ended the punishment. He stroked her heated bottom one final time, then eased her off his lap. He urged her to curl up against him for a blissful moment as he cuddled her. Pressing her cheek to his lapel, she reveled in the feel of his strong arms around her, his heartbeat against her ear. She even enjoyed the heat of her naked skin against his designer suit.

  All too soon, he tipped her chin in his hand and lifted her face just under his. The masculine splendor of his sculpted lips hovered just over her own. “You did very well. Now that it’s over, tell me…Can you handle me, Belle? I need this in a way the other two don’t. I’ll always want to discipline you. I’ll always want to tie you down and have my way, but I promise I’ll make it good for you. Did you enjoy that?”

  “I did, Sir.” Her throbbing backside was a memento of the intimacy they’d shared. But rather than the ache upsetting or angering her, the sensations settled under her skin and calmed her in some way she didn’t quite understand.

  “I want to know for myself.” He dropped his hand on her knee, gent
ly pulling them apart. “I need to feel exactly what I did to you.”

  That he needed anything from her moved Belle. She willingly parted her legs for him. Kellan was always shut down, so often distant, but in that moment, she felt close to him, shared the sort of bond with him she’d fantasized about.

  His big hand slid between her legs, palm covering her pussy gently before his callused fingertips moved in a silky slide down her wet folds. As tingling erupted and her body broke out in goose bumps, Kell dipped to her opening and eased two fingers inside with a low male groan.

  Her breath fled as his fingers thrust just inside her slick heat, teasing her with soft friction, taking her by tingling surprise. In seconds, Belle began to gasp and arched to him.

  “How wet is she?” Tate dropped to one knee beside her and cupped her breast, skimming her nipple with his thumb and spreading the need.

  “Soaking,” Kellan replied, sounding mighty pleased. “Do you want to come, love?”

  “Of course she does. And I want to watch her.” Eric winked, standing over them.

  Belle was relieved that Eric saved her the trouble of stating the obvious. She was pretty sure she had never truly climaxed before. She’d had little pleasures by her own hand, but nothing she’d done had ever felt half so good as what Kellan did to her right now.

  Then his fingers slid over her clit and rubbed a slow circle. She stared up at him, stunned by the lush desire rolling through her body.

  Kellan just smiled. “Let’s hear you scream.”

  “I concur.” Tate hovered over them, watching Kell’s fingers with rapt, dark eyes.

  “Amen, brother,” Eric murmured, his hazel eyes glittering.

  Kell’s mouth descended on hers before she could reply with anything but a moan. She opened automatically. He kissed her hard and deep, possessing her as his tongue slid home in time with his fingers. The pressure built quickly, little lightning bolts of pleasure that jolted her system, making her shudder in his arms.

  She tensed, her fever rising. It wasn’t long before her skin felt too tight. Her breathing went choppy. She drowned in Kellan’s scent and nearness as he drove her up high, where the flames licked her flesh, until the need compelled Belle to spread her legs wider. She tried to break the kiss, toss her head back—but he refused to allow that, instead keeping at her mouth with one hungry kiss after another until she whimpered. Desperation rose right along with sensation. She felt overcome, undone, turned inside out as pleasure converged and unraveled her. No matter how she fought to savor the delicious agony, she couldn’t hold back.

  As the orgasm burst over her, Kell tore his lips from hers. A long and throaty scream clawed from her chest as euphoric joy drugged her veins and pulsed down her nerve endings. In the aftermath, she panted, utterly dazed.

  Yeah, she had been right. She’d never really come until now. They were probably damn proud of themselves for that ear-splitting shriek. No denying she’d loved what they’d given her.

  “Beautiful,” Kell murmured.

  As she lay in his arms afterward, Belle felt that way. Finally, she understood why she’d never truly climaxed before. What he’d given her—with the silent support of Eric and Tate—had been more than pleasure. The sense of pure connection couldn’t be pretended when she touched herself. It made everything they shared more beautiful and meaningful. It proved she belonged with them. She’d always been able to be herself around them at the office, but to know without a doubt that extended to even the most intimate situations… God, what a relief.

  “I’m so glad I waited,” she sighed up at him with a happy grin.

  Belle couldn’t imagine her first time with anyone except the three of them. Her heart was so full in that moment. They would make it far more meaningful than the simple act of bodies coming together. They would make it a moment that brought them all closer together. Something they would remember their whole lives.

  Kellan stiffened. “Waited?”

  His word hissed like the crack of a whip. She forced her eyes open. His forbidding frown seized her chest and squeezed hard.

  “I’m not glad,” Tate argued, gliding his hand down her body until he cupped her thigh. “We wasted a whole year.”

  “I don’t think that’s what she meant.” Kellan arched a sharp brow her way. “Is it, Annabelle?”

  Belle squirmed self-consciously. The sweet haze of desire dissipated, replaced with something cold. Eric looked stunned as he stared, jaw dropped. Tate merely appeared puzzled. He might not understand now, but once he did, he probably wouldn’t like the truth any more than the other two.

  In that instant, she tried to curl up and cover herself. Her nudity had seemed sexy earlier. Now she was keenly aware of her vulnerability. How had everything changed with one sentence? If they really cared about her and wanted her for more than the night, her virginity wouldn’t disappoint them. How had she read the situation so wrong? Or had they misled her for a piece of ass? God, she felt so humiliated.

  Tears threatened. Damn it, she had to get out of here.

  As she tried to scramble to her feet, tears clouded her eyes. Belle couldn’t see, couldn’t quite get her balance. Kellan didn’t try to hold her down, thank goodness, but she was too unsteady to stand.

  “Help me, please,” she beseeched Tate.

  His arms wound around her and he dragged her to her feet, into his arms. Belle curled against him, shielding as much of her body from Kellan’s searing stare as she could. Crap, where had her dress gone?

  Tate’s concerned gaze sought hers. “What’s the matter? Tell me what you meant. If there’s a problem, we’ll find a logical solution.”

  Kellan moved beside her, straightening his clothes. His expression hardened again. “I asked you a question.”

  Belle blinked, knowing her answer would only disappoint Kell. She glanced Eric’s way. He still stood unmoving, in mute shock. No help there. Only Tate’s arms kept her protected and safe, but even against the warmth of his big body, she shivered. Would he still be her safe harbor once one of the others explained exactly what she’d waited for?

  She didn’t want to take that chance. Time to get out of here.

  But when Belle tried to move, Tate’s arms tightened around her. “What’s wrong? What is going on here?”

  “I need an answer, Belle.” Kellan ignored Tate, staring at her with flat demand.

  Kellan had asked for honesty. Fine, he would get it. She’d never intended to hold back the truth about her sexual inexperience. Once the clothes had started coming off, she’d known she would have to confess. The perfect, tactful moment simply hadn’t appeared before she’d accidentally let the truth slip. Of course, she’d expected them to be a bit surprised, maybe even give her a good-natured ribbing about it. Belle hadn’t expected Eric’s mute shock or Kellan’s terrible coldness.

  “You’re right. I’m a virgin.” So what? No way they could miss the subtext in her voice. She did her best to glare right back, but Belle felt decidedly vulnerable wearing absolutely nothing.

  Eric’s hazel eyes went wide. “You weren’t kidding?”

  Tate eased back and he gaped at her. “That’s what you waited for? To have sex? Holy shit!”

  Kellan’s jaw tightened. “Precisely what I thought you meant.”

  Eric moved beside her, shaking his head and still looking shocked. “How the hell are you a virgin? You’re twenty-six years old.”

  “I am well aware of the advanced age of my hymen.” She twisted, evading Tate’s arms, looking for her dress again. It had to be somewhere here on the floor.

  Anger started to thrum through her. They sounded almost betrayed by her purity. So much for the guys considering it a gift. Maybe they had expected someone more experienced. Maybe she wasn’t worth sleeping with because she wouldn’t know what to do. Fine. As soon as she found her clothes, she was out of here. Coming to their suite had been a huge mistake.

  Kellan beat her to the punch, grabbing his jacket and heading for the door. ?
??I’m going to go.”

  Annabelle felt as if he’d slapped her.

  “What?” Tate asked his friend, obviously shocked.

  Kell didn’t answer, just kept gathering his things.

  She glanced all around the room, trying not to watch Kellan walk away from her. Finally, she located her dress and all but ran toward it. “I’ll go, Kell.”

  Tate took her arm and stayed her. “Belle, what are you doing?”

  “I’m leaving.” She yanked from his grip and dashed across the room to grab the emerald fabric.