‘I don’t remember you undressing me.’ I dove back under the covers. He stretched his arms around showing me that he didn’t have any clothes on either. My skin started tingling, the energy whisked through me.

  ‘Shut up and let me make love to you. I’ve been waiting too long for this.’


  ‘Stop talking, let’s just fuck.’

  He was ready for me, my whole body cracked under the magic that crawled through my skin eager to be released. Yesterday I was ready, but today I didn’t even give myself a chance to think about what I was about to let happen. He threw the covers away and his eyes darted downwards, moving from my breasts, my stomach, down between my legs, stopping on my feet. The bright morning light poured into the room and I shivered, filled with anticipation.

  ‘All mine,’ he whispered, leaning down and kissing me softly. ‘This house is full of vampires. They won’t hear a thing; they are dead until the sunset.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘I’ve never been more sure in my entire life.’

  The desire pulled us to each other as he parted my legs with his and slid himself between me. I wanted him so much, I could ask questions later. Right now we both needed to feed each other.

  He stared down at me for a long moment. ‘Put your hands above your head, seal them with your magic, and hold on to the bed.’

  ‘I don’t like being told what to do,’ I complained, already feeling excited about this idea.

  ‘Trust me, you will love what I’m about to do to you.’

  I wasn’t sure if this would work, but I obeyed and grabbed the bed tightly. He didn’t give me a chance to think about his next move, because he kissed me hard sucking on my lower lip. His fingers caressed the bottom part of my stomach. Then he took my breast in his hands and his left thumb massaged my nipple. The energy poured out of me, sharpening my senses, heating up my skin.

  ‘Are you ready for me?’ he asked, nipping my neck. I moaned, pushing my hips up, but he laughed, showing me how hard and ready he was for me. He took my nipple into his mouth and I cried out; the desire burst through me. He sucked and licked every part of my breast and the electric sparks kept passing through my skin. Our eyes locked and Nathaniel started moving down, smiling wickedly. I ached for him, I wanted to have him inside of me. I let out a small gasp. His head was between my legs and his tongue brushed over my sex. This was too much for me to bear, and I whimpered with pleasure.

  He lifted his head and said, ‘Keep your hands away.’

  I moaned with frustration.

  ‘Trust me, you will enjoy this more than anything,’ he growled, kissing my stomach, and then he was back pressing his mouth against mine, his tongue moving inside me. His touch was burning my skin, my breathing sped up. Then he was gone again, circling around my hardened nipples. I cried out as my power throbbed through me. Before I could get used to whatever he was doing to my breasts, he was between my legs again, smiling, and I saw a mad gleam in his eyes. When he licked my clitoris, once was enough to send me away to another universe.

  ‘God, Nathaniel,’ I yelled, jerking around, trying to free myself, but I had tied my hands with magic, so I was stuck.

  ‘Are you going to beg now?’ he asked, laughing.


  ‘You aren’t playing fair,’ I moaned, wanting to have him inside me, feeling his hard cock pressed against the entrance to my sex.

  ‘You know that I’m going to win, you might as well just surrender,’ he said, running his tongue again through my sex, this time sucking and nibbling it. My heart was racing out of my chest.

  ‘Oh please, why are you doing this to me?’ I cried out as the fire brewed between my legs. I was ready to beg him.

  Chapter thirty-three

  Maybe I should have listened to my Grandma.

  ‘How do you like it?’

  ‘Please don’t stop!’

  ‘Yes, baby, I won’t, don’t you worry,’ he growled and went back to licking me, this time quicker. I gripped the bed tighter as the heat shocked through me. His eyes never left mine, watching as my body writhed with pleasure. I tensed my hips as he slipped two fingers inside of me. My magic rocked through me like a windstorm and I was lost, panting heavily, unable to control the orgasm that was approaching.

  ‘Nathaniel!’ I cried out as the fierce heat consumed me; the sparks of electricity danced underneath us. I came as he licked me harder pushing my body to the limits. For a split second I lost breath releasing all of my energy. The wind swept whatever was on the table, tossing our stuff around the room. My orgasm was so intense as the spasm of bliss shuttered through me. The pressure in my chest eased off, and I flopped down on the bed breathing hard. He crawled on top of me grinning.

  ‘I’ve won,’ he said, as his eyes glazed with warmth and honey.

  ‘You weren’t playing by the rules.’ I smiled, knowing that he was still ready to have me.

  ‘I’ve been waiting for this moment since the night I saw you in that hotel,’ he said, kissing my neck again. He was hard pressed against my core. The warmth blazed over my skin. His lips were on my neck sucking on that sensitive spot. He was breathing fast, growling when I touched him, taking his hardness into my palms. Lust blasted as he arched his head and I massaged his love muscle. The overhead lights exploded, but he didn’t let me take control. He pulled me down and parted my legs. His fangs were out again, the anticipation rippled through me.

  ‘Don’t worry, firecracker, no one will hear you here,’ he said and slipped inside me slowly. My heart pounded in my chest as he moved against me.

  ‘Nathaniel,’ I gasped and tipped my hips towards him.

  He was filling me, rocking through me with a slow and steady pace. The mind-blowing sensations were fresh and I closed my eyes enjoying him. He placed his hands under my hips and kissed me. My chest rose and fell as he picked up the pace. Magic knotted inside me again and thrummed through the space, encircling both of us. He was rocking in and out fast. Sweat covered my entire body. The light flickered and the last bulb exploded as I moaned. I was going to come again.

  ‘Faster, quicker,’ I pleaded.

  He lowered himself to me and whispered into my ear, ‘I want to bite you, please let me taste your blood.’

  I opened my eyes as the pressure built up. His pupils were dilated, and the adrenaline shot through my veins as I stared at him.

  ‘Julia, you taste so fucking good, I want to own you by tasting your blood,’ he said, seeing that I hesitated. ‘I won’t hurt you.’

  He rose above me, pushing himself inside me harder.

  ‘Yes, oh yes,’ I growled as the climax shuttered through me, not caring about the world and the fact that I was about to be bitten by a vampire. He lifted me above and turned so I was on all fours. His breath was shallow. The sharp pain down my arm came unexpected only for a second or two, but it soon transformed into a glorifying pleasure. I came as he was drinking from me, climaxed screaming as the orgasm claimed me. He drank, and soon I was dizzy and breathless, enjoying the numbness of my body. His hands kept moving around my hips, stomach, squeezing my breasts. My heartbeat slowed down, my body pulled away, but he held me tightly. My heart skipped a beat, then tripped up. The blackness blinded me and I felt lightheaded. I drifted into the darkness, lost and strangled with weakness.

  Then everything ended and I closed my eyes.

  Someone was touching my face, and I heard Nathaniel’s voice. ‘Julia, wake up. Please open your eyes.’

  I couldn’t open my eyes, I couldn’t feel my limbs, my head buzzed.

  ‘Oh God.’

  The voice was far away. It was like an echo that floated back to the obscure darkness.


  I blinked and opened my eyes in the dark warm room. I inhaled Nathaniel’s scent. I was shivering, and my body tightened. Coldness crawled under my skin; my heart was beating faster than it should. The smell of sweat and lemons coursed through the air. It took me a moment to gather
my memories. I felt numb but at ease.

  ‘Julia, darling, you must drink this.’

  Nathaniel appeared in front of me, I had a T-shirt on, but I felt cold. My chest burned but I drank thick liquid that tasted like flavored metallic blood. Whatever it was, I refused to swallow it.

  ‘Come on, firecracker, you will feel much better.’

  I shook my head, but his eyes burned so I swallowed, feeling as if I was going to be sick straight away. Somehow my body accepted the odd liquid and I relaxed. My heartbeat slowed down and I felt alive. Nathaniel was looking at me intensely, and then I remembered that he had bitten me and had drunk my blood.

  ‘What happened?’ I choked and wiped the sweat off of my head. Someone entered the room bringing candles. It was the housekeeper that I had seen yesterday. She had shown me to my room when Philip vanished. She nodded to Nathaniel and left, placing the candles by our bed. In the dim light my boyfriend looked pale, watching me like I had died and risen from the dead.

  ‘Fuck, Julia, I lost control,’ he said, squeezing my palm.

  ‘What are you talking about?’

  ‘I drank your blood and I couldn’t stop,’ he said, looking angry with himself.

  ‘It’s hardly your fault. I said yes.’ I watched him. My mind was buzzing as my energy spread through the room. My fingertips crackled with static. Just a moment ago I was ready to throw up, right now I felt incredible.

  ‘We should have never done it. I’ve never tasted anything like that in my entire life,’ he said and paced around the room. ‘You tasted better than I imagined.’

  ‘What did you give me? I feel great.’

  ‘I gave you a little bit of my blood with a potion to give you strength.’ He still looked annoyed with himself.

  ‘It’s strange, but your bite didn’t hurt.’

  ‘I couldn’t stop. I forgot that I had you in my arms, you tasted like summer, honey and rain. I have never tasted blood so pure and so incredibly rich.’

  ‘But you did stop eventually. I think I must have passed out?’

  ‘I drank way too much. When I pulled away you were out, half alive. Your pulse was barely there. I panicked.’

  ‘I’m alive, and it’s not like I said no.’

  ‘That’s not the point,’ he said. ‘I shouldn’t have bitten you. I thought that I was going to lose you.’

  I kissed him, feeling like I could run at least twenty miles. I didn’t care that he nearly drained me. We’d had the most intense sexual experience in my life. He brought me to his chest, holding me still for several moments.

  ‘I’m fine.’

  ‘Your grandmother was right. When I tasted your blood I couldn’t stop. I was hungry for more. I lost my mind.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it. I feel great.’

  ‘I’ll make love to you again, but I won’t bite. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that,’ he said looking directly into my eyes. ‘My sister told me off. She was worried about you.’

  ‘I hadn’t seen her when I arrived with your father,’ I said, remembering the terrible night at the hotel.

  ‘She was out. They didn’t expect us until today,’ he continued. ‘Last night, I went to take care of the bill, then the alarm went off.’

  ‘I couldn’t find you in the restaurant, and then I had to leave. They were pushing everyone outside,’ I explained, listening to his heartbeat.

  ‘The waitress mentioned that she saw you going upstairs,’ he said. ‘I punched a security guy because he didn’t want to let me upstairs. I went ballistic, so they threw me outside.’

  ‘They evacuated people pretty quickly. I couldn’t find you so I stood on the street.’

  ‘Yes, it was a terrible night. I was going out of my mind thinking that you went back upstairs. The hotel has no idea what happened. The fire came out of nowhere. When the firefighters arrived it was already too late. At least two floors were burned completely and by four in the morning they took full control of the fire.’

  ‘That’s terrible.’ I sighed. ‘Our luggage is gone.’

  ‘Fuck the luggage, I thought I lost you,’ he growled, bringing me closer. ‘You can’t even imagine what I was going through that night. I was so relieved when my father called me.’

  My head was spinning but I felt safe cuddling into his torso. Looking outside the window, I asked, ‘How long did I sleep?’

  ‘You passed out shortly after I drank your blood. You slept a whole day while I was going crazy.’

  ‘All day. Wow,’ I muttered. ‘Then you really must have knocked me out.’

  ‘I shouldn’t have asked at all.’

  I couldn’t quite believe it that I lost a whole Saturday and didn’t even see Paris yet.

  Maybe I should have listened to my grandma.

  Nathaniel insisted on helping me into the shower, cursing under his breath. He didn’t want to hear that I was fine. His blood was like a sweet nectar: it gave me strength and new power. Energy rocked through my system. He drank from me, feeding on my fear, savoring our love making, bringing the most intense orgasm that I ever experienced.

  The shower was refreshing, and after that I went back to the room realising that I didn’t have any clothes. My luggage was gone. It was probably burned. I came back with my towel wrapped around my body, but there was another vampire in our room.

  ‘Julia, this is my sister Charlotte,’ Nathaniel said, pointing at the petite vampire who was sitting on the bed.

  ‘Hello, Julia, it’s nice to finally meet you,’ she said. ‘I will let you dress. We can do introductions later on. I brought you some clothes.’

  She was blond with smooth pale skin and wide brown eyes. She looked young, maybe eighteen.

  ‘Thank you,’ I said. ‘I’ll be ready in a moment.’

  She stood in the door for a moment with closed eyes. ‘You were right, she does smell unbelievable,’ she added and shut the door behind her.

  I laughed and looked at the pile of clothes. There were jeans and T-shirts all in my size. I scratched my head looking at Nathaniel—only now noticing that he looked different

  ‘Oh my God, you look so—’


  I couldn’t find the words, but I had to agree. Nathaniel was glowing, his skin shimmered and his eyes were like two deep orange flames. His hair seemed glossier. He was always handsome, but right now he looked like Adonis.

  ‘Is it because of my blood?’ I asked as he approached me.

  ‘No other blood has ever made me feel so alive. I’m losing my mind with you standing here with no clothes on,’ he said, kissing my arm. A cold shiver danced over my spine. In a matter of seconds the towel was on the floor and we were kissing again.

  Chapter thirty-four

  I love you.

  Charlotte’s house reminded me of my grandparent’s mansion; it was old and filled with antique furniture, dust and French art. I didn’t get why two vampires occupied such a huge space, but it wasn’t my business to ask. I thought that it was such a cliché, vampires living in an old haunted mansion away from humans.

  ‘There you are. We began to worry,’ said Philip as we walked back downstairs. He looked much more alive than when I last saw him yesterday, smiling widely.

  ‘The house is beautiful.’

  ‘Yes, it was a present from me to my daughter when she got married,’ he explained as we walked to the large light living room that was more modern than the rest of the house. Large windows were shaded by curtains. Two other vampires approached me. I was glad that I remembered to use a cover charm. As it was, my scent intoxicated them—I could see their eyes widen as they inhaled me.

  ‘Julia, I’m glad that you’re here. My brother told me so much about you,’ said Charlotte, hugging me.

  ‘Yes, thank you for my clothes; they fit perfectly.’

  ‘Great. This is my husband Jacque.’

  ‘Pleasure,’ Jacque said with a thick French accent and squeezed my hand. He held on to it for longer than acceptable, but eve
ntually let go of me. He must have been in his late thirties when he was turned and I couldn’t imagine him with Charlotte. His hair was black but there patches of gray at the temples. He had bushy eyebrows and dark brown eyes, and dressed in a suit. He reminded me of an aristocrat from those 1920s films.

  ‘So what do you think about Paris, Julia?’ Charlotte asked, taking me away from the other vampires.

  ‘Hmm, I didn’t have the chance to see anything yet. The fire started in the hotel and we had be evacuated.’

  ‘Mon dieu. Of course, silly me. Nathaniel, you have to take her around this incredible city. I don’t understand that you only came for a few days?’

  ‘It’s a short break. I couldn’t get anytime off.’

  ‘Nonsense, darling, you won’t have time to see the galleries and truly discover Paris. You need at least a month’ interrupted Philip holding a glass with red liquid.

  ‘Julia is focused on her career, Dad,’ Nathaniel said. ‘Her boss is missing so she is looking after the office.’

  ‘Yes, I heard the rumors,’ muttered Philip.

  The vampire housekeeper announced that dinner was served, so we all moved to the dining room. I felt an odd long vibration in the corridor, the floors were creaking as we sat down to the table. The air was thick, filled with paralleled energy.

  La Caz family was wealthy, they had servants, expensive art and an endless supply of blood. I decided not ask about the source while I was eating. Jacque wasn’t saying much, but he kept looking at me throughout the dinner. Later on I found out that he and Charlotte had recently gotten married. They’d met in Marseille.

  ‘This is Nathaniel’s mother. Philip insists that we keep her portrait in the dining room,’ Charlotte said, pointing at the large painting of a woman that hung above the fireplace. I remembered that Philip mentioned Beatrice during the night that I was out with Nathaniel. She was beautiful, dark-haired, and Nathaniel had her eyes.

  ‘How old were you when she died?’ I asked him.

  ‘Twenty, it was just before I went to Oxford.’