‘What happened?’

  ‘Cancer. Beatrice’s health had never been strong. It spread too quickly. We tried to give her blood, but it was already too late. She never cared about her health,’ said Philip. Nathaniel kept looking at the portrait, maybe I shouldn’t have asked about her. He probably still missed her but I couldn’t read anything from his expression.

  ‘My mother was an incredible woman; she was brave and intelligent, but she is gone and I have to accept that,’ Nathaniel said sounding tense. Philip gave him a sharp look but he didn’t say a word. Jacque kept looking at the portrait tapping his fingers on the table.

  Am I missing something here?

  Charlotte forced a smile. Nathaniel was angry about something and I was curious why. Philip watched him for several more seconds.

  ‘Julia tell us about your regional manager?’ Philip asked, breaking the silence. ‘He has been missing for some time now?’

  Nathaniel relaxed, drinking scotch, so I talked about Rufus and the most recent events. It turned out that La Caz senior was well acquainted with McGregor. He was the one that introduced him to Nathaniel. He told me later that he knew McGregor’s maker. Then I had a chance to talk little to Jacque. It turned out that he was teaching at Sorbonne University. He didn’t want to give up on his career. He was difficult to read and I couldn’t quite understand what Charlotte saw in him.

  I warmed towards Nathaniel’s sister straight away. She was fun, cheerful, and nosy. She asked me a million questions about my family and London. She was hoping to set up her own finance company, so she didn’t have much time for traveling.

  The dinner stretched over a few hours. The hosts were drinking blood. My meal was delicious, but even with Nathaniel’s blood in my system I needed to go to bed when three o’clock in the morning struck.

  Once we were alone again, Nathaniel warned me not to wander the house. I was still an elf and the house was filled with vampires. He just didn’t want to take chances. This whole evening felt so surreal. In bed Nathaniel looked more relaxed, I didn’t know what was bothering him, but I was too tired to ask. We had fallen asleep quickly after another slow session of lovemaking. During that night it was just us.


  We woke up late but not too late to take a trip to the city. Charlotte was right, it was a sunny day and Nathaniel wanted to show the most beautiful places around Paris. We were going back to London on Monday morning, so we still had all day to ourselves. I felt relaxed and happy waking up in his arms.

  ‘You need prioritize what to see. It’s already after twelve and yesterday our plans were slightly ruined,’ he said, kissing my palm.

  I love you.

  ‘I leave this to you,’ I said, feeling light-headed. It was official: I was in love with him. I had been telling myself that I couldn’t love him, that he wasn’t the man for me. Now I’d fallen in love with him—and I was truly fucked.

  Even though he proved that he was serious, I was sure that after his last fiancée he wouldn’t want to discuss love.

  As he parked his car I had to use his phone to call my mother. She sounded worried, so I had to tell her that I lost my phone and I wasn’t engaged yet. Nathaniel smiled, taking my hand. Mum seemed disappointed. The worst part was that he could hear everything my mother was saying. I was ready to kill her the moment I got back to London.

  Our first stop was the Eiffel Tower, then we visited the Louvre admiring the famous art. I couldn’t quite believe that I was really here with Nathaniel in the most beautiful and talked about place in the entire world.

  We were going to be back to London tomorrow, back to all the problems. After lunch and more kissing, Nathaniel took me to Notre Dame de Paris, The Arc de Triomphe and a few more galleries. Then he spoiled me with clothes, sweets and jewelry. We held hands most of the time, enjoying the beautiful day in this romantic city. We understood each other and maybe I was making the biggest mistake of my life, but I was in love with him despite what everyone else was thinking.

  In the early evening while getting into a taxi, a man ran toward us and took our picture.

  ‘Who was that?’

  ‘French reporter.’

  ‘What? A reporter? Why did he take our picture?’ I asked, bewildered.

  Nathaniel frowned and gave the taxi driver the address.

  ‘I’m famous in France.’

  ‘Famous?’ I laughed.

  ‘Yes. I still have a business here, and a lot of paranormals are aware of who I am.’

  ‘So I’ll be in the papers?’

  ‘You will be mainly here and in most paranormal magazines. I don’t think anyone from Britain is that bothered with my private life,’ he explained. ‘Besides, I want to keep you to myself.’

  ‘I can’t believe that you didn’t mention this.’


  ‘That you’re famous!’

  ‘Known rather than famous,’ he said. ‘You see, Julia? Now you’ve got the perfect package: great in bed, rich, and famous.’


  Chapter thirty-five

  Could I ever be with him, knowing that he is never going to marry me?

  It was evening when we went back to Charlotte’s home. Everyone was settled in the living room when we entered. Charlotte was reading a book in the corner, looking more like a teenager rather than a grown vampire.

  ‘Back already?’ asked Philip.

  ‘Yes.’ I sighed. ‘We had a great day. I’m officially in love with Paris.’

  ‘You aren’t the only one, my dear.’ Philip passed me a glass of blood ‘I got to take care of my business in the UK.’

  ‘Enough Dad,’ Charlotte snapped, pulling me away from him. ‘I need to talk to her before she leaves.’

  ‘Our plane is at eleven tomorrow morning.’

  Charlotte assured me that she was going to visit me and Nathaniel soon. She had a few friends in London. We talked a bit more and then I went to my room to change into something more comfortable. Nathaniel insisted on paying for the clothes.

  When I was putting a T-shirt on I noticed that he hadn’t left any marks on my skin from his bite. At least I didn’t have to worry about Dad. He would go mad if he knew that Nathaniel tasted my blood, and I couldn’t even think about my grandmother.

  The housekeeper informed me that the dinner was going to be served in a few minutes. I hurried downstairs. Philip was playing a piano in the living room. Nathaniel sat talking with Charlotte in the study.

  ‘Nate, Julia is wonderful. I don’t understand why you haven’t brought her here earlier,’ she said. I stood by the door wondering if I should interrupt, but something stopped me, so I stood and listened.

  ‘I was going to, but things happened.’ He shrugged.

  ‘What things? Why don’t you forget about other women and settle with one?’

  ‘That’s what I’m trying to do.’

  ‘Good, because I like her and I don’t want you to upset her.’

  ‘I’ve made this mistake once already,’ he muttered sounding tired. I hesitated to enter.

  ‘Have you told her about Isabelle?’

  ‘She knows.’

  ‘I’m glad, because I’ve never seen you so happy, not since—’

  ‘Don’t Charlotte, don’t even go there tonight,’ Nathaniel warned her.

  ‘All right, I’m just saying that I could see you marrying Julia. You’re crazy about her.’

  ‘You know well that I’m never going to get married.’

  I walked back to the living room knowing that I didn’t want to be caught overhearing their conversation. It wasn’t a mistake; I heard him right. Nathaniel was never going to marry me. He made a huge effort in bringing me to Paris, introducing me to his family, but marriage was out of the question. My body felt numb and my heart was racing. I shouldn’t have stayed there and listened.

  Could I ever be with him, knowing that he is never going to marry me?

  I shook my head knowing that it was silly to even consi
der marriage. I reminded myself I was only twenty-two years old, that I had plenty of time to think about that. Eventually I wanted to get married. I wanted to have a family—but I could forget about that if I was still with Nathaniel La Caz.

  I felt sick, but I pasted a smile on my face and sat down on the sofa. There wasn’t any point dwelling on his words. We’d only been together a few months and he never promised me anything. Charlotte and Nathaniel came back with more drinks. I kept smiling, ignoring the sorrowful feelings inside. We were only dating, he had no idea how I felt about him, and I wanted to leave it like that.

  Jacque sat by me and started a conversation. He was more talkative than the previous evening. He asked me if I had any reservation dating a half vampire.

  ‘My grandmother doesn’t accept it. She went mad seeing us together.’

  ‘I wouldn’t be surprised,’ he said, drinking thick red liquid out of the wine glass. ‘Don’t get me wrong, but the relationships between vampires and elves are rare.’

  ‘Yes, I know, but Nathaniel is a Dhampir.’

  ‘Of course. He is still partly human. That’s why you’re still together. I wouldn’t be able to be around you all the time. Your scent is intoxicating.’


  Everyone around me thinks that this isn’t going to work, so what am I even doing here?

  ‘That’s my theory, he added. ‘You two seemed madly in love.’

  I am, but I don’t know about him though.

  We had dinner and after assuring Charlotte that I would be back, I excused myself to my room. I was exhausted and fell asleep quickly alone. Nathaniel stayed up longer, and in the morning I found him wrapped around me. He was still fast asleep. I gently pushed him away and went to the bathroom. Despite long hours of sleep I looked tired. I kept thinking about his reluctance to the idea of marriage. Maybe right now he didn’t want to hear about this, but who knew what the future would hold for us? I brushed my teeth and washed my face. By the time I came back Nathaniel was awake.

  ‘How are you feeling this fine French morning?’ he asked, pulling me back to bed.

  Desire flew through my body as he wrapped me tightly around him. ‘Relaxed and happy. What about you, La Caz?’ I asked.

  ‘I’m hard for you,’ he growled, kissing me. ‘We should take this last opportunity and fuck.’

  ‘Can I think about it?’ I teased.

  ‘No, the jury has decided that we should have sex right now.’ He kissed me softly.

  I wanted him, but I also wanted to talk about what I heard yesterday. Lame or not, we had to discuss this at some point. As he climbed on top of me I was lost for words. The flames of lust and desire were back burning between us. He stopped kissing me and stripped off his boxers. He stood up naked in front of me.

  ‘Come on, firecracker, let’s have some fun.’

  A small gasp escaped my mouth as I tried to construct a response. He walked me to the table by the window. I had a short nighty that didn’t cover much at all. His pupils dilated as his eyes darted down my body.

  ‘What are you doing?’ I asked with an uneasy voice. My heart was pounding hard.

  ‘Admiring,’ he said and parted my legs pushing me down onto the table. His mouth was on mine again but only for a brief moment. Then his hands ripped my nighty off and I was sitting naked, nothing more divided us. We were both aroused and ready. I arched backwards, allowing him to kiss my neck as his hands were on my breasts. I tightened my core, feeling him between my legs. Before I knew what he wanted to do next, he pushed himself inside me. My legs tightened and I whimpered with pleasure. He was hard and thick filling me. I moaned, biting his arm as a wave of electricity passed through my core.

  He pushed my hips towards his, slamming into me hard. My heart gave me a giant smack in my chest, my head was throbbing as the heat shuttered through me. He roared, burying his head in my breasts.

  ‘Oh God, Nathaniel I can’t…’ I begged, but he didn’t stop but continued pushing himself inside me faster. The orgasm rocked through me shortly after that and I screamed. He came, pulling me closer. I fell on his body, exhausted and drenched with sweat. This orgasm was intense and my mind buzzed as my energy settled back. Nathaniel cupped my face and kissed me gently as he carried me to bed. I lay on top of his chest for a long moment. We fell sleep after that for another hour or two. We didn’t have to talk. We held each other, as I thought about that emotion of love that crawled and pinned itself in my heart.


  We left Paris, boarding the plane in the late afternoon. I sat down knowing that in an hour I would be back in my apartment without him. I couldn’t pretend that I didn’t have feelings for him. Soon I would have to reveal my secret.

  ‘Why are you so quiet, firecracker?’ he asked.

  ‘Because I don’t want to go back.’

  ‘Me neither, but we both have to get back to work.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Just relax. I’m not going anywhere.’

  I had him but for how long?

  It would be so much easier if I could just tell him what was mounting inside my head. I didn’t want to be rejected. I was too afraid to tell him the truth. From outside I was a strong and an independent woman, but inside I wanted to be loved by Nathaniel La Caz.

  We arrived in London just after twelve, and Nathaniel dropped me home.

  As I passed through my door and went upstairs I instantly knew that something was wrong. I remembered locking the door before I left, but now the door was unlocked. I swallowed a giant lump in my throat and pushed the door. Straight away I was hit with the realisation that I had been robbed. My flat looked like it had been turned upside down. All my stuff was on the floor, all my furniture damaged. My books, clothes, and everything else that I had in the drawers had been ripped out and tossed on the floor. My skin tingled, I could smell and feel the magic. I was so glad that I had a landline. Shaking, I picked up the phone and dialed Nathaniel’s number. Then I called Dad and told him to come over. My thoughts were tangled as I went through my destroyed belongings. Someone was looking for something here. I felt like there was nothing else to do, so I started sobbing.

  Chapter thirty-six

  It looks like my opinion doesn’t matter. Great, take his side.

  ‘Are you all right?’ asked Dad as he released me from a tight hug.

  ‘I’m fine,’ I replied, wiping up my tears. I had to pull myself together, everything could be replaced. Paranormal Unit was all over my apartment checking the intensity of the spells and collecting the evidence. My best clothes and jewelry were gone. At least I had the stuff that Nathaniel bought me in Paris, but everything else was either damaged or hexed. My clothes were torn, my dishes in pieces, and furniture was going to the skip. Someone made an effort not to leave anything at all and to make me very miserable. Whoever it was succeeded. When Dad arrived I sobbed like an idiot for at least ten minutes, pouring out my tears and frustration. Nathaniel wasn’t here yet.

  ‘Cheer up, hun, I’ll help you clean everything up,’ Dad said, patting me. ‘Tell me about Paris, how was it?’

  Paris was amazing. I found out that Nathaniel doesn’t want to get married. Ever.

  ‘It was great. We both enjoyed ourselves; I met Nathaniel’s family,’ I sobbed. ‘They are all very nice.’

  ‘Good, I’m glad that you had a good time. You deserved a break.’ Dad nodded. ‘Oh, there is La Caz.’

  Nathaniel arrived nodding to Dad.

  ‘Julia,’ he said cuddling me, ‘I’m sorry that it took me so long. There was an accident and I was stuck in traffic.’

  ‘It’s fine. I’m just being silly.’

  Nathaniel scanned my apartment and his body tensed. ‘Do you have any idea what went on here, Mr. Taylor?’ he asked Dad, who was in the process of giving orders to one of the officers.

  ‘The magic is still in the air, and the unit is collecting necessary evidence. Julia mentioned that all her magic artifacts are missing.’

e stuff missing didn’t have any value, so I didn’t get it why anyone would want to take them. I bought them when I was younger during school trips. Some of them were given to me by friends and my grandmother.

  ‘They made sure that everything had been trashed, hexing the whole space.’ Dad said, then added, ‘While you were away, the unit got an anonymous phone call about Rufus.’

  ‘So what’s happened, did you find him?’ I asked, feeling that after an evening like this I could do with some good news.

  Dad shook his head. ‘No, it was a false alarm. I’m guessing that someone is trying to tell us that he is alive.’

  ‘Mr. Taylor, I presume that someone knew that Julia was away; this doesn’t looks like an amateur job,’ Nathaniel said, shifting the subject back to my apartment.

  ‘I agree with you La Caz. Hun, I didn’t mention anything to your mother because I didn’t want to worry her, so keep it quiet, but this is starting to worry me.’

  ‘I don’t understand why anyone would hate me so much.’

  ‘What about your ex-boyfriend, Jasper? He threatened you before?’ asked Dad, narrowing his eyes.

  ‘I don’t know. I wouldn’t think so,’ I replied, thinking about Jasper’s obsession with me. But after our last meeting I would guess that he might be capable of doing something like this.

  ‘Your ex-boyfriend or not we won’t be taking any chances. You’ll stay with me until your apartment is sorted,’ Nathaniel stated.

  ‘You don’t have to do this, Nathaniel, I—’

  ‘No discussion, Julia. Take whatever you need. You’re staying with me,’ he insisted, cutting me off.

  ‘I think Nathaniel is right, Dad said. We can’t worry your mum. Two officers will be outside checking for any intruders.’

  It looks like my opinion doesn’t matter. Great, take his side.

  ‘Thank you, Mr. Taylor. I promise to look after your daughter.’

  ‘I’m sure you will, La Caz,’ Dad muttered, kissing my forehead. ‘I need to take care of this investigation, hun, I’ll call you later.’