I smiled "You know I can't get enough baby" I said as he held the chunk out to me to eat.

  "Err well if you're ok now then I'll get back to the movie" Ethan said sounding uncomfortable.

  "Yeah I can take care of my girl" Johnny said sounding a little annoyed, probably because Ethan had his hands on me, Johnny was very possessive. As soon as Ethan was out of the room Johnny pulled me into his arms tightly, "Don't ever let him touch you again" he said fiercely., I nodded "He just hugged me because I hurt myself baby" I lied squeezing myself to him tighter.

  He sighed "I don't give a shit what he was doing, you don't ever let him touch you again, you hear me?" he asked pulling back and looking at me sternly.

  I nodded "Ok baby, sorry" I said pouting slightly, his face softened as he bent his head down to kiss me. He grabbed the drinks and pulled me into the lounge with everyone else, I saw Ethan watching me curiously and Ben was shooting Ethan hateful glares.


  At about eight everyone left, Ethan's shift had finished and the night guard was here. Which left just Johnny and I in the house, he pulled me down onto the sofa next to him. "How's the hand babe?" he asked lovingly as he played with my fingers.,

  I nodded "It's fine now baby, your so sweet looking after me like this" I said teasingly.

  He smiled "Of course I'll look after you, you're my girl, my whole life" he said running his fingers through my hair. My breath caught in my throat, he is so damn sweet sometimes, I wish he was like this all the time but I knew this was just because of me not staying here last night.

  "Your just too adorable Johnny" I said as I pulled his face to mine and kissed him passionately, he smiled against my lips.

  "Only occasionally, most of the time I'm the asshole from last night right?" he said sadly.

  I frowned "Not most of the time, just sometimes baby" I admitted.

  He pulled me up from the couch and made me stand there "Wait here, I'll be right back, don't move" he said excitedly as he kissed the side of my head and ran out of the room.

  Where the hell is he going? I stood exactly where he put me, confused as hell until he came back looking at me hopefully. "Where did you go baby?" I asked smiling at his hopeful nervous face, he smiled and took my hand as be got down on one knee in front of me. Holy shit he's gonna propose again! My heart started beating wildly in my chest. I couldn't marry him, I didn't love him like a wife should love their husband. I had never loved Johnny that way, sure I loved him a lot, but when I compared that to what I had with Ethan it just seemed like nothing, just a fling. I didn't want to hurt Johnny, we'd been together so long, and I knew he loved me like crazy he just had a funny way of showing it sometimes, especially when he was drunk or high.

  He chuckled "Don't look so scared Ali" he said laughing.

  I smiled and took a deep breath "Sorry, I am scared" I admitted.

  A thousand thoughts were racing through my brain, could I say yes knowing that I didn't love him enough? I would never leave Johnny, I would never hurt him, but I also knew I would never love him even half as much as I used to love Ethan, how much I still loved Ethan. But Ethan didn't want me, and Johnny was looking at me so hopefully. I said no last time he asked and I swear he almost cried he looked so sad about it. Last time I used the excuse of being too young and that I had just started to get somewhere with college. But now I was settled, I knew I needed to come up with something else.

  "Ali, I love you so much and I know you don't feel ready to be my wife and I accept that, I do honestly, but would you please consider being my fiancée? Let's get engaged, we can have the longest engagement in the history of the world, I just want you to wear my ring, please Ali, please"

  he asked giving me the damn puppy dog face. I could see how much this meant to him, I swallowed. Well just getting engaged was different to being engaged to be married. I could say yes and wear his ring if it makes him happy and we could still wait a few years until I was ready to get married.

  "If I say yes, you won't start trying to pressure me into marriage though right? I mean you know I don't even want to think about that until after I finish college" I said watching his face for signs of him wanting more than an engagement.

  He grinned wildly, "I won't even bring up the subject of a wedding, whenever your ready you tell me and I'll marry you the very next day, I just want you to wear my ring, I want everyone to know you're mine" he said a hint of desperation in his voice. Oh I get it, this is about Ethan! He didn't like him hugging me and his idea of possessiveness has been taken to a whole new level.

  If he needed reassurance I could give him that, I did love him and I loved to make him happy. "Ok baby, we'll get engaged" I said shrugging.

  His face exploded with happiness as opened his hand to reveal a little black ring box. He lifted the lid to show me a beautiful diamond ring nestled in the folds of the cream silk. I couldn't help but gasp, the diamond was huge and square and must have cost him an absolute fortune, but then again to Johnny, $100,000 on a ring is probably nothing. He smiled as he took it out of the box and slipped it onto my finger, it fitted perfectly and looked absolutely gorgeous.

  "Johnny it's so beautiful" I said looking at it in awe, I had never seen such a beautiful ring.

  He grinned and jumped up lifting me off my feet and swinging me in a small circle laughing. "Oh God, thank you Ali, I promise I'll be the best fiancée in the world, anything you want name it and it's yours" he said as he put me back on my feet and cupped my face in his hands.

  "There's only one thing I want Johnny" I said carefully.

  He smiled happily, he loved to buy me things. When Johnny and I got together he was living in a really crappy one bedroom bedsit and didn't have two dollars to rub together. Now he had money he just couldn't stop spoiling me, but I just wasn't interested in his money, all I wanted was to be loved, and trusted and for someone to hold me and tell me everything was ok.

  "Anything" he said honestly.

  "Stop taking drugs" I said pleadingly. He frowned "I'm not addicted or anything, I just like the buzz" he said frowning a little annoyed.

  I nodded "I know you like the buzz Johnny but I don't like the bruises and the pain I get from one of your highs" I said looking at the floor.

  He gasped and pulled me into a hug, "God I'm such an asshole" he said quietly, I smiled and pulled back, to kiss his lips.

  "I love you Johnny, I'll always forgive you for hurting me, but every time you're high you just get too rough and I end up hurt, if there was one thing I could change about you that would be it" I admitted.

  He lifted my chin to make me look at him, he was looking at me horrified, "I hurt you every time?" he asked quietly.

  I nodded "Every time baby" I said honestly.

  He grimaced and pulled me into a hug, "I won't do it anymore, I swear, I love you so much Ali, I won't ever hurt you again I promise" he murmured as he rubbed his hand down my back. Yeah, I've heard that before!

  "I love you too fiancée" I said teasingly, he laughed and pulled back to kiss me. I pushed him back down onto the sofa and crawled on top of him trailing my hands down his body making him shiver.

  He grinned as he rolled me under him kissing me deeply, "Hmm, I've never made love to a fiancée before" he said happily.

  I laughed "Mmm what a coincidence me either" I said pulling him closer to me.

  He smiled happily as he kissed down my neck, being the gentle, caring, loving Johnny that I met four years ago. In a way the money and fame had ruined him, he was always loving, but his idea of being loving now was buying me an expensive car or designer handbag, not making me smile or doing something that would make me happy. I ran my hands down his back and pulled his t-shirt up trailing my fingernails up his back as I pulled it over his head and threw it on the floor, he moaned as he pulled my top up massaging my breasts making me hot.

  I trailed my hands down his che
st to the bulge of his jeans rubbing him gently through the material, he kissed down my neck and pulling my bra off and massaging me gently. I arched my back pressing my breasts into his hands needing more, his spare hand went down to my jeans unbuttoning them and tugging them off. My breathing was speeding up in anticipation, he ran his hand up my leg slipping it between my legs rubbing me gently still being careful of the bruises on my thighs that he gave me a couple of days ago.

  I pushed his jeans down round his hips releasing his shaft and gripping him tightly, God I needed him right now. "Oh God Johnny now please" I begged raising my hips trying to get him in to me, he smiled against my breasts and pressed forwards lightly nudging at my entrance making me moan and wriggle as tingles were spreading through me. I wrapped one leg around his waist pulling him closer while he teased me some more. "Please Johnny" I begged as my whole body throbbing with need. He kissed me deeply as he pressed his length into me making me tip my head back and moan loudly as pleasure shot through my whole body.

  He pulled back looking at me lovingly as he built up a steady rhythm, he took hold of my hands, interlacing our fingers and pinned them above my head. "I love you Ali" he whispered in my ear as he kissed across my cheek. I could feel my c!imax building, it wasn't very often that Johnny made me c!imax during sex, he was usually too rough or kinky for me to enjoy it. He was good with his hands and mouth though and would often make me scream that way.

  I looked at him a little shocked as my core started to throb and tighten, he grunted and started pumping in a little faster obviously feeling my end coming. "Oh God" I moaned as I started raising my hips to meet his thrusts taking him in deeper and harder.

  He kissed me stealing my moans, "Tell me you love me" he breathed smiling.

  "I love you Johnny" I panted so close I could barely stand it, he squeezed my hands gently as he kissed me thrusting a little faster.

  I could barely breathe my whole body was tingling, my blood was whooshing in my ears, my heart crashing out of my chest. "Oh God, right there! Right there Johnny" I cried as he was hitting some sort of pleasure spot inside me. He chuckled and let go of my hands gripping my shoulders as he pushed in a little harder, every thrust was making me moan, when suddenly I c!imaxed crying out his name loudly, my whole body shaking and convulsing around his shaft making him gasp as he came too.

  He slumped down onto me and kissed me deeply as my body still throbbed around his shaft. "God I think that was the best time ever, I like making love to my fiancée" he said teasingly once he could breathe properly again.

  I pulled him closer to me "Me too baby" I said honestly, that was the best time for me too, he was so sweet and caring seemed to be doing everything for me instead of just getting what he wanted.

  He rolled off of me and pulled me into his arms, I laid my head on his sweaty chest and listened to his heart rate slow down. I closed my eyes and sighed happily as he held me tight, God he could make me so happy if he was just like this all the time. Maybe he would be like this from now on, I really hoped he was serious about not doing drugs anymore.

  Chapter 8


  I woke up on Sunday morning a little disappointed, it was only yesterday I'd woken on the couch with Lia in my arms and I wanted that to be my life so badly. I glanced at the clock it was just after six, I sighed and climbed out of the warm bed heading for the shower. I was due at Johnny's to take over from the night guard in just over an hour. I needed to speak to Lia today, something was definitely up with her and Ben but I just couldn't figure it out. Yesterday when I went into the kitchen he jumped away from her like a bomb went off and she was pressed against the wall looking terrified.

  Why the hell would Ben look at me so freaking hatefully when he left, like I was interrupting something? They must have been having an argument, God if she would only talk to me about it, she was so upset, I could help her. I pushed it out of my mind, I had barely slept all night worrying about her but that was going to stop today. Either she would tell me what was going on or I would somehow trick Becca into telling me, pretend I already knew or something.

  When I was dressed I grabbed her phone from the armchair that she'd left here yesterday morning and grabbed the keys to my car. Finally, today I had my car back. I loved my car, it was an old red Gran Torino, like the one that Starsky and Hutch used to drive but without the white stripe. It was my dream car but cost me a lot in repairs, the damn thing was older than me and was always needing something doing to it. I climbed in the car wondering what Lia was gonna say about it, I wondered if she remembered that this was my dream car? I told her once that when I got it I would let her drive it and we would drive to look out point and make out in the back. I laughed to myself, wow I was romantic back in the day. That's a proposition for a girl, 'hey when I get my dream car, I'll take you to look out point so we can make out' smooth Ethan, what the hell did she see in me anyway?

  I drove to Johnny's seeing her Corsa in the drive so I knew she was here, that's another thing, why the hell does she usually stay on set days? It can't just be the weekend thing like he said otherwise if she was really that bothered about missing college she wouldn't stay here on Sunday or Monday nights.

  It was just before seven thirty, I bet they were still asleep going on what Chris had said about them.

  Jealousy shot through me at the thought of them in bed together, I gritted my teeth forcing my mind somewhere else. I walked up and waved Max off taking over the shift for the day and let myself in the house with the key I'd been given. I went into the kitchen and boiled the kettle, listening to hear any signs of movement from upstairs, God I can't be hearing that, it was hard enough yesterday when they went upstairs and I knew what they were doing, I couldn't hear it too.

  I made a coffee and went into the lounge to grab a magazine that I saw in there yesterday when I stopped in my tracks. "Oh shit" I gasped as I turned my back, they were asleep on the sofa naked, thankfully he was laying nearest to me so I could see his naked back and ass rather than seeing her naked body. I knew if I saw that I would NEVER be able to forget it. I could see that she was naked though and the curve of her hip and ribs, I squeezed my eyes shut trying to think of something else, anything else other than the fact that the girl of my dreams was laying naked with another man. I closed the door silently no wanting to wake them up and went and sat up the kitchen island drinking my coffee feeling devastated.

  About an hour later I heard movement and laughter, she squealed and gasped, "Johnny did you not get enough last night? Seriously baby I need to pee, you need to let go of me" she said laughing.

  "No way, not yet" he said playfully.

  She squealed again, "No! I need to pee, stop it, I can't hold it" she said laughing her ass off.

  "Fine, go pee then come back, and hurry up" he said laughing.

  I heard footsteps then I saw her come out of the room, she was wearing his shirt thankfully. Her eyes locked on me, she blushed like crazy and pulled the t-shirt down further trying to cover her legs slightly.

  "Morning Ethan" she said as she walked past to the downstairs toilet.

  "Morning Ali" I said remembering to use the name she liked. Her eyes snapped back to me and she looked a little shocked, maybe a little sad? Why the hell would she be sad? She told me to use that name.

  "Thank you" she said quietly as she disappeared into the toilet.

  About thirty seconds later Johnny came out wearing just a pair of jeans, he was quite fit for someone who doesn't seem to do much other than sit around all day and do drugs and the odd gig.

  How the hell could Lia like all those tattoo's? She always said she wouldn't like me to get one, she said she didn't like them much, but her damn boyfriend was covered in them.

  "Oh hey Ethan, didn't hear you come in dude" he said grinning his ass off, wow he's happy this morning, but then again he just woke up with a naked Lia in his arms so I think I would be grinning like that too.

  "Morning, yeah I got here about an hour ago" I sai
d boiling the kettle so he could make Lia a coffee which seemed to be her choice of drink in the mornings.

  He grinned and slapped me on the shoulder as he grabbed the eggs from the fridge and put a pan of water on to boil. "Gonna make breakfast for my girl, need to start as I mean to go on huh?" he said grabbing the bread. She came out of the toilet and walked into the kitchen looking a little uncomfortable as if waiting for him to say something. He looked her over and took her hand kissing it smiling broadly, "Gonna get dressed beautiful girl?" he asked as he flicked some music on. She looked a little shocked, maybe that he was being nice about her wearing his shirt, last time she wore that in front of me he grabbed her and ordered her to get some clothes on before shoving her up the hallway.

  "Sure baby, are you making eggs?" she asked grinning happily., He smiled and pulled her to his side kissing the top of her head "Yep, that's about the only thing I can cook" he said smiling as he ran his hand down her back and gripped her ass.

  She laughed "Right but you do make the best eggs in the world baby so it makes up for the lack in variety" she teased looking at him playfully, he laughed.

  "Go get dressed babe, you got three minutes and counting" he said nodding at the eggs. She laughed and ran out of the room. Johnny turned back to me, "Want something?" he asked casually, I shook my head, he was really different today, I could see why she fell for him if this is how he was before he got into drugs and drinking.

  "No thanks man" I said watching him, he was grinning like he had won the lottery, had something happened? Lia came skipping back into the just as he was serving up the eggs. She was dressed in black leggings and a white gypsy style shirt with a big black belt on looking like a friggin supermodel.

  "Good timing Ali" he said grinning at her looking her over like a predator, she wrapped her arms around him as she kissed him.