"Err I can I just get anything fried, but no tomatoes" I said shrugging, she dragged her eyes from Ethan to give me a dirty look.

  "You want the big breakfast or the value one?" she asked nastily nodding at the menu. Wow jealous much?

  I smiled sweetly, "Hmm I'm not sure, what do you think love bug?" I asked looking at Ethan lovingly.

  He grinned and shook his head "We'll have the big breakfasts, no tomatoes on mine either, thanks" he said still not looking at her.

  "And two coffee's, thanks, oh and miss, I'd appreciate it if you could not stare at my boyfriend while I'm sitting here, it's rude" I asked smiling sweetly at her as I handed her my menu she looked at me hatefully and snatched my menu before stomping off.

  Ethan was in hysterics again, "You are just too funny Lia" he choked out.

  "What a cow! Did you see the look she was giving me? We are so swapping plates, she's gonna put something in mine" I whined making him laugh harder.

  "What was she looking at you like?" he asked confused when he could speak again.

  "Jealous, your so in there Ethan, but to be honest you could do better" I said turning my nose up slightly.

  He shook his head and glanced over at the pretty blonde waitress who immediately smiled at him seductively. He chuckled and turned back to me, "Not my type I'm afraid" he said shrugging, Ethan has a type? I guess I'd never thought about it before, when I knew him he'd only dated me but I guess he's dated a lot in six years.

  "You have a type?" I asked shocked, I would have put him down as a nail anything that moves type of guy.

  "Yeah" he said looking uncomfortable.

  "Really? So what's your type then tough guy?" I asked teasingly.

  Hhe smiled sadly, "You're my type Lia" he said quietly.

  I smiled "So you like brunettes" I said rolling my eyes, he looked at me as if he was trying to tell me something.

  Chapter 7

  We chatted happily for about an hour, God he was so damn easy to get along with, just like when we were kids. Ethan always knew how to make me laugh and smile, it was like some sort of talent he always seemed to have. After we'd eaten it was almost half past eleven.

  "So you want me to take you home or...." he asked trailing off looking at me a little hopefully.

  I shook my head, I really needed to see Johnny, get this sorted out, I just prayed that he wasn't angry with me for staying out last night. I mean I didn't do anything wrong, he was the one that told me not to stay at his house. I felt a little guilty about staying at Ethan's while he thought I was at a hotel but it was innocent enough. I'd known him a long time, nothing happened, so I shouldn't feel guilty, right?

  "Can you drive me to Johnny's? Are you working today or have you got the day off?" I asked, crap should he have started work already?

  He nodded "Yeah, I'm due on at twelve, I got the morning off as I worked late last night when we went to the bar, so Max the night guard stayed later this morning to give me the time back" he said shrugging casually. "So you and Johnny are going to make it up then?" he asked waving for the bill, I shrugged.

  "I guess if he wants to" I answered, God I hoped he wanted to, I couldn't go back to staying at my parents with Ben there.

  "He'll want to Lia, he'd be crazy not to" Ethan said quietly, I smiled, God he was so damn sweet.

  I kind of wish he was the asshole that I had pretended he was for the last six years, it would have been so much easier if he came back and was a jerk then I could still pretend that I hated him, that he didn't make my heart beat faster every time he smiled at me. I sighed and looked away from his beautiful face.

  "Come on then Lia, I'll give you a piggy back to the car, unless you'd rather me throw you over my shoulder again" Ethan said teasingly as he stood up.

  I laughed and slapped his arm "Asshole" I said blushing as I remembered him carrying me in with everyone watching me.

  He laughed and bent down so I could climb on his back, I wrapped myself around his back and tried not to think of all the times he had done this to me, mucking around or when my feet hurt or something when we were dating. I tried not to imagine how different my life would be if he never left, if his parents hadn't died. It was kind of like torture thinking about it and I couldn't do it to myself.

  Ethan drove straight to Johnny's, "Please don't tell him I stayed at yours, he really wouldn't like it" I said as we pulled into the drive.

  He nodded "Ok, I won't don't worry" he said shrugging.

  "Thanks for last night Ethan, I really appreciate it" I said honestly, that was probably one of the best nights sleep I'd had in years.

  "Anytime Lia, you ever need a place to stay or anything I'm here ok?" he said smiling, I nodded and grabbed my shoes from the backseat making my way up to Johnny's house praying that he still wanted to be with me.

  As I walked through the door Johnny immediately attacked me grabbing me into a huge hug and kissing me fiercely. He pressed me against the wall deepening the kiss making me lose my breath.

  By the time he pulled away we were both panting.

  "God I missed you, I'm so sorry babe, don't ever stay away from me like that again, do you know how worried I've been?" he ranted pressing his forehead to mine.

  "I'd say pretty worried by the feel of that kiss" I joked making him crack a smile. The lesson obviously worked, he would be this sweet Johnny for a couple of weeks, maybe he would even stay clean for a few days if I asked him too.

  "I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you" he mumbled against my neck.

  "Sure baby, I love you too" I said as I hugged him tighter.

  "Don't ever stay away again like that" he said frowning.

  I smiled "Johnny you told me to find somewhere else to stay, it wasn't my choice baby" I said honestly, even though I did have the best sleep of my life.

  "I did?" he asked confused.

  I nodded "Yeah, does drugged up, drunk Johnny, not remember telling me he wanted to let someone else touch him and for me to sleep somewhere else?" I asked playfully as I tangled my fingers in his hair.

  He groaned and put his head on my shoulder "I don't know why you put up with me Ali, damn it!

  I'm an asshole" he said planting little kisses on my neck. I tipped my head back to give him better access, I saw movement from the other end of the hall and looked up to see Ben watching us, I felt sick. I couldn't stand to be in the same room as him.

  "Let's go upstairs baby, I'll let you apologise to me properly" I said teasingly needing to be anywhere but here. Johnny chuckled as he bent down and picked me up forcing my legs around his waist as he went upstairs.

  After an hour or so of making Johnny apologise, amongst other things, I changed into jeans and a Elmer Fudd t-shirt and went downstairs leaving him asleep in the bed. I went into the lounge to see the band laying around all over the sofa's looking a little worse for ware.

  "Oh thank God your finished! I couldn't hear that anymore, 'harder Johnny, oh God baby' " Tyson joked doing a bad impression of my voice, making me blush.

  I gabbed the pillow he was laying on and hit him with it, "Shut up Tyson, I did not say that" I said blushing harder.

  "Yeah I know, it was more like, 'don't stop Johnny, you can't be finished already! '" he said in a girly voice, laughing his ass off. He was laying on his stomach on the sofa so I jumped and sat on his back making him grunt. "Jeez get off me Ali, you're heavy" he whined.

  "Hmm that's just what Johnny said" I joked as I hit him with the pillow again making everyone laugh.

  I looked over to see Ethan staring at me with a sad smile, ok what the hell is that about? Johnny came down about ten minutes later and sat on top of Tyson next to me making him moan and whine louder. Johnny laughed and kissed me smiling at me tenderly making me feel happy, I didn't even care that Ben was here while Johnny was being all sweet. I was making the most of this and he wasn't spoiling it for me.

  "Seriously guys enough, get off" Tyson moaned.

  Johnny laughed and jumped up off of him
sitting on the floor cross-legged and pulling me into his lap wrapping his arms around me. Johnny's phone buzzed in his pocket, he frowned at the caller id and passed it to me. I looked and smiled "Hey Becca, what's up" I chirped happily as Johnny kissed down my neck blowing a raspberry on my shoulder making me giggle.

  "I've been ringing your cell phone all day but it's been turned off, are you ok? Did you and Johnny make up? Well considering you're answering his phone I suppose that a silly question" she said sounding slightly amused.

  Shit where is my cell? "Oh, yeah I turned it off, um actually I don't know where I left it, but yeah I'm fine, I'm at Johnny's now if you want to come over, Johnny's gonna buy everyone pizza for dinner if you're interested" I suggested.

  He looked up at me smiling. "I am?" he asked raising his eyebrows at me, I stuck out my tongue at him and he moved his head forward going to bite it making me giggle and pull away quickly.

  He smirked at me and trailed his fingers over my legs to the inside of my thighs. I slapped his hand away giving him a stern look which he ignored and moved his hands back there again tickling the inside of my leg making me all hot and bothered.

  "Yeah I might actually, I got nothing on today" Becca said happily.

  "Ok want me to come pick you up?" I asked trying to ignore the waves of passion crashing over me as his hands got a tiny bit higher and closer to my core, Johnny always was good with his hands.

  "Nah, I'll drive and borrow my Mom's car, she won't mind, they're all going to that wedding tonight anyway so I'll be here on my own seen as it's adults only and a nineteen year old doesn't count as an adult" she whined.

  "Ok see ya in a bit" I said snapping Johnny's phone shut.

  I held it out, and as he went to take it I moved it away, "Hmm it'll cost ya" I said seductively.

  He grinned "I don't think I can pay for it yet babe, you wore me out. Hold onto it for an hour then I'll pay whatever you want" he said flirtily making me laugh. Tyson and Chris started making fake gagging noises.

  "Get a room!" Matt called from the other sofa.

  "I have a whole house dude! If you don't like it, leave" Johnny joked sticking his finger up at him.

  "Crude Johnny, how old are you five?" I asked grabbing his hand and wrapping his arm around me again.

  Becca turned up shortly after and after an hour of mucking around with the boys, I started to get hungry. "Are you gonna buy us some food baby, I'm hungry" I said giving him the puppy dog face.

  He sighed "I don't have any cash on me beautiful girl, oh wait, where's that $500 you had last night?" he asked grinning suddenly remembering he gave me a wad of cash.

  I smiled apologetically, "Um I spent it" I admitted., He looked at me confused before understanding crossed his face, "Oh right yeah, on the hotel, sorry" he said grimacing slightly.

  I laughed and looked at Ethan who grinned back knowingly, "Actually I gave it to the cab driver as tip because you pissed me off" I admitted trying not to laugh.

  Johnny laughed and shook his head, "Why the hell didn't you just spend it, least that way you would have got something out of it" he said as if I was stupid.

  I smiled "I liked the idea of wasting your money, made me feel better for you behaving like a dick"

  I said raising my eyebrows challengingly at him.

  He smiled, "Ali, I don't care if you waste my money, you can have my money, I already asked you to marry me then half of everything would be yours anyway" he said shrugging.

  I smiled and pulled him in for a long kiss, when I pulled back half of the room was looking at us shocked, apart from Chris and Becca as they were already aware that Johnny had proposed to me and I said no about six months ago.

  "You two are engaged?" Ben asked looking really angry.

  Johnny looked at me sadly, "Nah man, she turned me down, sometimes I forget she's still a baby" he said ruffling my hair playfully.

  "Hmm you seemed to forget upstairs too" I whispered making him laugh quietly.

  "Right, I'm gonna order us some food then, who wants what?" he asked pushing himself up from the floor, everyone immediately started shouting out their orders. "Shh! I didn't hear a single one, I'll go get paper then we'll go one at a time" he said seriously sounding so grown up it was actually funny. Johnny mostly behaved like a child. I glanced up at Ethan who was looking so sad it actually made my stomach hurt, why the hell is he looking so sad?

  After we ate we were all sitting around watching a movie, Ben was shooting me disapproving glances which I ignored and tried not to look in his direction. I could also feel Ethan looking at me occasionally but I refused to look at him, but this was for a different reason. I couldn't look at Ben because I was scared shitless of him and hated him more than I had ever hated anything in my life. I couldn't look at Ethan because every time I did all I could see was his sexy face when he woke up this morning, his smell as he held me tight all night and how he had made me laugh at the café.

  "Want another drink baby?" I asked as I looked at my empty glass, Johnny tightened his arm around me and kissed the side of my head.

  "Sure beautiful girl, want me to get it?" he offered being all sweet, I shook my head and pushed up off of the floor, my ass was getting numb anyway.

  "Anyone else want a drink?" I asked as I headed to the door.

  "Yeah I'll have one Ali" Becca called.

  I headed to the kitchen and raided the fridge finding a couple of cans of coke and a bar of chocolate.

  I felt two arms wrap around me and I smiled, "Johnny will you stop?" I said laughing as his hands skimmed up my body to cup my breasts.

  "Shh" he said as he kissed down the side of my neck and pushed me face first into the wall gently, pressing his body to mine from behind. Jeez this boy is insatiable! I chuckled as he bit my neck gently and pushed his hand down the front of my jeans massaging me gently.

  "Johnny stop!" I said laughing, he pulled his hand out and turned me around, I glanced up to see Ben smirking at me as he crashed his lips to mine hard. I whimpered and put my hands on his chest pushing him as hard as I could to get him off, God I felt sick.

  He glared at me, "Stop being a frigid fucking bitch Ali" he said as he shoved me hard against the wall again pressing his body into mine.

  "Get off me Ben!" I cried as I pushed him hard again.

  "Why didn't you come home with me last night?" he asked angrily, I looked around desperately for someone to help. He gripped hold of my hair and pulled my head back making me yelp as pain shot through my scalp.

  "I stayed at a hotel" I said squeezing my eyes shut.

  "You said you were staying at Becca's" he growled even more angry as he pulled my hair harder making me gasp.

  "Please your hurting me" I whispered desperately.

  He chuckled and let go of my hair, "Come home tonight" he ordered, I opened my eyes to see he was looking at me lustfully, a smile playing at the edge of his lips.

  "No, it's not my night to come home, I'm staying here" I said shaking my head, he drew back his hand to slap me then his head snapped up to the hallway and he jumped away from me as if I burnt him.

  I looked at the door confused just as Ethan walked in, he smiled "Hey, need a hand?" he asked helpfully. Ben shot him a glare as he shoved past him out of the door leaving Ethan watching him curiously, probably wondering what the attitude was about. He looked back at me and frowned,

  "You ok?" he said as he walked over to me and reached out a hand to me, I nodded and pushed away from the wall turning away from him. I could feel my emotions bubbling under the surface and the stupid boy was going to make me cry I could feel it.

  "What was that about? You two have a row?" he asked curiously coming up close to my side.

  "Just go away Ethan please" I begged, I could feel my eyes prickling.

  He put his hand on the small of my back, "What is it? Please tell me Lia" he pleaded, that did it I couldn't stop the tears from falling. He gasped and pulled me into a hug as I sobbed on his shoulder, I just couldn't stop.
br />
  For the longest time Ethan was the only one Ben would leave me alone for. He started touching me when I was ten and I once I realised it was wrong I told him if he kept doing it I would tell Ethan.

  Ben stopped immediately knowing that Ethan would have beat the crap out of him, but when Ethan moved away when his parents died, Ben's touching had come back with a vengeance knowing there was nothing to stop him. When I was thirteen, exactly three weeks after Ethan left Ben raped me, and he hasn't stopped since. Just having Ethan back here was making me feel things I hadn't felt for six years, for the longest time I thought I was dead inside, but now he's back I just can't stop the emotions from spilling out.

  Ethan rubbed his hand down my back soothingly, "Shh, it's ok Lia, everything's ok" he murmured as I pressed myself tighter to him. God I felt so safe in his arms, I didn't ever want him to let me go.

  "Hey! What the hell's going on?" Johnny asked as he pulled my arm making me jerk away from Ethan. I looked up at his angry face and saw it soften as he realised I was crying, "Shit! What's wrong?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around me. But I didn't want to be held by him, I couldn't help comparing Johnny's arms to Ethan's and how I just didn't fit quite right here, which made me cry even harder.

  I pushed away from him and wiped my face angrily, "Nothing, I'm fine, I just shut my hand in the fridge" I lied cradling my hand as if it was painful.

  Johnny rolled his eyes at me, "Wow typical Ali" he teased as he took my hand gently and pulled me to the sink turning on the cold tap and pushing my hand under. I looked at Ethan he was watching me shocked and confused, oh God please don't say that I didn't hurt myself!

  "It's ok, I'm ok now, thanks baby" I said drying my hand on a towel, he took it and looked it over, kissing my fingers tenderly.

  "Only you could manage to shut your hand in a fridge Ali" he said chuckling, I smiled, ok well at least he's buying it!

  "I know right, I'm such a clutz" I said smiling at Johnny playing along.

  He grabbed the two drinks that I got out of the fridge and the bar of chocolate "More chocolate?" he teased as he opened it and broke a chunk off.