"You were my first kiss too" I said knowing that she already knew that.

  "Yeah, you moved away or something right?" she said curiously.

  I nodded "Yeah when my parents died" I said quietly. Her face softened for a second before it turned back hard again.

  "I remember, listen finish whatever job you've come here to do and leave" she said sternly as she turned on her heel and stormed off out of the room leaving me stunned. She'd changed, she was hard and emotionless, what the hell had happened to make her like this?

  Chapter 2


  "Really baby, someone's at the door!" I said breathlessly, he shook his head and carried on thrusting into me as hard as he could making me wince slightly each time. Fuck it hurry up and finish! I was still sore from last night and this really wasn't helping. He was rough last night, the same as he always was when he was drunk or high and last night he was both which meant really rough sex. He thrust again and climaxed with a loud moan as he dug his fingers into my hips. I faked an orgasm as usual and he smiled as he pulled out and went over to the dresser to light up a cigarette. Wow ok way to make a girl feel loved Johnny! I sat up ignoring the burning ache from between my legs.

  The banging started again louder this time, "See! I told you" I said pulling the sheet up around me.

  "Who the fuck is that gonna be at this time of the morning?" he ranted as he walked to the window throwing it open and leaning out still butt naked, luckily the windowsill covered him up nicely. I glanced over that the clock it was almost eleven in the morning. Great another day of missed college! "What the fuck do you want? Do you know what fucking time it is?" Johnny asked annoyed. I sighed, for most people this was late in the morning but not for Johnny, he was hardly ever up before mid-day.

  I didn't hear the reply from the person at the door but Johnny slapped his forehead hard. "Right yeah, fuck it sorry I forgot you were coming, I'll be right down" he said, he turned to me and slammed the window shut grabbing a pair of jeans.

  "Who's that?" I asked getting out of the bed heading over to the window to look.

  "Fuck it Ali, just go back to sleep!" he shouted as he pushed me back onto the bed roughly. He turned and stormed out of the room pulling up his jeans as he went slamming the door. Wow he is obviously having his low now. No way I'm staying here all day if he's gonna be on a downer, he'll be an ass.

  I got out of the bed and went over to the mirror, I groaned when I noticed how tired I looked, I had bags under my eyes. The party last night went on until three. I found my knickers and bra from last night and put them on quickly. I looked round for my clothes, shit where did I leave them? Fuck it, they're down stairs in the living room! Johnny made me strip down there for him, I groaned at how embarrassing that was, but hey he was so off of his face last night he wouldn't remember anyway. I dabbed on some concealer under my eyes to cover the shadows and then pulled on my huge shades, I grabbed his t-shirt and heading out of the room as I shrugging it on.

  I stopped at the top of the stairs, I could hear Johnny talking to someone, "Right sorry, yeah your not a skivvie" Johnny said sounding apologetic. Wow he never apologises! The only person he ever says sorry to is me when he's beat the crap out of me when he's high.

  "Great then we understand each other" the other guy said. Damn he head a sexy voice! The husky tone to his voice sent a chill down my spine. "Right well I'll need to do a check of your house and order any further protection or security measures I need" the sexy voice said, God I wanted to see where that voice came from. They sounded like they were heading down to the kitchen so I made my way slowly downstairs. I glanced over and saw two pair of legs, fuck it, Johnny is gonna go crazy if he sees me like this in front of a guy!

  I dropped my eyes to the floor and tried to be as quiet as I could hoping to sneak past. But I wasn't quiet enough. "Get the fuck upstairs and put on some clothes Ali, shit!" Johnny said as he strode over to me. Crap he sounded angry. He grabbed hold of my upper arm digging his nails in making me clamp my jaw tight so I didn't cry out. "So fucking stupid Ali, there's a guy here, get upstairs and put your clothes on" he growled warningly, he has always been possessive and jealous but lately he had started using cocaine and he was now really paranoid too, he didn't trust me an inch even though I would never do that to him.

  He squeezed my arm tighter, probably giving me a bruise, "My clothes are down here baby" I whispered, at least he didn't remember the strip tease he made me do for him last night. He sneered at me and shoved me towards the living room door, I caught myself before I fell luckily, wow that would have hurt.

  "Get dressed now" he said angrily, I nodded and went into the room finding my jeans and black vest top from last night.

  I threw them on and put my ear to the door listening. They sounded further away, maybe the kitchen, I heard the fridge door open and a bottle chink. Shit if he's drinking already, I'm definitely going out. "Want one?" Johnny asked.

  "No thanks" the guy answered sounding a little pissed off. I smiled, well at least it's not just me that doesn't like people drinking during the day.

  I stepped out and walked to the kitchen barefoot, turning my nose up and the thought of all the crap that was probably over his floors from the party last night. It was pretty wild as usual, the band and the roadies, friends of his and of course plenty of girls. Johnny's life was pretty crazy at times, definitely involving lots of drink and drugs lately.

  I glanced over at the new guy, he had his back to me looking at the back door for some reason. Wow he had a nice ass, just perfect and peachy looking in his low slung ripped jeans that showed just a little of his grey boxers. His white t-shirt was stretched across his muscular back, which I bet would look incredibly hot without the top. He had light brown hair that looked kind of messy in the back but it looked like it was supposed to be like that.

  Johnny grabbed me around the waist, his face soft and tender again now I was dressed. "Now that's better" he said rubbing his hands down my back and gripping my ass.

  "Yeah sorry" I said knowing that was the response he wanted. He pulled his arms tighter around me and started kissing down my neck, I closed my eyes enjoying the sensation, I loved it when he was sweet like this, I loved him like this, he used to be like this all the time.

  He got to my shoulder where my bra strap was and bit down hard, Johnny liked it rough. I couldn't help the little squeak that came out and I quickly bit my lip to keep from making another sound. I felt his teeth on my skin again and just as he was about to bite down the guy cleared his throat. Oh God thank you!

  Johnny pulled away from me slightly, I turned my head in the direction of the new guy and my heart stopped beating. It was Ethan Scott. The guy who had me crying myself to sleep for well over four years. God he was so handsome, he was always gorgeous but this was just ridiculous! I wanted to run to him and throw my arms around him and kiss his perfect mouth and tell him how much I missed him and still love him and beg him to give me another chance.

  My heart sped up and I clamped my jaw tight so I wouldn't say any of those things. He didn't want me, he was an arrogant asshole that used me and then left without another word. For two years he left me hanging, waiting for him, then with four words he broke my heart. 'Stop writing to me' he had written in my 15th birthday card. What a fucking asshole! I bet he didn't even know how much I loved him and how much he hurt me. I bet he didn't even recognise me now!

  "Just help yourself" Johnny said as he waved a hand dismissively to the kitchen door, what the hell does that mean? Why the hell is he here? He was looking at me, almost pleadingly, he also looked kind of angry.

  "Lia" he said, my heart skipped a beat, he was the only one that ever called me Lia and I loved it still, even after six years.

  I squeezed my jaw tighter, oh God Ali, be cool, if Johnny finds out you know this guy he's gonna go crazy! I shook my head, "No I think your mistaking me for someone else" I said calmly.

  Johnny's eyes snapped to me making me go cold, he l
ooked really pissed. "You know this guy?" he asked his voice tight.

  I shook my head and smiled sweetly hoping to convince him, "No baby" I said as I leant up and kissed him on the lips lightly.

  He pulled away looking at me angrily, trying to work out if I was lying or not, I kept my face blank and he turned to look at the guy. I swallowed the lump in my throat, oh shit I'm gonna cry! I clenched my hand into fists pressing my nails into my palms making a sharp pain start in the palm of my hands to give me something else to think about other than the fact that the only boy I ever really loved was standing in my boyfriends kitchen about to get me beaten to shit!

  "Who's Lia?" Johnny asked curiously. Ethan's gorgeous light blue eyes flicked to me and I wanted to take off the damn shades so I could see the beautiful colour of them.

  "Sorry, my bad, you do look like someone I used to know though" he said shrugging. Why the hell did he lie? I breathed a sigh of relief, ok cool down Ali.

  "Really? Great" I said sarcastically trying to sound like I wasn't interested in him. "Want breakfast baby?" I asked eager to change the subject, I went to the fridge to see what was in there. There was one egg, a small lump of cheese, some bacon that I knew had been open for a few days but should still be ok to eat. Johnny never had any food in the house, him and his band mates preferred a liquid or powder diet lately so they were hardly ever hungry. I on the other hand was hungry all the time, I was a training dancer and did so much practice everyday that I burnt off calories as quick as I ate them.

  "Sure what's on offer?" Johnny said as he came up behind me and groping my ass. It actually made me feel a little sick to think that he was doing that in front of Ethan, I would much rather Ethan's hands run down my body. Damn it Ali stop! He's not interested, and even if he was, you would say no because he's an ass who broke your heart!

  "Bacon still looks ok, you need to get some food in baby if you want me to stay here tonight, I'm not eating Chinese again" I said turning my nose up, we had Chinese takeaway about four times a week as it was his favourite.

  Johnny laughed "Hmm I could think of something else for you to eat" he said grinning at me flirtily as he crashed his lips to mine possessively, showing Ethan that I was his, that's all this was, a public display of who belonged to who. Johnny gets jealous easily.

  By the time he pulled away we were both breathless, I glanced over the kitchen to find it empty, my stomach dropped down into my feet at the thought of him leaving without saying goodbye when I heard him moving around in the living room. "Who's the guy baby?" I asked pretending not to be too interested, I grabbed the butter and bacon from the fridge and set to work frying some bacon and buttering bread.

  "His name's Eric, he's here to check out our security to see if we need any extra locks or anything" he said shrugging. No his names Ethan Ryan Scott and he's the love of my life and the one I compare every man too, even you Johnny Brent!

  "Right" I said nodding as I fried the bacon, the fat spat on my wrist burning me, "Shit! I'm gonna go get a sweater baby, can you watch the pan?" I said pointing to it, he nodded and flicked on the TV.

  I ran up the stairs and headed to Johnny's bedroom for something with long sleeves, I stopped at the door shocked, Ethan was standing there looking a photo of Johnny and I when we went to Usher last year. I didn't know what to say, I could barely breathe, he was staring at me too, probably just as shocked as me. "Sorry, I just came up for a sweater, please, continue looking at Johnny's personal shit" I said acidly, I went to the wardrobe and grabbed the first one of Johnny hoodies that I saw.

  "Lia?" he said quietly, fuck it why do I love the sound of that so much?

  "My names Ali, I really think your mistaken" I said harshly.

  "No your names Aaliyah Marie Jones" he said in his sexy voice. Wow he really did remember me, he even remembered my middle name! I ignored the little thrill that went through me.

  "And how do you know that?" I asked pretending to not know who he was. He looked a little hurt, wow a little hurt, that's all he gets after what he put me through?

  "We grew up together" he said frowning, I tried to hide my grin, he was obviously annoyed that I didn't recognise him.

  "We did?" I asked faking shock, wow I was actually enjoying this, payback for the years he made me cry.

  He nodded, a pained look on his face that almost made me stop playing the bitch, "Ethan, Ethan Scott, my parents and yours were friends" he said sounding hopeful.

  "Right yeah I remember now, we dated for a while right?" I asked smiling a little as he looked at me shocked. He closed his eyes and nodded, I laughed, wow he looked like he was hurting, welcome to the club dip shit, I'm still not over you! "Right now I remember, you were my first kiss actually" I said grinning wickedly. We were each others first kisses, he made me kiss him when i was seven then we finally got together when I was ten and he was thirteen.

  "You were my first kiss too" he said quietly.

  I had no idea what happened to him after he left. I knew he went to live with his uncle and went to military school in another state but once he moved away he refused to answer my calls and texts or letters. He had left me without even saying goodbye, ignoring me for over two years, leaving me hanging and waiting for him before finally gracing me with a break up, I hadn't spoken a word to him since the day he left six years ago. "Yeah, you moved away or something right?" I asked actually curious as to how he'd been.

  He nodded "Yeah when my parents died" he said sadly. My resolve wavered for a second looking at his sad face, I wanted to wrap my arms around him and hold him. I loved his parents, they were incredible and were murdered in a convenience store one night, in an armed robbery gone wrong. I never even got to speak to Ethan about it, the police gave him the news at our house as he was staying the night and then whisked him off to his uncles. I never even got to say goodbye. But he blew his chance, he threw my love away like it was nothing, there was no way he would get another chance.

  "I remember, listen finish whatever job you've come here to do and leave" I said sternly. I turned on my heel and walked out of the room wiping the traitor tear that fell down my face. Fuck it I was crying! I never cried, I hadn't cried for a long time, since I finally accepted that he wasn't coming back for me and that I was alone. He was the only one that had the power to make me cry, a lot of awful stuff had happened to me since then, but none of it were as bad as the pain that he caused me.

  I went back down to the kitchen to see Johnny leaning against the counter eating a bacon sandwich, he pointed to mine on the counter, "It was done" he said shrugging.

  I smiled and took my plate going to lean next to the counter next to him "Thanks baby" I said smiling.

  The bacon was burned to shit and tasted off, as soon as he wasn't looking I threw it in the trash, I'd get something later. I heard Ethan coming back down the stairs so I grabbed Johnny and pulled him into a long passionate kiss, running my hands down his chest as he gripped my ass tightly. He moaned in the back of his throat as he ran his hands over my whole body, Ethan cleared his throat again and I smiled against Johnny's lips as he groaned. "Man I hope your not gonna be interrupting me and my girl the whole time or this seriously isn't gonna work out" Johnny joked as he punched Ethan's shoulder playfully.

  Ethan looked at me horrified and I tried to not smile, "So this is your girlfriend? Will she be here a lot?" Ethan asked looking away from me.

  Johnny pulled me to his side, "Yeah man, this is Ali, she stays over a lot, right babe?" he said squeezing my waist slightly.

  I nodded "Yeah I usually stay on Friday to Monday nights" I said easily, he looked at me curiously.

  "Every week? Is there any particular reason for those days?" he asked, shit! Trust Ethan to ask that!

  "Um, no reason in particular I guess" I said shrugging uncomfortably.

  Johnny looked at me and smiled, "She just likes my company at the weekends right?" he asked slapping my ass.

  I laughed uncomfortably, "Yep, listen baby I gotta go to colleg
e, I'll see you tonight ok?" I asked grabbing my bag from the kitchen worktop.

  "Sure, you need some money for lunch or something?" Johnny asked digging in his jeans pocket pulling out a wedge of cash.

  I shook my head, "No thanks baby I'm fine" I said as I stood on tip toes to kiss his lips.

  "Just take some money, you'll probably get hungry later knowing you" he said holding out a twenty dollar bill.

  "Honestly I'm fine baby, I'll see you tonight" I said waving it off. He ignored my protests and pushed it into my back pocket as he slapped my ass.

  I grabbed my car keys off the side and Johnny groaned, "When are you gonna stop driving that piece of shit and drive the damn car I bought you?" he asked angrily taking my car keys from my hand. Fuck it not this again!

  "Johnny I don't like to drive that car, I told you" I said quietly feeling like an ungrateful bitch.

  "Ali, I bought it for you, I told you it doesn't matter if you smash it up, I'll just get you another one"

  he said proudly as he pulled me to his chest.

  "Johnny, I appreciate the thought I do, but I can't drive that car, it's too expensive" I said apologetically.

  "Don't be so fucking pathetic Ali, take the damn car and stop being such an Audi hater!" Johnny said laughing.

  I sighed "Please Johnny, I'm happier in my car, I don't have to worry about how fast it goes if I press the accelerator to hard" I said grimacing slightly.

  Johnny shook his head at me again and turned to Ethan, "Seriously man, I bought my girl a fucking Audi TT and she would rather drive her crappy old Vauxhall Corsa! What the hell's up with that?" Johnny asked incredulously.

  Ethan looked at me a little shocked, "Well at least you know she's not after your money" he muttered shaking his head.

  Johnny burst out laughing again, "Well I already knew that, when we got together I didn't have shit!

  Right babe?" he asked winking at me.