"Whatever, I'm going to college, can I have my keys baby?" I asked holding out my hand, he grabbed it and pulled me to him kissing me hard hurting my lips slightly.

  "Take the Audi" he said putting the keys in my hand, fuck it I can't drive that damn car!

  "Johnny" I started but he cut me off.

  "No more arguments Ali, I'm fed up with my girlfriend driving around in a piece of shit car" he said sternly ending the conversation.

  I groaned internally, "Ok thanks baby, I'll be back about five I guess, are you gonna get some food in? I don't want Chinese again" I said grimacing.

  "We'll get something else instead of Chinese, how about pizza?" he suggested with a grin.

  I sighed "I'll go get some shopping on my way back then ok? I don't want a takeaway" I grumbled.

  He pulled out some more money from his pocket "Here then take this" he said holding it out.

  "Johnny I've got money, it's fine" I said sternly, he smiled and tucked the money down the front of my top in my bra his fingers lingering on my breasts as he grinned wickedly making me blush.

  "Right, thanks, I'll see you later, nice to meet you" I said waving dismissively at Ethan as I kissed Johnny's lips and made my way to the door. I groaned and walked over to the brand spanking new midnight blue Audi TT that Johnny had bought me, I got in and started the engine grimacing slightly, "Please don't let me crash" I whispered closing my eyes.

  There was a knock on my window making me jump, I looked up to see Ethan standing there with a slight smile on his face, I groaned, why the hell can't he leave me alone? Doesn't he know how hard it is for me to see his beautiful face? I pressed the window down, "What do you want Ethan?" I asked annoyed.

  He smiled "Do you think you could give me a lift? My car's in the shop" he asked hopefully, I sighed and nodded. Sure why the hell not? Why not really torture myself?

  He grinned and started walking around to the passenger side, I jumped out of the car, "Wait Ethan, can you drive? I really hate driving this car" I admitted. He frowned and nodded coming back round to the drivers side, I climbed back in and slid over to the passenger side.

  "Why do you hate driving it?" he asked confused as he pulled out of the drive.

  I shook my head "It's too fast, it scares me" I said looking away from his perfect face and out of the windscreen.

  "If you hate driving it, why the hell don't you just tell him that?" he asked shocked and annoyed.

  "I did but he really hates my car, he says that I have to keep up his image too" I said shrugging, he looked at me annoyed but I refused to meet his gaze.

  "So what kind of work are you doing for Johnny?" I asked curiously.

  He smiled slightly "I'm his new bodyguard" he said simply. Oh crap! That means he's gonna be around a lot. Great, just great!

  "You are huh? And what makes you qualified for that?" I asked in my bitchiest voice.

  His face hardened, "My training make's me qualified for that, when the hell did you become such a bitch?" he asked squeezing his hands on the steering wheel tighter.

  What the hell? I snapped my head round and gave him my best drop dead death glare, "Fuck you Ethan, just drive the damn car" I spat venomously.

  He frowned "Fine whatever" he said shrugging.

  He pulled into a driveway of an apartment building. I looked up at it, it looked a pretty nice place

  "This where you live?" I asked curiously.

  He nodded "Yeah, you wanna come in for a coffee or something? Maybe we could talk" he suggested looking hopeful. Oh God I would love to, but that asshole hurt me so badly, I need to stay away from him.

  "No thanks, see you around" I said harshly.

  He smiled "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning when I start my job huh?" he said grinning.

  I groaned, why the hell is he doing this to me?

  "Right, bye" I said getting out of the car and walking round to the drivers side waiting for him to get out.

  "Want me to drive you to college? I can get a cab back if you don't want to drive the car" he suggested. Wow that's sweet, typical Ethan!

  "No thanks" I said waving for him to get out of the car impatiently.

  He got out and walked past me stopping a couple of steps away, "It was really good seeing you again Lia, you look beautiful" he said quietly, my breath caught in my throat, jeez why the hell does he have to be so damn sweet?

  "You too" I mumbled as I jumped in the car and pulled out of the driveway hardly touching the accelerator, I couldn't help the tears that fell. Ethan was the only one that could ever make me cry.

  I pulled into the college car park and breathed a sigh of relief that I hadn't killed anyone or myself in the stupid damn car. It was lunch time so I went straight to the canteen and bought a huge pile of cheesy chips and a roll and headed over to my usual table to wait for my best friend in the world Rebecca Stevens. She was the only one who knew the truth about everything, we had been friends forever, I met her when I was five and we grew up together.

  She came over about five minutes later, "Hey girl" she chirped as she plopped down opposite me. I gave her a smile trying to pretend everything was fine but her face fell as soon as she looked at me.

  Her hand shot across the table to grab mine, "What's happened?" she asked sympathetically.

  "Nothing" I said shaking my head and digging into my chips again.

  She squeezed my hand harder "Don't lie to me Ali! Is it Ben?" she whispered.

  I grimaced and shook my head refusing to think about Ben, "No, no, it's just" I started but didn't know what to say, I sighed "It's Ethan" I said sadly, she grimaced and shook her head.

  "Ali, stop torturing yourself it's been six years, you're better off without him, he was a fucking asshole" she said angrily. I smiled at how protective she was of me, she was the best friend a girl could ask for.

  "No Becca, Ethan's back, he just turned up this morning out of the blue, he's Johnny's new bodyguard" I said annoyed as I stabbed my chips angrily.

  he gasped "No shit?" she asked shocked as hell.

  I nodded "Honestly, he just knocked on Johnny's door this morning, Johnny's hired him because of this whole stalker thing" I said shrugging.

  I looked up at Becca's shocked and angry face and couldn't help but smile, she looked like she was about to blow a gasket. "What the hell is he up to? How dare he waltz back into your life like this? The asshole!" she cried earning us gazes from other students.

  "I know but to be honest he looked as surprised as I was when I saw him in the kitchen this morning so I don't think he knew either" I admitted honestly. He actually looked like he was having as much trouble as I was when I saw him.

  "Fucking asshole, you'd better keep him away from me" she said ripping her sandwich into small pieces angrily, I sighed and couldn't stop thinking about Ethan's handsome face.

  "God Bec's, you should see him now, he's totally gorgeous" I mumbled shaking my head, life is so not fair.

  "I don't care how gorgeous he is Ali, that ass left you to fend for yourself and broke your heart! He didn't even break up with you for two years but left you hanging around waiting for him while he just ignored you" she said annoyed. Luckily the bell rang signalling afternoon classes, she squeezed my hand supportively, "Don't worry Ali, everything will be ok" she said as she pulled me to my feet. "Just go to classes, I'll meet you after ok?" she said throwing an arm around me.

  "Actually I'll probably be kept back after, I skipped this morning, then I need to go food shopping after before I go to Johnny's" I said frowning.

  "Ok well if you need to talk to me, call me" she said helpfully, I smiled gratefully and we parted ways to go our classes.

  I made my way to my dance classes and took my lecture about how I shouldn't skip lessons with my dance exam coming up. I nodded and looked appropriately abashed as usual before heading to get changed into my dance clothes. Four and a half hours later my legs were almost trembling from the effort of all the dance moves Daniel my dance instructor
was making me do. As I thought, he kept me after to make up for missing the morning. I stumbled to my car and drove hesitantly to the supermarket to buy food for Johnny's house.

  After doing the shopping I barely managed to fit it all in the stupid tiny trunk of the car, God I miss my car. I drove to Johnny's and noticed his friends cars in the drive, I groaned and made my way inside with the shopping making two trips seen as none of them offered to help me carry it in. I put it all in the cupboards and went to the lounge where they were watching TV. "Hey guys, I'm making pasta if anyone wants any" I said as I plopped myself onto Johnny's lap and kissed him. "Hey baby"

  I said putting my forehead to his.

  "Hey, how was college?" he asked cheerfully, I pulled back to look at him and noticed his grin was a little lopsided and his pupils were huge, great. He's high again.

  I looked around the room to see all three of his band mates looked the same. "Yeah it was good, I'm hungry you want anything to eat?" I asked again seen as no one answered me the first time.

  Johnny shot me a wicked grin, "Hmm how about I eat you?" he asked flirtily, oh shit come on, I'm so tired.

  "Maybe later baby, I'm gonna go make some food, I've been dancing for the last four and a half hours and my legs are killing me" I admitted.

  His hand slid up my legs massaging my inner thighs as he kissed my neck, "I'll rub them for you" he muttered against my neck. I could feel the hard on he was getting and I groaned internally, great there goes my chance to eat!

  Johnny stood up and pulled me to the bedroom, peeling off all of my clothes and throwing them in a pile in the middle of the floor. "Show me what dance you were learning today babe" he said grinning.

  I groaned "Johnny, I'm tired baby" I whined trying not to blush. He laughed and pulled off his clothes throwing them in the pile with mine standing there naked. Johnny has a really nice body, it's just a shame he covers it with tattoo's, his chest and arms are covered in them. His tattoo's are of everything, words, pattern's, pictures and just general nonsense and smut really.

  "So your not gonna show me your dance?" he asked raising an eyebrow at me as he looked over my naked body. I shook my head, oh God please Johnny not tonight! He sighed and grabbed me shoving me roughly onto the bed, he crawled over to me with a wicked smile and I felt my stomach clench up tight, shit this is gonna hurt!

  Chapter 3

  I woke in the morning my ribs were hurting, I moved my hand down and grimaced as I touched the skin there. My lips were hurting from the hard kissing and my core was throbbing from the pounding last night, my legs were aching badly from all the grabbing and roughness. I looked over at Johnny he was sound asleep snoring lightly with his mouth open, I glanced at the clock to see it was only seven thirty. I smiled excited that I would get to go to college today and climbed out of the bed slowly and quietly so I didn't wake him, wincing as I moved, God my whole body ached! I had to be quiet, there was no way he would let me leave this early in the morning, he always liked sex in the morning, especially after doing drugs, he would still be coming down from his high.

  I grabbed my clothes and went into his en-suite bathroom looking in the full length mirror. I had scratches across my chest and shoulders and a couple of bruises forming on my ribs and on the tops of my thighs from the rough handling last night. I sighed and put my head on the cold wall tiles, could have been worse, ten times better than being at home last night. That was the only reason I was still with Johnny, I loved him but he was an ass sometimes, he hurt me when he drank or did drugs, most of the time by accident, but all of that was still better than being at home and what would happen to me there.

  I jumped in the shower and got washed and dressed quickly. I smiled and wrote Johnny a note leaving it on my pillow, he'd find it when he woke up this afternoon. I kissed his lips gently and held my breath as he shifted slightly in his sleep, crap please don't wake up! Thankfully he didn't wake so I tiptoed out of the room and down the stairs.

  I went to the lounge, the band were asleep on the sofas, Chris the bass player rubbed his eyes and smiled as I peeked in, "Hey Chris" I whispered looking at the other two asleep soundly.

  "Hey" he grunted back happily.

  "Want some breakfast?" I asked trying not to wake the other boys, he nodded and I headed into the kitchen.

  I went into the kitchen and walked smack into someone, I froze and felt my scream about to rip it's way free when he put his hand over my mouth. "Shh, Lia shit, it's me!" Ethan hissed pulling back so I could look into his face. I felt myself relax as I looked into his blue eyes that I remembered like I had stared into them just yesterday instead of six years ago.

  I couldn't look away, I was trapped there and saw everything good that had ever happened to me, my first kiss, the first time he asked me out, our first date, the first time he told me he loved me, our first dance. Then I started to remember the bad things, how his parents had died, the police taking him away from our house to go and live with his uncle, the silence, how he ignored me when I needed him the most, how I cried and cried for him. His face was the same as mine, he was looking into my eyes just the same as if he was having the same thoughts.

  I took a deep breath and stepped back making his hand drop from my mouth to his side. I dropped my eyes to the floor as tingles and heat were pulsing around my body from his casual touch, Ethan could always set my body on fire. "What are you doing here?" I asked frowning at how he'd caught me off guard.

  He sucked in a ragged breath and shook his head "My assignment starts today" he said easily.

  "Right great your assignment" I said nodding and biting my lip, I could barely contain my hormones, I couldn't stop my mind from wandering to his skin touching mine and how close our mouths were.

  "Hey Ali, what are you doing up this early?" Chris asked as he pulled me into a hug, I loved Chris, he was such a good guy. He was the only one of the band that really seemed to want me here, well apart from Johnny of course.

  "Woke up early, I'm starving, what do you want to eat? I went shopping yesterday, Johnny gave me three hundred bucks to go, he has no idea how much food shopping costs" I said shaking my head laughing.

  "Yeah? What'd you buy?" Chris asked excitedly, he loved it when I went shopping as I bought everyone's favourite foods. I grinned and dragged him over to the cupboard, opening it and watching his face go from excited to piss his pants excited. He grabbed one of the six packets of his favourite biscuits I'd bought and kissed me on the cheek.

  "You know if you ever get tired of that ass of a singer, I'll give you a go" he said shoving a whole chocolate biscuit in his mouth at one time.

  I laughed and slapped his shoulder "Yeah? Well how could a girl resist an offer like that? Every girls fantasy, propositioned by the bass player of White Chiefs" I said fanning my face and faking excitement making him laugh.

  I looked over to see Ethan grinning, God he has a beautiful smile. Stop it Ali jeez, I frowned and went to the fridge pulling out bacon and eggs. I held them up to Chris and he nodded "Hell yeah, you're the best Ali" he said grabbing the pan from the drawer where he was standing. "So Ethan, you always gonna start this early man?" Chris asked shoving another biscuit in his mouth.

  Ethan nodded "Yeah I guess, my day starts pretty early and finishes late" he said shrugging. I tired not to show how his sexy voice made my heart throb painfully.

  "You'll have to get Johnny to give you a key dude, there's no way these two would hear you knock if they were upstairs" Chris said nodding and smirking at me. I blushed at the thought of Ethan thinking Johnny and I were in bed, God why did I feel guilty? He's the one that told me it was over.

  "Yeah I'll do that" Ethan said casually.

  I set to work making bacon and eggs for the three of us, from what I remembered Ethan ate a lot. I chucked a loaf of bread at Chris, "Make some toast please hon" I asked scrambling the eggs in the pan. He banged around and I started to panic, "Shh Chris, don't wake Johnny, I NEED to go to college this morning" I said wincing as I watche
d the stairs.

  Ethan frowned angrily, "Why would him being awake make any difference to you going to college?" he asked sounding pissed.

  Chris chuckled and I shot him a warning glare, "You not heard these two yet?" he asked laughing his ass off. I picked up a lump of half cooked scrambled egg and threw it at him hitting his bare chest leaving a slimy trail making him laugh harder.

  "Shut up Chris seriously or I'll give you salmonella" I said annoyed, Ethan chuckled slightly and I looked at him warningly too making him swallow his laughter.

  I shovelled down my huge pile of food while it scaled my throat in a bid to get away from Ethan and get out of the house before Johnny made me miss the morning as usual. I didn't often get to go to college on Monday or Tuesday mornings as Johnny liked me to stay with him until he was awake so he could use my body as much as he could before I had to leave. I grabbed my Corsa keys from the counter kissed Chris on the cheek and ignored Ethan completely as I made my way out of the house.

  "Hey, you not taking the Audi?" Ethan called just as I got to my car, I glanced up at Johnny's window, please let him still be asleep!

  "Be quiet Ethan please, I really need to go, if I keep skipping there gonna kick me out" I whisper yelled at him.

  He frowned and walked over to me leaning on my car, "So why do you keep skipping if they're gonna kick you out?" he asked annoyed slightly.

  I sighed "Most of the time I don't even realise until it's too late" I said honestly, Johnny turns my alarm off while I'm still asleep so I just sleep through, other times he just flat out refuses to let me leave. Johnny didn't see the point in me going to college at all, he thought that he could provide for me so there was no need for me to even qualify.

  "Is everything ok Lia?" he asked looking into my eyes, oh God those eyes! I could feel him tying to drag the truth right out of my head through my eyes and I couldn't let him know the truth, the only one that knew the truth was Becca.

  "Everything's fine, it's just I'm gonna be late" I mumbled.