Page 8 of Crave

  “Better?” he asked, giving me a pair of basketball shorts. I nodded my head and went to the bathroom to change. When I returned, Grayson was in the living room trying to wake his roommate who had passed out on the couch. He rolled over and vomit spewed from his mouth all over Grayson’s feet. I covered my mouth trying to catch myself from becoming sick. This arrangement was not going to work. I wandered back to Grayson’s bedroom and sat on the edge of his bed while he helped his roommate to the bathroom. There was a picture laid face down on his nightstand. I picked it up and sat it on its end. It was Grayson and me at the junior prom. I smiled at the memory. Life was much less complicated back then.

  Grayson appeared in his doorway, wearing only his boxers, lightly knocking to get my attention. He smiled when he saw what I was looking at. He walked over and touched the frame with his finger.

  “Good times,” He murmured. “I’m gonna run through the shower.” He leaned down to kiss me softly on top of my head. I nodded and he disappeared through the door. What was I doing here? Being around Grayson was stirring up emotions inside of me that I didn’t even know I still had. I was only putting him in danger. I couldn’t put him through this. I heard the water turn on in the shower and I quickly changed back into my damp clothes and slid out of the window down his fire escape.

  I rushed, cutting across some back yards to my place. Grayson would notice I was gone any minute and I needed to be as far away from here as possible. It was the only way to keep him safe. Elijah wanted me alive for some reason, but I was unsure how long that would extend to Grayson.

  I opened my door and threw my purse on the table, heading for my bedroom to gather some clothes. I flicked on the light switch and the room remained dark. My mind filled with panic. I turned to run and my body slammed against something hard, a person but I wasn’t certain if they were alive or dead.

  “Why the hurry, Love?” A sinister voice asked from in front of me. I recognized it immediately. It was the twisted vampire that I had called a zombie in the pool hall, who later had a confrontation with Elijah outside of the bar. He reached behind my head and grabbed a handful of my hair, yanking me backward toward the ground.

  I shrieked as the pain rushed through my scalp like a thousand pin pricks. He dragged me into my living room and released my hair, flinging me onto the floor. The impact knocked the wind out of me and I struggled to catch my breath. He laughed sadistically as his friends joined in. “How rude of me. I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Reid.” He said with a smile, fangs protruding. He pointed to his accomplices across the room. I blinked trying to bring them into focus. My vision was blurred by my tears.

  “Say hello to Xavier, Ashton, and Elijah. But, of course, you already know Elijah.” He said with a chuckle. I wiped my eyes feverishly scanning the vampire’s faces. Sure enough, Elijah stood across the room with the others. “Elijah, why don’t I let you explain to your little chew toy why we are here.” He grinned, baring his fangs. Elijah slowly made his way across the room toward me. I backed myself up against the wall, uncertain as to what he had planned.

  “Eva, they are here because of the two vampires I killed here for you,” he whispered, searching my eyes for understanding. I nodded slowly. He was taking the blame for both deaths.

  “And you? Why are you here?” I asked hesitantly, trying to hide the shakiness in my voice. He glanced back over his shoulder at the others before responding.

  “I owe them vampires in return,” he said coldly, his eyes locked onto mine.

  “No,” I screamed, pressing my body tightly against the wall. But as my heart began to race, my mind calmed. I knew this was coming and I had brought it all on myself.

  “Shh…” he whispered as he slid his hands under my body and lifted me from the ground. He gave Reid a quick nod and carried me out of the front door.

  CHAPTER eleven

  With You

  We made our way down the road and slipped behind Elmer’s store toward Elijah’s secret spot. My mind was racing, wondering how I would ever get out of this. I didn’t fight, didn’t struggle. The paralyzing fear was too strong. I closed my eyes and silently gave up, hoping at the very least, I got to see my brother again when I met my end.

  He gently laid me on the soft, damp grass next to the creek bank and brushed my hair from my face. I flinched as he stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. His eyes grew cold and I could see he was becoming angry with my response to him.

  “Do whatever you have to. I promise you if you make me a vampire, I will step outside on the next sunny day,” I said coldly, hoping my words weren’t transparent, giving away my fear. If I were going to die, it would be on my terms. His lips curled up into a slight smile, amused.

  “You have a lot of fight in you. You are going to need it,” He said, and pressed his lips hard against mine. I pushed against his chest with all of my strength but he didn’t budge an inch. He pushed harder, grabbing my wrists and pinning them down on the ground beside me, sinking them into the soft earth.

  “I’m not going to kill you, Eva.” His face looked hurt that I would think he would. I stopped struggling underneath his arms, confused.

  “Then why?” I couldn’t wrap my head around everything that was happening… especially with my own feelings.

  “We have to go to them, but I wanted to warn you first,” His voice sounded sad and full of regret, emotions I wasn’t even certain he was capable of having. Sure, he had once been human but that had to have been a long time ago.

  “Warn me?” I asked with my voice full of panic. How much worse could this get?

  “Many Vampires go unseen inside Reid’s Sector. Many that only come out when needed,” he explained, trying to find the right words to tell me what he needed to say. “Marcus is one of those people,” he confessed, searching my eyes for understanding. I began to struggle against him again as tears burned my eyes.

  “No! No! Marcus is dead,” I sobbed, my teeth clenched in anger. He let go of my wrists and I began hitting hard on his chest with closed fists, not caring how strong he was or that he could kill me without even wasting any energy. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and held me against him until I was too exhausted to struggle anymore. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I choked out, but I knew how absurd my question was. He didn’t even say that he was a vampire. This was all some sort of sick game to him. I was nothing more than a pawn.

  “I didn’t know right away. I learned from Reid just a few hours ago,” he reassured me, but it did little to comfort the ache in my stomach. “Let me make you feel better.”

  He brought his wrist to his mouth and I cringed, stopping him from puncturing his own flesh. I didn’t want anything he had to offer me. “They expect me to bring you to them at sunset. I convinced them to let me come for you early because of the weather,” he explained.

  My head swirled as I took in all of this new information. Why were we going to see them if he wasn’t going to turn me? How could I possibly say no now that I knew my brother was still out there? What if Elijah was lying to keep me from struggling?

  “What are we going to do?”

  He gently ran his fingers along my jawline. “I will think of something,” he replied and kissed me softly on the lips. Being with Elijah was the safest place I could be and if they had my brother, I had to go. Grayson would never forgive me for abandoning him at his apartment, but if I lived through all of this, I hoped he would give me the opportunity to explain.

  “Where is your mind right now?” he asked curiously.

  “If you are lying to me,” my voice wavered. “If you’re lying about Marcus… killing me would be less cruel.”

  “I’m not lying to you, Eva. But you have to understand. He’s not the brother you used to know. Prepare to have your heart broken.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’m used to that,” I snapped.

  “I wasn’t using you. If I’d have told you what I was, you would have run from me.”

  “Don’t you t
hink that was my decision to make?” But even as I said the words, I knew that being able to see Marcus again made every bit of pain worth it.

  “Vampires are selfish creatures.”

  “So are humans,” I mumbled as his lips curved up into a smile, making me momentarily wonder if he really was that bad.

  “I was one of those once, too.”

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  He laughed quietly as his eyes searched my face.

  “Even when I do this?” His lips met mine with a gentleness I didn’t know he was capable of. Even in all of the turmoil and chaos, my heart still drummed a little harder with his touch. He broke away from our kiss and as my eyes opened, he was smiling sweetly. “See, you believe it. I can hear it.” He placed his fingers on my chest, over my heart, and I gasped. “I’m going to need you on my side when I take you there. Going rogue will get you killed.”

  I swallowed hard, hating him for what he was, even if he couldn’t help it. Hating myself because I knew that was not the only thing I felt toward Elijah. “I’m right here with you,” I said and pulled his lips back against mine. He ran his tongue over my lower lip and I let my lips part, inviting him to kiss me deeper.

  If I was going to die tonight, I was going to enjoy what little time I had left. Elijah’s hands cradled my face as he kissed me tenderly as I let myself once again get lost in his lies.

  Chapter twelve


  We trekked up Green Valley Road as night began to take over. Elijah gripped my hand tightly, not speaking a word. I was terrified, but I couldn’t help but be excited to see my brother. He was my best friend, and for years now I thought he was lost forever. Elijah glanced down at me and smiled. I knew he could feel the change in the way my blood was pumping through my wrist, steadily drumming against my thin skin.

  “Your brother will not be who you remember,” he reminded me, glancing at me for a brief moment then he looked back out at the road ahead. I nodded my head trying to understand exactly what he meant. I couldn’t imagine Marcus being anything other than the troublemaker he’d always been.

  “It’s only been a few years,” I explained, trying more to convince myself than Elijah. He stopped walking and turned to place his hands on my shoulders.

  “It’s not the time that changed him, Eva,” He muttered. I nodded my head in understanding, but I refused to believe it. He was my brother, my best friend. “Killing someone will change anyone. Your brother has been doing that for several years. You can’t trust vampires.”

  “And you? You still seem to have some redeeming qualities left, even if you try to hide them,” I replied with a nervous grin, fighting to hold back more tears. He smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear.

  “I don’t, Eva.” His eyes grew vacant and distant. He turned back toward the road, grabbing my hand and pulling me along. The rain was cold against my face.

  “What is he like?” I asked, trying to prepare myself for what was to come. He stopped again and I knew he was growing frustrated but he struggled to keep his patience.

  “Like any other vampire.” He stepped toward me and brushed my hair from my shoulder, running his fingers along the bite marks he had left the other day. His eyes locked onto mine and I felt a chill run up my spine. “We cannot be trusted,” he added, glancing down at my still wounded hand. His face looked pained and he took a step backward and turned the other direction. I looked down at my injured palm and realized how hard it must have been for him to be with me all of this time.

  “You’re wrong. If it weren't for you, I would have been dead several times over by now,” I called after him as I stepped closer. He whipped around and a low growl rumbled from his chest.

  “Because of me, it is only a matter of time,” he hissed. His words replayed over and over in my head as I struggled to come to grips with what he was telling me.

  “You won’t let them kill me,” I said trying to reassure the both of us. He looked down at the ground for a moment, his face looked slightly amused.

  “A human putting all of her faith in the same kind of creature that wants her dead,” he thought aloud.

  “I know you are risking your life for me.” Stepping closer to him, I placed my shaky hand on his cheek. His eyes shot up and locked onto mine. He slowly glanced to my injured hand on his cheek and back to me.

  I had made a horribly fatal error. His fangs ran out as I slowly pulled my hand back from him. His arm rose at an inhuman speed seizing my wrist, gripping it excruciatingly tight. I winced in pain.

  “I-I didn’t think…” I stuttered trying to wriggle free from his grip. His hand clamped tighter around me and it felt like my bones would crack and crumble into dust under the pressure.

  “You didn’t think?” he asked as his chest heaved. “That is what will get you killed,” He seethed angrily but he seemed to be madder at himself. He released my wrist and pushed me back from him causing me to stumble but I didn’t fall. I doubled over waiting for the pain to subside. I rubbed my wrist gingerly and watched as it turned purple and blue. I looked back up at him. He was standing a few feet away and his expression had become more human, almost regretful, as he glanced up at the clouds. “It’s time,” he said and motioned for me to come to him. I slowly stood upright and nodded. We walked in silence for the rest of the trip.


  We reached the property of an old farmhouse that sat back in from the road. It was surrounded by two small storage barns and a large red one used to house livestock. I glanced around nervously hearing movement in the darkness, but I couldn’t make out any shapes. Elijah reached over, putting his arm around my waist pulling me close to his side as we walked up the dirt driveway.

  I suddenly thought of the little boy in the ammo store, whose mother had held him close trying to make him feel safe. At least, Elijah possessed the foresight to try to keep me calm. I decided to believe the lie I had told myself since the moment he stepped out of the shadows the first night we spoke. He was a hunter, giving his life to keep others safe. We reached the front steps and Elijah stopped and turned to me.

  “Whatever happens, we will walk out of here tonight together,” he whispered. Whatever happens? Like getting killed and becoming a succubus? I reluctantly nodded my head. He kissed me quickly on the forehead and knocked on the door. Only a moment had passed before it flung open.

  “Greetings, Elijah,” a young woman who appeared to be in her late teens said with a smile. She was dressed as a flapper from the Roaring Twenties. “You brought dinner,” she said glancing over at me as her tongue ran over her lips. “What’s your name?”

  “Does it matter?” I asked awkwardly.

  She shrugged. “You know, humans don’t name their livestock because they are sentimental creatures. They don’t want to know the name of their dinner.” Her fangs ran out.

  “Eva,” I cleared my throat as my voice cracked. “My name is Eva.”

  She glanced back at Elijah and giggled. “Come in,” she said, stepping off to the side and sweeping her hand in front of her in a grand gesture.

  I glance over to Elijah, who held his hand in front of him for me to enter first. I cautiously stepped into the house and scanned my surroundings. The walls were painted vibrant colors. Elijah came in behind me and put his arm around my waist, leading me through the house. Each room was decorated according to a different era. I was in awe.

  “What do you think?” Reid asked from a chair in the corner.

  “It’s breathtaking,” I whispered. He laughed, looking positively amused.

  “The breath taking will come soon enough, friend,” he joked, showing a fangy smile. I glanced around nervously as vampires slowly surrounded us.

  “Would you like me to show her to her room?” the young female vamp asked.

  “There will be plenty of time for that after dinner,” he replied and the room broke out into a broad sadistic laughter.

  “Enough,” Elijah shouted through clenched teeth and the room fe
ll silent.

  “Right, we have business to attend to,” Reid agreed, waving his hand as two vampires stepped behind Elijah and grabbed his arms. Elijah struggled against them and a third stepped in to hold him still. The young flapper moved beside me and gave me a warning look. I didn’t move, paralyzed by fear.

  “Elijah, you have taken it upon yourself to kill two of my vampires for this… human,” he sneered. “As we negotiated before this meeting and under the advisement of the Council, two lives would be taken in turn,” he said, nodding his head to the vampire in the next room.

  The man entered dragging a limp bloodied body in his arms. He let go and the person fell into a motionless heap onto the floor. “That’s number one. He didn’t make it.” His eyes glanced coldly at me. “Let’s see how many lives this Eva of yours has in her,” he said with amusement.

  My heart began to race and panic took over my body. My knees started to buckle as my head grew faint. I thought about what Elijah had said. We were going to walk out if this together no matter what. I steadied myself. I glanced quickly at him, nodding my head. Reid smiled widely as he noticed the exchange. “Well, isn’t this just sweet,” he laughed. Elijah’s fangs ran out and I heard a growl resonate deep within him. “Careful,” Reid warned, standing up quickly from his chair and snarling at Elijah.

  “Please! I didn’t do anything wrong,” I begged. Reid stepped toward me slowly and grabbed my chin in his hand forcing me to look at him.

  “He did,” he replied, glancing over at Elijah. “Unfortunately for you,” he continued with mock sympathy as he let go of my face. I rubbed my tender jaw. I could feel the bruises setting in. Reid stopped and raised his head, sniffing the air. I dropped my bloody hand down to my side and slid it in my pocket as he shot me a smile. “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.”

  My stomach turned at the thought.