Page 9 of Crave

  “We agreed I would handle this,” Elijah interjected with his jaw clenched shut tightly.

  “That was before you brought her to me bleeding,” Reid replied with narrowed eyes.

  “She belongs to me,” Elijah argued, as the other vampires tightened their grips on him and he struggled against them. Reid rolled his eyes and walked back to his chair. I could almost feel Elijah’s want for me to remain strong. It felt thick and cumbersome in the air around me. Reid sat quietly for a moment as his eyes darted back and forth between us.

  “So she does. Eva, did our friend here explain to you why he is able to share his feelings with you?”

  I looked at Elijah, who remained silent, but I could tell he was furious. It radiated off him in intense waves. Is that what this was? Is that why I was so trusting of him even when he walked me here to my death?

  “It takes a very special bond between a vampire and a human. It appears our dear Elijah never had any intention of leaving you breathing.” He laughed as the others joined in, but I felt ill.

  “What? Is that true?” I searched Elijah’s face for any sort of confirmation but he gave nothing away.

  “Oh, no. You’ve hurt her feelings,” Reid replied mockingly. “I simply meant making you his, not his dinner.”

  “Shut up, Reid,” Elijah bit out, his fists clenched in anger.

  My stomach suddenly turned and I doubled over on the floor in pain. I screamed as it crept through the rest of my body. Elijah eyed Reid wildly as his anger flowed through my veins like arsenic.

  “We won’t even need to bite this one,” he said shooting me a glance as the pain got excruciatingly worse. “You never were any good at controlling your emotions,” he said with a grin towards Elijah. “Right now her heart is racing too fast, her blood running cold. Your hatred is too much for her weak and fragile body to endure.”

  I choked and coughed as a tiny trail of blood flowed out of my mouth onto the cold tile floor. Elijah’s body convulsed as he struggled to break free from the other vampires.

  I let my heavy eyelids flutter closed as a scream ripped from his chest. The pain was too overwhelming. I heard Elijah growl in agony faintly in the background as I slipped out of consciousness, letting the ache consume me.

  Elijah ripped free from the grips of the other vampires and was next to me on the floor. I felt him lift my body in his arms, but I couldn’t respond. He squeezed me tightly and brushed the hair from my face. I felt his sadness deepen and sweep over my body, engulfing me in his heartache. The pain was greater than anything I’d ever felt. Death would have been kinder than this.

  His finger trailed along my mouth, wiping the blood away as he slowly put his lips to mine and kissed me softly. The pain that coursed through me slowly subsided as Elijah bit his own lip and his blood slowly dripped into my mouth, filling my mouth with the copper liquid. I felt a tear escape my eye and roll down my face as I lay helpless.

  “No!” I heard a scream from above. It was Marcus. “Don’t make her a monster like me,” he pleaded.

  Reid laughed in the distance. Marcus launched himself at Reid knocking him hard into the wall behind him. “What do you care?” he hissed at Marcus.

  “She’s my sister,” Marcus growled and clawed viciously at Reid. I struggled to lift my heavy eyelids. Elijah’s face was inches from mine and I felt his overwhelming relief surge through my body as I was finally able to move. He lifted me and climbed to his feet. Every inch of my body felt alive and better than ever. I shot a glance passed him at Marcus, who was savagely beating the other vampires. “Take her,” he growled to Elijah amidst blows. His face was twisted into a snarl. I hardly recognized my own brother.

  Elijah nodded and ran out of the house, carrying me in his arms. I closed my eyes, thankful Marcus was really here. My brother was alive and so was I, for the time being.

  But as darkness took over, I was sure I’d finally succumbed to the pain of a broken heart. I just couldn’t tell if it was my own or if I was feeling Elijah’s loss.


  My body shook violently as. I blinked open my eyes, gagging at the dryness of my throat. Even in the darkness of night, the stars in the sky were blinding. I squinted, staring up at Elijah whose expression was unreadable.

  “I-I’m alive,” I sobbed, still unable to move. Elijah bent down and pressed his lips to my clammy forehead. “You saved me.” I wrapped my fingers in his t-shirt and gripped it tightly, the fabric tearing under my grip.

  “Shh… Rest. You’re fragile.” Brushing my hair from my forehead, his lips curved into a sardonic smile. “But you’re a fighter.”

  “No, you saved me.”

  Elijah shook his head as his expression fell. “No, I didn’t, Eva.”

  Chapter thirteen


  I stood on the ledge of the building I had once before. Elijah squeezed my hand and I glanced to my right, shooting him a smile. We both looked ahead into the darkness. I had seen this view many times before but tonight it was different.

  Tonight it seemed as if the veil of obscurity had been lifted, and every exquisite detail shown through crisp and clear. My eyes danced over the buildings that were once too far to see. Sporadic windows illuminated the facades, giving the illusion of a starry night sky. It was breathtaking. I sucked in a harsh breath and my lungs burned at the sudden rush of air. My body no longer needed it, but it was a human habit that still lingered. Without a single spoken word and perfect synchronicity, we leaped into the vast abyss. Our bodies intertwined and danced in the sky above the city that was oblivious to our presence.

  We descended to the ground at a lazy pace. I giggled and stole a kiss from Elijah as our toes touched the Earth. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along the street as we made our way through the maze of alleys onto the main road. He pushed me against a store front, the bricks cracking and crumbling under the force and kissed me hungrily. My new fangs shot out and I pulled back from him and gingerly ran my fingertips over my teeth, piercing my finger against the sharp tip.

  “You need to feed,” Elijah said with a wicked grin as he bared his own dagger-like fangs. A smile spread across my face at the idea, high on bloodlust. I could feel his excitement swimming through my body, vibrating in my veins. “Come on,” he said as he pulled me along, glancing back every once and a while with wide eyes.

  The thought of draining someone of their blood was all I could think about. My mind was focused on the kill, like a hunter. I could feel the blood coursing through my veins with the melodic rhythm of a drum. My mouth filled with saliva, and I swallowed hard as my stomach panged with need.

  I ran my tongue over the tips of my fangs as Elijah turned around and winked at me. “Almost there,” he called out. Time seemingly slowed as we made our way through the sea of people on the street. I was dying in anticipation for my sanguinary treat. “Come, my Love,” Elijah said facing me and backing his way up a staircase. His devilish grin caused a blush to burn across my cheeks. I couldn’t take my eyes off of his. He slid a door open at the top of the landing and gestured for me to enter. I stepped inside the apartment and realized we were in my place. I glanced around at the familiar yet strange surroundings.

  I could hear a faint whooshing sound coming from the other end of the apartment. Was someone doing laundry? I closed my eyes and listened to the steady rhythm of blood pumping through a heart. My eyes shot open as my mouth watered in anticipation. Elijah slowly crept down the hallway like a lion on the prowl.

  I followed his lead and crept behind him on my tip toes, light as air. Elijah stopped just before the entry to my kitchen. He turned to me and extended his fangs, and I did the same. His face contorted into that of a killer as he stepped around the corner to stalk his prey.

  As I rounded the corner, Elijah had already overcome his victim and was on top of him on the floor growling. My stomach knotted as I was overcome with the irresistible urge to feed. In an instant, I was by Elijah’s side eagerly anticipating my meal. Elijah smiled
a fangy grin as his prey turned his head weakly to face me.

  “Grayson?” I asked not believing my eyes. I quickly retracted my fangs. My gums burned as I struggled to keep them hidden.

  “Feed now,” Elijah hissed in a demanding tone.

  “Eva, please don’t,” Grayson begged for mercy. A low growl resonated from Elijah, as a threat for Grayson to be quiet. Grayson’s pleas choked in his throat as he silently entreated for his life with his eyes.

  The blood whooshed through the veins in Grayson’s neck with each pump of his heart. Every hair on my body stood on end as the smell filled the air. I licked my lips as my throat became dry and raw. My fangs ran out and I bit my lip as I tried to resist the temptation. My razor sharp tooth punctured my bottom lip and the warm thick metallic taste filled my mouth. I swallowed hard.

  I closed my eyes to steady myself but lost all control in an instant. I felt my hunger, combined with Elijah’s power over me and lurched for Grayson. I bit into his jugular with a surgeons’ precision as Elijah held him in place. The blood flowed freely and Elijah joined me in lapping up the overflow from our ensanguined victim.

  Sharing this meal with Elijah was more intimate than sex. It was an important bonding experience with my creator, my lover. As the blood flow slowed, I drew harder, sucking on the wound. Elijah lazily lapped up the drops that escaped my mouth, allowing me to finish our first kill together. I pulled back and wiped my chin with the back of my hand. Elijah grabbed my wrist as his mouth curled into a slight smile. He leaned into me and slowly licked the blood from around my mouth. I stared into his demonic black eyes, missing the soothing brown I’d come to know.


  “Eva?” He asked looking concerned and frightened. I was suddenly confused. My vision became blurry and I struggled to bring his face into focus. “Eva, can you hear me?” he asked, sounding distant and muffled. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as I tried to fight off the dizziness that crept over me. I blinked several times and the world around me slowly came into focus. I felt Elijah’s cold breath wash over my face as he breathed a sigh of relief. “You’re safe now. Your brother fought off the others,” he said in a near whisper.

  I clung to Elijah’s neck tightly as the scenery flashed by in a blur. I wasn’t scared any longer. I was swimming in euphoria, his euphoria. He was wrapping me in it like a blanket on a bitter-cold day.

  We reached his secret spot by the creek in seconds. He gently unwound my arms from his neck and placed me on the soft grass. My head was dizzy from his blood and I had to press against the ground with both hands to cause the spinning to stop. He stared at me intently waiting for me to speak. I felt his emotional influence pull back just enough for my thoughts to become apparent. The darkness was pitch-black and I could barely see an inch in front of my face.

  “It was a nightmare,” I sighed in relief. I was still very much alive.

  “Because of my blood. I’m afraid the real nightmare is only just beginning.”

  My stomach turned as I thought of how vividly I had pictured myself killing Grayson and how much I’d enjoyed it.

  Chapter fourteen


  “Marcus! We have to save him,” I cried, my voice laced with panic. Elijah’s body stiffened and he glanced over his shoulder as a shadowy figure stepped out from the trees behind him. “Marcus?” I whispered. Elijah took a protective stance between the two of us. I pushed myself up to stand. Shaky on my feet,

  Elijah grabbed my arm and helped me steady myself. I stepped forward and Elijah’s grip tightened and held me in place. I glanced at him and he shook his head no as he looked to Marcus.

  “It’s not safe for you to be near me,” Marcus agreed, glancing toward Elijah. I nodded my head in understanding and Elijah reluctantly released his hold on me.

  “How did you get away? Are-are they… dead?” I asked trying to focus my thoughts. Marcus looked to Elijah.

  “They sent me with a message.” He glanced back to me. Elijah looked at the ground and his body tensed. I could feel his rage polluting the air around us.

  “How long until they come for us?” Elijah asked, clenching his jaw.

  “They gave me a choice to come retrieve her myself. They said if I bring her back they will turn her. If they find her first, she is dead,” Marcus replied in a sad tone, although his facial expression didn’t reflect any emotion.

  I looked nervously between the two of them, trying to wrap my head around what they were saying. “I was worried you had already turned her yourself,” Marcus confessed to Elijah.

  “I was careful,” Elijah replied. He ran his hands through his hair and let out a deep sigh.

  “What are we going to do?” I asked, looking back and forth between the two of them.

  “I’ve done all I can do. It’s up to Elijah to keep you safe,” Marcus replied, looking at Elijah. Elijah nodded his head quickly and my brother vanished before I could voice my opinion.

  “Why?” I asked sadly, trying to hold back the tears forming in my eyes.

  “He can’t control himself around humans. It took great strength for him to come here and warn you. You can’t ever see him again,” Elijah warned as he placed his hands on my shoulders, maintaining eye contact. “They were counting on him losing control and killing you,” he continued, as tears spilled down my cheeks. He wiped my tears with his thumb and pulled my face closer to him, kissing me softly on the forehead.

  “Where will we go?”

  “There is nowhere that they won’t find us,” he replied, his face turning hard again. I slowly reached toward his face, uncertain if the bond we had was also part of my blood-filled hallucination. His eyes followed my movements as I slowly trailed my fingertips down his cheek onto his stubbled jaw. His eyes met mine and his expression softened.

  “The sun will be rising soon. Come on.” Taking my hand in his, he laced our fingers together. “We have tonight to figure it out.” He pulled me along behind him. We began to run at a slow pace through the trees out onto the road. We ducked through the alleyways to avoid being seen, and my mind suddenly flashed to my all too realistic dream. He turned to glance back at me with a carefree grin. His expression quickly changed as he noticed the look of worry on my face. “What is it Eva?” he asked, stopping and searching my eyes with his.

  “Nothing,” I reassured him, pushing the feelings aside. I had no idea if our emotional bond was a two-way street but I suddenly felt self-conscious as if he had a direct link to my soul. “We need to keep going, the sun is rising.” I glanced up at the sky. He nodded and reluctantly agreed.

  We continued on our path until we finally reached my apartment. He stopped outside of the door and put his finger to his lips, motioning for me to be quiet. I nodded in understanding and stood behind Elijah still clutching his hand as he slowly opened the door and crept inside.

  The apartment was dark, the sun not making its way through the windows, but there was a faint glow of light coming from the kitchen. He released my hand and continued around the corner on his own. I heard a scuffle and a panicked yell that was cut short. I peeked around the corner and saw Elijah laying on someone who was struggling to get free. My heart shot into my throat and I screamed in fear that my nightmare had become a reality.

  “No,” I shrieked and ran toward Elijah. I cupped my hand over my mouth to capture the sob that escaped me. I blinked rapidly trying to un-blur my vision.

  “It’s done,” Elijah said coldly and stood up to examine me. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?” he asked, brushing my hair from my face. I glanced by him over the lifeless body that lay on the floor beside us.

  It wasn’t Grayson. It was a vampire that I had never seen before. His face was still twisted in a defensive snarl, fangs exposed but slowly retracting on their own. I sighed in relief and wrapped my arms around Elijah’s neck.

  “I’m fine. I was just worried about you.”

  He let out a quiet laugh at the idea of a human being concerned for his safety.
r />   “I’m fine,” he mocked, pulling back from our embrace to look into my eyes. His deceptively sweet smile coated in smeared blood. I took my thumb and gently wiped his bottom lip. He grabbed my wrist and sucked the blood from my finger as his gaze turned lustful.

  I could feel his passion wash through every fiber of my being and it sent a chill up my spine. He slowly inched his face closer to mine and I parted my lips waiting for his kiss. His lips lightly grazed mine and the taste of metallic blood coated my taste buds.

  He moaned and his mouth violently crashed into mine. The thrill of the hunt had turned his emotions into overdrive. It was a more accurate definition to the word bloodlust. I stumbled back a step as his arms locked around my lower back and pulled me tightly against him. My heart was racing from a combination of fear of who was in the kitchen and my overwhelming desire for Elijah. Panic ultimately won over sex and I broke free from our passionate embrace, struggling to slow my breathing.

  “What do we do with him?” I asked quietly, looking over Elijah’s shoulder to the lifeless body on the floor. Elijah’s expression became very sober as he thought of what to do. The sun was up and he couldn’t leave the apartment. “We could call the police?” I suggested.

  “No. It would be too suspicious. Look at his neck, Eva. It has already been all over the news that two vamps had died here.” He gestured down at the body. I sighed with frustration. How did I get myself into this?

  “I’ll call Grayson.” I rifled through my purse for my cell phone. Elijah grabbed my hand to stop me.

  “I don’t need a human’s help,” he snarled through clenched teeth, his jaw muscles flexed under his skin.

  “Oh, so you don’t need my help then?” I asked angrily and wriggled my hand free from him, storming off into my bedroom and slamming the door. I heard Elijah let out a frightened growl and a slam as if he had punched the wall. I sank down to the floor and began to sob. I scanned through my memories trying to pinpoint the exact moment my life had fallen apart but I had no one to blame but myself.