herself for a moment.

  "Are you ready to go?" Darsey asked

  "No. I hope Meg will come back in, but right now I need to

  step out."

  "Watch yourself," Darsey called to her, but Smokey's head

  was in the clouds. The mate watched her go before turning

  back to listen to Scully. When five minutes passed and she had

  not returned, he began to study his pocket watch. When two

  more minutes passed and there was still no sign of her, Darsey

  came to his feet in a flash. He checked Meg's private rooms

  and found them empty. He and the crew hit the main tavern at

  a full run, and on his shout the room quieted.


  A murmur went around the room before a man cried out.

  "That table in the corner is empty, and there were two

  men sitting there not five minutes back."

  Darsey didn't answer. He ran for the door and out onto the

  docks, many men behind him. Frustration rose within him

  over the moonless night, but still he ran, telling himself he'd

  find her if he had to tear those docks apart.

  the sack that had been thrown over Smokey's head, as

  well as the sweet-smelling cloth that had been held over her

  mouth, were suffocating. Only moments passed before she

  lost consciousness, making her unaware for the remainder of

  the night that she had been carried and deposited onto a

  strange bed in a strange cabin on a ship she'd never seen


  When she did awaken, it was getting light--that much she

  knew without having to look. Her head was pounding, and she

  didn't want to open her eyes, but she told herself she must try.

  Something wasn't right.

  Trying to sort out what felt so wrong, she realized she must

  have dozed off before telling Darsey that she wanted to go to

  Clancy's. Smokey's eyes flew open with a start. She'd already

  been to Clancy's and talked with Meg. On her way back from

  the "necessary," someone had grabbed her!

  From her place on the bed, Smokey let her eyes roam. She

  was in a huge cabin; it was at least four of her own and garishly

  decorated in red and black. She'd never seen anything like it.

  Her eyes widened in surprise when she caught sight of a

  nearly life-size statue in the corner. It was anaked woman, her

  arms raised seductively over her head

  Realizing the entire room was full of such "art," Smokey

  sat up slowly. On the wall opposite her was a painting of a man



  and a woman in an intimate scene. Smokey's face flamed as] she looked at it, and her heart fought down the panic rising:

  within her.

  She tossed off the quilt someone had lain over her and

  swung her feet off the side of the bed Aglance out the window

  told her they were docked, but before she could think to call

  for help, her head began to hurt so badly that she was forced to

  close her eyes again.

  Questions as to where they might be, and who had taken

  her and why, swarmed her befuddled mind. Her head pounded

  on until she knew she would have to lie back down or be sick.

  Even after her head hit the pillow, questions surfaced, but no

  answers followed Fight as she might, sleep was crowding in

  once again.

  f _ .*.-

  ourrcu again many hours later. "I had begun to despair of ever

  seeing your eyes; they are as lovely as I imagined"

  Smokey had come fully awake at the sound of that voice

  and moved herself backward on the bed until she was pressed

  stiffly against the headboard

  A huge man with sandy brown hair and a boyish smile sat

  in the chair nearest the statue. He seemed as composed and

  pleased as if he were entertaining a close friend and not a

  woman he had abducted

  "Who are you?" Smokey managed

  The big man's eyes twinkled, and he stood Bowing from

  the waist, he spoke.

  "Haamich Wynn at your service, my dear. I'm sorry our

  first encounter had to be so rough, but I promise to make it up

  to you." This said, he again took a seat.

  "Haamich Wynn?" Smokey asked "The pirate?"

  Inordinately pleased that she had evidently heard of him,

  his grin widened

  "One and the same. Now, my dear, you have me at a

  image. I know your nickname is Smokey, but I wish to

  your real and full name."


  "Well, my dear," he spoke as if it were obvious. "We're

  going to become intimately acquainted, and I want to know

  'what I should call you."

  Smokey was silent.

  "Oh, my dear," the pirate spoke, his voice tender, almost

  hurt, "you're not going to talk with me? How can we ever

  be.. .friends--" he said the word with a malicious grin--"if

  you don't talk to me?"

  "Friends?" Smokey questioned flatly, not at all impressed

  with his smooth tone.

  "Oh, yes, my dear," the pirate chuckled, "we'll be very good friends."(

  It was all said with such smooth confidence that Smokey's

  fear escalated until she thought it would choke her. He was

  serious, dead serious.

  "Now," he went on in that same easy tone. "Most women

  do not like surprises, so I'm going to tell you about the

  remainder of the evening. You're going to tell me what I want

  to know, and then I'm going to leave and give you some time to

  get used to the idea of our friendship"

  "Speak plainly." Smokey's eyes smoldered with disgust.

  "It is not for friendship that you keep me here."

  An amused smile turned up the corners of the pirate's lips.

  "As you can see," he nodded his head toward a tray of food,

  ignoring her words, "I've ordered some food for you, but I

  imagine you're too upset to eat. After I leave you, I'll want you

  to change. When I come back, we'll continue to talk, but at that

  time we won't be separated by the space of this room; in fact

  there won't be anything separating us at all.

  "And one last thing," Haamich's voice dropped, and his

  eyes lost their sparkle. "I want you to keep in mind that I can force you to do anything I wish... but I'd rather not."


  The pirate fell silent to allow his guest to digest this

  was satisfied with the fear he saw in Smokey's eyes.

  "Now about those questions. Well, first I wish you to stand]

  up. Come now," his voice grew persuasive. "I'll not touch you,

  yet. Just get off the bed and let me see you."

  Smokey, still shaking so badly she thought she might be

  sick, came stiffly off the bed She watched his eyes move

  slowly over her and when she would have folded her arms

  over her chest, forced them back to her sides at the slow

  negative shaking of his head.

  "Take the tie off your braid," he instructed her. Smokey

  looked down to see that the braid had fallen over her shoulder

  to lay across her breast. With trembling fingers, she complied

  "That's it," he encouraged "Now shake your head so your

  hair falls free. Oh, yes, I guessed that your hair would be one

  of your lovelier assets, although I'm sure you have many. Now,

u may sit down again if you wish and tell me your name."

  Smokey did sit, her hair now a riot about her shoulders and

  back, but she did not reveal her name.

  "I don't suppose it would do any good to tell you I want to

  leave this ship."

  "You're right, no good at all. Your name?"

  "What if I were to offer you money?" Smokey tried

  Haamich Wynn laughed in true amusement. "I've found

  you, Smokey, and you're mine. Now for the last time, your

  name" His tone changed just slightly and the smile evaporated

  Smokey saw no hope for it.

  "Victoria Simmons."

  'Victoria. I like it, but I also like the name Smokey, so

  while you're changing I'll decide what I'm going to call you.

  How old are you?"


  "Really," he seemed truly amazed "I'd have guessed younger.

  And an innocent, no doubt?"

  Smokey's breath caught in her chest, and she blushed to

  the roots of her hair. Her captor's smile became very tender as

  did his voice. "That more than answers my question."


  *Without giving her time to say the angry words that were

  Icaught in her throat, he stood. Smokey stiffened, but he did

  loot approach. Going to one of two wardrobes, he opened the

  Smokey could see, even from a distance, that it was very near

  her size.

  "Now," he spoke as he laid the dress across the chair he

  had vacated "I'll leave you to change. When I return, I will

  collect the clothes you're wearing, so don't bother trying to

  hide them. I actually like you in trousers, but I prefer my

  women to look like women."

  "How many of us are there?" Smokey finally spat in fury,

  which oddly enough seemed to please her companion.

  "There have been many, I will admit to that. But after

  seeing you, my dear; well, I have quite frankly lost my heart."

  "So I'm supposed to be flattered by this abduction?"

  "Indeed," he told her sincerely. "Now, do change, my little

  love, because if you don't put the dress on, I'll put it on you

  myself, and I don't think you want that."

  He gave her no further chance to reply, but exited. Smokey

  heard him lock the door from out in the passageway. She

  stared at the door before her eyes fell on the dress. Bile rose in

  her throat.

  "I don't know what else to do," Smokey began to sob, even

  as she unbuttoned her tunic. "Please help me, Lord," she cried

  as she undressed and quickly slipped into the dress. She had

  left her trousers on, but the dress was so tight-fitting around

  the waist that she couldn't button it without removing them.

  She felt utterly bare in only the dress, her underdrawers,

  and boots, but she feared what he might do should he come

  back and find she had disobeyed. As she buttoned the last

  button at the neckline, she stared in horror at her front,

  lugging and pulling, she searched for more fabric that might

  be hidden, but it was no use. It was the most revealing gown

  she had ever seen. A full-standing mirror stood in one corner

  and Smokey moved toward it with dread.


  "I look like a doxy," she whispered to her reflection. Her

  eyes slid shut to blot out the image, and she began to pray.

  "I'm going to trust You, Lord. Please calm my fear so I can

  think clearly. Right now I don't see a way out of this, but You're

  a God of miracles, and I pray that You will show me what to


  Smokey's prayers were cut short when she heard someone

  at the door. She continued to pray silently as the door opened

  and Haamich Wynn entered. He looked very pleased to see

  her in the dress, and Smokey felt an amazing calm come over

  her as she watched him move about the room lighting each


  Until that moment she hadn't realized how dark it had

  become. When every lantern was aglow, Haamich turned to

  her and smiled His eyes moved carefully over her.

  "I can see by your eyes that you have either resigned

  yourself to your fate or decided to fight me."

  "I have decided to fight you, but not the way you think."

  Smokey paused and nodded above her captor's head. "I'll

  fence with you. If I win, you set me free; if you win, I'll submit

  without a struggle."

  Smokey wondered where that came from and why she had

  never before noticed the gold foils that sat high on the wall in

  a beautiful glass and wood case. If she had seen them, she

  would have met Haamich Wynn armed and ready when he

  came through the door.

  It shouldn't have surprised him, but it took a moment for

  Haamich to see that she was serious. It was incredible to him

  that she actually knew how to fence. The more he thought on

  it, the more he liked the idea. The pirate's eyes glowed with

  excitement and lust as he spoke.

  "I have never in my life met a woman like you, Victoria,

  and I have no plans to let you go."

  "Then there is no point in the wager. I thought you might

  be a man of honor," she told him coldly.

  "Ah, but I am a man of honor. I'm only warning you that I will win the match and you will be mine."


  "I'm ready to take that risk. Are you?"

  "Yes, more than willing."

  Smokey watched as Haamich removed his coat and laid it

  across a chair. He then flipped a catch at the top of the case,

  the back of his hand nearly touching the ceiling. Lifting the

  foils out with care, he placed them both on the bed He

  selected one, backed off, and waited for Smokey to take her

  own. He was quite confident that she didn't stand a chance,

  but he would not be so foolish as to give her an opportunity to

  strike out when he was unprepared

  Smokey grasped the handle and took up her position. The

  face of her opponent told her that he found this all to be little

  more than an amusing game. Smokey, on the other hand,

  knowing this man to be big but not clumsy, realized fully that

  she might be fighting for her life.

  "En garde," Haamich said, and Smokey took the offense.

  In a move that was nothing short of lightening fast, she

  sidestepped and cut nearly to the skin across his stomach.

  Haamich deflected her next move and held her blade in

  midair. His smile no longer in evidence, he was now completely

  alert, cursing himself for agreeing to fight her. He was

  going to have to cut her to disarm her, and the thought

  infuriated him.

  While he hesitated, Smokey moved again. For the next

  several minutes all was quiet as they fought with equal skill

  and dexterity. Haamich's strength far outweighed hers, but

  Smokey was so fast and agile that she more than made up for

  her lack of muscle. She could see that her opponent was


  In a move of desperation, Smokey did something she had

  never done before--something for which her father would

  have thrashed her. She went for his face. Slightly horrified at

  the dark red line that appea
red and immediately began to

  bleed, Smokey stepped back and stared The pirate seemed to

  freeze in his tracks.

  Smokey watched as he lifted his free hand to his face. He

  touched the cut that was deeper than it first appeared, and


  brought bloody fingers out to examine. Smokey's eyes were

  huge at his reaction. His head began to roll, his eyes went back

  in their sockets, and a moment later he fell full-length on the

  floor between them. Smokey scampered back, ready to fight if

  it were a trick, but he seemed to be completely out. Her breath

  coming in quick gasps, she approached and poked him with

  her weapon. He didn't budge.

  She fell on the bedsheets and began to tear them like a

  woman possessed. In less time than she would have dreamed

  possible, she had tied his feet and hands. She stuffed a great

  wad of sheeting into his mouth and then tied a gag so tight she

  knew he would be in agony when he woke.

  All the time she worked, she thanked God--and Darsey

  for insisting she learn her knots. Her final two moves were to

  bend the pirate's knees so she could attach the ties that were

  on his feet and hands. Lastly, she secured him to the bed so he

  wouldn't be able to roll to the door.

  A mad dash around the room did nothing toward finding

  her clothes. She hadn't even seen him take them. She had just

  started a more thorough search when he moaned. The sound

  panicked her, and she knew she had to flee while there was a

  chance. She rushed to the door and, with a final glance back,

  turned the key.

  She moved silently out into the companionway, locked the door, pocketed the key, and stood still, trying to calm the

  frantic beating of her heart. She knew that to go on the docks

  dressed as she was could be Just as dangerous as staying on

  the ship. A sound from within propelled her forward, however,

  and with silent steps she gained the upper deck.

  No one seemed to be about. She spotted one man by the

  wheelhouse, but he was lifting a bottle to his mouth and

  seemed oblivious to everything about him. The ship was much

  larger than her own, but it made no difference as Smokey

  moved with quiet expertise among the familiar surroundings,

  staying in the shadows until she reached the gangplank. The

  pirate must have dismissed most of his crew for the night,

  believing he had everything in hand with his young captive.


  In order to actually leave the ship, she would have to leave