Ch. 48

  We sat with our sides touching in the taxi. He held my hand loosely in his own. The ride was short and before I knew it, he was helping me out of the car in front of a pub on the George IV Bridge. When I saw the shingle out front, I gawked in disbelief.

  “Really? The Frankenstein Pub?”

  Amused, he grinned. “Sometimes the best place to hide is in plain sight. People come here expecting monsters. They don’t see the real ones. We aren’t flashy enough.”

  I stood rooted to the spot when he tried to maneuver me toward the doors.


  “I…I’m afraid they won’t like me.” Feeling a coward for admitting my fear, I watched him closely for his disapproval. James had dressed for the occasion, his extra pale skin served to set off his black suit and white shirt. He had broken his monochromatic appearance with a silk tie perfectly matched to my dress’ green embroidered accents. He took his necessary daytime eye protection off for just a moment and I saw him wince as his eyes felt the fading sun directly.

  Raising my hand to his lips in his act of long dead chivalry, he kissed it. “No harm will come to you. I made you a promise.”

  Managing only a weak smile and willing my legs forward I didn’t argue. We continued to hold hands as we walked into the pub.

  The interior was a gaudy tourist trap heavy on the macabre. It was probably great fun when one wasn’t afraid for one’s life. James stowed his shades in his jacket and started scanning the room. To anyone who didn’t know him he was the picture of calm and cool, but I could see the tension in his face. He was on high alert.

  I looked around, seeing nothing that screamed vampire. All of the tourists were busy goggling the staff dressed as various sorts of monsters The locals were visible in their ready acceptance of the bizarre, some were even playing along.

  I didn’t see anything genuine until my eyes landed on the large, brutish male bartender. He stood behind the counter about fifteen feet away directly across from us. He probably weighed in close to three hundred pounds, his curly black hair and deeply tanned Polynesian skin making further details hard to make out in this dim light. The dark eyes looked black to me, no white in them at all. I was curious if he was some new non-human creature. James’ hand tightened around mine and I heard him growl under his breath. He stepped forward and I jumped a step to keep up with him as we crossed the narrow distance to the bar.

  The bartender spoke to James, his scratchy voice insanely deep. It rumbled straight out of his barrel chest. “Anything I can get you?”

  James held up his index finger, indicating he would like one. The bartender nodded his large head slowly. I guessed that everything he did was slow; it was inherent to his massive size. James turned to me and raised his eyebrows. Nodding, I answered for my dry throat, “water.” Turning back to the bartender, James already had a bill out of his pocket and on the counter.

  His drink looked like red wine in a very large goblet, though I knew it was something he would find significantly more palatable. It didn’t even strike me as twisted that I was pleased he was getting to feed. It had been too long and he needed it if we were going to have a chance at presenting a strong front to the Court.

  We brought our glasses to a private corner booth with high sides upholstered in black leather and brass buttons. I was watching James intently and noticed a slight tremor in his hand as he lifted his glass and drained half in one long gulp. He held his eyes closed for a long moment and when he opened them again, I saw with a sigh of relief that his face was far more relaxed. It was too dark to see if his color was changing yet. I sipped at my water, unsure whether my stomach would reject it. My nerves were stretched tight.

  We sat at our table speaking very little and James ordered another glass, drinking this one more leisurely. Shortly, a stocky redhead came over to our table. As she came closer, I could tell that she was a vampire. She was physically older than any I had seen so far. It appeared that she had been turned in her mid to late forties. When she spoke, her voice was raspy like an old smoker.

  “Come with me, we have a private room for you.” As we stood, she motioned to the table, “You can bring your drinks.”

  I looked to James for direction and saw that he grabbed his with his free hand, while keeping his left hand firmly on my waist. It would appear a casual gesture, but I had the feeling he would be keeping me very close during our visit. At least now he would be strong since he’d fed. I didn’t know how much blood he would need because it had been so long; hopefully two glasses were enough for what lay ahead.

  Our guide led us to a door to the right side of the long, narrow bar. We walked through it and down a long hallway. The bar’s owners must have shared space with the building behind it because I could tell we had walked too far to still be in the same building. We turned and had to walk down a dimly lit stairwell with ancient looking stone steps, grooves worn into them from feet over who knew how many years. James’ arm slid off my waist, down my arm and over my hand never breaking contact. I felt stronger. It had to be coming from him. There was definitely more there than I’d felt since we’d been in Scotland. I wanted to talk to him about it but thought it best to do so when we left here.

  At the bottom of the stairs, I could see that we were in a large room about the size of the entire bar above. The ceiling and walls were all pale limestone and worn smooth. The floor was constructed of large pavers of the same stone pushed tightly together, no spaces between them. On the walls were lit torches acting as our only sources of light. I was guessing they were not for effect, but that there was no electricity down here. It was, nonetheless, dramatic and more than a little unnerving. Shivering, I noticed there was also no heat down here.

  Our guide held up her hand for us to stop, “Wait here, please. You will be received shortly.” Her plain blue dress rustled against her tights as she retreated up the stairs.

  I didn’t know what to do so I just stood there, not speaking. James looked at me, his features and body gone still and unblinking. Here, away from human eyes, he was dropping his disguise giving me a clue that our audience with the Court would be more like time with Bradley than Henry. I swallowed hard, preparing for what was coming. He drained the rest of his glass and set it down on a step.

  We waited several long minutes. I could see from the set of his unmoving shoulders and jaw that he was as tense as I was. The unknown was what was most nerve wracking of all. This room with its plain, monochromatic stone walls, ceiling and floor was bare of furnishings, sound or any other stimulus. It felt like some sort of gigantic sensory deprivation chamber and was having the same effect on me. My senses were growing hyperaware, reaching for something to hear or see; anything at all. I was just about to ask James if he could sense anything when a door in the wall to our right, that had blended so well it escaped my notice, opened smoothly and without sound.

  In through the door stepped a delicate pale woman. Her skin held no pigment that I could see and her pure white hair hung straight down to her slender waist. Her rose-colored dress hearkened to a time with knights and kings. I had seen its likeness in tapestries during my visit to Edinburgh castle. The sleeves were fitted, a square topped bodice opening low revealed a small amount of delicate cleavage and its plain skirt lay smooth on her legs. Her matching slippers covered tiny feet, fitting for a woman her size. She was smaller than me, which was unusual. She might be five feet in her slippers. Not many people made me feel big, yet next to this one I felt positively clumsy.

  When she spoke, it was so quiet I had to strain to hear. “They will receive you now.”

  We followed her into the interior room beyond. She backed into it, blocking my view until she moved aside. As we entered, my eyes searched all around trying to take in my new surroundings, rapidly determining the danger waiting to befall us. My pulse raced yet my mind remained quiet. It was as thoug
h everything slowed down enough for me to take my time evaluating all that I was seeing. My death grip on James’ hand didn’t loosen once. I was glad for his lack of body heat because it kept our hands from sweating and slipping. Instead, our hands were locked firmly together.

  The room itself was large, as tall as a two-story home and wider than my high school gymnasium. The décor reminded me of the castle I’d seen yesterday. I felt like I had been transported back in time several hundred years. Beautiful, richly colored tapestries hung from the walls breaking up the monotony of the cold stone, iron sconces held torches between them and several large roughly hewn wood and metal candelabras hung from the ceiling. Milling about the room were not less than a hundred people, no, vampires. Many were dressed like they were going to a costume party themed for the court of King Louis XIV, others in various other period fashions including our own. All were formal of course. Several of the men wore hose and those short pants I had seen in paintings, coats that buttoned down the front and some had hats with feathers in them, three who stared boldly at me when we passed wore tuxes with tails complete with white gloves and top hats. At the front of the room were several high backed chairs and three vampires standing nearby exuding the type of power and confidence befitting kings and queens. This must be the heads of the Court we were here to see.

  The albino woman who had walked us in continued to lead us across the long room and through the crowd to halt mere feet before the three members of the Court. She curtsied low to the ground, her head nearly brushing the stone floor. I stood in awe of her grace, noticing she didn’t wobble once. Standing, she announced in a voice as miniscule as when she spoke to us outside, only now I could hear it easily by some miracle of acoustics.

  “James Thomas and Consort, if it please the Court.” With that simple introduction, she backed away and left us to face them. I actually felt a little more alone after she left, silly as that was.

  The three of the Court were equally focused upon us as we studied each other. The leader, I was guessing since he was in the center and had that air about him, was the shortest and fattest. Dressed all in pale blue silks, he had long, wavy brown hair that hung loose over his shoulders. He couldn’t have been over five and a half feet without his heeled shoes. His face was doughy and bore no facial hair. I had never heard of an obese vampire before so seeing his fleshy face and matched protruding belly took me by surprise. When he waved a hand at our escort I caught sight of the lace edge of his handkerchief hanging from his cuff.

  To the left of the fat man was a man quite different in dark blue. His style of dress was of the same period, but he was the complete opposite of the doughy man next to him. He had to be over six feet tall and built whip thin. His thin blond moustaches and goatee reminded me of one of the musketeers.

  To the far right of the men stood the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. In life she must have been of Spanish blood, judging by her darker coloring and the dress she favored. Her black hair was swept up in a loose plait, partially hidden under a small round black hat with a short black lace veil ending at the bridge of her nose. Her red silk dress was trimmed similarly in black lace.

  The three stood, watching us expectantly as James and I held hands facing them. I had no clue what to do and waited for someone to give me a direction. James spoke first, bowing low at the waist. “It is a distinct honor to be in your presence once again. Thank you for accepting my request for an audience.” Indicating me with a nod of his head, I simultaneously felt a squeeze to my hand and knew I should try to curtsy. Working very hard not to fall, I tried the never before attempted maneuver as low as I dared and held it a few long seconds before coming back up. James introduced me. “Please allow me to introduce to you my human companion, Claire Martin.”

  The man in light blue spoke first, inclining his head slightly toward James. “It has been far too long James. Henry has spoken highly of you in our discussions of late; he finds you to be a great asset. It is unfortunate he could not be with you today, he is still my favorite opponent to face over a chessboard.” His voice was high pitched, like that of a child.

  Nodding back, James agreed. “Henry wished to be here with us and sends his regards. He had urgent business in the states that demanded his full attention.” Unflinchingly, he added, “I’m sure you’re aware of the anarchy in Milwaukee. Given its close proximity to our coven, we are most anxious about it ourselves.”

  At the mention of Milwaukee, the three exchanged a glance and I heard rumbling from the audience. The man in dark blue spoke up, his voice resonating through the stone around us. “Charles welcomes you on our behalf and you waste no time in bringing up unpleasantness. There are consequences for such insolence.” Fangs flashed as he spoke.

  James stood straight, staring unafraid at the man. “I mean no offense Anton. My apologies if it causes any undue discomfort.” James continued bravely on, “I have come here to discuss these very matters with the Court. As well as the actions of an old adversary.”

  The man in dark blue growled. “How dare…”

  Charles interrupted the tall vampire. “Anton, please. Let us welcome our guests. The mention of unpleasantness is necessary, albeit unfortunate. I understand Henry’s coven and allies have been seeking tirelessly to find the responsible parties involved in the difficulties in Milwaukee. It only makes sense that the matter would be at the forefront of his associate’s mind.”

  “He forgets himself.” Anton glared at James without giving Charles a glance. “He no longer carries favor with this Court and we will not discuss our investigations with him. Court business is no longer his concern,” he said decidedly.

  Ignoring his intended insults, Charles turned away from Anton to face us, looking mildly amused and changed the subject. “This is not the only purpose for your audience today James. I understand you have come to us to request permission for a human’s admission into our society. Is that correct?”

  I felt myself blushing when Charles directed his attention to me. James answered clearly. “I have indeed and I request your approval.”

  Charles approached me, smirking at my discomfort. “James, I believed you were uninterested in anything so permanent.” He waved a hand dismissively, speaking to no one in particular. “Not that it really matters. Some take them so seriously, as if it weren’t possible to get out of it if you choose.” He tipped his head, black eyes boring into mine. “Miranda, do you see how she flushes? How enchanting.” He studied me from less than three feet away, so close I could nearly touch him. “Tell me, human, do you flush for shame to lie with a vampire or because I speak of your death so casually?”

  Wishing I could look to James for guidance, not wanting to offend Charles by looking away, I answered the best I knew how. “No Sir, I am blushing because my relationship is private and your mention of it publicly embarrasses me.”

  At my answer, Charles laughed airily. Turning to James, he asked, “You took an innocent, James? I’m impressed.” He aimed his explanation at me. “That is a challenge for our kind due to your natural fear of being hunted. It is instinctive and stronger for the pure than the more experienced, let us say, who might enjoy the pursuit a bit more.”

  I couldn’t help but peek at James as I wondered at that. How could I be afraid of James? I couldn’t resist him if I tried, not that the thought had ever crossed my mind. I considered briefly the Glamour Stephen had mentioned at our first meeting, then brushed away so quickly. Even with his eyes black and body unmoving, more vampire than human, he was still the man I loved and trusted.

  He sensed my curiosity and blinked at me, letting blue bleed back into his irises, clearly aware how unlike himself he must look to me. “I can compel someone to come to me, but I cannot take away their fear entirely. Your lack of fear was one of the things that drew me to you.” It astonished me that he spoke so freely in front of the Court. It had been nothing but formal to
this point yet he showed no hesitation in addressing me while Charles looked on with a vaguely pleasant expression on his face.

  Charles glanced back at me and then at James, his disinterested mask slipping away. As he examined us, a puzzled expression set in. “Miranda, would you come here please? I need your expertise.”

  My heartbeat went into overdrive and sweat sprung up on my lip. Could he sense my ability? I had tried to block it through my shielding. I didn’t want to call attention to myself any more than necessary. Charles turned back to face me and stepped in toward me, close enough to kiss. His face was right next to mine as if he was going to whisper in my ear. Leaning in, he sniffed my neck. Why did everyone do that lately? Irritation prickled me.

  Charles startled backward a step, his eyes opening wide and I watched Anton stiffen expectantly. Miranda continued her graceful steps toward us without hesitation at Charles’ reaction. As Miranda drew near, Charles pointed a stubby finger in my face. “Smell that.”

  Without hesitation, Miranda approached and leaned in between James and I, sniffing my neck. It had been frightening when Charles did it, yet this was different. Miranda’s slow, deliberate movements were mesmerizing; her raw sensuality made her inspection intimate. Her seductive nature was agonizingly uncomfortable and I held James’ hand tighter since I couldn’t look at him without turning my face even closer to Miranda.

  She withdrew slightly, staring into my eyes from only inches away. Her black eyes were hard. “James, you are too bold. Marking a human before gaining the Court’s permission carries a hefty penalty. This one has not been admitted to our society and yet you have taken the liberty to bind her to it? We do not have many rules, but we do require strict adherence lest we have anarchy. Have you forgotten so much since leaving us?” Her voice was deadly calm and I didn’t like the cold fury I saw in her eyes. Nor did I like the words coming out of her mouth.

  “Marked?” I sputtered, forgetting myself and furiously turning to face James. That explained this connection and why no one would tell me more about it. It wasn’t so mysterious after all. He had promised me he would never do such a thing without my permission, something I wasn’t sure I would ever have given, and I had believed him. Feeling a fool, resentment began to build within me.

  The accusations forming on my tongue froze as I registered the astonishment written plainly on his face. James’ dismay was not feigned. He appeared equally shocked and taken aback at Miranda’s words.

  James was shaking his head in denial. “I did not mark her. I have only bitten her once and it was to feed.” I knew he was not lying and out of habit, I opened myself up for only a second to confirm that I could still count him as trustworthy down here among these creatures.

  Anton moved closer and I now had the very uncomfortable pleasure of three ancient vampires, pissed off at my boyfriend for something he didn’t do and more than likely me by association. Trying to smooth over the situation, I sent as much confidence as I could through my shields. As I projected, Anton stepped in and struck me so fast I was on the floor without even seeing his hand fly.

  James moved nearly as fast, a growl ripping from his chest as he hovered protectively over me, cradling me, dazed as I was, in one arm, the other held in front to stay any advances. The mood in the room switched from politely tense to outright violent. I tried to project calm again, despite the fact that my head was ringing and distracting me, making my efforts shaky. The audience in the hall grew hungry and it was hard to control their images in the face of the onslaught. Their hunger beat on my shielding with an almost physical, primal force. Within me, the burning thirst began to build.

  Anton looked at me, hatred burning in his inhuman cerulean blue eyes. “Stop!” It was a command ringing with authority. Refusal was not an option.

  Spitting out the blood in my mouth, I knew I had made a stupid mistake and hoped I hadn’t signed our death warrants. I shook my muddled head in an effort to clear it.

  Miranda alone was reasonable. “James, you have much to explain. Your mate is marked, she smells of you, and she has special abilities you have not disclosed to us.” Her flat stare settled on James’ face. I did not allow her unperturbed demeanor to give me false hope.

  James still held me protectively while he waited for my head to clear. “I swear to you that I have never marked her. If there is a physical link, it is equally shocking to me. She is a gifted human with a strong ability, but I was not aware until today that she could project as well.” He looked down at me and the blank expression on his face was more frightening to me than Anton’s explosion. I was blind. He was blocking me and I couldn’t read what he was thinking. My disorientation was total.

  Miranda directed her attention to Charles and spoke carefully, “There is a possibility that their connection is a psychic mark. We have not seen such a thing in centuries. It has happened only very rarely in the past.”

  Anton spoke up, anger still evident in his posturing, though he had mastered his features back into a mask of boredom. “It is easy to confirm whether or not they tell the truth. Miranda, would you please?”

  While I didn’t want her to touch me, I was willing to do almost anything to prove we weren’t lying to them.

  Miranda bowed her head to her companions and moved over to James first. Crouching down, she held her hand out to him nearly touching his forehead with her fingers. When she was inches from his face, she stopped. “You must let go of the human. I need to touch you separately.”

  My physical reaction was visceral, panic shooting through my entire being. Trying to hide his own anxiety, he shot me a tight smile that did nothing but heighten my stress. James helped me to my feet and with a final squeeze, he let go of my hand. I felt the loss sharply. Fighting my body to stay up and not wobble was difficult, my head was still spinning from Anton’s wallop. I must have a concussion I thought. This was the second time this week I had gotten hit in the head by a vampire. A body could only take so many of those, I mused lightheaded.

  I had no idea what Miranda was seeing as she “read” James for the truth, her elegant hand resting lightly on his chest. Standing there, I could see Charles and Anton watching me. Anton glared at me so darkly I feared he would hit me again. I thought if I tried to look meek and stare at my shoes they might lose interest. When my eyes broke from theirs my sense of balance left me, I felt my battle with my body turn. Knees buckling, I fell to the floor like a ragdoll and everything went black.