Sallie appears in my doorway. “You okay?”

  “Yes. Why?” I try not to look guilty as charged.

  “You didn’t even look at me when you gave me the coffee.”

  “Sorry. I was up dealing with a Japan deal and barely slept.”

  “Japan? You hate Asia deals.”

  “This one is different, and Reid has investors he’s confident in.”

  “But are you?” she asks, perching on the edge of the visitor’s chair.

  “If Reid believes in them, I do. I trust him.” The words are out before I can stop them. I trust him. How can I trust him on this and nothing else? Money, I think. He won’t let himself get hurt financially.

  “What can I do to help?” Sallie asks, grabbing my attention again.

  “I’m about to email you a list of research items.”

  “Got it. I’ll watch for it.” She heads out of the office and I stare after her, thinking about my words, “I trust him.” I’m very confused. I don’t spend much of my life confused. I’m decisive. I have goals. I know what I want. I’m focused, and I need to focus now. I dig into my work and I keep expecting to hear, “My office. Now,” from my intercom any minute. Some part of me craves that moment, while another dreads it.

  It’s nearly nine and Sallie is at my desk going over data with me. “This all looks good,” Sallie says. “Incredible. But it’s Asia. You’re sure you trust Reid on this?”

  “I do. I trust Reid.”

  At that moment, Reid appears in my doorway, his big, perfect body eating away the doorframe, his blue eyes meeting mine. I feel so many things in this moment, too many things. “My office,” he says. “Now.” He turns and leaves.

  I swallow hard. Sallie looks at me. “When he does that in person looking all hot and dominant, it’s not nearly as offensive as when he does it on the intercom, don’t you think?” She narrows her eyes at me. “Carrie?”

  “I need that data quickly. I need to be ready to show it to investors as early as this afternoon.”

  Reid buzzes my office. “Now means now.”

  Now means now. I want to be pissed, but I’m not. I’m ridiculously nervous. I stand up and round my desk, marching out of my office, across the open office area and I don’t even look at Connie. I open Reid’s door and the next thing I know, I’m pressed to the hard surface. “Yes. I’m pushing you against a door again.” His fingers tangle in my hair. “And yes, I’ve wanted to do this for twenty-four painful hours.” His mouth closes down on mine and I try to resist, I do, but I’m back to thinking he owes me this. He humiliated me. He hurt me. He owes me the damn kiss. It doesn’t matter that thinking is what got me to this place with him. I just want him to keep kissing me.

  I sink into the connection and I forget everything that happened between us. I need him. I want him. My hands are on his body and his are on mine and it’s not until he’s tugging my skirt up that I come to my senses. I catch his hand. “I’m on my period,” I pant out.

  “Ask me if I care right now.”

  “We’re at work, Reid.”

  “Then let’s leave now.”

  “No. No, we—this—it changes nothing. I don’t know why I just let that happen.”

  “Because we’re good together. Because we need to be together, Carrie.”

  “I can’t just fuck you and let you fuck me. I’m not you, or my father, or your father. I don’t want to hurt you. I can’t do this. I’m getting too—I’m just—I can’t.”

  “Too what?”

  “Emotionally involved, and you will hurt me. You already did. You—in that kitchen—God. Please leave me out of this war. I just want out of it.”

  “I would never hurt you, Carrie. Ever.”

  I shove against his unmoving chest. “What do you think that was in your sister’s place? What do you think you did to me?”

  “My father’s brutal. If you had lashed back at him, he would have come at you hard at the party and beyond. I was protecting you.”

  “If that’s your way of protecting me, I’ll stick to protecting myself. I can’t do this.”

  “I have never asked a woman to trust me. I am asking you. Trust me. I won’t let you down.”

  “When this is over, maybe. But not now, and I get it. You’re you. You can’t wait. You can go fuck whoever you want, and I’ll fuck whoever I want and—”

  His fingers return to my hair, tangling roughly. “You do not have permission to fuck any other man. I do not want another woman. We’re together. That isn’t changing.”

  “I’m afraid to trust you.”

  “I know, baby. I know you have reasons, and I’d feel the same in your position, but I need you to look at everything I’ve done to earn your trust.” He brushes his lips over mine. “I need you to think about how we feel. That’s real.”

  His intercom buzzes. “Your car is waiting and our flight is scheduled for two hours from now.”

  “I’ll be right there,” he calls out.

  “Flight?” I ask, my heart racing. He’s leaving? “You’re leaving?”

  “I have a problem I have to deal with. It can’t wait. I’ll have internet on the plane. You can reach me. We aren’t over, baby, and neither is this conversation. And if you don’t leave now, I will pull your skirt up and fuck you. I will forget this trip and I can’t. Not this trip.” He releases me and steps back. “Go, baby.”

  I don’t immediately move.

  He arches a brow.


  “This doesn’t mean we’re still us.”

  “Just tell me you’ll listen when I get back. Alone. Be with me long enough to really hear me.” He steps to me, his hands on my waist. “I don’t know if there was another way to handle what happened in that kitchen, but I swear to you, I meant to protect you. I hate leaving right now. Promise me—”

  “I will. I’ll listen.”

  He breathes out in relief and cups my face. “I’m not letting you go.” He kisses me and turns me toward the door. “Go, baby, before I don’t let you.”

  I don’t want to go but I do. I exit his office, and I know that I’m in a quicksand of my emotions with this man. I know that I’m in dangerous territory with Reid, but I have nothing to go on but what I feel. And I trust this man. I want this man. I’m going to risk everything for this man.

  Chapter Fifty-Six


  I’m on my way to the airport for my trip to Montana when one of the investors I met yesterday calls and wants to meet. He has another investor he needs to introduce me to who is leaving town in the morning. I can’t refuse, not with this Grayson deal in play and I change all my plans. By the time, I’m finally through with the meeting, it’s nearly seven at night when I reach the airport and board the private jet. The first thing I do when I’m settled into my seat is dial Carrie. “Hey, are you wherever you’re going?”

  I read the question. She wants to know where I’m going, and I don’t want to lie, which is why I don’t offer it up. “Actually, I’m just leaving. One of the investors needed me in a meeting. The good news is we landed more money, and considering how vague I’ve been about this project, we’re looking good.”

  “That’s wonderful and the vague thing is good. I don’t want the competition trying to put together a group of investors to beat us on this.”

  I love how damn smart she is. “Exactly. Listen, baby, I’m about to take off. I’ll land really late. I won’t call you and risk waking you up. And I’ll be up early. I won’t likely have much of chance to talk tomorrow, but if you need me, call or text.”

  “I will. Are you going to make it back for the meeting?”

  “I’ll fly back late tomorrow night, in the middle of the night if I have to. Just remember that my silence means nothing, but I am trying to get back to you. Okay?”

  “I’m okay. I’m going to listen to you and I’m not thinking of more reasons to doubt you. I did plenty of that on Sunday.”

  “I’m working on a way to fix those doubts

  “What does that mean, Reid?”

  “When I get back we have a lot to talk about. No confessions. Don’t read into that. I haven’t done anything to confess. I’ll see you soon.” I disconnect and hope like hell my plan works.


  I finally land in Montana, at nine local time, and eleven back home. Once I’m inside the rental car, I dial Royce, “What do you have for me?”

  “I’m texting you the address where he’s staying. From what I can tell, he’s sleeping with a woman who inherited a horse ranch from her father, which just happens to set on top of oil. Obviously, he’s after the oil. She’s younger, pretty, and widowed. I’m not sure she understands the implications of the oil beneath her land or just doesn’t care. She’s all about the horses. What else do you need?”

  “That’s all.”

  “No dirt or ammunition?” Royce asks.

  “No. I just need a sit-down with the man. I have what I need from there. I’ll be in touch.” I disconnect, and in a few minutes, I’m inside my shitty hotel, which is all this area had to offer. I’m exhausted, but now that I’m here I decide to find the address for where I’m going tomorrow. The drive is half an hour, and the ranch is gated and locked up. It’ll be open tomorrow for the ranch crew to go in and out and I’ll be here. It’s nearly midnight by the time I grab food and return to my room, crashing in the crappy bed. Tomorrow, I’m going to end this war once and for all.


  I’m up at six, and already my phone is going off. At nine, I call Connie. “I need radio silence. If someone calls you, tell them I’m giving a presentation and will call them when I’m out.”

  “What are you doing, Reid?”

  “Is Carrie there?”

  “Yes. Do you want to talk to her?”

  “No. I don’t.”

  “She seems good, Reid. She’s excited about whatever you’re working on.”

  “As we all should be,” I say, not giving her that hint of what’s between me and Carrie that she wants. That’s for us to reveal, at some point. And I’m going to make sure that point exists. “I’ll call you later.” I hang up and an hour later I’ve had black coffee and some sort of pastry I could have done without but I’m at the ranch and the gates are open.

  I drive down the dirt road, and when I reach the sprawling white mansion that is the main house, I’m greeted by a ranch hand who informs me that Mr. West is gone for the day. He won’t return until tonight. It’s clear he’s living here. Interesting. I tip the man a hundred-dollar bill, with the promise he’ll call me when he returns.

  I drive to a diner nearby and pull out my MacBook. I want to call Carrie, but I don’t. She’ll ask where I am and I want to tell her about this in person after I secure a truce. I’m at the table a good two hours when West slides into the seat across from me. He’s my father’s age, late fifties, and he wears those years just as arrogantly and well. “Obviously my hundred-dollar bill to the ranch hand didn’t earn me any loyalty,” I say.

  “This is my territory,” he says. “You had to have known that.”

  I study West, search his eyes for some part of Carrie to connect with, but I see nothing that resembles the woman who has come to mean so much to me.

  “What are you doing here?” he demands.

  “She matters to me. We aren’t a part of your war.”

  “You’re his son.”

  “We had an agreement. I did what you wanted.”

  “And I gave you what you wanted.”

  “Tell her.”

  “Never,” he says.

  “Tell her I didn’t destroy you.”

  “Never,” he repeats.

  “What’s it going to take?”

  “You will never be with my daughter.”

  “Money? I’ll give you money. I’ll make you a rich man.”

  “I am a rich man.”

  “And yet you took Carrie’s money.”

  “To make her more money. And my money is locked up and substantial. She’ll inherit well and you won’t see a dime.”

  “I don’t need her money. I need her. What’s the number?”

  “There is no number. I don’t want money. I want out. I want peace. I want this place and the woman who’s here.”

  “And the oil under her land?”

  He smirks. “Of course, you know.”

  “Carrie wouldn’t want you to displace those horses for the oil. I’ll make you the money. Five million in two years.”

  “This oil is worth four times that.”

  “Is that the number? Twenty million?”

  “There is no number. I won’t ever do business with a Maxwell. I hate your father. I hate the Maxwell name.”


  “You signed away everything and he didn’t even tell you why. Oh, right. He didn’t have to. He put your name on the line with illegal activities you didn’t even know about.”

  “You’re one to talk. We both know the lines you crossed.”

  “Go home, Reid.” He stands up and walks away.

  “I’ll give up everything and tell her,” I call out. “I can remake the money.”

  He turns around and walks to the table, pressing his hands on the surface. “You won’t do that for Carrie.”

  “Do you want to take that risk?”

  “If I ruin you, your father ruins Carrie. If you really do care about her, you’re smart enough to know that, and you won’t do it. I’ve got you by the balls, and apparently, so does she.” He pushes off the table and walks away.

  I sit there for a good twenty minutes, processing what to do next. I want his head. I want to hurt him. I stand up and go back to my room and change clothes. I go for a run. Once I’ve blown off steam, I go back to my room and pace. I dial Royce. “What can I do for you?”

  “If I wanted to ruin him, do you have the ammunition?”

  “Don’t do it,” he says. “She won’t get over that.”

  “Thank you.”


  “I called you because I knew you’d say that. I needed to hear it.”

  “Give me time to hand her a file with the research on her father. It’ll be hard for her to read, but it’ll do that for you.”

  “You can’t get to the information I need you to get to.”

  “You’d be surprised what we can get to,” he says. “And I’ll get to enough. Trust me. Come home before you do something you’ll regret.”

  “I’m going to stay.”


  “Because I don’t want to be on a plane when I come up with a proposal he’ll actually listen to.”

  I hang up.

  I drag my hands through my hair and spend most of the afternoon into the evening coming up with nothing. Finally, I take a shower, pack and charter my plane for tonight. I want to be back in New York City. I need to talk to Carrie. I’m sitting in my rental car when I decide I’m operating without facts. If I know the core problem, then maybe I can talk to West again. I dial my father. “Reid,” he answers coldly.

  “Why does he hate you?”

  He doesn’t ask who I’m talking about. “At this point, I see no reason not to tell you. I fucked his wife.”

  “As in Carrie’s mother?”

  “Yes. Carrie’s mother.”

  “Holy fuck. While you were married to mom?”

  “Yes. That’s what started the war. I fucked his wife and he told your mom.”

  “You’re such a bastard.”

  “And you, son, are a chip off the old block.”

  I hang up thinking of Elijah and decide I need to deal with him. Twenty years of two families destroying each other is a lesson I can’t ignore. I also decide that talking to West won’t matter. I need to hope Royce finds what I need him to find and tells Carrie. Right now, I’m worried about Carrie’s father getting to her before I do. I need to get home now, tonight.

  I drive to the airport.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven


>   Reid hasn’t called all day and even though he warned me he might not, we’re so broken right now that it feels bad. I’d just suck it up and call him, but two in the morning isn’t the time to make that decision. He’s probably asleep like the rest of the world, while I haven’t even tried. The fact that I’m working on the Grayson numbers, sitting at my island in the kitchen, pumping coffee down me like it’s my lifeline at this hour is a testament to how much our current state of broken is affecting me. I stand up. It’s time to try to sleep. I’m not even in my nightgown. I’m still in the sweats and T-shirt that I put on after a workout and shower, which isn’t the way to convince myself to sleep.

  I shut my computer and it’s as if it triggers my cellphone to ring. I grab it and the minute I see Reid’s number I hit answer. “Reid?”

  “Yeah, baby. I’m downstairs. Come get me. They won’t let me up.”

  The sound of his voice, rich and masculine, washes over me and awakens and warms me inside out. “Wait. Did you say you’re here? As in my building?”

  “Yes. I flew home to see you.”

  He didn’t call because he was coming back to me.


  “I’ll come get you. That guard is new. I won’t convince him to let you come up.” I disconnect and head for the door, and despite everything that has happened, I just want to see him. I just want to feel him. I can’t get to the elevator soon enough and nerves flutter in my stomach as it arrives in the lobby. The minute the doors open and I step into the lobby, Reid is in front of me, looking like sin and satisfaction in dark jeans and a navy T-shirt, his fingers tangling in my hair. “I missed the hell out of you, woman,” he says, his voice gruff, affected, his mouth closing down on my mouth, his tongue licking deliciously at mine.

  I sink into him, my arms wrapping his body and I remember his words about feeling him, about feeling us, and how real it is. And it is. In this moment, I feel how much he wants me, I feel that I mean something to him. “Let’s go upstairs,” he murmurs, brushing fingers over my cheek, his lips parting mine with a reluctant lift.