Page 14 of Brawn

  “This is my fault.”

  “We’ve been over this.”

  “I should have made her leave her house or gone home after my date. I should have made sure she was sleeping in her old bedroom. I—”

  Tiger gripped his shoulder. “You would have died too if you’d been home. They were well trained to take one of our males. I don’t mean to offend you but we’re stronger and faster. If Brawn didn’t stand a chance, you wouldn’t have either.”

  Tim’s voice choked with emotion. “I just want to get my daughter back alive.”

  * * * * *

  Brawn jerked awake when he heard a noise. His hold instantly tightened around Becca, who was curled in his arms. She breathed slowly, sleeping soundly. Her hand rested around his arm and he studied her face as he sniffed the air. No stench of his enemy offended his nose. They were currently safe from harm.

  She was beautiful. He’d never thought he’d find a human so appealing but she was. She was so different from his kind. Her nose wasn’t flattened, just a cute bump on her face. The bones in her face were softer, not dominant. She felt small and fragile in his arms and he could break her easily if he wasn’t careful.

  His body responded instantly when she shifted a little and her thigh rubbed against him. They weren’t even naked but just being close was enough to make his dick harden and lengthen between their bodies. He wanted to mount her again. Sharing sex with her was different and wonderful. She was so soft and tight. So wet, hot and fragile. He bit back a groan.

  The memory of the sounds Becca made while he’d mounted her made his desire to take her again grow stronger. He physically ached to be back inside her but she’d been sore afterward and probably still was. He should have been gentler but she’d taken him so well that he couldn’t stop the need to feel every inch of his dick buried in the soft, tight heat of her sex, which encased him perfectly.

  His shoulders burned a little where her nails had dug into his skin during their passionate encounter. He glanced down at the bite she’d left on his chest and mourned that it wouldn’t scar. She had delicate, flat teeth but they’d felt good when she’d sunk them in enough to cause slight pain. No female had ever marked him and he was glad she had. He only regretted the reminder wouldn’t be permanent.

  He suddenly understood how Justice and the other Species males could take a human mate. They were not as strong as Species females but their softness and kittenish responses gripped a man inside his chest. His gaze returned to study her face. He was unable to stop staring. He doubted he’d ever be able to look at her enough.

  He lifted his hand to stroke her soft auburn hair and some of it curled around his finger. It was too short, only just past her shoulders and he wanted to see her grow it long, to her ass. He fantasized about winding his fingers through the long strands that could spread across his stomach when her head rested on his chest while she slept. His fingers brushed her cheek.

  She’s so soft all over. Her body was not muscular the way their women were. Everything about her was unfamiliar and yet he wanted to hold her forever. Protect her. Keep her. His hand stopped tracing her skin and he closed his eyes.

  He was Species and had no business thinking about a human female, wishing he could be with her long enough for her hair to grow to her waist. There would be no future with Becca because they were in hell, captured and confined by the monsters who’d tormented him for most of his life. Their ugliness had even touched the one beautiful, perfect thing in his life and he held her a little tighter.

  He knew he should expect that they would be rescued but his hope had died. He’d never tell Becca, crush her spirit that way, but too much time had passed. Even if a miracle occurred twice in his lifetime and someone came to set him free from a cage, Becca would probably be lost to him forever. The memories they made would be overshadowed by the horror. She’d never be able to look at him without reliving their nightmare.

  Another soft noise drew his attention, his eyes opened and he turned his head. The Species male in the other cage was off his cot and stood watching him silently. Brawn carefully extricated his body from Becca’s. He used the blanket to keep her warm, tucked her in and moved to the corner nearest the other cage.

  “Are you well? I am Brawn.”

  The male tilted his head, peered at him with confusion and he understood. “When I was freed from Mercile I chose the name.” He refused to say his old number, had sworn to never utter or hear it again and feared the male might try to address him as such. “Can you speak? You are 919, correct?”

  “Yes,” the male rasped. His gaze lowered to stare at Becca, a soft snarl came from his throat and rage twisted his features.

  Brawn moved, blocked his view of the cot and gripped the bars. “Easy. She is not the enemy.”

  “They all are.”

  “Not all. Some humans are good. They freed me and many others from the testing facilities.” He kept his voice low. The males who worked for the female doctor believed it was safe to talk softly so he figured it probably was. “How long have you been here? Do you know?”

  The male shrugged his shoulders. “A while.”

  Brawn understood. It was easy to lose track of time with no light to show the days pass. His gaze drifted to the other cage and the sleeping male who hadn’t woken since they’d been there.

  “Who is he?”

  919 glanced at the form. “358 is in bad shape. He breathes but he is weakened. They tested him for days straight with too many drugs too close together and in the insanity he harmed his body much by smashing into the walls.” He stared at Brawn. “He will be physically fine but when the drugs wear off I fear his mind will not fare well.”

  “What about the other I smell?”

  “880.” Rage tensed the male’s body. “He wasn’t known to me and there was a female with him.”

  Alarm gripped Brawn. “Human?”

  “One of us.” The male revealed his fangs as he snarled, showing off his canine traits. “They murdered her in front of him as punishment. They were here before we were brought. I never spoke to her and they kept them back there.” He pointed to the concrete wall blocking their view of the back of the room. “I could hear them softly talking and he cared for her. I think she was ill. When the humans killed her, he went insane.”

  Brawn mourned the loss. He wondered if these were some of the missing Species from the Colorado testing facility who were unaccounted for. A female had been on the list. Their numbers were not known to him but he’d read the reports.

  “He doesn’t speak?”

  “Not to me but they killed her right after we arrived,” 919 growled. “He howled for days, tore up the cage and the stench of blood was strong. They had to drug him and tend to his severe injuries. I saw him pass out a few times. They have to go by when they drug and move him. I believe he tried to end his life by using the bars.” The man touched them. “His mind is gone. It happens.”

  Brawn knew that well. “Were there any others?”

  The male shook his head. “Not until you and her.”

  “Have you ever heard the word Colorado?”


  The double doors opened and two humans stepped into the room. 919 snarled, backed away from the bars and began to pace. Brawn inched closer to Becca, watching the enemy with dread.

  They approached the other cage and 919 snarled louder, backed up as far as he could get and the humans laughed as they pulled their weapons.

  “What’s wrong?” The blond human snickered. “You have a problem getting sucked off by a machine? I wish my dick got as much action as yours does.”

  The other one aimed the Taser. “They are fucking animals. What do you expect? He’s too stupid to appreciate his dick getting so much action. It’s not like any of us are allowed to leave here to hunt up some pussy. I’d take a toy any day compared to my hand.”

  They targeted the male, he howled when the electric volts shot through his body and he fell to the floor. Brawn snarled, h
ated to watch the male taken down and a soft hand gripped his arm. He nearly hit Becca from pure reflex alone but his palm halted inches from her face.

  Wide, terrified eyes peered at him and he cursed. He hadn’t known she’d woken. He dropped his hand and watched as the humans shot another Taser dart into the already suffering male. He jerked and twitched until he passed out. The men unwrapped the chains from the door, opened it and entered the cage. They just grabbed 919 by his arms, dragged him out and took him away. Brawn didn’t relax until the doors closed. He turned to apologize, staring at Becca and hated that he’d frightened her.

  “I’m sorry. You startled me when I was stressed.”

  Becca’s pounding heart slowed. “It’s okay. I should know better than that. My dad is military and yeah, never sneak up on someone with any kind of training.” She stepped closer and shivered. “That poor guy.”

  “You’re cold.”

  She smiled, touched that he was so concerned. “I was really warm until you got up. You put off a lot of body heat.”

  “Lie down.” He tried to urge her to return to the bunk but she ducked around him, walked to the bars and stared at the double doors where they’d taken the other male.

  “We need to get the hell out of here,” she whispered. “If you won’t go with my plan, we’ll think of something else. We all need to be saved.”

  “Becca, it’s too dangerous.”

  She spun to face him and crossed her arms over her chest. “Being here is dangerous. Those monsters need to be stopped.”

  He approached her. “I agree but they’ll kill you and these bars are thick.” He reached around her with both hands, gripped them and pinned her loosely between his body and arms. “You won’t risk your life.”

  Her gaze narrowed but she sealed her lips. He was determined to keep her safe but it was an illusion. It was a good one though, she silently admitted, staring up into his sexy gaze. She bit her lip, the memory of what they’d done before she’d slept fresh in her head and decided being held captive wasn’t totally horrible. Of course discovering they’d starred in a live-action porn flick for the benefit of the guards hadn’t been the high point.

  It reminded her that it couldn’t happen again no matter how much she wanted him. They’d have to escape first and then…what? Would she ever see Brawn again? Would he remain at her house or return to Homeland?

  The thought of never seeing him again was a bad one. She suddenly dropped her arms and stepped against him, tucked her head and rested her cheek against his hot skin. His heart pounded in her ear and she hugged him.

  “I’m freezing,” she lied.

  Solid, muscular arms wrapped around her and he curled his body tighter. “I’ll warm you.”

  Becca wanted him to hold her for as long as it was possible. He’d do more than keep the chill away though. She was falling for him.

  Chapter Ten

  Tiger’s cell phone vibrated in his pocket and he lifted it. “Report.” He listened and grinned while he met Trey’s curious gaze.

  “One of my males found their scent inside a warehouse. Let’s move all our teams to the area. They’ve pulled back to wait for a full assault.”

  Tim jumped to his feet in an instant. “Let’s go.”

  Tiger frowned. “You say here at command center. We’ll go.”

  Tim wanted to argue but Trey spoke first.

  “It’s for the best. I’ll go in and find Becca, Tim. We’ll bring her to you.”

  Tim nodded, sat hard on the chair and his hands fisted in his lap. “I can handle anything that was done to her but just bring her back to me alive.”

  “I’ll do my best,” Trey swore softly. He glanced at Tiger. “Let’s go.”

  Tiger jumped down from the large van that had been their mobile command center. He jogged with Trey at his heels, the human kept up with him easily and it reminded him that the task force was made up of good males. They reached the building a few blocks away quickly to greet the waiting assault team. Twenty Species males and fifteen human task-force members were preparing for the worst. Tiger took the lead and commanded the teams.

  “We’ll follow you,” Trey acknowledged. “Your people are better at tracking than mine.” He glanced at his men sternly. “Remember, no one harms the New Species no matter what you find. Are we clear? They could be heavily drugged. Just contain and hold him until the NSO team arrives if you find one on your own.”

  Tiger glanced at his men. “Remember that there may be breeding drugs involved. Sedate Brawn if he’s not clear-headed. Talk to him first to make sure he is rational before you release him.”

  The two teams studied each other and tension was palpable. Usually none of them minded working together but this was a special circumstance. All the humans on the task force knew Tim’s daughter and Tiger worried about their reactions if they found her harmed or worse. One moment of rage or grief could make a human take action and kill Brawn or another Species.

  Tiger was tempted to have them hold back and send in Species only but he knew that would cause long-term issues. The task team needed their trust, they’d given their word to remain calm and he had to accept it. Of course he didn’t have to blindly trust either. An idea struck him.

  “Let’s mix our teams.” Tiger glanced at Trey.

  Trey nodded. “Sure.” He addressed his men. “NSO calls the shots. You listen up good, boys. Break into teams and one of them is in charge.”

  The human males separated into small groups. Tiger quickly assigned a few of them to lead, dividing the rest so they were distributed to each team. “Let’s surround and go in.” He purposely located and stared at Brass.

  “Are you sure you scented them?”

  Brass checked his sidearm. “Positive. I didn’t follow the trail inside in case there were alarms or cameras but Brawn has been there. I backed away fast and was careful not to tip them off. I also didn’t smell explosives.”

  “Let’s move,” Tiger commanded, motioning for Trey’s team to take the entry breach assignment with his own team while the other teams surrounded the building.

  The moment Tiger stepped in the door of the warehouse he inhaled and nodded at Trey. “They were here but it’s very faint. If they’d left the doors open or there were any broken windows their scent wouldn’t have lingered but I’m picking up Brawn and your female.” He inhaled a few times. “Many human men. I think under ten but that could be off if they weren’t here recently. I smell…” He inhaled. “Another human female. It’s barely there but that’s what I’m picking up. It’s pretty stagnant in here.”

  “Shit,” one of the humans sighed, pointing to the open van door. “See that big cage and someone left this behind.” He fingered an assault rifle. “Military issue, old school, so we’re looking at someone who was probably ex Army or Marines.”

  “This may be a breeding facility,” Tiger reminded grimly. “Expect the worst. I’m worried since I’m picking up two female scents.”

  “Damn,” Trey looked shocked. “They are really putting a lot of pressure on your man to perform if they brought him two women.”

  Tiger shot him a frown, not amused with the grim humor. “It would not be enjoyable for either party involved.”

  Trey nodded sharply. “You take point.”

  Tiger took the lead. He inhaled and followed the faint scents to an archway that led to a stairwell. He looked down and held back a curse. He hated going underground and reached for the flashlight on his belt. His gaze scanned for cameras or sensors but spotted none.

  “This is why we lost his signal. They are underground. There’s enough building to mask it.” His gaze roamed the assembled men. “Watch for surveillance cameras, sensors and don’t forget to keep inhaling for explosives. If one of my males raises a hand, halt! We go silent now to prevent them from hearing us coming. Take it damn slow. Better to creep in than let them now we’re here before we know what we’re facing.”

  Trey turned and made hand motions to his men to make sur
e they understood their orders. Tiger didn’t signal his team. Species hearing was extremely sensitive and they would have heard every word spoken.

  Tiger pulled his gun. He hated them but being shot at without one would be worse. He waited for Trey to turn after silently talking to his men before taking the first step downward. His body was tense, his gaze constantly moved and he hoped they weren’t walking into something horrible. Recovering dead bodies would be the worst scenario he could imagine, besides being blown to hell.

  * * * * *

  Brawn knew Becca had fallen back asleep as he held her. He was tired but he wasn’t ready to sleep after watching them bring 919 back to his cell. The male didn’t sleep this time, instead he paced his cell and acted insane. They’d over drugged him from the strong smell coming off him.

  Other worries filled his mind, keeping him awake as he watched Becca doze. He could have gotten her pregnant when he’d mounted her. He didn’t dare ask if she was on some form of birth control because it was top secret that Species males could impregnate a healthy human female who was not taking preventative measures. He was certain it would be fine. Species sperm didn’t survive as long as it did with human men. His gaze lowered to her belly where his hand rested.

  She’d hate him. Worse, Becca had gone into heat over the past few hours. He could pick up the faint scent but it had just started. She hadn’t been when he met her or even when they’d shared sex. He swore not to touch her again—he couldn’t risk it.

  She was a female human in her late twenties, single and would be on birth control. He knew that about female humans since he loved to read. They were smart and took care of their bodies but he still wouldn’t risk it. No matter how much he wanted to take her again, to sheathe his dick inside her hot, welcoming body, he’d resist.

  Just the thoughts of what it was like to touch Becca made him hard. He clenched his teeth and forced air through his mouth to avoid her tempting scent. A woman in heat strongly affected Species males, made them do wild, crazy things. Being aware of the problem was half the battle or so he’d heard. He was pretty sure that saying was correct.