Page 15 of Brawn

  919 growled and whined, drawing attention to his plight. Brawn turned his head to peer across the room, watched the male crouch and dig at the floor with his hands, testament that he wasn’t sane. He probably should try to talk him down but it wouldn’t work. Sadness gripped him as he watched one of his kind suffer.

  A howl pierced the room and Becca jerked awake in his arms. He held onto her, met her frightened gaze and rubbed her back. “They returned him and he’s drugged.”

  She lifted her head enough to peer around his body, which blocked her view. He hated to see her pained expression and the way tears filled her pretty eyes when they lifted to meet his gaze.

  “He’s going to tear up his hands.”

  “I know but he won’t listen. He will be irrational until the drug leaves his system.”

  “I hate these bastards.”

  He silently agreed. “Sleep.”

  “I can’t.”

  She put her hand on his chest as she turned on the narrow bed, bumped into him and rubbed his skin near his nipple. It hardened instantly and his dick did too. He was in a world of hurt when she curled into him tighter, faced him and her thigh brushed between his legs to make room for it.

  “I want to get out of here so bad.”

  “I do as well,” he agreed.

  “What would you do first?”

  He hesitated. Take her home with him, to his bed and mount her until they both couldn’t walk was the first thing that came up on his list. He wouldn’t mention that one though. “I’d cook a large meal.”

  She smiled. “I want a bath.”

  The image of her naked and submerged in water only made him want her more and the urge became so strong that he quickly released her, rolled off the bed and stood. He didn’t miss her stunned expression as he put space between them.

  “Baths are good.” He looked anywhere but at her, focusing on the male instead.

  The cot creaked as Becca adjusted on it and he breathed in her scent. His dick throbbed over her being in heat and he gripped the bars to grab them instead of her. She made it worse when she came up behind him, stood close and peered at 919 too.

  “How long do you think he’s going to be high on that stuff? Last time he slept for a long time.”

  “They gave him too much. He was probably gaining a resistance to it.”

  “They could have killed him.”

  He remained silent in agreement.

  She rubbed his arm, her fingertips traced his biceps and he jerked away. A snarl tore from his throat before he could trap it and she backed away.

  “Don’t touch me right now. I’m agitated.”

  Pain flashed in her eyes and he felt like a bastard. He opened his mouth to explain that he didn’t mean to reject her that way but wasn’t sure how to tell her how he barely held onto his restraint and fought the urge to pin her over their cot and mount her again. The reasons for that replayed. She’s in heat and the humans could show up again to watch. Becca distracted him too much for him to stay on guard.

  “Becca, I—”

  A slight noise distracted him and he turned, listening intently. The sound had been faint, a squeak from across the room where the doors were and not something he’d heard before. His gaze lifted to the vents along the walls. He saw cobwebs blowing and figured it was just the air system until he inhaled deeply through his nose.

  “We have company,” Brawn whispered.

  Becca tensed, expecting the goons to step out from the double doors to haul her and Brawn back to the room where she’d have to take more sperm samples. She wondered why touching the Species had made him angry. He always sent her mixed signals and hoped his mood wouldn’t worsen once he was secured to the bed. Getting him turned-on would be rough if he didn’t want her to touch him.

  Sorrow filtered through at the possibility that he might begin to hate her for being human. The guards and that crazy doctor weren’t exactly stellar examples of humanity as its finest. Of course if he was beginning to blame her, he might rethink her plan to at least try to escape. Maybe she’d survive. Sure, she would be shot but that didn’t necessarily mean death.

  Brawn glanced her way with a grin on his face suddenly, surprising her once more with his sudden mood swing as he sniffed the air. “You might get hit up for another booty call offer from your friend at any moment.”

  It took her a second for his words to have meaning and her knees weakened. Brawn smelled Trey Roberts, knew his scent from his visit to her house and she trusted his nose. Tears of relief and happiness blinded her. Her father’s team was coming for them.

  Brawn moved fast, grabbed her around her waist and hauled her off her feet. He stormed for the cot, used one foot to hook a leg of it and yanked hard. The thing crashed over, he darted around it and took them to the floor. His body crushed hers against the cold concrete when he flattened over her.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered. “There may be a gun battle.”

  He was protecting her from stray bullets with his body and the cot. Her hands opened on his chest and her heart raced with excitement. “I can’t believe they found us.”

  “They have,” he rasped in her ear. “The vents are pushing air and their scents are filling the room. It must be from the other doors. Just stay low and be safe. I scent your friend and other humans along with my own kind. Many come.”

  He eased a little upward. She watched him turn his head to peer around the fallen cot and stare at the doors. She wished she could see what was going on but Brawn’s big body kept her still.

  “Anything?” she whispered.

  “Not yet but the smell is stronger.”

  Seconds ticked by into at least a full minute and suddenly she heard a loud noise as metal hit a wall. Brawn tensed above her, sucked in air and shouted a warning.

  “They are inside the double doors to your left. There’s a female doctor and several human males armed with guns, Taser darts and they have drug weapons.”

  He moved, rolled off her and was gone so fast she had to struggle to follow him. She sat up to watch over the top of the cot as men filled the room. A New Species guy grinned, seemed in charge and rushed for the other set of double doors with men at his heels. Trey was a sight for sore eyes as he broke away from the others, rushed toward the cage and grinned as their gazes met.

  “Open the door,” Brawn demanded.

  Trey studied the chains and the lock. “Back up.”

  Brawn moved to the side as Trey pointed his gun at the locks, fired twice and tore the chains away. Brawn shoved open the door quickly, stepped out of the cage and stormed toward where the men had disappeared.

  “They’ve got it,” Trey called out as he walked into the cage.

  Becca stood and walked to him. The second she was in range he grabbed her with one arm, hauled her against his body and holstered his weapon. He kissed the top of her head, hugged her tightly with both arms and chuckled.

  “Goddamn are you in trouble. Your old man has been going off the wall with worry. Are you okay, kiddo?” He eased his hold enough to peer down to study her face closely. One of his arms released her and fingertips traced her cheek.

  She flinched, had forgotten about being hit and she saw rage in Trey’s gaze. “I take it there’s a bruise?”

  “Who’s the motherfucker who hit you?” He whipped his head around to glare at something.

  Becca leaned enough to see that Brawn stood outside the cage watching them. She glanced up, followed the path of Trey’s anger and gripped his shirt to gain his attention. He met her gaze.

  “One of the guards did this. Brawn would never hurt me.”

  Trey wrapped his arms around her again, yanked her right off her feet and hugged her tight enough to be considered a bear hug.

  “Are you okay, kiddo? Tell me the truth.”

  “Put me down.” She squirmed to break free, more than aware that her nightgown rose dangerously high and she no longer had panties on. “I’m great besides you trying to break my ribs.”
  He laughed as he eased her back onto her feet. “I’m just so glad you’re alive. We were so damn worried.”

  “Stop mauling her,” a deep, harsh voice snarled. “We have Species males in need of medical care while you are flirting with that female.”

  Becca was stunned over Brawn’s anger. Trey totally released her and turned to face him. “You’re Brawn?”

  “I am.” His chest puffed out as he filled his lungs with air. “I want a weapon.” He threw out his hand.

  Trey marched over to him—stood shorter by some inches—and lifted his chin. “No offense, sir, but no. How are you? Were you drugged?”


  Gunshots sounded and Trey spun, rushed for Becca and took her to the ground. She gasped as pain exploded in her back from hitting the floor and his weight crushed her down. A roar sounded and she knew without being able to see that it had come from Brawn.

  The weight was jerked away and she stared at Brawn, crouched next to her. He bared his teeth, snarled at Trey who was sprawled feet away, and she realized what had happened. Brawn had thrown her friend away from her and now looked ready to attack him. She sat up quickly, ignored her throbbing head, which had smacked the concrete when she’d been tackled, and put her body between them. Her gaze met Brawn’s.

  “What’s wrong with you?”

  Rage glittered in his eyes as he glared back, snarled at her and he lifted. “Don’t touch her,” he warned, turned his back and stood there.

  Trey shot her a what-the-hell look and she shrugged, not sure why Brawn had attacked him but no more gunshots were heard. Another team rushed into the room from above and some rushed through the double doors the first team had disappeared through while the rest approached the cages.

  Brawn spoke softly to a few of the Species males. Becca left the cage and Trey followed closely, almost as if he didn’t want to let her more than a few feet away. She glanced at 919 and found him cowering in a corner of his cage, watching the strangers with dread. Pity welled up. He was drugged out of his head and probably thought more people had come to harm him.

  Curiosity made her turn toward the back of the room where they’d taken the other New Species. She wanted to check on him since no one seemed aware of his existence. She passed the wall that divided the room and found another cage. The sight that greeted her brought tears to her eyes.

  A male was strapped to a medical bed, his black hair matted so badly it was shocking and he was hooked up to tubes and machines. She walked to the bars and gripped them. The male didn’t move at all. She could see a heart monitor and read the numbers from where she stood. Trey paused beside her.

  “Holy fuck,” he hissed.

  “Open the door.”

  He hesitated. “No. We’ll get a medical team in here.”

  “Open the door,” she demanded again. “He’s not moving and his heart rate is really low. He’s unconscious.”

  “He’ll probably be dangerous if we wake him. I’m sorry but that door isn’t opening until we’re sure it’s safe.”

  She turned to meet his gaze. “Call for help.”

  He nodded, reached for his radio but realized quickly that he couldn’t get a signal to the topside. “Let’s go. I’ll send one of the guys up to relay that we need medics pronto.”

  Becca hated to leave the male alone so she offered to stay. Trey balked at first but she pointed out no one was there to hurt her and the Species was locked up and tied down. He stalked away and she turned her full attention back to the poor victim inside.

  Humans sucked at times and seeing what he’d been reduced to nearly broke her heart. His heart beat but she wondered if he’d survive. He was big but his skin color was really pale, he looked half starved, judging by the way his ribs showed.

  It didn’t take long for Trey to return with medics and get the cage door open. She stayed long enough to overhear them state that he was in critical condition. They planned to call in a life flight. Depression hit and she just wanted to find Brawn. Trey grabbed her hand as she tried to ease past him.

  “We caught all the bastards and the area is secure. They are going to transport the New Species to Homeland. Do you want a paramedic to look at you?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Your father is being kept topside. You really should go see him. He’s been pretty frantic and I think his patience is wearing thin.”

  “I just want to talk to Brawn and then I’ll find him.”

  “Just hurry. He’s fit to be tied.”

  Becca walked to where she’d been caged in time to watch two New Species males unlocking 919’s cage. He was still huddled in the corner, snarling at his rescuers and the human members of the team hung far back. Brawn stood watching and she moved to stand at his side.

  “Think he’ll be okay?” She didn’t touch him this time in case he was distracted and hadn’t heard her approach.

  “I hope so. It’s his mental state that holds my worry.” He turned and met her gaze. “Becca, I—”

  A howl sounded and someone shouted. Becca jerked her head in time to see 919 tackle one of the New Species males, throw him out of the way and slam a fist into the second one. He rushed out of the cage, a wild expression on his face and his gaze located her. Pure rage twisted his features and he barreled forward.

  “No!” Brawn shouted and threw his body between them, nearly plowing into her as 919 attacked.

  Becca scrambled to get out of the way but it was too late. The enraged, drugged-out New Species punched Brawn in the face. Brawn staggered and 919 howled again as he lunged her way. She didn’t even get a scream out before brutal hands grabbed her. One hand wrapped around her throat, cut off her air and the other one held her arm so tightly she was sure it would snap.

  A roar was the only warning before Brawn attacked. All three of them went down in a tangle of bodies, the hand was torn off her throat and 919 screamed in pain. Becca tried to roll away but her legs were pinned under their combined weight as they exchanged blows.

  Someone grabbed her arm, she looked up to see Trey’s pale face and he jerked hard enough to make her cry out when he dragged her free. He kept pulling her along the floor until a good ten feet separated her from Brawn. She stared at the sight of him fighting with 919. It was brutal and the sounds they made were flat-out terrifying.

  “Get that human out of here,” Brawn snarled. “He is out of his mind.”

  Trey cursed, bent and scooped Becca into his arms. She twisted when he lifted her up and jogged for the door. She watched in horror as Brawn and the male kept fighting while no one seemed to help him. Her mouth opened to yell that someone needed to pull them apart but by then Trey had taken her from the room and bounded up the stairs.

  “Put me down.”

  He panted, kept moving and ignored her order. He slowed as they neared the top and she was grateful for that because all that jostling wasn’t easy on her stomach or her bones.


  She’d know that shout anywhere as she turned her head, searched the crowded warehouse filled with team members, New Species and some of the teams medics. Trey halted and eased her down onto her feet.

  Tim nearly slammed into her but he skidded to a stop before they crashed together, wrapped his arms around her and encased her in a hug. “Baby.” His voice broke. “Thank God you’re alive.” He rocked her in his arms. “Are you okay?”

  Tears filled her eyes and she didn’t try to stop them as her face was smashed against her father’s shirt. “I’m going to be fine.”

  “Get a medic!” he shouted, making her wince.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Sir,” a man reported, “let her go and let me see her injuries.”

  Her dad eased his hold on her and she glanced at Bucky, one of the team medics, happy to see another familiar face. The redhead reached out, cupped her jaw and stared at her face.

  “Let’s get her to a truck.”

  “I’m fine.” She pulled away from his touch.
  His gaze lowered down her body, seeming to take note of everything. “Are you sure?”

  She stepped back from her dad, looked up at him and smiled. “I’m really okay, Dad. A few bumps and bruises but I’ll live.” Her shoulder ached and her head throbbed some from when she’d crashed to the floor but she wasn’t going to complain about that.

  “Shit!” Bucky grabbed the back of her head. “You’re bleeding.”

  She froze as his gloved hands touched something that made pain lance through her scalp. “Ouch!”

  “We have helicopters about to land.” A New Species male stepped up to her father. “We’ll take your daughter to Homeland. Our doctors are standing by there to treat the injured.”

  Tim shook his head. “I’ll take her to a hospital, Brass.”

  The tall male frowned, glanced at Becca and addressed her dad. “That will involve your law enforcement. We’d prefer to keep this a Species matter.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you want.” Her dad’s temper showed.

  Brass cringed. “They will want us to turn over those we’ve arrested here today. Do you really wish for them to face charges in your courts? They won’t be as harsh on the offenders, your daughter might have to go into a court to testify and we’ll have to explain why we breached this building without consulting them first.”

  The idea of any of those monsters responsible for everything she’d survived getting a lighter sentence or a drawn-out trial had Becca’s temper flaring to life. She stared at the tall Species guy until he met her gaze.

  “Your laws are harsher?”

  “They worked for Mercile once from what we understand and they tortured New Species. They won’t walk away from that.”

  That was good enough for her. “I’ll go with you.”

  “No.” Tim gripped her arm. “I’m taking you to a hospital.”

  She reached out and gripped his fingers. “I don’t want them to get away with what they did. I’m going with them to see their doctors. Let them handle this, Dad. Please?”

  The loud sound of a helicopter came from outside and it seemed to land on the street or somewhere nearby. She tugged on her dad’s fingers to urge him to let her go.