Page 16 of Brawn

  “It will be fine.”

  He opened his mouth but Brass held out his hand. “I’ll escort you myself and guard you. You’ll be perfectly safe, Miss Oberto.”

  “I’m going too,” Tim demanded.

  Brass took her hand. “Wouldn’t you rather transfer the prisoners to Homeland? Your daughter will be there when you arrive.”

  The indecision on his face assured Becca that he was torn.

  “Do that, Dad. Make sure they get there and are locked up.”

  “I’ll be there within four hours.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  Brass’ hold was gentle as he led her out of the warehouse. It was sunny outside, it blinded her a bit after being kept inside. The wind tore at her hair as they approached the helicopter.

  “You will be fine!” Brass yelled to be heard over the engines of the helicopter.

  He lifted her inside and helped buckle her into a seat and took the one next to hers. She watched them lift in the injured New Species who’d been hooked up to machines. He was still unconscious. She didn’t know the medic’s name—he was one of the newer members of the task force team she hadn’t met yet. Her gaze searched for Brawn but he didn’t join them when the doors closed and the helicopter lifted off.

  Where is he? She hoped he was okay since he would have been flown to Homeland if he needed medical attention. The sound inside the helicopter was too loud for her to try to interrogate Brass. It would have to wait until they landed.

  The big New Species next to her opened a blanket and turned in his seat, offering it to her. She gave him a grateful smile, wrapped the soft material around her body and leaned back against the seat. They’d been saved. She buried her face in it and let the tears fall. It had been a hell of an ordeal.

  Chapter Eleven

  It felt like a long ride to Becca but the helicopter finally landed. She’d never been to the NSO Homeland before. Her father had said it was a nice place when she’d bugged him about it out of curiosity. The engine cut off and the doors opened. They removed the gurney with the unconscious male first and shock tore through her when two large, tall females suddenly appeared.

  They had to be at least six feet tall and had the altered New Species features with their well-defined cheekbones. One had catlike eyes that reminded her of Brawn but her hair was shocking—a mix of different colors. Both women wore black uniforms with NSO printed in white letters above their left breasts. They smiled timidly.

  “It is safe,” Brass assured her. He stooped to avoid hitting his head on the ceiling and helped her unfasten her belt. “This is Rusty and Sunshine.”

  He got out first and reached back to gently lift her down. The two women kept their smiles in place. The redheaded one had yellowish eyes—they were pretty, but eerie in a way. She waved to a Jeep.

  “I’m Rusty. Sunshine doesn’t talk much. We welcome you to Homeland and promise you safety.”

  The woman with the multicolored hair nodded but didn’t say a word. Becca kept the blanket wrapped around her and was given the passenger seat. Brass stayed behind with the injured male while they loaded him into a van. The Jeep took off and she tried not to stare at all the New Species they passed. Rusty drove.

  “We’re taking you to Medical. We have excellent doctors,” Rusty said.

  “I’m Becca. I’m Tim Oberto’s daughter.”

  “We are aware of your name and who you are.” Rusty shot her a sympathetic look. “Tiger called ahead to tell us what happened and that you were on your way.”

  Sunshine finally spoke from the backseat. “We know how it is to be locked up and under the control of others. We have lived it. We understand so you are not alone.”

  Becca turned in her seat enough to give the other woman a grateful smile. “Thank you. It wasn’t so bad. Brawn was there so I wasn’t really alone.”

  The drive to the Medical Center wasn’t a long one and they parked in front of it. It was a single-story building with large glass windows along the front but they were tinted to hide the interior. Inside were chairs and a small waiting room. A counter separated the room and behind it were a few desks. There were hallways that led to both the right and left of the reception area. A human guy waited by the door in scrubs and she assumed he was the doctor.

  “I’m Paul, the nurse. Trisha is expecting you. She’s one of our doctors on staff here. Dr. Treadmont is handling the more severe case coming in.” He hesitated, glanced at the woman and pointed. “That way. Your escorts will be at your side, Miss Oberto. It’s standard procedure that you aren’t to be left alone with me.” He smiled. “I’m a dreaded male.”

  Rusty snorted. “You’re a good one and we doubt you would molest her but our orders are to remain at her side to be supportive.”

  “Just call me Becca,” she offered.

  A short blonde woman wearing a white coat stepped into the doorway. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she smiled too. “Hello, Miss Oberto. I’m Trisha and I’ll be your doctor. Please follow me to an exam room.”

  “It’s just Becca,” she repeated.

  “Okay. Please come with me, Becca.”

  The exam room was similar to every other doctor’s office one she’d ever visited and she sat on the paper-draped table as the door closed. It was just her and Trisha in the room. The doctor looked young, maybe thirty and her smile faded. “Where are you hurt?”

  “I don’t need to be looked at,” Becca admitted. “I have some bruises and I think I may have a scratch on the back of my head.”

  The doctor came forward, had her tilt her head and put on gloves. She touched her head, found the sore spot and stepped back. “It’s not bad. Any dizziness? Double vision? Let me see your cheek. I spoke to Brawn while you were being flown in and he told me you suffered a few falls and that one of the creeps who kidnapped you struck you in the face.”

  “Is he okay?”

  “He’s fine. He stayed behind to answer questions but he’ll be back here tonight. Please answer my questions.” She held up two fingers. “How many?”

  “I don’t have a concussion. Two. I’m not dizzy and my vision is fine. To be honest, I kind of accepted the ride here just to get my dad to back off. He would have taken me to a hospital and raised hell for me to be seen. One of the New Species made it clear that it would be better if they handled this situation without having the cops notified. I appreciate your concern but I’ve felt worst after a trip to the gym than I do right now. I really am fine.”

  “I was informed you were given a shot. Do you know what was in it? Did the doctor say? Brawn noticed the needle mark on your arm.”

  That surprised her. “She took blood and swabbed my cheek. She wanted samples from me.”

  “I hate those scientific freaks,” Trisha muttered while touching her arms, examining them. She lifted her nightshirt enough to check out her knees and finally the bottom of her feet before straightening. Her gaze held Becca’s. “Would you like to talk to someone? We could get you a therapist. You’ve been through an ordeal.”

  “To be honest, I just want a shower, a hot meal and my own bed. That is what would do me a world of good.”

  The doctor stripped off her gloves, tossed them at the counter and nodded. “I totally understand. I have some pills for you to take, just to prevent you from getting an infection. I don’t know if they used a sterile needle when blood was drawn but I’d rather not take the chance. Are you allergic to any medications? Are you currently taking any?”

  “I don’t have any allergies and I’m not taking anything. I don’t do drugs and only drink once in a while.”

  “Okay.” Trisha hesitated. “Um, Brawn spoke to me as I said. Whatever you say is confidential. Are you injured at all? Brawn told me the two of you had sex and he was concerned he may have been too rough. Do you want a pelvic exam just to make sure you’re okay? They don’t carry venereal diseases and I can assure you that he’s completely healthy.”

  Becca blushed. “I’m fine. He didn’
t hurt me and I’d really like to keep that a secret. You can assure him that I’m healthy too. I get regular checkups and I’m sure about that.” She wasn’t about to mention she didn’t have a sex life to expose her body to sexually transmitted diseases.

  The woman’s eyes narrowed. “Only myself, you and Brawn are aware of what happened as far as I know.”

  “It’s my dad I’m worried about.” She chewed on her bottom lip. “Have you met him?”

  “Tim? Yes.”

  “He’d have a cow.”

  The doctor relaxed. “I see.”

  “He’s protective as hell and he’d blow a fuse if he found out how close Brawn and I got inside that cage. He would make a big deal about it. Brawn is one of his new team members. Dad has this rule about how none of the guys are allowed to touch me. He’d just…” She sighed. “Be a dick about it. He treats me like I’m a little kid and he’d become a nightmare to Brawn since they have to work together.”

  Trisha’s lips curved into a smile. “I understand. He seems pretty uptight.”

  Becca slid off the exam table. “That’s being awfully polite. Dad is a tyrant when he’s angry about something.”

  The door opened and Rusty stepped inside. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but my hearing is too good. Would you like me to take her to a room with a shower and have Sunshine get her some clothes? I already ordered food from the cafeteria. It will arrive in about fifteen minutes.” She held Becca’s gaze. “I’m the only one in the hallway who could hear what was being said and I won’t repeat that you shared sex with Brawn. I have met your father and I wouldn’t want him to know either. He yells at his men too much when they are holding meetings in security.”

  Trisha laughed. “Welcome to my world. Their hearing is amplified about four times stronger than ours and the males have even better senses. Always whisper if any of them are around or run water to mute out the sound if you want to have a private conversation while you’re at Homeland.”

  “Sorry, Doc Trisha.” Rusty chuckled. “I don’t mean to do it.”

  “You can’t help it. Please take her down the hall to the nearest shower. I’m going to check on the incoming males.” Trisha reached out and brushed Becca’s arm. “I’m glad you’re okay and feel free to take us up on that offer to speak to someone if you struggle with anything. Just call Homeland and ask for me. Your father never has to know if we assign you a therapist. We have some great ones who work with us. I’ll have Paul bring you those pills. Just take them with water.”

  “Thanks.” Becca meant it. “I’m fine though.”

  She just wished she could talk to Brawn but knew he wasn’t there. It was still daylight. She had no idea what time it was, but suspected it would be a while before he arrived. She’d shower, eat something and maybe take a nap while she waited for him to find her.

  * * * * *

  Exhaustion made Brawn sluggish as he stood in the reception room at the Medical Center waiting for Tiger to return from checking on everyone. The male exited from a hallway and approached with a soda in hand, offering it to him.

  “I figured you would enjoy this.”

  He opened it and drank half of it in one swallow. “Thank you.” He glanced around to make sure no one was close enough to overhear. “Where is Becca?” He sniffed. “I smell her but the air-conditioning has me confused of the direction to take to find her room.”

  Tiger frowned. “We sent her home.”

  “What?” Anger deepened his voice. “I wanted to see her.”

  “That’s not a good idea. She was kidnapped, held prisoner and I already informed Tim that having a Species live in the outside world was a failure. One of his team members will return your belongs in the morning. You’re staying here.”

  “I want to see Becca.” He crushed the can in his hand and the contents spilled. He cursed, set it down on the counter and rubbed soda off his palm on his sweats.

  “Brawn, be reasonable, my man. She doesn’t want to see you.”

  “She said this?” His heart thundered and pain gripped him. “She refused to wait here for me? Was she informed I was coming and that I wished to see her?”

  Tiger’s gaze narrowed. “You know it’s for the best. Tim noticed the bite mark on your chest and the scratches. He assumed they were from Becca. He told me that you aren’t allowed any contact with her and that he discussed it with her.”

  “Did she refuse to see me?” The question came out in snarled fury. The idea of Becca leaving was bad enough but to refuse to speak to him was unthinkable.

  “Calm down now. That’s an order.”

  “I’m a council member and you don’t tell me what to do.” He spun and stormed for the door, but had no plan of how to find Becca. He’d think of one though, hopefully find a transport to take him to her home, and see her.

  “Brawn? She doesn’t want to see you.”

  That brought him to a jarring halt. He turned and Tiger nodded.

  “I’m sorry, man. I wanted to spare you but Tim asked for a consult with a shrink before we arrived. I was just given the report he made when he took in all the facts.” He reached back into his pocket and withdrew the folded paper. “She was traumatized by the kidnapping, you were her only source of comfort and she only cared about you as a way of coping with the stress.”

  He shook his head. “She is attracted to me. She admitted that.”

  “It would only harm her if you forced this issue. Do you want to cause her more stress?”

  “No.” Brawn’s knees weakened. He was hungry, tired and injured. His body only functioned on adrenaline and the need to seek out Becca. He locked his legs. “I would never hurt her.”

  “I know. You don’t even like human women.”

  “I like her.”

  “You’ll cause her pain, my man. She needs time to heal and recover.”

  “She’s injured?”

  “Emotionally. The shrink recommended you make no contact with her at all. Let her come to you when she’s ready if she ever wants to discuss what happened.”

  “She was well? The doctor checked her over completely?”

  “Yes. Trisha personally took care of her.” Tiger hesitated. “She gave her the pills.”

  “What pills?”

  The hesitation in answering angered Brawn. “What pills? Was she sick?”

  “You shared sex with her. It was decided to give her medication in case you got her pregnant. It will end any pregnancy that may have occurred.”

  Brawn snarled, pure rage gripped him and stepped toward Tiger before he even meant to. Tiger stumbled back a few steps and lifted his arms.


  He did. “She wasn’t in heat when I mounted her. I told you this! You told her classified information? I understand now why she is angry. I couldn’t tell her that I could get her pregnant while we were locked up. It was too risky in that place. Is she angry with me? Is that why she refused to wait? I am sure she is on some kind of preventative drug to prevent being impregnated. Most human females are.”

  “Not according to what she told Trisha. Becca wasn’t told what the pills really were. She thinks they are antibiotics to prevent infection from the needle used to draw blood from her arm. She isn’t angry or upset with you for not telling her the truth before you shared sex.”

  “We shared more than sex.”

  Tiger’s expression showed pity. “I’m sure you did but seeing you will only remind her of the trauma she suffered. She was locked inside a cage with you, forced to take your semen and it was a grim situation. She’s safe now and if she ever wants to see you, she’ll let you know. Give her time.”

  His chest hurt and it had nothing to do with his bruised ribs, which had been injured when he’d fought with 919 to protect Becca from the drugged male. “We shared more than sex,” he stated more firmly. “I know it would be difficult but I want to spend more time with her. I have feelings.”

  “She’s Tim Oberto’s daughter. He leads our task team and while he like
s us, he sure as hell wouldn’t be down with you doing his daughter.”

  “Where did you learn to speak that way?”

  Tiger sighed. “I’m spending a lot of time with the task team. We’ve been training together and I’ve gotten to know them. Tim is very protective of his daughter. He wouldn’t welcome any kind of relationship between you and his daughter. He made that very clear.”

  “It doesn’t matter what he likes. I have feelings for Becca.”

  “It’s not just about you. It’s about her too and she needs to come to you if or when she wants to see you. Respect that, Brawn. You are a council member but this is about the best for all of us. We can’t make an enemy of the man who heads the task team. We need him.”

  “I want her.” His fists clenched.

  “She isn’t a pet you can collar and take home.”

  “I know,” he snarled.

  “You’re tired and hungry. You need ten hours of sleep and then we’ll discuss this, okay? Be rational.”

  He fought his anger and tried to calm. “This discussion is not over.”

  “I understand. We’ll have it tomorrow after you get some rest and good food.”

  The door opened at the front of the Medical Center and Flame stepped inside. “I’ve come to take you home and someone is bringing you food, Brawn. We hope we timed it right to give you time to shower before it arrives. You ready?”

  Brawn shot a glare at Tiger. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “I don’t doubt it.”

  * * * * *

  Becca sat inside her bedroom but the feeling of being safe inside her own home was gone. Her dad sat at the end of her bed watching her grimly. He’d shadowed her since some of his men had driven her from Homeland to the house. He’d been waiting in her living room.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “They fed me.”

  His gaze studied her intently. “You’d tell me if they made one of those New Species touch you, wouldn’t you?”