Page 24 of Brawn

  “I want to be with her. I need to be here.”

  “It’s not about just you right now.” She held his gaze. “Be the bigger man. Do what is right for her and I’ll talk to her about Breeze, okay? I’ll make sure she knows you aren’t going on your date and that you haven’t been sleeping around. That will help a lot. That’s the truth, isn’t it? Tell me now if it’s not.”

  “I haven’t touched a female since Becca except to dance with Breeze. She was worried about me and showed up to take me to the bar. I agreed to go out again with her later.”

  “She expected to share sex.” Tiger shrugged. “Just saying.”

  “She will be disappointed.” Brawn fisted his hands. “I will stay in the living room.” He glanced at the couch and winced. “I’ll sleep there or in the second bedroom.”

  “No, you won’t. Damn, Brawn. Be reasonable.” Trisha held his gaze again. “Go home, punch something, do whatever it takes to deal with this but you can’t ever act the way you did today. What made you roar at her? Was it because she didn’t want to be your mate?”

  “Yes. She’s mine.”

  “That’s the kind of thinking you need to get a handle on. Never say that again until you two patch things up. She’s scared, pregnant and we’re holding her here against her will. She’s terrified her father is going to find out and hurt you. Or worse, you’ll hurt him. He’s her dad. You’re the father of her baby. She’s in a bad situation.”

  “We all are considering who her father is.” Slade pulled out his cell phone. “I need to call Justice. All task force members are banned from Reservation while she’s here until we find a way to let Tim know the truth safely.”

  “Agreed.” Tiger sighed. “I’m going to assign a guard outside and we need a female to care for Becca.”

  “I’ll do it,” Brawn hissed through clenched teeth.

  “You’ve already upset her.” Trisha stepped closer. “She could lose the baby if she gets too stressed. Is that what you want?”

  Horror swept him. “No.”

  “You want to win her trust and for her to talk to you? That’s the way to do it. I’m human, if you forgot. I know what I’m talking about.”

  Brawn spun and stormed out of the room. He didn’t bother with the elevator, instead took the stairs and ran down them quickly. He burst out of the hotel and kept running until he reached his home.

  The second the door closed he threw back his head and roared. It felt good to get it out. Becca was carrying his child, she was hurt and angry. He stood there until he caught his breath. Someone knocked on the door and he moved away from it and threw it open, hoping Becca had asked for him.

  Brass stood there. “I heard.”

  “Sorry. I’m frustrated and needed an outlet.”

  “Not you blowing off steam. I heard about the female and the baby.” Brass’ dark eyes narrowed and he frowned. “What can I do?”

  “I don’t know. She won’t speak to me. She doesn’t want me near her.”

  “Come on.”

  “I can’t return. Trisha thinks Becca could lose the baby.”

  “I have a training session with some of the newer ones. Nothing will make you feel better than fighting. Just don’t hurt them too badly.”

  Brawn bit his lip and nodded. “Okay.”

  “Let’s go.” Brass patted his arm. “It will work out.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Trisha was grim as she studied Becca. “We think we know what the problem is.”

  “I feel fine now. I have for days. I was just tired, really stressed out and missed a few meals.”

  “You’re not all right.” Trisha looked down at the carpet and brushed a hand over her pants. “You need special care because the pregnancy is too much of a strain on your body. We weren’t built for accelerated pregnancies. I know you’ve refused to have someone here to care for you but that’s what you need. The other pregnant women, including myself, were all taken care of by our mates.”

  “I don’t have one and if you’re here to try to talk me into talking to Brawn again, forget it. He’s only interested in me because of the baby. I deserve more than that. I don’t want to argue with you again but that’s where this is heading. He didn’t even call me, damn it. Now he knows I’m pregnant and suddenly wants to be glued to my side?” She scoffed. “No way.”

  “Fine but you need someone.” Trisha hesitated. “That’s how it’s going to be. This isn’t up for debate.”

  “I’m fine,” Becca repeated. “They bring me meals and I don’t even have to cook. I am actually kind of bored out of my skull.”

  “That’s another thing. You should be getting some sunshine. You need a guard.”

  “I thought I was safe here.”

  “There are some newer Species who aren’t real human friendly and this is Reservation. Do you know that some Species have more aggressive animal traits? It’s why we needed this place, to keep them here where there is plenty of open space for them to live. Sometimes they feel more social and show up at the hotel seeking some willing female companionship.”

  Brawn flashed in Becca’s mind and pain sliced through her. He’d found a woman to hook up with.

  Trisha seemed to read her thoughts or perhaps saw her look. “He said it was just dinner and they aren’t currently in a relationship. He swears he hasn’t touched anyone since you and doesn’t have any plans to do so.”

  “I don’t care,” Becca lied.

  “Right. The point is, you need someone to be with you full-time. What if you fainted or something? What if you couldn’t get to a phone?”

  “You have someone posted outside my door.”

  “They have superior senses but they aren’t in the same living space and the walls are soundproof up to a point. This is a hotel and it was built that way so people didn’t easily disturb those in the rooms around them. I figured you wouldn’t agree to Brawn so I talked to Tiger. He’s going to move into your guestroom.”

  “No.” The idea shocked her. “I barely know him.”

  “He’s a great guy and holds no interest in you. He’s resistant to human women so don’t worry about being hit on. I know that might be a concern.”

  He already reminded her of Brawn if he was against human women and Species hooking up. They had that in common. “I’m pregnant. The guy wouldn’t be interested in me anyway.” She waved at her belly. “I just don’t want to live with a stranger.”

  “Too bad. It’s a decision that has been made.”

  “I don’t have a say?” Becca’s temper flared. “You can’t make me live with some stranger. I sure wouldn’t live with a guy. Why aren’t you assigning a woman to babysit me instead?”

  “There are only a few females at Reservation and they already have duties. We couldn’t spare one right now and it could be a good week before one is available to travel from Homeland. Tiger won’t be a stranger once you get to know him. We can also ditch the guard outside your door if someone is here with you. He can take you outside. Don’t you miss leaving this room?” Trisha glanced around it. “I’d be going nuts.”

  That was tempting. “I am sick of watching movies.”

  “Exactly. He’s fun and has a great sense of humor. He’ll keep you company and I’ll even order some board games. He knows how to play poker. I taught him myself but you can teach him other ones. You’ll be doing him a favor and he can teach others.”

  “Great.” Becca didn’t hide her sarcasm. “That’s what I always wanted to do. I’ll teach him how to play checkers.”

  “Don’t be that way.” Trisha eyed her and frowned. “They would die to protect you and your baby. They would use their bodies to shield you if some lunatic ever got past security and tried to shoot you. Don’t think it hasn’t happened. Ask Ellie since Fury took two bullets meant for her.”

  “He’s her mate.”

  “You’re carrying a Species baby, their future, and babies are a miracle to them. Every one of their women would give anything to be in your sh
oes. It represents their dreams coming true and they aspire to have normal lives. What is more special than having a family?”

  Guilt filled Becca. “I’m sorry. I’m grateful.”

  “I know. I’m sorry too. It’s been a tough day for me.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  Trisha hesitated. “Yeah. There’s just been an inflow of injuries lately down at Medical and I’m sick of patching up the guys after training sessions.”

  “I didn’t know training was so dangerous. What are they preparing for?”

  “It’s usually not but one of the new instructors is obsessed with teaching them how to fight better and that means they are getting their asses kicked since he’s trying to make them the best.”

  “Maybe he should lay off.”

  “We think so too and we’re working hard right now to do that.”

  Becca didn’t know what to say. Trisha stood.

  “Tiger is going to be here after his shift. Don’t blame him if you’re angry about having a houseguest. He was asked to do this and he’s being a good sport to agree. This was my call. You should have someone here looking after you.”

  “I’m an adult. I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “I know but you’re pregnant and it’s stressful on your body. This will ease the stress.” She walked to the door. “I hope.” She muttered the last words but they were loud enough to hear. “I’ll see you later.”

  Becca waited until the door closed before she rose and rubbed her lower back. It always hurt. Putting on weight so fast made her body ache all the time. She turned and walked to her room. A warm bath sounded soothing and she had a Jacuzzi in her bathroom. The jetted water always felt good.

  “A babysitter. Great. Maybe he’ll be good company,” she muttered. The idea of having someone to talk to didn’t sound too bad when she considered it.

  * * * * *

  Brawn stood, stretched, and peered at the male sitting at the other desk. “You ready to call it a day?”

  “Yes,” Bestial growled. “I hate talking on the phone with humans but answering emails is worse. Why did we agree to be council for our testing facility groups anyway?”

  Brawn grinned. “To impress our females and to be assigned private homes instead of having to be housed with many males in the dorms? It’s the price for being a high-ranked male in our society.”

  “Ah.” Bestial chuckled. “That’s right. The females were my only reason.” Bestial’s smile faded. “How are you holding up?”

  Brawn hated the fact that Bestial knew everything about Becca and worried about him. No secrets were kept from council members. He shrugged. “She wants nothing to do with me. I reacted badly when I saw her and I blew it. She hasn’t asked to speak to me and I’m under orders to stay away. You know that.”

  “How are you going to handle this Tiger thing?”

  Brawn frowned. “What about Tiger?”

  Bestial’s eyes widened. “You weren’t told?”

  “Told what?” His gut twisted. “Is he spending time with her?” Jealousy hit hard and fast.

  Bestial softly cursed. “Damn. I can see why they might not have informed you of what Trisha decided but she is our doctor.” Bestial sat back in his chair and pointed. “You will want to sit.”

  Brawn lowered into his chair. “What is going on? What wasn’t I told?”

  “Trisha is worried about Becca not having a mate to care for her. She has assigned someone to live with her and be with her around the clock. Flame admitted he was attracted to the female so he was out. Tiger was picked because he gets along with humans.”

  Rage burned hotly through Brawn. “What?” He shot back to his feet.

  “Sit back down if you want to hear the rest.”

  Brawn sat hard, his chair creaked and it didn’t help when his hands gripped the arms of it strongly enough to break them. “Flame is interested in my female?” He’d kick his ass. He’d make him hurt. He’d—”

  “It will be Tiger who lives with your female and cares for her. He’ll take her for walks, make sure she eats and sleeps. Slade said his female always had sore muscles so Tiger has been told to rub her shoulders, her lower back and her legs if she has ankle swelling.”

  A snarl tore from Brawn at the thought of another male putting his hands on his Becca. He’d rip Tiger’s hands off. He’d—

  “He was not happy to be asked at first but he agreed for the baby’s sake and because he knew the female wouldn’t fear him since he checks on her often.”

  Brawn saw red or would, he decided, when he made Tiger bleed. “What? He does? She allows his visits? How often?”

  Bestial assessed Brawn. “Often. She’s alone and everyone worries. You should have been told a male had been assigned to your female but perhaps they didn’t want to alarm you. I believed it was wrong to keep it from you but now you know.”

  The words made Brawn narrow his eyes. “You admit they planned to keep it from me? You purposely told me just now but acted as if I already knew. What kind of deception are you trying to pull?”

  “You got me.” Bestial grinned. “I didn’t agree with the vote and I’d want to know before another male moved in with my female. She’s attractive, lonely and vulnerable. Tiger is good with humans, knows them better than we do and it wouldn’t be the first time a male who has sworn human females hold no appeal ends up mated to one. He’ll put his hands on her. Can you imagine that? Another male touching the female you planted your seed inside.”

  Brawn shot to his feet. “It won’t happen.”

  “I didn’t think you’d allow it. I’m your friend and I didn’t want you to lose her to another male, even if he is a good one.”

  “I’m better and she’s mine.” Brawn’s hands fisted. “Call Tiger and tell him if he has touched her to run fast and far. Very far.”

  He stormed for the door but heard Bestial laugh. “Go get her. Show her who she belongs to. I’m glad I never will get tangled with a human. They just don’t make sense. She should have picked you to care for her over another male.”

  “Shut up,” he snarled, opening the door.

  “Perhaps you need instructions about sex? Has it been so long you forgot how to please a female?”

  Brawn roared, furious at his friend for even suggesting such a thing and ran. The hotel wasn’t far and he wanted to get to Becca fast. If Tiger had already moved in, he’d toss the male and his belongings out a window. He liked Tiger but the male would die before he’d allow him to take his female or try to lay claim to what was his.

  He was gone by the time Bestial reached for the phone and dialed. “He’s on his way, coming fast and I hope this works, Trisha. He was furious.”

  * * * * *

  Becca was nervous as she sat on the couch waiting for Tiger to arrive. She didn’t have a specific time and the last experience with a Species moving into her guestroom had been a disaster, considering she’d been kidnapped.

  She considered the arrangement. How bad could it be? Sure, it would be awkward living with a stranger. Maybe weird. Her baby kicked, she rubbed her belly and knew she might feel better having someone around. The idea of fainting or needing help scared her. With someone in her living space, he’d be close enough to know if she were in trouble.

  A knock startled Becca. Dread filled her as she approached the door. She’d make the best of it, regardless of how they got along. She was half tempted to go hide in her bedroom and not answer the door. Tiger was willing to do this and she knew he probably wasn’t happy with the situation either. She forced her feet to move to the door and opened it.

  Brawn stood there instead looking really angry. He was out of breath and sweat made his tan skin glow a little. His nose flared before he reached for her. She gasped as his hands gripped under her arms and her feet left the floor. He took big steps into the room and kicked the door closed behind him. He kept moving until they reached the couch, where he bent and gently deposited her on her ass.

  “Get out of here
,” Becca gasped. “You—”

  “Shut up,” he growled. “You’d allow Tiger live with you but not me?” He growled viciously. “You need a male to care for you? It will be me!”

  She glared at him. “I didn’t ask for a roommate but was told I had to have one. Leave, Brawn.”

  One of his arms went around her waist and the other hand grabbed her by the back of her hair. He turned his hips and pushed between her thighs. He yanked her to the edge of the couch, dropped to his knees and settled his hips between her cotton-covered thighs. His narrowed eyes were locked on her mouth. He growled deep in his throat.

  “Open your mouth to me.”

  “Go to hell.”

  His intense gaze held hers. “I have lived in hell before and I am experiencing it now. I will kill him if you allow a male live with you. You carry my child. If you need something from a male you will get it from me. Now open up.”

  “You’re angry and why do you want my mouth open? This is taking the whole babysitting thing way too far.”

  “I’m furious,” he growled. “I should have been asked to care for you instead of Tiger. He is not the father. He is not the one who mounted you and bred you. I am. You don’t like me right now and I understand this. This isn’t about you or me. This is about our child. You need constant care and I will be the one to give it. Open your mouth.”

  “You’re an asshole and what is your obsession with my mouth?” She pushed on his chest but he held her against him, wouldn’t budge and she wasn’t strong enough to force him to let go.

  His catlike eyes glittered dangerously. “Open your mouth.”


  “Do you want me to release you?”


  “Open your mouth.”

  Becca closed her eyes and tensed, not sure what the hell he planned to do. She opened her mouth and had a flashback of sitting in a dentist chair, about to get an exam. It rated right up there with that experience as she waited to see what Brawn would do. She’d bite him if he hurt her in some way.