Page 25 of Brawn

  He pressed closer until his chest flattened against her breasts and her stomach. She felt his breath on her face and his lips covered hers. His tongue swiped across her bottom lip before he invaded her mouth.

  She shouldn’t have been surprised. She struggled but he held her close, surrounded her body and his hold in her hair kept her head in place. His tongue manipulated hers and her traitorous body responded as memories flashed through her mind of him kissing her when they were inside the cage.

  She relaxed as passion took over and she fisted his shirt, kissing him back. A purr sounded and Brawn released her hair to run his hand down her back. Her arms wound around his neck as his hands dug between her and the couch cushions. He cupped her ass and lifted her body.

  He sat back on his heels and settled her down over his lap. She straddled him and even through the layers of clothing she couldn’t miss the feel of his rigid cock straining when he rocked his hips against her, rubbing her clit. She moaned, instantly turned-on and kissed him frantically.

  She ground her hips against his when his strong hands kneaded her ass and he easily manipulated her body to move against his in an erotic motion that mimicked fucking. Her nails raked his shirt and she wanted to feel him inside her again. A desperate urge to be skin to skin with him became almost as unbearable as wanting him inside her.

  The growls and purrs did something to her body, turned her on more than she could ever remember and she clawed at his shirt, tried to tear it to reach his skin. Brawn seemed to understand as he tore his mouth away and they stared at each other, panting.

  “No one touches you but me,” he growled softly. “No one.”

  Becca stared into his eyes, his words sank in and she fought for words. She didn’t even know how to react. He suddenly released her ass and just tore his shirt up his body, arched his back away to do it and she stared at his bare, muscled torso. She could have stared at him for a while but he tossed the shirt away and cupped her face with both hands to take possession of her mouth again.

  Becca moaned as he kissed her with a need born from desperation. She met that passion head-on. Too much time had gone by with her longing to be in his arms—her hormones were out of control and her sex drive ragged. Her arms wrapped around his neck, her hands frantically explored his hot skin and her nails raked down his back to urge him on. She flattened her breasts against the hard wall of his chest, her swollen belly came up against him too but he arched a little to make room for it without crowding the baby. She barely noticed it but she was glad one of them could remember to be careful.

  He showed his powerful strength by rising from the floor and she clung tightly to him as he stood on his feet. She didn’t care where he headed. There was only his mouth and the need for him to keep kissing her. He shifted his hold, gripped her outer thighs and lifted them enough for her to easily hook her legs around his hips.

  He tore his mouth from hers, causing Becca to make a small sound of protest when he stopped moving. She opened her eyes, stared deeply into his amazing ones and he softly purred.

  “Hold on.”

  She couldn’t wrap around him any more if she tried. Her arms were around his neck, her legs around his hips, but then he leaned over and gravity nearly tore her away from him when her weight strained the muscles in her limbs. A soft mattress cushioned her back and she knew he’d carried her to the bed.

  “Let me go.”

  She hesitated but did it. She missed holding him the second he was free. He backed up, toed off his shoes and both hands lowered to his jeans. The zipper was loud in the room and Becca knew he was going to fuck her. Her heart pounded from excitement and she bit her lip.

  She could refuse but didn’t want to. Brawn was the sexiest guy she’d ever seen in her life. The memories of him fucking her had haunted her almost every night and he starred in every fantasy she had. Hell, she’d taken up masturbating, pretending it was him touching her instead of her own fingers.

  She felt big and awkward with her pregnant body but shoved those insecurities away. He’d helped her body get in its current state, was half responsible and if she had to see stretch marks in the mirror, he could suffer seeing them too. She ached, wanting to be touched and held. Brawn seemed more than willing to meet both needs.

  “I’ll be careful,” he swore, shoving his pants down. He wasn’t wearing underwear. “I won’t harm you.”

  “Don’t start that shit,” she warned. “Stop talking and help me before I regain my sanity and realize what a huge mistake this is.”

  Anger glinted in his eyes but she didn’t care if he liked hearing the truth. She twisted, tried to wiggle out of her shirt, but knew she’d have to sit up to get it off. Brawn had other ideas as he leaned forward and just fisted the shirt. It tore open and he shredded it away from her arms easily.

  She hadn’t liked that shirt anyway. She braced her bare feet on the mattress and lifted. Brawn hooked his fingers in the waist of her stretch pants and peeled them down. He took her panties with them, removed them all the way and dropped them to the floor. His gaze took her in as she removed her bra and tossed it aside.

  She blushed a little, knowing she didn’t look as sexy as she used to. Did he find the red marks where her stomach had expanded to be ugly? They were faint but noticeable. Her belly was rounded now. She was halfway through the pregnancy and she really hoped she’d shaved down there well. She couldn’t see her pussy anymore but she did it by feel. Brawn purred again.

  “You’re beautiful, swelled with my seed.”

  That shot her eyebrows up a little. Her mouth opened but she closed it. She wasn’t going to touch that one. She’d much rather he touch her. “Brawn? Are you going to look at me much longer?”

  His gaze lifted and he dropped to his knees. His hands gripped her calves, pulled her down the bed and spread her thighs. She locked them around his hips and tried to pull him close, wanted him to be inside her so bad she hurt from it.

  He released her and one palm flattened over the lower curve of her belly. Frustration hit. Now isn’t the time to explore the shape of my belly. He didn’t though as his thumb lowered, brushed against her clit, and she moaned.


  He massaged her there and she gasped when the fingers of his other hand tested the slit of her pussy, played in the wetness there and one thick digit slowly breached her. He twisted it as he slowly finger-fucked her. Her hips rocked as she tried to urge him to go deeper and her legs squeezed his hips.

  “Brawn,” she panted.

  “Say you’re mine,” he rasped.

  Her eyes met his and she bit down on her lip. As much as she wanted him to make her come, she wasn’t going to give in that easily. Her hand slid down her body and she tried to shove his hand aside. She’d get herself off if he wanted to play that game.

  He growled at her, his finger withdrew from her pussy and he gripped her wrist. He jerked it away and held it close enough that she could rub his lower belly. He looked down, adjusted his hips as his thumb still taunted her clit, drawing her closer to climax. The thick head of his cock nudged her pussy. He met her gaze right as he pushed forward.

  “You are mine.” He snarled the words. His eye color seemed to darken. “Mine, Becca. Never forget that.”

  His cock drove deep into her tight depths. He picked up the pace, keeping a steady rhythm with his thumb doing circles over the bundle of nerves. Becca threw her head back and he released her wrist to grab her ass as he pounded her harder. Her fingers dug into the bedspread for traction when her back started to slide. He adjusted his hips, taking her at a new angle and he found that spot that made Becca gasp and call out his name loudly.

  “Mine,” he snarled. His cock moved in and out of her, rubbing that spot. “Say it.”

  Becca shook her head. She wasn’t his. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  He snarled and paused. His hips and thumb stilled, leaving her hanging on the edge of heaven and hell. Her clit throbbed, her pussy ached and she jus
t hurt—that close to coming.

  “Brawn,” she panted. “Don’t stop.”

  “You’re mine,” he growled. “Mine, Becca. I want you to know who is fucking you and making you feel good.” He thrust into her and his thumb pressed down on her clit.

  Becca threw back her head as Brawn pushed his way deeper inside her. It didn’t hurt. It was the best feeling in the world. He was so hard, filled her until she wasn’t sure she could take anymore, but he withdrew, only to slam back in. Becca gripped the bedspread and thrashed under him in ecstasy, bucking her hips against Brawn.

  “So beautiful,” he growled. He thrust into her faster.

  Becca whimpered and moaned as her muscles tightened in anticipation. She cried out as she felt intense pleasure tearing through her. It was so strong she couldn’t stop his name from slipping out.

  Brawn roared. The sound shattered through the room and he drove into her—one final, deep thrust. He filled her with his warm semen, his hips grinding against her ass to spill inside her pussy as deeply as possible. She went limp. She was breathing hard.

  Brawn’s hands slid under her back and he pulled her up. He was still buried inside her. She opened her eyes as she was forced to sit on the edge of the bed.

  “Kiss me,” Brawn demanded.

  Becca ran her tongue over her bottom lip. Brawn groaned as he watched before his mouth slanted over hers. She opened up to him, welcomed the tender kiss and clung to him when he cradled her tightly against his body with both arms. He finally ended the kiss by lifting his head.

  Their gazes met and held and they studied each other. Brawn spoke first.

  “I’m your male,” he growled softly. “No one else cares for you but me. I will beat any male who tries. You might not want me to claim you and you might refuse to be my mate but you won’t refuse this, Becca. I will be here for you at all times. It will be only me inside you. Only me touching you. Only my lips kissing you.”

  “Brawn,” she said softly. “You know we—”

  “Not now. Don’t argue with me after what we shared.”

  Her mouth closed, agreeing that it would be a bad time to fight when she was still feeling all warm and satisfied.

  He slowly withdrew from her body, a look of regret clearly on his expression and helped Becca stand. She didn’t resist when he jerked back the covers, had her lie down and tucked her in. His ass rested on the edge of the bed as he sat there staring down at her. One of his hands rubbed her belly through the bedding.

  “Sleep,” he ordered softly. He shook his head. “You rest. Naps are good for pregnant females. I have something to take care of but I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  She wanted to know what he was going to do and why he thought he could order her to go to bed but he suddenly leaned down to brush a kiss over her forehead.

  “Let me care for you, beautiful. I need to. I’ll return and bring you more food. I smelled some when I walked in so I know you have eaten recently. Close your eyes and rest.”

  Becca closed her eyes until his weight lifted from the bed and she heard him dressing. She peeked through slitted eyelashes as Brawn zipped his jeans closed. He slowly walked out of the bedroom. Moments later she heard the door close behind him. Becca felt tears fill her eyes but wiped them away.

  What the hell am I doing? She had no answer.

  Brawn opened the door to the hallway, studied the three stressed Species officers and ducked under his friend’s arm to leave Becca’s current home. He closed the door behind him and studied the situation. Bestial stood with his back to Becca’s suite, arms across his chest, a menacing expression on his face, blocking the officers’ entry. Brawn arched his eyebrows as Bestial winked at him.

  “They wanted to rush in there when they heard you and the female making up. I made sure that didn’t happen. Did you claim her?”

  Brawn sighed. “She’ll take my body but she won’t agree to be my mate yet.”

  Bestial shook his head. “Weird human females. Well, that’s a first step. You just need to convince her. It sounded as though you were doing well.”

  Brawn grinned. “I do not need instructions.”

  Bestial grinned back. “Good to know.”

  “I’m going to my home and pack a bag. I am moving in with her.” Brawn chuckled. “Her shock will wear off soon and she’s going to be pissed but she is cute when she’s mad.”

  “You are stubborn.” Bestial dropped his hands to his sides. “You will win.”

  “I hope so. Otherwise perhaps my son can talk her into being my mate when he’s old enough to grasp speech.”

  Laughing, Bestial shooed the officers away. “See? Things are fine. Go away.” He stared at Brawn. “I am sure there will be many sons between the two of you.”

  Brawn took a deep breath. “I can only hope.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Becca woke alone, stunned she’d actually fallen asleep and peered around the room. Brawn wasn’t there. She eased back the covers and headed to the bathroom. One look in the mirror had her shaking her head at her reflection.

  “The guy kisses you and you fall into bed with him.” Her gaze raked down her naked body to her baby tummy and she spun around. “Not one of mommy’s proudest moments. Your daddy is hot though, in my defense, and a really great kisser.”

  She adjusted the water temperature in the shower, stepped in and closed the glass door. Standing there washed away the traces of the sex but not the memories. She dumped body wash into her palm, rubbing it all over and sighed loudly.

  “Pushover. It’s hormones. Yeah. I’m totally going with that.” Her eyes rolled and she leaned in to wash away the soap. “We’re in deep shit, kiddo.” She washed her belly. “And I have to email your grandpa with some new lie to explain why I’m late contacting him.”

  The door to the shower was suddenly jerked open. Becca gasped and spun. Her feet slipped on the tub floor and she cried out as she frantically reached for anything to break her fall but two strong arms grabbed her before she slammed into the tile. She stared in shock at Brawn, leaning inside her shower.

  “I’m sorry.” Brawn adjusted his hold on her. “Are you all right? I forget that you don’t have our hearing or sense of smell. I assumed you heard me come in. I didn’t mean to startle you. Are you well? The baby?” He lifted her out of the shower and hugged her.

  Shock kept her silent but she was grateful his fast reflexes had saved her from a fall. Her hands gripped his biceps and he slowly lowered her.

  “You could have knocked. You shouldn’t just walk into someone’s bathroom.” Her voice finally worked.

  He released her once he made sure she was steady on her feet and grabbed a towel to wrap around her middle. Big hands patted her dry with care. “I heard you talking to someone and thought you had company in here.” Anger showed in his eyes as he glanced around. “Who were you speaking to?”

  “The baby.”

  His hands froze and he stared at the bump. “He can hear you? Us?” He grinned. “I didn’t know that.” He bent a little, put his face closer to her belly. “Hello, little one. I am your dad. I long to hold you in my arms.”

  Definitely hormones, Becca decided as tears filled her eyes. That was sweet and it touched her that he’d say that to their unborn child. “I read baby books. They seem to think that while a baby can’t understand the words, they can hear voices and learn to recognize them. I talk to him constantly, probably too much, but I’ve been alone for a long time.”

  Brawn straightened and held her gaze. “You will never be alone again. I have moved in.”

  “You what?” Shock hit her again.

  “I said I am going to care for you and I went to pack my belongings. I live here now with you. I turned over my council duties to the others. They were happy to fill in for me so you have me full-time.” He smiled, making her remember how handsome he was when he did it. “I’m all yours.”

  A war raged inside Becca suddenly. She wished that were true. Looking into his sexy e
yes made her want to never let him go but he was only there because she’d gotten pregnant. He was a stand-up guy, she’d give him that, but she didn’t want him that way.

  “You can’t move in here.”

  “I already did.” Muscles along his jaw clenched. “We will not argue.” His gaze dropped to her belly. “Our child will hear.”

  Anger hit hard and fast. “Don’t use my own words against me.”

  “Open your mouth.”

  She lifted a hand and grabbed his jaw. “No. You’re not going to kiss me again and make me forget that I’m angry at you.”

  “Why not? It worked. We can’t fight while we’re sharing sex.”

  “You admit it then! You just had sex with me to get your way.”

  Broad shoulders shrugged. “What is there to complain about? We both enjoyed it.” His hands slid to her hips. “I missed you, Becca. We have time to make up and we need to get to know each other before our child is born. I want you. It is just a side benefit that we can’t fight while we’re having sex. Don’t doubt that I really want you.”

  She released his jaw and pressed her palms against his shirt, giving him a little push. “Talk instead of seducing me.”

  A soft growl rumbled from him. “I want to do both. Let me take you to bed now.”

  “No. It’s a bad idea.” She didn’t want her heart to get broken even more when the novelty wore off and he decided being with her was too much of a sacrifice. “You can see your son any time you want, Brawn. We don’t have to be together in order for you to be a part of his life.”

  Beautiful blue, yellow-streaked eyes narrowed and he suddenly adjusted his hold, grabbed her and scooped her into his arms. He carried her out of the bathroom, strode into the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed. One hand fisted the towel and jerked hard, yanking it out from under her.

  She grabbed at her breasts to cover them, bent her legs up and glared at him. “Give that back.”

  Brawn reached for his waist instead, gripped his shirt and tore it over his head. “I’m going to make love to you.”