Page 26 of Brawn

  “No, you aren’t. Sex isn’t the answer every time we don’t agree on something.”

  He cocked his head, dropped the shirt and bent one leg a little to toe off his shoes. “We’ll talk after. I want you.”

  She grabbed the blanket and jerked it over her body, sat up and pointed at him. “Stop!”

  He grinned, kicked off the other shoe and unzipped his jeans. Her gaze lowered and she watched as he wiggled out of them. She swore he was teasing her with the way he slowly inched them down. His impressive, rigid cock sprang free, pointing at her and he bent to shove them all the way down. When he stood, she couldn’t help but admire the picture he made. Just to really be mean, he shook out his long hair. It fell over his shoulders and down along his tan skin.

  Becca had to remember to breathe. There was something so primal about Brawn when he was naked, his hair free and his lips parted enough to flash his canines. A growl tore from him as he bent forward, flattened his palms on the bed and his catlike eyes stared at her.

  “You’re mine, Becca. You can deny it but your body knows the truth.”

  She inched back and wiggled slowly toward the headboard. His weight kept her from yanking the covers with her. He prowled closer on his hands and knees. She couldn’t miss the heavy weight of his cock jutting forward since his stomach was rock solid and flat. Another soft growl came from him and he paused.

  “Don’t fear me, beautiful.” One of his hands lifted and wrapped around her ankle. He shoved the covers away and pulled her carefully, until she lay flat.

  He crawled over her until his face hovered inches above hers and his cock brushed her thighs, which she’d clamped together. “Open up for me. I’m going to teach your mouth the truth too.”

  Her heart pounded. She wanted him but she wasn’t giving in that easily again. A woman had pride, damn it. Her brain froze a little at seeing all that testosterone at its finest crouched over her, but she forced it to work. He liked to use her words against her so turnabout was fair play.

  She glanced down. He kept his arms and legs braced to keep his weight off her. His thighs were spread apart with her body between them and she had wiggle room. Her gaze met his and she lifted her hands to grip his hips. “You think you can win me over with your kisses?”

  He stared at her without saying a word but amusement sparkled in his eyes, telling her that he did.

  “Straighten up.”

  “I have you where I want you.”

  “Straighten up and I’ll open my mouth.”

  He hesitated but lifted his upper body to stand on his spread knees. He frowned as she sat up and suddenly wrapped her hand firmly around his shaft, getting a good grip that he couldn’t jerk away from. He hissed in air and alarm tensed his features.

  “Don’t worry.” She smiled. “I won’t hurt you. Don’t fear me, sexy. You wanted my mouth open, believing you could seduce me into doing whatever you want but turnabout is fair play. Learn this, baby.”

  She licked her lips, kept eye contact with him and her hand on his hip gripped him as she brought her lips to the crown of his cock. Her tongue licked the tip, tested the texture and she almost laughed when Brawn’s eyes widened with astonishment and he snarled.

  Her gaze dropped to his rigid shaft and she took it inside her mouth, sucked and turned her head at different angles as she worked him slowly. Sucking him in, easing him to her lips, teasing him with her tongue. His body shook and he growled, an animalistic sound she reveled in. He thought he could control her but she was the one in charge now.

  She lifted her gaze, saw he’d thrown back his head and his hands clenched his thighs, probably to keep from grabbing her. She took him deeper until she knew she’d hit her limit at the back of her throat, tightened the suction and moved a little faster.

  “Becca,” he rasped.

  She ignored his attempt to distract her. She kept going, moved faster and played. Her hand on his hip slid to his firm abs, loved the texture of each muscle and explored higher until she brushed her fingertips over an erect nipple. She pinched him lightly there between her thumb and fingertip.

  Brawn roared out as his sweet taste began to flood her mouth and it shocked her when he suddenly grabbed her head and jerked her off his cock. His semen hit her throat and breasts as he came down, pinned her flat, with his hips over her ribs and rubbed his shaft between her breasts.

  He shook with the force of his release and Becca lay there stunned. He hadn’t hurt her but he could have. His ass rested just above her extended belly and if he’d put his weight down, he could have crushed her under him. He shook again, his eyes snapped open and he stared at her.

  “Don’t ignore me when I warn you. I almost spilled my seed in your throat.”

  “That was the point,” she managed to finally get out.

  “I would have choked you. We shoot hard. Don’t you feel me inside you when I come? I could have hurt you.”

  She swallowed, wasn’t sure what to say and Brawn suddenly lifted away from her, climbed off the bed and stormed for the bathroom. She watched his naked, firm ass go and struggled to sit up. Her heart was still racing with the fear that had jolted through her from the sudden body slam on the bed, even though he hadn’t hurt her.

  Water ran in the bathroom, cut off and Brawn came stomping back into the bedroom with a wet hand towel. She held out her hand, knew he’d brought it for her, but he stunned her when he sat down, gripped her shoulder and flattened her again.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He began to gently clean her throat and chest with the warm towel. “I didn’t want to hurt you.” He leaned closer. “I loved what you did but you have to pull your mouth away at the end when I warn you.”

  Becca wasn’t sure what to say—something that happened a lot with Brawn. “Open your mouth.”

  “I barely got a taste before you jerked away. You’re not using that to clean my mouth.”

  His lips crushed down on hers, his tongue swept inside her mouth and he threw the wet towel away. Shock hit her at the passion in that kiss. He shifted his body to crouch over her again. He pinned her down without putting weight on her belly and finally broke the kiss. His gaze roamed her body.

  “I love seeing you without clothes. You are so pale and soft. So beautiful and soft.”

  She frowned. “You said soft twice. Is that your way of telling me that I have a lot of love handles?”

  He growled. “No. I like you the way you are.”

  Becca’s gaze narrowed. “You like New Species women. They are tall and fit and about as far from me as it gets. I’m soft, as you put it. Pale. Why are you here, Brawn? As if I didn’t already know.”

  He frowned. “I want to be with you.”

  “Bullshit. You want to be a decent person and I got pregnant. That’s why you’re here but you can be a dad to the baby without being in a relationship with me. You—”

  His mouth covered hers. Brawn’s mastery with his kisses soon made her lose the will to fight. He settled more of his weight on her though he was careful to watch how much weight she took and used one hand to cup her breast. She moaned at the rough texture of his palm as he played with her taut nipple. Becca wound her arms around his neck, clinging to him. Brawn finally pulled his mouth from hers. They were both breathing hard.

  “I need you,” he purred.

  Becca swallowed and nodded. She needed him too, in the worst way. The guy was addictive as hell—was like kissing a bolt of electricity that turned her on. Brawn lifted away, scooted down the bed and stood at the end. Strong hands gripped her ankles and pulled her body down the bed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I don’t want to put weight on our baby. I can take you on my knees here with you on the edge of the bed the way we did before. It worked.”

  Yes, it did. She kept that to herself.

  “I love the way you look. You turn me on.”

  Her gaze lowered to his waist and how his cock pointed at her, remembering that he could recover that
quickly. “I see.”

  “I’d much rather you feel, beautiful.”

  Her stomach clenched and she felt heat spreading between her thighs. He lowered to his knees as his heated gaze took in her body, spread out before him once more. “Open your thighs for me. I want to see you, take my time and taste you again.”

  “I am not really, uh, comfortable with you looking that closely at me. I mean, I’m pregnant, Brawn. Last time you took me by surprise but I’ve got stretch marks.”

  He frowned. “So?”

  “I’ve never really been comfortable showing off my girl parts. In the heat of the moment is one thing but I’m not there yet.”

  He bit his lip. “You let other men see your girl parts but you’re denying me now?” He suddenly growled softly and a hint of anger burned within his dark-blue eyes.

  Becca bit her lip. “My…hell, I’m just not comfortable with that, all right? My husband wasn’t interested in seeing that and now I’m kind of self-conscious. The other time you didn’t exactly ask my permission and by the time I could think straight, well, it was afterward. Let’s just have sex. I love it when you play with my clit while you’re inside me.”

  Brawn frowned. “You were married and he didn’t get you past being shy of being studied and licked?”

  She shook her head. “He liked the lights off. This is about as brazen as I get, Brawn. I’m lying here naked in broad daylight.”

  “I don’t want to just look at you. I want to taste you and learn every part of you.”

  Becca blushed. “He never did that either.”

  Brawn growled. He reached for her knees and pushed gently to open them. “I do. Open up for me.”


  “Now,” he demanded harshly. “Close your eyes if you are shy. I want you open. I want to memorize every inch and taste you. Open up for me, Becca. Now.”

  Hell. She bit her lip harder and dropped her head on the bed. She opened her thighs. She knew her face had to be bright red since heat radiated in her cheeks. Brawn’s hands rubbed the inside of her thighs and caused her to shiver. His thumbs slid lower, so close to her pussy that she had to resist arching her hips to help him get there but instead forced herself to breathe.

  “You will learn to enjoy this, Becca.” His voice was a soft rasp. “You will open up for me every time I want you to, knowing how much pleasure I will give. You will get hot for me when I just look at you here because you’ll know what I want to do and how it is going to feel.”

  Her body responded to his softly spoken words. She jerked a little when Brawn spread her legs wider apart and pushed them higher. His thumbs spread her folds open to expose her sex and she felt his breath fan across her clit. Her heart pounded, knowing he was as up close and personal with her girl parts as a person could be.

  “You are so beautiful here too,” he whispered. “Keep your thighs spread wide for me, Becca. Do not startle.”

  Startle? She gasped a second later and realized what he tried to warn her of. She felt his tongue tracing her slit. She could handle that but she jerked when his tongue breached her pussy, pushed in and withdrew. He growled softly, trailed the tip of his tongue higher and suddenly his lower teeth gently raked across her clit. She whimpered when his lips sealed around it and he sucked.

  Becca’s stomach quivered and her nipples grew taut. She clawed at the bedding just for something to hold on to. He lapped at the bundle of nerves, sucked and tugged on her clit and she thrashed on the bed. The pleasure became so raw she tried to slam her legs together, couldn’t take anymore, but strong hands pinned her open and down. He snarled, his mouth vibrated strongly and he kept doing it.

  “Oh God,” she moaned. “Too much, baby. Stop. It nearly hurts. I can’t!”

  He growled louder, made the vibrations even stronger and sounds came out of her that she’d never made before.

  Becca felt as if her body might break. She cried out, threw back her head and felt pleasure slam her so hard she lost the ability to think at all. Waves of it crushed throughout her body, made her jerk and cry out again. He released her.

  Becca panted as her vaginal muscles twitched and trembled. Brawn lifted up and crouched over her. Her eyes opened to stare into his. His intense expression was nearly frightening. No man had ever looked at her that way—with so much passion.

  “You’re mine, Becca. Say it.”

  She wanted to. Her mouth even opened but she realized what she was about to do. She pressed her lips firmly together and breathed through her nose. He closed his eyes and seemed to wrestle with his temper. He finally calmed, his eyes opened and he grabbed her hips to drag her totally off the bed. She ended up straddling his thighs where he sat on the floor. His rigid cock was trapped between their bellies.

  “Put your arms around my neck and hold on to me.”

  She reached up to do as she was told and his hands gripped her ass, lifted her and adjusted until she felt the broad head of his cock nudge her pussy. She was so wet from her climax that he slid a little, had to adjust her and then he eased her down. Becca pressed her mouth against his chest and moaned as he lowered her torturously, slowly until he was buried deep inside her pussy.

  Her muscles still twitched and squeezed around his cock, not recovered yet from coming and it nearly hurt. He was so thick and big that she wasn’t sure her body could handle him fucking her again so soon. Her nails dug into his skin.

  “Easy,” she rasped. “Give me a minute to adjust.”

  “I wish you weren’t so frail,” he snarled. “I want to take you hard, fast and deep.” He snarled again. “I want to bury myself into you so deep there’s nothing of my dick that’s not inside you and fuck you until we can’t move. But I’ll hurt you.”

  Becca felt a second of fear. He was too big, too strong, to do that and she knew it. Being pregnant didn’t help either. She wiggled her hips, trying to get away from him but he groaned. His hands tightened on her ass instead of releasing and he began to slowly rock his hips, moving gently and pleasure overrode fear. It felt good, his strokes massaging and hitting all those wonderful nerve endings and her muscles adjusted until he could move a little faster. Becca moaned. Brawn restrained himself and kept fucking her.

  Brawn fought for control and won. Becca was so tight around his dick that it nearly hurt, her muscles gripped him strongly and he listened to her moans to judge what she enjoyed. His balls tightened and he wanted to come but held back. He purred, couldn’t hold back the vibrations that came from his throat and rolled his hips under his female. She cried out so he snarled softly and did it again.

  That was the spot she loved best. He repeated it, torturing them both and buried his face against her shoulder. Easy, he ordered his body. Be gentle.

  He wasn’t going to last, knew she was too hot, too tight and fisted his cock too strongly to hold back the climax for much longer. He tried to think of anything that would calm him but her moans, the feel of her and the scent of her arousal drowned him.

  He released her ass, slid his fingers between them and frantically rubbed her clit. His finger moved in tune with his driving thrusts up into her. Becca screamed his name, climaxed again and he threw back his head, roaring out as her muscles milked his cock, sucked on him and he came so hard he saw stars. He barely remembered to remove his hand from between them to cradle her in his arms as he tried to catch his breath and jets of his semen marked her from the inside.

  He opened his eyes, looked down and studied her beautiful face resting against his chest. She was the sexiest sight ever. “Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head against his skin.

  “Good. You test me to my limit, Becca.”

  She bit her lip and tears filled her eyes. It shocked him when she suddenly used his shoulders for support and lifted up, wiggled out of his hold and got off his lap. She stumbled unsteadily toward the bathroom and he climbed to his feet.

  “Becca? Where are you going?” Brawn moved behind her, ready to catch her, but she steadie
d. Confusion gripped him. Why had she gotten tears and why break contact with their bodies? “I want to hold you.”

  “I need a shower.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “Don’t,” she whispered and refused to turn her head to even look at him. “I need some time alone.”

  “Becca,” he growled, alarmed. What had he done? She’d enjoyed the sex. He’d been careful.

  Becca walked inside the bathroom and closed the door nearly in his face. He reached for the handle but the sound of the lock being engaged clicked in his ear. He was astonished. She’d locked him out! Anger came next.

  “Becca? Open the door!”

  She ignored him and turned on the shower. Why wouldn’t she answer? Why did she want to wash away his scent and seed? He breathed fast, pain tore through him and he felt the rejection straight to his soul. She had rushed to bathe to remove all trace of their shared sex.

  His fingers gripped the doorframe and clawed at it. He wanted to roar, to kick the damn door in, but he was afraid he’d scare her. She could slip in the tub again and he wouldn’t be there to catch her.

  She’d refused to see him after he’d lost his temper before. The last thing he wanted was for her to be terrified of him. He breathed in and out, tried to get control, but the pain remained. He just wanted her to be his, to feel for him the way he did for her and to accept him. Instead she couldn’t tolerate his scent on her body.

  His head lowered and tears filled his eyes. He’d made a mess of things, didn’t know how to fix them and could feel his happiness slipping away each time Becca pushed him away.

  Brawn paced the bedroom but his attention kept going to the bathroom door. He should break the lock and go get her. He stopped pacing, snarled and knew he had to resist his urges to go get his female. What had happened?

  He closed his eyes, remembered looking down at her after they’d had sex and seen tears in her eyes. A horrible thought struck and he rushed for the phone. She’d looked pained. Had he hurt her? Had he been too rough with her? She said he hadn’t but maybe she’d lied. Damn it.

  The call was quickly placed and he put on his jeans. He paced until a soft sound reached his ears. His body grew rigid, all thought fled and he lunged toward the bathroom door. His control snapped at hearing her sharp intakes of breath and the soft sound of her weeping. His shoulder hit the door, the wood exploded inward and he moved with all speed to his female.