Page 5 of Born to Be Bad

  Jason smiled wickedly as he felt her climax. But it wasn't enough for him. He refused to leave her until he had wrung every last shiver from her body.

  "Please!" she gasped as he continued to tease her. "I can't take it anymore."

  Jason laughed as he wiped his face against her silken thigh, then gently nipped the tender skin with his teeth. Still he kept one finger inside her, wishing it was his cock buried there instead.

  He brushed his fingers over her as he kissed her hip, her stomach. Stretching out beside her, he gathered her into his arms to hold her close.

  Sam lay quietly as her body slowly drifted back from heaven. She drew a ragged breath as she felt completely cocooned by his strength and tenderness.

  "That was incredible," she breathed as she snuggled against him. It couldn't have been more intimate had he been inside her.

  She frowned as she realized just how much pain he must be in. He'd given her release, but there had been none for him. None.

  Jason lay there quietly as his body burned. He hissed when he felt Sam's hand cupping him through his sweatpants. The sensation of her hand against him set fire to his very soul. He'd dreamed about having her for so long . . . he'd never thought the reality would be this hot.

  Pulling back, he looked down to find her staring up at him.

  "I think turnabout is fair play, don't you?"

  At first he didn't trust his hearing. Could she really be serious?

  But as she slowly slid the sweatpants down his legs, he realized that she was.

  Jason was speechless as she bared him to her hot, hungry gaze. In all honesty, he hadn't expected this. He'd hoped, but he hadn't really allowed himself to think that she would...

  He growled as she nipped his thigh with her teeth.

  "Tell me what you like, Jason," she drawled as she wrapped her hand around his cock and gently ran her fingertip over the tip of him.

  "Slow and easy," he said, amazed that she'd asked. He'd never thought a woman like her would be like this in bed.

  It was incredible.

  He watched her with half-hooded eyes as she cupped his sac carefully in her hand before she lowered her head to him.

  He ground his teeth in pure bliss the instant her tongue swept against his cock. She circled him slowly, carefully, before she took him all the way into her mouth. Jason shook at the sensation of her caressing him.

  Good girls weren't supposed to know how to do this...

  But he was damned glad that she did.

  Sam closed her eyes and savored the scent and taste of Jason. She could feel his body jerk with every flick of her tongue, and she enjoyed the sensation of it. She felt powerful and uninhibited. In the past, she'd always been slightly embarrassed with such intimacy, but there was none of that now, and she didn't understand why.

  She wanted to please him in a way she'd never wanted to please any guy.

  She looked up to see him watching her with an open smile that warmed her even more than his touch. He cupped her cheek in his palm and stroked it with his fingers.

  It was such a tender gesture that it tore through her. He was surprisingly gentle and tender. She'd never suspected that Mr. Cocky could be so giving.

  She felt his body tense an instant before he came.

  Jason swore he saw stars as his orgasm claimed him. To his delight, she didn't pull away. She continued to stroke and caress him until he was completely weak and spent.

  This was without a doubt the sweetest moment of his life. He opened his eyes to find her crawling up his naked body to lay herself down over him.

  And for the first time, he wondered what it would be like to have a steady girlfriend. What it would be like to come home every day and experience something like this.

  Someone like her.

  "Thanks, Sam," he whispered. "I really needed that."

  She nipped his chin with her teeth. "My pleasure." She brushed her hand over a vicious scar only a few millimeters away from his heart. "Oh, this looks like it must have really hurt."

  "Yeah, when I was younger, I was in this really--"

  "It's me, Jason," she said, interrupting him. "I know you got it two years ago when you and Kyle were in the Middle East, and you got impaled by a piece of shrapnel that barely missed your heart."

  He lay there for several seconds, unable to speak. God, he'd told that lie about being in a car wreck so much that even he had started to believe it. For years now, he'd been living undercover. Hiding who and what he was from everyone. Even something as simple as a scar had to be explained with lies.

  But with Sam, he didn't have to lie. That felt even better than the sex had--well, not really, but it was a damn good second.

  For the first time in years, he was with a woman he could be honest with. One who knew him. One who understood the world he lived in. She wouldn't think twice about seeing his weapon on the counter. His need to keep it close by at all times wouldn't even cause her to blink. She'd told him that she slept with her gun too.

  She was just like him in so many ways.

  Not even his family knew what his real job was, or even where he lived. They sent stuff to him in Nashville and called him on a 615 area code, never knowing it was all being forwarded to another country. Likewise, he'd have to send stuff to the BAD offices to have their director forward it on to his sister and mother.

  But this . . . this was wonderful, and it brought a wave of relief to him. It'd been too long since he'd just been himself with someone. He liked not having the stress of guarding every word out of his mouth. Of being able to go to sleep without the fear that she might slide a knife through his ribs. He hadn't spent a night with a woman since the minute he'd become an agent for that very reason.

  A lax undercover agent was a dead one. He'd taken those words to heart a long time ago.

  Sam was different. He was just another man to her, doing the same job and taking the same risks that she herself faced.

  He cradled Sam with his body and held her close, savoring her soft curves pressed against the length of him. He buried his face against her hair and inhaled the sweet fragrance that was uniquely Sam.

  "I don't usually do this," she whispered.

  He smiled at her hesitant words. "I know, and that's why it means so much to me."

  She tucked her head beneath his chin while he kept his hand buried in her hair, playing with it. It was so strange. Something inside him seemed to shatter. He felt for her in a way he'd never felt for another woman. It was so sudden. He didn't even know how to explain it.

  It was a warm tenderness that seemed to seep into every molecule of his body. It wasn't the kind of emotion, he'd ever felt before. It was more like a girly emotion, and yet he had to admit that it made his heart sing, and it made him want to hold on to her for a long time to come.

  Closing his eyes, he held her close and savored the feel of her breath on his skin.

  "Do you ever date, Sam?"

  She stiffened as if the question offended her. "Like that's any of your business. My personal life is just that... personal." She pulled back to look at him.

  Smiling at her prickliness, he tapped her playfully on the end of her nose. "You know, I think I'd like to take you out when we get back. If you don't mind."

  She scoffed. "Yeah, right. Me and you, couple of the year...puh-lease."

  He rolled his eyes at her. "C'mon, Sam, don't blow me off. At least think about it. One date. That's it. It won't kill you, will it?"

  Sam cocked her head as she studied the sincerity in his green eyes. There was something odd in his gaze, and she wasn't sure what it was.

  It'd been a long time since she'd lain in bed naked with a guy. In truth, she missed having moments like this. She missed having someone to care about. Someone who cared about her.

  It was against her code to date someone in the office. And since those were the only guys she was ever around, that had seriously curtailed her social life.

  "C'mon," he said, wrinkling his nose into
an adorable expression. "One movie. If I piss you off, you can shoot me afterward."

  She smiled in spite of herself. "Okay," she said. "One movie, and I will shoot you if you piss me off. For real."

  His eyes warmed her. He'd started to pull her lips to his when they both heard a car door slam outside.

  They both went ramrod stiff.

  Sam pulled back from him, then followed him to the window so that they could look out to the driveway below. There was a black Mercedes parked there, not unlike the one they had trapped in the tunnel.

  There was total silence in the darkness that was only illuminated by the full moon overhead.

  Through the large, overgrown trees, they watched the black car carefully, waiting for the doors to open. When they did, four men dressed in black, looking mean, were getting out and heading very purposefully toward the front porch.

  By the way those guys surveyed the yard and surroundings, it was obvious they were professionals, not tourists looking for a place to stay.

  Completely naked, Jason pulled back from the window. "I think we better get dressed. Fast."

  Sam was already reaching for her clothes. She tossed Jason the black pants, which he caught in one fist.

  She fastened her pants and strapped her holster to her waist, then glanced back out the window to see the men coming closer.

  All of a sudden, she saw the glint of moonlight on a weapon as one of the men drew it out from under his coat.

  "We need to warn Renate," Sam said. She'd barely taken a step forward when the door to their room swung open to show her the older German lady.

  Gone was the friendly, sweet face that Sam knew so well, and in its place was an expression of grim determination. It was the game face of a seasoned agent who knew what was going on. More than that, Renate's blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she was armed to the teeth.

  Good grief, the woman looked like Rambo! Complete with ammo belts and a long black coat.

  "Get dressed, meine liebs." She tossed a wad of black clothes in their direction. "It appears playtime is over, and now is time to riddle them with holes."

  Jason pulled a black turtleneck over his head fast as he saw Renate move to the window with a grenade in hand.

  "Careful," he warned her. "They might shoot you through the window."

  "Bah," Renate scoffed as she slid the sash up just a bit. "That would be possible if not for the bullet-proofing of my glass. Only a missile or rocket could penetrate this window."

  He cast a knowing look at Sam. "See, I told you this place was too picture-perfect, huh? Believe me now?"

  Before she could respond, Renate tossed the grenade and slammed the window shut. A few heartbeats later, it exploded, flashing light and resounding thunder through the room.

  Renate urged them into her closet, where she showed them a trapdoor that opened onto a narrow ladder that led straight down into total darkness. She started down first to lead the way.

  Sam went next, followed by Jason.

  "Afraid of nuclear invasion?" Jason asked Renate as they descended in the pitch blackness.

  "Nein, the nuclear shelter is out back with a full stock of supplies. This is just the escape tunnel so we can get away from them. But have no fear. They will not find the tunnels. Come. Follow. I will lead you out of here to safety in town."

  "The shelter is out back," he repeated sarcastically to Sam over his shoulder. "Along with Mother, no doubt. Want to shower at Bates Motel now?"

  Sam bit back her laughter lest she offend Renate. "Shut up, Jason, and be grateful we have her."

  "Believe me, I am," he said sincerely. "But could someone please tell me how these assholes found us?"

  Sam had wondered about that too. "That's a really good question."

  "Bugs," Renate said as they reached the bottom rung. The older woman stood back as they joined her in the subterranean dampness.

  It was obvious they were underneath the house now, in a narrow tunnel that appeared to lead in only one direction, north. Renate moved to a wall on their right and flipped a switch. The ladder drew back up and sealed itself shut, pinning them in total nothingness.

  It was almost scary. They could hear Renate, but they couldn't see her.

  Instinctively, Sam reached for Jason's hand, needing something solid to ground herself with.

  "We're not bugged," Sam said quietly. "I made sure of it."

  It sounded like Renate was opening a box of some sort. "Then your car is."

  Two seconds later, something snapped, then their tunnel was illuminated by eerie green light as Renate shook her glow stick.

  Jason ground his teeth as he looked at Sam. "I knew we should have ditched it."

  "Well, what is done is done," Renate said charitably. "Come, Kinder. I will see you out of here."

  "Yeah, but where will that leave you?" Jason asked.

  She smiled wickedly. "Trust me. They will not harm me, and if they do ... I will show them what it is I did before I retired."

  Sam exchanged a curious look with Jason before she asked, "And what exactly was that?"

  Renate had that look on her face of a trained agent reciting her latest spiel on who and what she was. It was the overly practiced vacant and "honest" look only another agent would be able to pick up on. "This and that. Now, follow."

  Jason cast a cocky smile at Sam. "I think Renate has a past."

  Renate harrumphed, but didn't speak as they went farther into the dingy, damp tunnel. Single-file, they moved silently and quickly through the winding passageway, which was wide enough for two of them to walk side by side.

  Sam hesitated as she heard something faint behind them...

  Two seconds later, Renate froze, then tossed the glow stick back the way they had come.

  There was no mistaking the sound of people moving out of the way. Renate threw back the side of her coat to reveal an XM8 lightweight assault rifle. "How did they find us?" she asked.

  "Yeah," Sam breathed as Renate seized the weapon like a pro and readied it. "She definitely has a past."

  "Run, Kinder." Renate said, indicating the passageway ahead of them. "You get to safety. I shall take care of these pigs. Follow the tunnel, and I will join you shortly."

  Jason hesitated. "I don't know ..."

  Sam grabbed his arm and pulled at him. "My mission is to get you back to Nashville, Jason. Your cover is blown, but you still have a lot of inside information about Ariston and his friends that we need."

  Renate opened fire. The sound of the spray of bullets was deafening.

  "Go!" Renate snapped. "Schnell!"

  Jason didn't argue further. He personally didn't care what happened to him, but he didn't want Sam to be hurt. Taking Sam's hand, he ran with her for what seemed like miles into the darkness.

  The sound of gunfire and German curses echoed around them. It sounded like a war zone behind them as Renate whooped and goaded as if she were enjoying every minute of it.

  "Come to Mama, you swine-dogs!" Renate shouted in German before she shot again.

  Reminding himself not to make that woman mad in the future, Jason kept his grip on Sam.

  They continued to run blindly ahead.

  After a few minutes, and two loud, echoing screams, everything turned quiet.

  The silence was even more deafening than the noise had been, and it made Jason's ears ring.

  It wasn't until he could hear their breaths echoing in front of them that he realized they were drawing near the end of the tunnel. Slowing down, he held his hand out in front of them until he felt the end.

  He let go of Sam to search the wall with both hands.

  Damn. Where was the ladder out of this place?

  In the darkness behind him, he could hear someone running after them.

  Both he and Sam angled their weapons on the sound.

  "Don't shoot!"

  They relaxed as they recognized Renate's voice.

  "Are you alone?" Jason asked.

  "Ja." Renate
drew up beside them.

  Jason could hear her moving, but he couldn't see her. After a few heartbeats, he heard the sound of a motor whirring.

  "Step back," Renate warned as a trapdoor opened above them and a steel ladder extended from the top down to where they waited.

  With the exception of Sam lying naked at his feet as she tasted him earlier, that had to be the best damned sight Jason had ever seen.

  Jason let the women climb up first before he joined them. They were in the woods just outside a small German town. Renate moved to a switch that was hidden in an ancient tree, then pressed it to cover their tracks.

  She cast a harsh look at them. "You are the extractor in this, ja?" she asked Sam.

  Sam nodded.

  Renate's gaze hardened. "Then they must have been suspicious and bugged him."

  Jason snorted at the mere idea.

  "It's not possible," Sam said. Her defense warmed him. At least she knew better than to think for one minute that he'd be so stupid as to get bugged. "They must have found the tunnel from the house."

  "Nein. Believe me, I know what it is I do. They must have bugged him sometime earlier. Whatever device he has transmitted out tunnel location to him. It is the only way they could follow."

  Sam shook her head. "I destroyed all of his clothes. Nothing, and I mean nothing, was left on him."

  That didn't daunt the German lady in the least. "Then it must be subdermal."

  Jason scoffed. "Yeah, right. No one's injected anything into this body--" He froze an instant before he cursed.

  "What?" Sam asked.

  "That fucking flu shot."

  She was completely baffled by his anger. "What flu shot?"

  "The one Ariston demanded I have if I were to meet with him months ago. He requires it of every associate. He gives you the name of his doctor, you go in, get the shot, and once the doctor calls him, he sets up a meeting. That lousy bastard."

  Renate gave him an I-told-you-so look. "It is always so. Never let anyone inject you."

  "It was supposed to be a flu shot," Jason snapped.

  Sam shook her head. It had been a good ruse. She wasn't even sure if she wouldn't have fallen for it. "So what do we do now? Obviously, they're going to be after us." She looked at Renate. "You wouldn't happen to know of someplace that has the equipment we need to dig it out?"

  "And a doctor to do it," Jason said defensively. "I don't want just anyone poking around my body for a subdermal transmitter."