Page 6 of Born to Be Bad

"Have no fear," Renate said. She led them from the woods toward a small cottage in the town. A sign outside proclaimed it a veterinary clinic.

  There were no lights on, but a small dark blue car was parked in the driveway beside it.

  Renate led them onto a small porch behind the house.

  "What are we doing here?" Sam asked in a low tone as Renate let herself in by way of the backdoor.

  "We're helping Jason," she whispered as she pulled them into the clinic, then closed the door.

  "By breaking and entering?" Jason asked.

  She waved his words away. "Geller and I go way back. Trust me, he won't think anything of our being in here."

  Jason exchanged a puzzled look with Sam as Renate went to a cabinet and pulled out an RFID reader pen. RFIDs, microchips implanted under the skin, were currently used to tag pets so that they could be returned to their owners should they run away from home.

  "I'm not a lost dog, Renate."

  "Nein, you are a man with a subdermal tracer bug. Trust me. I know all about these things." She ran the pen over him.

  Jason cursed again as he saw the pen blink green when she passed it over his right butt cheek. "Yep, that's where the bastard injected me."

  "Ja," Renate said. "They have you tagged, schatz."

  Sam felt for him as Renate went to the office phone and called the good doctor who owned the clinic, asking him to come and extract it.

  Sam almost felt sorry for poor Jason. She couldn't imagine having something like that injected into her body and not knowing it.

  "I'm not letting a vet cut into my butt," Jason said as soon as Renate hung up.

  "Either him or me," Renate said in a tough tone that brooked no argument. "I figure Geller is less likely to leave a scar on that beautiful gluteus maximus. But if you'd rather I handle it ..." She picked up a scalpel from a tray on the counter.

  Jason visibly cringed. "It's all right. I'll wait for the doctor and the local."

  Sam laughed as she heard the doctor climbing down the stairs outside the clinic.

  A few seconds later, the clinic door opened. Since Renate didn't spear the newcomer to the wall, Sam took that to mean he was the doctor she'd called.

  Geller turned on the lights and frowned at the three of them standing in his clinic, dressed like armed burglars. If he thought it particularly odd that two strangers had broken into his office and home in the middle of the night along with a woman armed to her teeth and carrying an assault rifle, he kept it to himself.

  He was dressed in a wrinkled sweatshirt and jeans that looked like he must have had them wadded up by his bed. His short white hair was tousled as if he'd been sleeping. Yawning, he pushed his thick glasses back up on his patrician nose and moved stiffly toward them.

  "Is he the patient?" he asked Renate, indicating Jason.


  Sam looked at Jason, whose face told her that this moment was just as surreal to him as it was to her.

  Renate crossed the room and handed the reader to the doctor. "Sam and I shall wait outside in case more of our friends should come by while you extract it from him."


  Jason passed an almost fearful look at Sam, who felt guilty for leaving him there.

  "It'll be okay," she assured him. "Can I get you anything?"

  "Ice cream ... I'm going to want to sit in at least a gallon of it when this is over."

  She forced herself not to laugh at his request. "I'll see what I can do."

  Renate led her to the small porch out front. Exhausted by all that had happened in such a short period of time, Sam looked up at the bright full moon. How could the weather and town be so peaceful after such an eventful night?

  She'd shot Jason, handcuffed him naked to a bed. Photographed him. Had mind-blowing sex without actual intercourse, and twice narrowly escaped gun-wielding loons.

  Yeah, just another day in the life...

  "What time is it?" she asked Renate.

  "Almost four A.M."

  Sam sighed. "Man, it's been a long night."

  "Ja," Renate agreed. "I remember nights like this when I was your age, and I worked for the Stasi. Everything seemed so important. Every mission vital for the well-being of others and for my country. I lived my life solely for my work, but after time my body slowed down against my will. My eyesight wasn't so good ... I couldn't shoot quite so far. My reflexes slowed year by year, and then finally the Wall came down, and there was no need for us anymore. It's why I retired." She sighed wearily. "But you know, I learned something too late."

  "And that is?"

  "That the world had gotten along long before I had come into it, and it will continue on long after I am dead." Renate's blue eyes pierced her with sincerity. "Take my word for this, Schatzi. Retirement is miserable when you spend it alone. All the years I spent trying to protect the futures of others, I forgot to plan for my own."

  Renate sighed heavily. "If I could have one wish, it would be to have had a child of my own. But what is done is done. It is too late for me to go back and change the decisions I so foolishly made, thinking my work was more important than my life." She glanced back toward the door to the clinic where they had left the men. "You have a nice-looking man there, schatzi. Do you love him?"

  Sam hesitated. Did she? "I don't know. I'm just getting to know him, really."

  "Well, take it from one old retired agent to another. The years, they pass by way too fast. Take a few minutes and get to know your man a little better. Don't send him off because work is more important than living. Trust me, they are both equally vital to the heart. Maybe what the two of you have will work, maybe it won't. But at least you'll have something to look back on and say 'I at least tried,' ja?"

  Sam nodded. She'd never really thought about it that way before. Always focused on the job and her missions, she really hadn't given any thought to what would happen the day she left the agency.

  It was a sobering thought.

  "I hear you, Renate."

  The door opened to show Geller leaving the clinic to join them on the narrow porch. He spoke to Renate in a thick German dialect that Sam couldn't quite translate. It sounded like he was saying the bug was state-of-the-art.

  "What is all that?" she asked Renate.

  "He says the bug is a work of art. Pure genius. It has a small digital broadcaster that he burned out after he removed it. So you will be safe now. No more unexpected visitors. But Geller would like to keep the bug and dissect it, if that's all right with you and Jason. He has friends in Europol who will be very interested in this latest technology."

  "Sure. Any chance we could get a copy of that report?"

  Renate nodded. "I always make sure that Rupert knows about such things."

  No wonder Retter stayed on top of so much.

  Glancing at her, Geller said something in German that made Renate burst out laughing.

  Sam didn't understand it. "Friihspritzer?" she asked Renate, wondering what that one word meant. She'd never heard it before. "What is he saying?"

  Renate sobered before she answered. "Whoever designed the bug, they had it labeled. It appears they must have many of them that they are using, and so it was coded with an individual signal to help identify it. It had one word that it kept transmitting...Fruhspritzer."

  "And that is?"

  Renate laughed again before she explained. "It means premature ejaculator."

  Horrified and yet strangely amused, Sam laughed. She looked at Geller. "Did you happen to tell this to Jason?" she asked in English.

  The doctor shook his head. "There are some things a man doesn't need to hear about himself."

  No doubt. That would most likely disturb poor Jason, and he had been through enough for one night.

  "Do you need a ride back to your house?" Geller asked Renate.

  "Nein, but if you will loan me your auto, I shall take the two of them back to Berlin."

  The doctor looked skeptically at her. "Do you feel up to the drive? You look tir
ed. Not that you look bad, you never look bad, but I can tell you haven't slept much."

  Renate actually blushed. "Ja, I am tired."

  "Then I shall be honored to drive you," Geller offered. "After all, I wouldn't want you to fall asleep driving."

  Sam pressed her lips to keep from smiling at the look that passed between them. Maybe Renate wouldn't be alone for very much longer.

  "I'll go get Jason." She took a step, then paused. "Danke, Geller. I really appreciate your help."

  "My pleasure."

  Sam left them to return to the clinic, where she found Jason looking less than pleased. But even so, she was struck by the image of him there. He was all man, and yet there was something incredibly endearing about him as he stood with the right side of his pants pulled down, holding an ice pack to his bared cheek.

  He gave her a sullen look as she neared him. "I swear I'm going to find the doctor who did this and kill him."

  She really felt for him. "You can't do that, Jason."

  "Bet me money."

  Sam smiled as she closed the distance between them. She reached out and touched the hand that held the ice pack. "Ahh, poor baby. Want someone to kiss it and make it better?"

  Jason arched a brow at her offer and at the heat that seeped through him at the mere thought of it. "Yes."

  To his amazement, she actually bent over, pulled his hand and the pack away, and placed her lips to the swollen area. He had to admit the feeling of her lips on his skin went a long way in soothing the ache there, though it caused a whole new one somewhere else.

  She smoothed the single stitch with her finger as she looked up at him. "Should I inspect your entire body, just in case there might be more hidden bugs?"

  He grinned at her teasing tone. "Geller already double-checked, but if you feel the need to do some independent hands-on inspection later, that could be arranged."

  Sam walked into his arms. "Promise?"

  "Hell, yeah," he breathed before he lowered his lips to hers, kissed her, and dropped the ice pack as he pulled her closer for some serious necking.

  He was really getting into it when he heard someone clear their throat.

  "Should we come back later?" Renate asked.

  He broke away from Sam's lips to find Geller and Renate standing in the doorway. He cast a wistful look at Sam. What he wanted to say was yes, but that wasn't the correct answer, and he knew it. "Nope. We're good."

  He felt Sam pull up the right side of his pants in a gesture that was sweet and endearing. It was something a girlfriend might do to look after her boyfriend.

  The thought made his heart beat faster with a hope the likes of which he hadn't felt in a really long time.

  He draped his arm over Sam's shoulders as they headed for the doctor. "So what's the game plan?" he asked Sam.

  "Renate and Geller are taking us back to Berlin. I vote we find us a nice, quiet hotel somewhere on the outskirts and spend the rest of the day in bed."

  Jason laughed. "I like the sound of that."

  "Sleeping, Jason," Sam said hurriedly as her cheeks pinkened. "Unlike you, I need to rest."

  "Good," he whispered in her ear so that the other two couldn't hear him. "I want you to rest. You're going to need all your stamina later."

  Sam sighed at his incorrigibility. But in truth, she was starting to find even that charming.

  Renate led them out of the clinic, toward Geller's car, while the doctor locked up. Sam got into the back seat first, then slid over to make room for Jason.

  As soon as he was in, he pulled her head to rest in his lap.

  Sam smiled at his consideration as she felt his hand toying with her hair. "How's your butt doing?" she asked.

  He groaned at her question. "Let's just say I'm not looking forward to this trip."

  Sam yawned as Geller got in and started the engine. Truthfully, she was exhausted. By the time they pulled out of the driveway, she was sound asleep.

  Jason smiled to himself as he listened to Geller and Renate make chitchat in the front seat while Sam slept in his lap. How had he ever thought that she wasn't the most beautiful woman in the world?

  Looking at her now, he couldn't imagine why he hadn't asked her out long before this.

  He lightly stroked her cheek, marveling at the incredible softness of it. He'd known Sam for years, but until tonight he'd had no idea of how much strength and courage she possessed.

  Glancing up, he caught Renate staring at him.

  "She is beautiful?"

  "Like Aphrodite."

  Renate smiled approvingly. "You should probably get some rest too. I am sure this night has been just as long for you."

  Jason couldn't agree more. Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes and let images of Sam play through his mind. He fell asleep with the sound of her musical laughter teasing him.

  Jason jerked awake at the sensation of someone gently shaking his shoulder. Blinking open his eyes, he found Renate, sans her ammo and weapon, standing at the open car door.

  "Forgive me, Jason," she said in a low tone. "We are at the hotel in Berlin."

  He rubbed his eyes and yawned as he tried to clear his head. Dawn was already breaking over the city. "We don't have passports for checkin."

  "Don't worry. The owner and I go way back. I have explained things to him, and he will make sure that no one knows who or where you are."

  He was truly grateful to her. "Thanks, Renate."

  "No problem."

  He didn't want to wake Sam, but the minute he tried to pick her up, she bolted upright.

  "It's okay," he said quickly. "We're at the hotel."

  Nodding, she yawned and followed them inside. Without a word, they crossed the lobby and got into the elevator.

  Renate led the way to their room and opened the door for them. Once they were inside, she handed him the key to the room while Sam headed straight for the bed.

  "I can't thank you enough for all you've done for us," Jason said.

  "It's all right, schatz. Friends of Rupert's are family to me. You go on now and sleep."

  He didn't need to be told that twice. After showing her out and bolting the door, he headed for bed himself.

  Jason pulled his weapon out from its hidden holster at his back and tucked it under his pillow. A slow smile spread across his face as he realized Sam had done the same.

  Completely exhausted, he joined her on the bed and pulled her into his arms. She felt so good there ... too good.

  Snuggling close, he closed his eyes and returned to sleep.

  Sam came awake with a start as she felt something heavy draped over her. She was so used to sleeping alone, it took her a full ten seconds to realize that it was Jason's arm.

  And as she lay there, trying to remember where they were, she realized that he did, in fact, snore.

  She laughed in spite of herself.

  Still, he slept.

  Smiling, she stretched in the bed until her hand made contact with something solid under her pillow. She pulled it out to find Jason's gun there.

  Tickled by him, she left the bed quietly and sneaked off to shower and take care of a few very necessary things.

  Chapter 5

  Jason woke up to the sensation of someone gently stroking his hard cock underneath the blanket. Soft, gentle fingers brushed down the length of him, toying with the tip. He thought he was still dreaming until he opened his eyes to find Sam stretched out beside him.

  "You snore," she said accusingly.

  "No, I don't."

  "Yes, you do. Like a buzz saw."

  In spite of her dire tone, he smiled. "Do I really?"


  "Then I guess you're just going to have to shoot me, huh?"

  "Guess so," she said as she cupped him under the covers. Her warm hand felt like heaven as her fingers massaged his sac, making him even harder. "But what a shame to see something so fine terminated, huh?"

  He closed his eyes as she continued stroking him. He'd never had a woman
wake him up like this before. A man could definitely get used to it.

  Sam nipped his hip with her teeth before she pulled away. Jason whimpered at her action. "Don't leave."

  "I'll be right back."

  Disappointment filled him--at least, until she returned to the room wearing absolutely nothing but a smile.

  She rejoined him on the bed and rolled him flat on his back. Jason frowned until he saw her lift the small foil package up to her lips.

  "Where'd you get that?"

  "I went shopping this morning. There's a drugstore just around the corner."

  He grinned at her. "A woman after my own heart."

  Jason cupped her breast in his hand as she unrolled the condom down the length of his cock. Not even the cold lubricant could dampen the heat he felt at her touch.

  Sam nipped the salty flesh of Jason's knee. She'd been dreaming about this all morning. For the first time, she understood her mother's obsession with the male species. They did have their moments of worthiness. Jason was not only the hottest things on two legs, but he'd been extremely considerate to her. Even thoughtful.

  Most of all, though, she liked the feeling of waking up in his arms. And all she wanted was to feel Jason deep inside her.

  Unable to stand it anymore, she climbed up his body to straddle him. A shiver swept through her at the sensation of his hard muscled body nestled between her spread thighs.

  "Hi, beautiful," he said as he guided her hips back with his hands so that he could impale her.

  She hissed as he filled her to capacity. Surely there was nothing better than his thick fullness deep inside her body.

  Jason raised his hips to drive himself in even deeper as she rode him. He cupped her breast in his hands as he watched her taking her pleasure from his body.

  He loved the feeling of her body wrapped around his, of her milking him ever so sweetly. Unable to stand her slow rhythm, he rolled with her until he had her pinned below him. He captured her lips as he sank himself back inside her warm heat.

  Sam groaned at the taste of Jason as his tongue matched the thrusts of his hips against hen.

  There was nothing slow or easy about the way they made love now. It was fast and frenzied as they each sought their own piece of heaven.

  For some reason she didn't understand, Jason pulled out of her.

  "I want to go deep inside you, Sam," he said raggedly in her ear. He propped the pillows up and draped her facedown over them.

  Sam spread her legs wide, waiting impatiently for him to return to her.

  Jason sucked his breath in at the sight of her spread out for him. Grinding his teeth, he separated the folds of her body until he could see the most private part of her. She shivered as he gently fingered her.