5. Camb. Mod. History, V, 265, 268.
6. Macaulay, II, 387.
7. Rowse, Early Churchills, 152; Lingard, X, 90.
8. Hume, History, V, 359; Macaulay, I, 496.
9. Acton, 221; Camb. Mod. History, V, 233.
10. Hume, V, 345.
11. Lecky, History of England, I, 21.
12. Macaulay, I, 359, 525.
13. Camb. Mod. History, V, 239.
14. Hearnshaw, F. J., Social and Political Ideas of Some English Thinkers of the Augustan Age, 61.
15. Lingard, X, 128.
16. Macaulay, III, 170.
17. Lord Dartmouth’s notes to Burnet’s History, in Lingard, X, 136n.
18. Burnet, 251.
19. Lingard, X, 136.
20. Ibid., 131.
21. Trevelyan, Stuarts, 441.
22. Camb. Mod. History, V, 243.
23. Shrewsbury, Duke of, Correspondence, 4.
24. Churchill, Marlborough, I, 263.
25. Robinson, J. H., Readings, 367–69.
26. Mantoux, Industrial Revolution, 97.
27. Macaulay detailed these in his essay on Hallam (1828), and countered them in his History of England (1848), end of Ch. X.
28. Halifax, Thoughts and Reflexions, in Hearnshaw, Social and Political Ideas of . . . the Augustan Age, 10.
29. Ibid.
30. Ure, Seventeenth-Century Prose, 72.
31. Hearnshaw, 60.
32. Halifax, Character of a Trimmer, in Trevor-Roper, 255.
33. Hearnshaw, 53.
34. Livy, History of Rome, v, 47.
35. Buckle, la, 297.
36. Ibid., 298.
37. Bowen, William Prince of Orange, 277–8.
38. Burnet, 306.
39. Lecky, England, I, 275.
40. Voltaire, Age of Louis XIV, 141.
41. Camb. Mod. History, V, 317.
42. Ibid., 321; Lecky, I, 279–80; D’Alton, Ireland, 467; Wingfield-Stratford, 665.
43. Camb. Mod. History, V, 323.
44. Renard and Weulersee, Life and Work in Modern Europe, 95.
45. Day, History of Commerce, 162.
46. Groom, History of Money, 41–46.
47. Ibid.
48. Camb. Mod. History, V, 249.
49. Macaulay, III, 418–19; Churchill, Marlborough, I, 302.
50. Ibid., 348.
51. Rowse, 134.
52. Goldsmith, Life of Bolingbroke, in Clark, B. H., Great Short Biographies, 1032.
53. Ibid.; cf. Chesterfield, Letters, I, 261 (Dec. 22, 1749).
54. Lecky, England, I, 128.
55. Enc. Brit., XXIII, 725.
56. Kronenberger, Marlborough’s Duchess, 247.
57. Churchill, English-speaking Peoples, III, 76.
58. Rowse, 270.
1. Mousnier, 308.
2. Desnoiresterres, I, 212.
3. Swift, Journal to Stella, Aug. 7, 1712.
4. Theater History Exhibition, New York Public Library, Sept. 28, 1956.
5. Johnson, Lives, I, 201.
6. Besant, Stuarts, 323.
7. Holzknecht, Background of Shakespeare’s Plays, 417.
8. Besant, 321.
9. Hume, History, V, 436; Camb. History of English Literature, VIII, 209.
10. Farquhar, Beaux’ Stratagem, I, i, in Gosse, A Volume of Restoration Plays.
11. Congreve, Way of the World, II, iv, in Gosse, 185.
12. Macaulay, Essays, II, 426.
13. Gosse, 161.
14. Vanbrugh, The Relapse, III, in Gosse.
15. Ibid., IV, i.
16. Vanbrugh, Provoked Wife, I, i.
17. Ibid., I, ii.
18. Enc. Brit., XVI, 574b.
19. Johnson, Lives, II, 2.
20. Macaulay, Essays, II, 446.
21. Enc. Brit., VI, 255d.
22. Congreve, Way of the World, II, v.
23. Ibid., IV, v.
24. Macaulay, Essays, II, 449.
25. Thackeray, English Humorists, 139.
26. Lecky, England, I, 539.
27. Dryden, Preface to Fables, Ancient and Modern, in Essays, 290.,
28. Pepys, Feb. 23, 1663.
29. Nettleton, G. H., English Drama of the Restoration, 5.
30. Dryden, All for Love, IV, i, in Gosse.
31. Camb. Mod. History, V, 134.
32. Dryden, Poems, 75.
33. Ibid., 78.
34. Ibid., 89.
35. Pepys, Feb. 3, 1664.
36. Scott, The Pirate, 147–49.
37. Macaulay, History, I, 285.
38. Johnson, Lives, I, 187.
39. Ibid., 219; Camb. History of English Literature, VIII, 231–32.
40. Johnson, I, 216.
41. As Macaulay believed (History, I, 657).
42. Dryden, The Hind and the Panther, in Poems, 123.
43. Butler, Samuel, Hudibras, 3–9.
44. Pepys, Dec. 10, 1663.
45. Camb. History of English Literature, VIII, 68.
46. An excellent edition, Brief Lives, appeared in 1957, with a lively and learned introduction by O. L. Dick.
47. Camb. History of English Literature, IX, 151.
48. A good example in Brockway and Winer, Second Treasury of the World’s Great Letters, 131.
49. Macaulay, Essays, I, 195.
50. Temple, Sir William in Taine, English Literature, 333.
51. Evelyn, I, 229f. The passage on his son is under Jan. 27, 1658.
52. Pepys, June 13, 1662; June 17, 1663.
53. Ibid., July 16, 1660.
54. Jan. 23, (1670).
55. Apr. 5, 1664.
56. Dec. 19, 1664.
57. Aug. 18, 1667.
58. Sept. 6, 1664.
59. July 15, 1660.
60. Aug. 23, 1663.
61. May 21, 1662.
62. July 30, 1663.
63. Sept. 4, 1660.
64. Sept. 24, 1663.
65. Feb. 28, 1662.
66. Enc. Brit., VII, 139.
67. Defoe, Moll Flanders, 295.
68. Steele, Tatler, No. 151.
69. Thackeray, English Humorists, 183.
70. Steele, Tatler, No. 95.
71. Johnson, Lives, I, 330; Macaulay, Essays, II, 465.
72. Ibid., 486; Johnson, I, 328.
73. Addison, Spectator, No. 4.
74. Ibid.
75. No. 112.
76. Macaulay, Essays, II, 499; Enc. Br. I, ibid.
77. Thackeray, 157n.
78. Voltaire, Works, XIXb, 137.
79. Stephen, Leslie, Swift, 82.
80. Id., Alexander Pope, 60.
81. Id., Swift, 15.
82. Hardy, Evelyn, The Conjured Spirit: Swift, 40.
83. Ibid., 62.
84. Stephen, Swift, 52.
85. Ibid., 37.
86. Swift, Tale of a Tub, etc., 56.
87. Ibid., 72.
88. 77.
89. 78.
90. 81.
91. 121.
92. 103.
93. 105.
94. 106.
95. 109.
96. 110.
97. Stephen, Swift, 42.
98. Rowse, 269.
99. Hardy, Conjured Spirit, 148.
100. Swift, “A Critical Essay upon the Faculties of the Mind,” in Tale of a Tub, etc., 192.
101. In Stephen, Swift, 47.
102. Ibid., 161.
103. Ibid., 57.
104. Hardy, 125.
105. In Trevelyan, Social History, 444.
106. In Rowse, 265.
107. Ibid., 266.
108. Ibid., 269.
109. Stephen, Swift, 103.
110. Ibid., 102.
111. Swift, Journal to Stella, Letters XXVII and XXXIII.
112. Ibid., 172 (Letter XXIII) .
113. Ibid., 203 (Letter XXVII).
114. Stephen, Swift, 143.
115. Hardy, 57.
116. Swift, “Strephron and
Chloe,” in Hardy, 59.
117. In Hardy, 176.
118. Stephen, Swift, 120.
119. Journal to Stella, Letter XVI.
120. Swift to Pope, Sept. 29, 1725, in Thackeray, English Humorists, 218n.
121. Stephen, Swift, 108.
122. Hardy, 164.
123. Ibid., 157.
124. Stephen, 131.
125. Johnson, II, 258; Hardy, 174f; Stephen, I33f.
126. Hardy, 219.
127. Swift, Gulliver’s Travels, Book II, Ch. vi, p. 120.
128. Ibid., III, viii, p. 183.
129. Ill, x, pp. i98f.
130. IV, vii, p. 240.
131. IV, v, p. 250.
132. IV, xi, pp. 272–73.
133. Stephen, 168.
134. Hardy, 230.
135. Stephen, 160.
136. In Taine, English Literature, 436.
137. Ibid.
138. Stephen, 184.
139. Ibid., 195.
140. In Woods, George, etc., The Literature of England, I, 813.
141. Stephen, 195.
1. Morton, J. B., Sobieski, 41.
2. Ibid., 57.
3. Cambridge History of Poland, I, 520.
4. Morton, 47.
5. Camb. History of Poland, I, 521.
6. Ibid., 537.
7. Morton, 5.
8. Camb. History of Poland, I, 545.
9. Ibid., 547.
10. Ibid., 556.
11. Ogg, Europe in the 17th Century, 499.
12. Schoenfeld, H., Women of the Teutonic Nations, 263; Michelet, V, 154.
13. Kluchevsky, V., History of Russia, III, 334.
14. Ibid., 282.
15. Ibid., 367.
16. Waliszewski, Peter the Great, 63.
17. Ibid., 75.
18. Florinsky, M. T., Russia: History and an Interpretation, I, 321.
19. Schuyler, E., Peter the Great, I, 350.
20. Waliszewski, 87.
21. Ibid., 91.
22. Schuyler, I, 358.
23. Ibid., 374.
24. Macaulay, History, IV, 374.
25. Voltaire, Charles XII, 37.
26. Camb. Mod. History, V, 595.
27. Ibid.; Schuyler, II, 85.
28. Camb. Mod. History, V, 596.
29. Waliszewski, 322.
30. Voltaire, Charles XII, 163; Schuyler, II, 138; Camb. Mod. History, V, 600.
31. Schuyler, II, 160.
32. Ibid., 162.
1. In Buckle, History of Civilization, Ib, 580.
2. Frederick to Voltaire, Mar. 6, 1737, in Voltaire and Frederick, Letters, 55.
3. Florinsky, I, 327, 334.
4. Schuyler, I, 374.
5. Waliszewski, Peter the Great, 105.
6. Ibid., 143.
7. 133.
8. 137.
9. 218.
10. 152–53, 161–63; Florinsky, I, 319; Schuyler, I, 422.
11. Schuyler, II, 405.
12. Rambaud, History of Russia, I, 104.
13. Réau, L., L’Art russe, II, 18n.
14. Semple, Ellen, Geography of the Mediterranean Region, 348.
15. Robinson, J.H., Readings, 390.
16. Schuyler, I, 412.
17. Waliszewski, 448f.
18. Ogg, 511.
19. Schuyler, II, 192.
20. Rambaud, I, 94.
21. Pokrovsky, M., History of Russia, 279.
22. New Camb. Mod. History, VII, 319.
23. Pokrovsky, 287; Florinsky, I, 380.
24. Mavor, Economic History of Russia, I, p. xxxi; New Camb. Mod. History, VII, 319.
25. Pokrovsky, 285; Schuyler, II, 471.
26. Schuyler, II, 453; Florinsky, I, 382.
27. Waliszewski, 436.
28. Rambaud, I, 99.
29. Schuyler, II, 609–10.
30. Ibid., 283.
31. Ibid., 338.
32. Waliszewski, 517.
33. Ibid., 518.
34. Schuyler, II, 345.
35. Ibid., 410.
36. Waliszewski, 534.
37. Ibid., 538.
38. Toynbee, A., Study of History, VIII, 269.
39. Pokrovsky, 330; Florinsky, II, 334.
1. Westermarck, History of Human Marriage, III, 51; Bebel, Woman under Socialism, 71.
2. Rocker, Nationalism and Culture, 125.
3. New Camb. Mod. History, VII, 293.
4. Camb. Mod. History, IV, 426.
5. Acton, Lectures, 286.
6. Quennell, Caroline of England, 5–7.
7. Montagu, Lady Mary W., Letters.
8. Francke, K., History of German Literature, 175.
9. Richard, E., History of German Civilization, 332.
10. Thieme, Women of Modern France, 199.
11. Wormeley, Correspondence of Mme. Princess Palatine, letter of Nov. 22, 1714.
12. Hürlimann, Germany, 232; La Farge, H., Lost Treasures of Europe, 33.
13. Dresden.
14. Spitta, K., Bach, I, 257. The walking is doubtful.
15. Morton, Sobieski, 130.
16. Ibid., 132.
17. Camb. Mod. History, V, 355.
18. Ibid., 355–56; Ogg, 490.
19. Ogg, 488.
20. Lane-Poole, S., Story of Turkey, 226.
21. Voltaire, Age of Louis XIV, 165.
22. Coxe, W., History of the House of Austria, II, 445.
23. Morton, 202; Coxe, II, 447.
24. Ogg, 496.
1. Lea, H. C., History of the Inquisition in Spain, IV, 53–54.
2. Ibid., 49.
3. Ibid., 57. Lea adds, “I cannot but regard this as a truthful report.”
4. Ranke, History of the Popes, II, 381n.
5. Ibid., 380; III, Appendix, 145.
6. Ranke, II, 325.
7. Funk, Manual of Church History, II, 148.
8. Ranke, II, 330.
9. Ibid., 333; Funk, II, 177.
10. Ranke, II, 418.
11. Funk, II, 178.
12. Voltaire, Age of Louis XIV, 135.
13. Churchill, English-speaking Peoples, II, 317.
14. Acton, 226.
15. Sismondi, History of the Italian Republics, 789.
16. Bonacossi Collection, Florence.
17. Wadsworth Athenaeum, Hartford, Conn.
18. Dresden and Rome.
19. Wallace Collection.
20. Dresden.
21. Vatican.
22. Rome, Santa Maria in Vallicella.
23. Stirling-Maxwell, Annals of the Artists of Spain, III, 1152.
24. Ibid., 1154.
25. Ibid., 1101.
26. Enc. Brit., X, 361b.
27. Ibid.
28. Garnett, History of Italian Literature, 283.
29. Ibid., 284.
30. Hallam, Literature of Europe, IV, 213.
31. Bain, F. W., Christina, Queen of Sweden, 253.
32. Motteville, Memoirs, III, 104.
33. Ibid., 106–8.
34. Ibid., 109–10.
35. Voltaire, Age of Louis XIV, 60.
36. Motteville, III, 110.
37. Day, Ninon, 149.
38. Bain, 321.
39. In Voltaire, 405.
40. Bain, 339.
41. Grove’s Dictionary of Music, V, 154.
42. Burney, General History of Music, II, 437.
43. Ibid., 575; Grove’s, V, 149.
44. Brockway and Weinstock, Opera, 11; Burney, II, 552.
45. Olschki, Genius of Italy, 423.
46. Brockway and Weinstock, Opera, 12.
47. Hazard, The Critical Years, 382.
48. Kirkpatrick, R., Domenico Scarlatti, 38.
49. Lea, Inquisition in Spain, III, 584.
50. Bell, Aubrey, Portuguese Literature, 267.
51. Catholic Encyclopedia, XV, 416b.
52. Buckle, IIa, 54.
53. Ca
mb. Mod. History, V, 375.
54. Stirling-Maxwell, III, 1143–44.
55. Baron, S. W., Social and Religious History of the Jews, II, 7; Lea, Inquisition in Spain, III, 306.
56. Ticknor, G., History of Spanish Literature, III, 206; Hume, Martin, Spain: Its Greatness and Decay, 304; Ogg, 380.
57. Lea, I, 511.
58. Madrid, Church of the Incarnation.
59. Calvert, A., Sculpture in Spain, 115.
60. Still in the Escorial.
61. Stirling-Maxwell, III, 1200; Justi, C., Diego Velazquez, 137.
62. Seville Museum.
63. Stirling-Maxwell, III, 1069.
64. Altamira, R., History of Spanish Civilization, 142.
65. Id., History of Spain, tr. Muna Lee, 398.
66. Ticknor, III, 203; Buckle, la, 60; Camb. Mod. History, V, 376.
1. Obadiah III, 20.
2. Lea, Inquisition in Spain, III. 236; Baron, Social and Religious History of the Jews, II, 68.
3. Lea, III, 298; Graetz, History of the Jews, V, 91, III.
4. Roth, Cecil, History of the Marranos, 75.
5. Ibid., 150.
6. Le, III, 273.
7. Brockelmann, C., History of the Islamic Peoples, 317; Finkelstein, L., The Jews, I, 247.
8. Roth, Marranos, 214.
9. Sombart, The Jews and Modern Capitalism, 69.
10. Brinton, The Gonzaga, 227.
11. Ibid.
12. Pastor, L., History of the Popes, XVII, 334; Graetz, IV, 590.
13. McCabe, Crises in the History of the Papacy, 343.
14. Montaigne, Diary, 154.
15. Sombart, 17.
16. Ibid., 18.
17. Graetz, V, 176.
18. Sombart, 56.
19. As by Sombart, 14.
20. Roth, Marranos, 242.
21. Ibid., 244.
22. Graetz, V, 205.
23. Roth, 244.
24. Graetz, V, 205.
25. Ibid.
26. Roth, 247.
27. Graetz, V, 27.
28. Modder, M. F., The Jews in the Literature of England, 24f.
29. Jewish Encyclopedia, VIII, 182.
30. Sombart, 250.
31. Graetz, V, 34.
32. Sombart, 54.
33. Graetz, V, 45.
34. Modder, 35–6.
35. Graetz, V, 49.
36. Sombart, 51.
37. Abbott, G. F., Israel in Europe, 229–31.
38. Schoenfeld, H., Women of the Teutonic Nations, 251.
39. Browne, Lewis, Wisdom of Israel, 638.
40. Dubnow, S. M., History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, I, 66.
41. Ibid., 89.
42. Rabbi Nathan Hannover, in Dubnow, I, 116.
43. Ibid., 145.
44. Baron, II, 169.
45. Dubnow, I, 164.
46. Ibid., 165.
47. 161, 166.
48. 243.
49. 246.
50. Sombart, 178.
51. Nussbaum, History of Economic Institutions, 140.