and Dutch, 175–79
passim, 277–78
and the Fronde, 9–10, 711
and government, 11–12, 13, 17–18
health of, and medical treatment, 525, 689
and James II of England, 290, 291, 295, 296, 302, 692, 693
and Jews, 457
and literature, 12, 17, 129–32
passim, 146, 160–63, 243, 606, 617
marriages of, see Marie Thérèse and Maintenon; Mémoires of, 12, 15, 20, 42, 70
and his ministers, 11, 18, 690–91 (see also: Colbert; Fouquet; Louvois; and Mazarin)
and Molière, 97, 111, 114, 115, 120, 124, 125, 127, 128
and music, 32, 33, 445
and the nobility, 7–8, 13, 15–16, 711, 712
paintings, statues, busts of, 45, 91, 96, 98, 99, 101, 103, 689, 717
and Palatine throne, claim to, 691
and Parlement, 9, 15
and pensions to artists and scholars, 97, 115, 129–30, 132, 140, 142, 147, 163, 312, 499
and philosophy, 598, 599, 605, 606, 632
and Protestants, 69–75, 162, 290, 414, 430, 432, 605–7, 666, 687
and Racine, 138, 140, 141
and regency (1643–51), 4–9
and religion, personal practice, 6, 47, 48, 69, 86, 96, 98, 101, 141, 689, 690, 717
and science, 495, 496, 499, 503, 508, 525
and Spanish partition pacts, 699–701, 703
and Spanish throne, claim to, 278, 453, 699
and the theater, 104–15
passim, 120, 123, 124, 125, 137–38, 140, 141, 689
and the Turks, 393, 422
and witchcraft condemnations, 482
and women, 13, 29, 31, 34–41, 114
Louis XV, King of France (r. 1715–74), 405, 716, 718, 719
Louis, “Le Grand Dauphin” of France (1661–1711), 32, 34, 77–78, 691–92, 700, 701, 716
Louis, Duke of Burgandy, see Burgundy, Louis, Duke of
Louis Quatorze style, 94, 97, 102
Louis William I, Margrave of Baden-Baden (1655–1707), 707
Louvain, University of, 53, 164
Louvois, François Michel, Marquis de (1641–1691), 90, 98, 140, 703
enmity toward Mme. de Maintenon, 686, 689
as minister of war, 41, 42, 71–72, 691–94
passim; and Palatinate devastation, 692
and persecution of Huguenots, 71–72, 686
Louvre, 23, 27, 76, 94, 95, 99, 130, 143, 440
King’s art collection in, 87
façade (colonnade) of, 90, 91, 162
fire in (1661), 97
Molière plays in, 107
present-day museum, 96, 99, 100, 433, 435, 437, 717
Love for Love (Congreve), 319
Love in a Wood (Wycherley), 315
Love Is a Cheat (Pepys), 332
Lower, Richard (1631–91), 523, 528
Lowestoft, England, 174
Lübeck, free city of, 419
Lublin, Poland, 465
Union of (1569), 370
Lubny, Ukraine, 467
Lucas, Jean Maximilien (1636?–97), 622, 632
Lucian (2d cent.), 615
Lucianites, 167
Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus: 96?–55 B.C.), 75, 106, 327, 600, 654
Luke, Sir Samuel (fl. 1645), 328
Lully, Jean Baptiste (1632–87), 29, 33, 92, 124, 125, 690
Lund, Sweden, Treaty of (1679), 368
University of, 486, 658
Luria, Solomon (1510–73), 471
Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 53, 80, 85, 209, 211, 220, 272, 405, 485
Lutheranism: and Christina, 439, 441
in Germany, 414, 415, 483, 660, 666–67
in Russia, 399
in Scandinavia, 483, 659
Lutrin (Boileau), 147
Lutzingen, Bavaria, 707
Luxembourg, François Henri de Montmorency-Bouteville, Duc de (1628–95), 32, 176, 632, 694
Luxembourg, duchy of, 45, 714
Luxembourg, Palais du, Paris, 9, 95, 145
Luynes, Duc de (fl. 1650), 52, 598
Lvov (Lemberg), 373, 468
“Lycidas” (Milton), 216
Lyons, France, 74, 89, 100, 168, 712
Hôtel de Ville, 90
Maastricht, 176
Mabillon, Jean (1632–1707), 490
Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800–59), 288, 382, 438, 487, 688
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 142
MacDonald clan of Glencoe, 305
MacFlecknoe (Dryden), 326
Mach, Ernst (1838–1916), 546
Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469–1527), 563, 654
Madagascar, 26
Madison family, in America, 183
Madrid, 436–37, 448, 449, 450, 453, 707, 708, 712
Maes, Nicolaes (1632–93), 168*
Magdalen College, Oxford, 293, 341, 548
Magdalene College, Cambridge, 332
Magdeburg, Brandenburg-Prussia, 411, 412, 511, 716
Magnasco, Alessandro (1667?–1749), 433
Mahan, Alfred Thayer (1840–1914), 662
Maidalchini, Olimpia (fl. 1644), 431
Maimbourg, Louis (1620?–86), 605–6
Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon: 1135–1204), 620, 621, 626, 639, 641, 653
Maine, Louis Auguste de Bourbon, Duc du (1670–1736), 40, 716, 718, 719
Maine, Louise Bénédictine dé Bourbon, Duchesse du (1676–1753), 718
Maintenon, Françoise d’Aubigné, Marquise de (1635–1719), 29, 38–41, 49, 83, 92, 101, 385–90, 405, 697
historians’ opinions on, 686–88
painted by Mignard, 98, 685
and Racine, 140–41
and St.-Cyr school, 140, 486, 685, 689, 697, 719
and Scarron, 38–40, 141*
as wife of Louis XIV, 41, 685–90, 697, 701, 711–12, 717–19
Maintenon, Château de, 40, 685
Mainz, 661, 691, 706, 707
Mainz, Archbishop Elector of (1614), 464
(1667–73), 661–63
Maison du Roi, Brussels, 165
Major, J. D., physician (fl. 1662), 527
Majorca, 449
Malade imaginaire, Le (Molière), 126–27
Málaga, cathedral of, 450
malaria, 525
Malebranche, Nicolas de (1638–1715), 576, 602–5, 662
Malherbe, François de (1555–1628), 147
Malpighi, Marcello (1628–94), 497, 520, 522–23
Malplaquet, battle at (1709), 711
Malthus, Thomas (1766–1834), 502
Manasseh ben Israel (1604–57), 459–63, 620, 622
Manchuria, 508
Mancini, Hortense, Duchesse de La Meilleraye and Duchesse de Mazarin (1646–99), 161, 249
Mancini, Marie, Princess Colonna (1640–1715), 34
Mancini, Olympe, Comtesse de Soissons (1639–1708), 28, 140, 704
Mandeville, Bernard (1670?–1733), 486
Manicheans, 611, 612
Mannheim, 418, 692
Mansard, Jules Hardouin, see Hardouin-Mansard
Mansart, François (1598–1666), 90, 264
Manso, Giovanni Battista, Marquis (1561–1647), 216
Mantua, duchy of, 4, 439, 456, 704, 708
Manufacture Royale des Meubles de la Couronne, 87–88
maps and charts, 508
Maranhāo, Brazil, 447
Maratti, Carlo (1625–1713), 435
Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor (161–180), 654
Margaret Theresa (1651–73), Empress, consort of Leopold I, 464, 699
Maria Anna (dau. of Philip III of Spain), Empress, consort of Ferdinand 111, 699
Maria Kazimiera (1641–1716), Queen Consort of John Sobieski, 372
María Luisa (Marie Louise d’Orléans: 1662–89), Queen Consort of Charles II of Spain, 450
Mariana, Juan de (1537–1624), 555
Mariana of Austria (1634–96), Queen Consort of Philip IV of Spain, Regent of Spain 1665–75), 457
r />
María Teresa, consort of Louis XIV, see Marie Thérèse
Marie Adélaïde of Savoy, Duchess of Burgundy (1685–1712), 100, 716
Marie de Médicis (1573–1642), Queen Consort of Henry IV (1600–10), Regent of France (1610–17), 12, 247
Marienburg, East Prussia, 395
Marie Thérèse (1638–83), Queen Consort of Louis XIV, 18, 36, 37, 40, 41, 92, 98, 115
marriage of, 11, 34
and Spanish succession, 11, 42, 699
death of, 41, 685
Marillac, Maréchal Louis de (1573–1632), 72
Marini, Giambattista (1569–1625), 438
Mariotte, Edme (1620?–84), 498, 512, 513, 520
Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of (1650–1722), 249, 269, 315, 385, 463, 694
Lely portrait of, 266
deserts James II for William III, 296, 297
suspected of plot to restore James, 306
heads British land forces, 307
in War of Spanish Succession, 307–10
passim, 341, 353, 704, 706–13
passim, 716
dismissal and exile of, 309–10, 353, 712–13
Marlborough, Sarah Jennings Churchill, Duchess of (1660–1744), 297, 306–9
passim, 351, 353, 360, 711, 712
Marlowe, Christopher (1564–93), 460
Marly, Château de, 88, 92, 93, 94, 100, 101, 162
Marranos, 454–58
passim, 461
marriage customs in France, 28
laws in England, 195
Marseilles, 26, 74, 100, 101, 457, 710
Marshall, Robert (fl. 1723), 358
Marshall, Stephen (1594?–1655), 218*
Marsillac, Prince de, see La Rochefoucauld, Duc de
Marsin (or Marchin), Ferdinand, Comte de (1656–1706), 706, 707
Marston Moor, battle of (1644), 285
Marsy, Balthasar de, sculptor (17th cent.), 99
Marsy, Gaspard de, sculptor (17th cent.), 99
Martin, Henri (1810–83), 688, 710
Martinelli, Domenico, architect, 426
Martini, Martino, cartographer (fl. 1650), 508
Marvel, Andrew (1621–78), 207, 234
Marx, Karl (1818–83), 582
Mary I (Mary Tudor), Queen of England (r. 1553–58), 200, 291
Mary II, Queen of England (r. 1689–94, jointly with William III), 279, 306, 310
death of, 268, 305, 525
marriage of, 179, 280, 295, 331
return of as queen, 179–80, 297–98, 578
Mary of Guise (1515–60), Regent of Scotland (1554–59), 247
Mary of Modena (1658–1718), Queen Consort of James II of England, 270, 279, 280, 291, 294–95
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (r. 1542–1567), 166, 247
Mary Stuart (dau. of Charles I of England), wife of William II of Orange, 166, 177, 295
Masaniello (Tommaso Anicllo: 1623?–47), 435
Masham, Abigail, Lady, nee Hill (d. 1734), 308
Masham, Damaris, Lady, nee Cudworth (fl. 1691), 576, 578, 590
Masham, Sir Francis (fl. 1691), 578
mathematics, 489, 496, 498–502, 528, 529, 550, 562
Pascal’s absorption in, 55–57
Newton’s work in, 531–34, 537–41, 546
see also calculus and geometry
Mather, Cotton (1663–1728), 416
Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary (r. 1458–1490), 421
Mattioli, Ercole Antonio, Conte (1640–1703), 44*
Matveev, Artamon (fl. 1650), 376, 377
Maubeuge, Hainaut, 164, 712
Maubuisson, convent at, 52
Mauger, Jean (1648–1722), 95
Mauvilain, M. de, physician (fl. 1669), 121
Maximes sur la comédie (Bossuet), 79
Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria (r. 1679–1726), 425, 691, 702, 703, 706, 707, 714
Maxims (La Rochefoucauld), 129, 156–58
Mayow, John (1643–79), 516, 523
Mazarin, Jules, Cardinal (Giulio Mazarini: 1602–61), 4–5, 34, 41, 91, 161, 416, 439, 440, 446, 691
arts, literature fostered by, 39, 87, 129
and Colbert, 18, 20
and Cromwell, 194, 200, 204, 232, 430
death of, 11–12, 13, 20
family of, 4, 11, 28, 34, 140, 161, 249, 704
fortune amassed by, 4, 11–12, 15, 19, 87
and Fronde, 5–10, 13
gossip linking Queen and, 4–5, 7
Italian singers, actors imported by, 33, 104, 105
library of, 484–85, 612–13
portraits, bust, tomb of, 96, 98, 100
religious toleration of, 5, 67, 69
Mazeppa, Ivan Stepanovich (1640?–1709), 385–388
Meaux, France, 79, 80, 85
Medal, The (Dryden), 326
medallions, 95
Médecin malgré lui, Le (Molière), 120
Medici, house of, 470, 474
see also Cosimo III, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Medici, Ferdinand de’, Prince (fl. 1709), 442, 445
Medici, Giancarlo de’, Cardinal, 435
Medici Palace, Florence, 100
medicine, 120–21, 497, 521, 522, 524–28, 530
Medigo, Elijah del (1463–98), 474
Medina, Sir Solomon (fl. 1703), 309, 463
Meditations (Descartes), 549
Mediterranean, English control of, 707, 715
French access to in jeopardy, 710
Turkish domination in, 422
Medway river, 276–77
Meenen, Flanders, 712
Meissen, Saxony, 419
Melancthon, Philip (1497–1560), 80, 485
Melo, Francisco Manuel de (1611–66), 446–447
Mémoires (La Rochefoucauld), 156
Memoirs of a Cavalier, The (Defoe), 336
Mena, Pedro de (1628–88), 450
Ménage, Gilles (1613–92), 125
Menander (343?–249 B.C.), 108
Mendes family, Lisbon bankers, 454
Mendes da Costa (fl. 1655), 463
Mennonites, 167, 171
Menshikov, Aleksander Danilovich, Prince (1672–1729), 386, 392, 394, 395, 407
Menteur, Le (Corneille), 131
mercantilism, 24, 172, 173, 258–59, 566, 582, 698
Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare), 460
Mersenne, Marin (1588–1648), 55, 496, 500, 513, 535, 549
meteorology, 504, 506
Methodists, 195, 416, 496
Methodus Plantarum Nova (Ray), 519
Methuen, Treaty of (1703), 446
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 422*
Metsu, Gabriel (1629–77), 168*
Metz, France, 75, 457, 493
Meulen, Adam van der (1632–90), 94
Mexico, 275, 450, 508
Gulf of, 26
Meyer, Lodewijk (1630–81), 623, 633, 636
Mézières, France, 74
Michael Wisniowiecki, King of Poland (r. 1669–73), 371, 372
Michelangelo (Michelangelo Buonarroti: 1475–1564), 90, 100, 101, 143, 265
his Moses, 434
Michelet, Jules (1798–1874), 37, 73, 81, 687
Michiński, Sebastian (fl. 1618), 465–66
Micrographia (Hooke), 507, 519, 535
microscope, 498, 520–21, 522, 526, 528
Middelburg, Zeeland, 230, 463
Middle East, commerce with, 26
Middlesex, Lord, 459
Middlesex, England, 568
Middleton, Conyers (1683–1750), 571
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare), 267
Mieris, Frans Ivan (1635–81), 168*
Mieris, Willem van (1622–47), 169*
Mignard, Pierre (1610–95), 98, 99, 100, 125, 685
Milan, duchy of, 44, 448, 455, 700, 708, 715
Mill, John (1645–1707), 490
Milton, Anne, dau. of poet (b. 1646), 224, 234, 242, 243
Milton, Christopher, bro. of po
et, 242
Milton, Deborah, dau. of poet (b. 1652), 229, 234, 242, 243
Milton, Elizabeth Minshull (b. 1639), 234, 242
Milton, John, father of poet (1563?–1647), 212, 213, 216, 224
Milton, John (1608–74), 203, 212–43, 322, 343, 444, 492, 497
appearance of, 239–40
blindness of, 228, 229, 230, 232, 234, 235, 239, 240, 241
and Cambridge, 212–13, 219, 487
Charles I’s execution defended by, 184, 213*, 227–32
and daughters, 229, 232, 235, 242–43
death of, 242
on divorce, 222–23, 238, 242
on education, 217–18
and episcopacy controversy, 218–20
and free press, 224–26, 227, 231, 243, 313, 483
as Latin secretary, 207, 227–33
marriages of, 222–24, 229, 232, 234, 242–43
and Paradise Lost, 235–38, 241, 243
on Piedmont massacre, 232, 430
and polygamy, 238, 240, 272
religion of, 238–39, 543, 570
and Restoration, 207–8, 234, 240, 242, 243, 269
and Samson Agonistes, 240, 241–42
and social-contract theory, 226, 555
style of, 215, 220, 236, 243, 324
Milton, Katharine Woodcock (d. 1658), 232
Milton, Mary, dau. of poet (b. 1648), 224, 234, 242, 243
Milton, Mary Powell (d. 1652), 222–24, 229, 242
Minas Gerais, Brazil, 446
Minden, bishopric of, 412
Minimes, Les, Church of, Paris, 76
Minorca, 714, 715
Minshull, Elizabeth, see Milton, Elizabeth Minshull
Minutes of Lives (Aubrey), 330
Mirabell Garden, Salzburg, 427
miracles, 61, 566, 571, 601, 606, 610, 621, 626–27, 640, 674
Miracles No Violations of the Laws of Nature (Blount), 568
Mirror of the Polish Crown (Michiński), 465–66
Misanthrope, Le (Molière), 106, 120–23, 129, 316
Mississippi river, 26
Mist (periodical), 336
Mr. Collins’ Discourse . . . Put into Plain English (Swift), 572
Mithridate (Racine), 138
Mitridate Eupatore (Scarlatti), 445
Mock Astrologer (Dryden), 315
Modena, Leo ben Isaac (1571–1648), 475–76
Modène, Esprit Raymond de Moirmoron, Comte de (fl. 1637), 106
Modest Confutation, A (Hall), 219, 222
Modest Proposal, A (Swift), 361–62
Moghilev, Russia, 467
“Mohács, second battle of” (1687), 424–25, 691
Mohammed (570–632), 208, 493
Mohammed II, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1451–81), 426
Mohammed IV, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1648–91), 421–24
passim, 472–74
Mohammedanism, 208, 421, 425, 469, 473, 493, 509, 529, 571–572, 589, 607, 608
Molé, Mathieu (1584–1656), 9
Molesworth, Robert, 1st Viscount Moles-worth (1656–1725), 569