Moldavia, 373, 423
Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin: 1622–73), 28, 92, 105–28, 404, 529, 599, 600, 614, 690
acting career of, 106–7, 110, 114, 121, 124–27
passim; appraisal of work of, 127–28, 129, 153, 163
and Boileau, 105, 126, 128, 144, 146–49
passim; Bossuet denounces, 79
and Pierre Corneille, 107, 125, 131, 132
death of, 127
English theater influenced by, 312, 315, 316
and Festin controversy, 118–20
and the Four Friends, 126, 144, 146
Louis XIV’s support of, 12, 97, 107, 109, 110, 111, 114, 115, 120, 130, 163, 720
Lully’s collaboration with, 33, 124–25
marriage of, 110–11, 113, 121–27
passim; and medical men, 120, 126–27, 528
and Mignard, 98, 125
and the précieuses, 31, 108–9, 125, 148, 150
and Racine, 126, 133, 134, 137
and Tartuffe controversy, 114–17, 118
Molina, Luis (1535–1600), 47, 60
Molina, Tirso de, see Tirso de Molina
Molinos, Miguel de (1640–97), 82, 429–30
Moll Flanders (Defoe), 337
Molmenti, Pompeo Gherardi (1852–1928), 444
Molyneux, William (1656–98), 594
Monadologie, La (Leibniz), 669
Monaldeschi, Giovanni, Márchese (d. 1657), 441
Monck, George (1608–70), 189, 203–6
passim, 232
Monde Le (Descartes), 617
Mongolia, 508
Monmouth, Anne Scott, Duchess of 277
Monmouth, James Scott, Duke of (1649–85), 247, 283–86
passim; and armed revolt against James II, 295, 335, 577
is beheaded, 290
portrayed in Absalom and Achitophel, 289–290
Mons, Hainaut, 693, 711
Montagu, Sir Edward, see Sandwich, 1st Earl of
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689–1762), 481
Montagu House, London, 507
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de (1533–92), 29, 58, 66, 85, 128, 130, 153, 161, 299, 457, 488, 570, 615–16
Monte Cassino, monastery at, 437
Montecucculi, Count Raimondo di (1609–81), 421–22
Montemor o Novo, Portugal, 455
Montespan, Françoise Athénaïs de Rochecouart, Marquise de (1641–1707), 28, 32, 33, 34*, 37–38, 98, 123, 685
her children by Louis XIV, 38, 40, 716
implicated in poison case, 140
Montespan, Marquis de (fl. 1663), 37, 38
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de (1689–1755), 14, 161, 509, 566, 582, 583, 613
Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643), 444
Montfleury (Zacharie Jacob: 1640–85), 111
Montmorency, Charlotte de, Princesse de Condé (b. 1593), 350
Montmorency, Château de, 89
Montpellier, France, 72
University of, 526
Montpensier, Anne Marie Louise d’Orléans, Duchesse de, “La Grande Mademoiselle” (1627–93), 9–10, 30, 33, 36
Montpensier, Marie de Bourbon de, Duchesse d’Orléans (d. 1627), 9
Montrose, James Graham, 1st Marquis of (1612–50), 188
Monvoisin, Catherine, see La Voisin
More, Henry (1614–87), 482, 573, 575
Morea (Peloponnesus), 424, 425
Moreri, Louis (1643–80), 609
Moriscos, 448
Morland, Samuel (1625–95), 517
“Morning of Christ’s Nativity, The” (Milton), 212
Morosini, Francesco (1618–94), 424, 433
Morsztyn, Andrzej (17th cent.), 374
Mort d’Agrippine, La (Cyrano de Bergerac), 600
Morteira, Saul Levi (c. 1596–1660), 459, 620, 622, 623
Mortemart, Duchesse de (fl. 1690), 83, 689
Morus, Alexander (fl. 1653), 230–32
Mosaic Law, 195, 223, 461, 475, 476, 477, 558, 569, 622, 629
Moscow, 375, 378, 382, 384, 406, 407
Western innovations in, 375–77, 397, 398, 400–4
Peter’s court in, 394
crime in (1718), 404–405
Jewish colony in, 468
Moselle river, 707
Moses ben Maimon, see Maimonides
motion, laws of, 263, 510–11, 539–41, 547, 551, 675
Motteux, Pierre Antoine (1660?–1718), 207*
Motteville, Françoise Bertaut de (1621?–89), 4, 14, 160, 440, 525
Moulin, Pierre de (fl. 1652), 232
Moustiers, France, 95
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91), 143, 445
Mulgrave, John Sheffield, 3d Earl of (1648–17), 324
Müller, Johannes Peter (1801–58), 646
Mundus subterraneus (Kircher), 507
Munich, 418, 419
Münster, bishopric of, 176, 178, 179, 691, 706
Munster, Ireland, 255
Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban (1617–82), 451, 452
Museo Nazionale, Naples, 435
music: Austrian, 445
English, 195, 266–68
French, 33–34, 445
German, 419
Italian, 435, 442–45
Russian, 375–76, 404
musical instruments, 442–43
Mustafa II, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1695–1703), 425
Mysteries of Magic, The (Defoe), 338
Naarden, Holland, 179
Nabi, Turkish poet, 421
Namur, 694, 714
Nantes, Edict of (1598), 5, 69, 70, 71, 483, 605
revocation of (1685), 72–75, 101, 162, 430, 483, 617
revocation approved by Catholics, 80–81, 82, 290, 687
revocation, foreign reaction to, 167, 179, 290, 414, 430, 442, 607, 666
Nanteuil, Robert (1623–78), 95
Napier, John (1550–1617), 499
Naples, 216, 407, 448
art in, 435, 437
opera in, 444, 445
Jews of, 455
under Austrian rule, 708, 715
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (r. 1805–1814
1815), 13, 16, 26, 122, 381, 646, 714, 721
Narva, 403, 406
battles at (1700, 1704), 384, 385
Nassi, Joseph, Duke of Naxos (fl. 1566), 455
Natalia, sister of Peter the Great, 407
Natalia Naruishkina, mother of Peter the Great, 376, 377, 398
Nathan Ghazati (1644–80), 472, 473
National Covenant, 188
National Gallery, London, 95
National Portrait Gallery, London, 266
Nattier, Jean Marc (1685–1766), 405
Natural and Political Observations ... upon the Bills of Mortality (Graunt), 501
navigation, 503, 504, 509–10, 529
Navigation Act (England, 1651), 172, 174, 199, 460
Naxos, Joseph Nassi, Duke of (fl. 1566), 455
Nayler, James (1617?–60), 198–99
Nazarenus (Toland), 569
Near East, trade with, 26
Neer, Aert van der (1603–83), 169*
Neerwinden, battle of (1693), 694
Negroes, at court of Peter the Great, 393
Nemours, Duc de (fl. 1652), 8, 156
Nero (Handel), 419
Netherlands, 83, 89, 164–80 , 426, 691
revolt against Spain in (1568–1648), 41, 164
see also Spanish Netherlands and United Provinces
Neustadt, Palatinate, 691
Neva river, 383, 385, 397
origin of name, 396
canal to the Dvina, 402
Nevers, Duc de (fl. 1703), 86
Nevers, France, 95, 372
New Amsterdam (New York), 172, 174, 259
New Atlantis (Bacon), 359, 496
New Chains Discovered (Lilburne), 227
New Church, The Hague, 636
Newcomen, Matthew (1610?–69), 218*
Newcomen, Thomas (1663–1729), 518
England, religious freedom in, 483
Newfoundland, 710, 713, 715
New Jersey, 256, 259
Newmarket, horse races at, 286
Newport, Rhode Island, 596
Newson, Colonel (fl. 1650), 195
newspapers, 312, 313, 403, 484
“New Theory about Light and Colors” (Newton), 535
Newton, Isaac (1642–1727), 304, 311, 331, 382, 498, 500, 531–47, 585, 590, 597, 657
and alchemy, 531–32, 661
and astronomy, 497, 503, 504, 505, 524, 529, 542, 547, 676
and binomial theorem, 533
at Cambridge, 293, 531–32, 543–44
death of (Mar. 20, 1727), 545–46
and the Enlightenment, 74, 679, 681
and gravitation, 503, 532, 536–40, 541–42, 547
and Hooke, 507, 535, 537, 539
and Leibniz, controversy over calculus, 533–34, 662–63, 678
and mathematics, 499, 532–34, 544–45, 66–63, 678
and physics, 263, 511, 513, 514, 515, 534–36, 539–41, 547, 588, 675
and religion, 491, 524, 542–44, 546–47, 566, 567, 676
and sextant, 498
and Swift satire on, 359
and telescope, 498, 504, 535
New Voyage round the World (Dampier), 336, 509
New York, 172, 174, 259
Nice, France, 714
Nicole, Pierre (1625–95), 52, 59, 68, 85, 134, 153
Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 653
Nicomède (Corneille), 107, 131
Niemirov, Poland, 467
Nienskans (Petersburg), 385
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm (1844–1900), 645*, 656
Nijmegen, Treaty of (1678–79), 44, 97, 164, 179
Nikon, Patriarch of Moscow (1605–81), 376
Nîmes, France, 72
Nithard, Johannes Eberhard (1607–81), 452
Noailles, Louis Antoine de, Archbishop of Paris (1651–1729), 68, 697
Noble, William, physicist (fl. 1673), 513
Normandy, 8, 47
North America, see America
Northern Mark of the Saxons, 412
Norway, 365, 367, 389
Notes pour servir aux Mémoires (Louis XIV), 15*
Notre Dame de la Trappe, 47, 79
Notre Dame de Paris, 94, 101, 149, 689, 717
Nottingham, Daniel Finch, 2d Earl of (1647–1730), 299, 301, 351
Nottingham, England, 197, 297, 306
Nouveaux Essais sur l’entendement humain (Leibniz), 667, 680
Nouvelles de la République des Lettres (periodical), 484, 607, 615, 617
Novalis, see Hardenberg, Baron Friedrich von
Nova Scotia, 699, 715
Novgorod, 375, 394
Numa Pompilius (716–673 B.C.), 558
Nuremberg, 411, 661
Nymphenburg Palace, 418
Nystad, Treaty of (1721), 390
Oates, Titus (1649–1705), 279*, 280–83, 287, 289, 302
Observations upon Aristotle’s Politiques (Filmer), 579
occupational diseases, 525
Oceana (Harrington), 564–66
Oder river, 411, 412, 414
Odyssey (Homer), 162, 562
Oedipe (Corneille), 132
Of Ancient and Modern Learning (Temple), 331, 491
“Of Human Bondage” (Spinoza), 646
“Of Human Liberty” (Spinoza), 648
Of Reformation Touching Church Discipline in England (Milton), 218–19
Öland, 368
Old Bachelor, The (Congreve), 319
Oldenburg, Henry (1615?–77), 497, 498, 533, 534, 535, 662
correspondence with Spinoza, 472, 512, 625, 632, 635, 655
meeting with Spinoza, 625
Old Pretender, see James III
Oliva, Peace of (1660), 367, 371
On the Improvement of the Intellect (Spinoza), 636, 638
“On the Late Massacher in Piedmont” (Milton), 232, 430
On the Tenure of Kings and Magistrates (Milton), 555
Oostenburg, shipyards at, 381
opera: in Austria, 421
in England, 267–68
in France, 33, 125, 690
in Germany, 419
in Italy, 444–45
Oporto, wine from, 446
Oppenheim, sacked by French (1689), 692
Oppenheimer, Samuel (1635–1703), 464
Opressa, Ukraine, 387
Opticks (Newton), 533, 534, 536
optics, 501, 507, 530, 531, 538, 546, 593
Oracles of Reason, The (Blount), 567
Orange, house of, 173, 176–78
Orang-Outang, sive Homo Sylvestris (Tyson), 523
“Oratorio di San Giovanni Battista” (Stradella), 444
Oratory, Congregation of the, 69, 493, 598, 602
Orfeo ed Euridice (Gluck), 445
Origen, Adamantius (185?–254?), 490, 570
Origine des fables, L’ (Fontenelle), 614, 618
Origin of Species, The (Darwin), 540
Orkneys, 188
Orléans, Anne Marie Louise d’ (“La Grande Mademoiselle”), see Montpensier, Anne Marie Louise . . . , Duchesse de
Orléans, Charlotte Elisabeth, Duchesse d’, see Charlotte Elisabeth
Orléans, Gaston Jean Baptiste, “Monsieur,” Due d’ (1608–60), 4, 9, 10, 36
Orléans, “Madame” Henrietta, Duchesse de, see Henrietta Anne
Orléans, Marguerite de Lorraine, Duchesse d’ (d. 1673), 145
Orléans, Marie de Bourbon de Montpensier, Duchesse d’ (d. 1627), 9
Orléans, Philippe I, “Monsieur,” Due d’ (1640–1701), 35, 36, 107, 115, 417
Orléans, Philippe II, Due d’ (1674–1723), 694, 716, 718, 719
Orléans, France, 9, 89
Ormonde, James Butler, 12th Earl of, 1st Duke of (1610–88), 186, 269
Ormonde, James Butler, 2d Duke of (1665–1745), 310, 713
ornithology, 519
Oroonoko (Behn), 335
Osborne, Dorothy, later Lady Temple (1627–1695), 271, 331
Osijek (Eszék), Slavonia, 423
Osuna, Pedro Téllez y Giron, Duke of (1574?–1624), 314
Ostend, 708
Othon (Corneille), 132
Ottoboni, Pietro, Cardinal, see Alexander VIII, Pope
Ottoman Empire, 274, 387–88, 433
and Austria, 41, 44, 45, 373, 420–25, 664–65, 691, 699
decline of, 421, 425–26
and France, 373, 422, 661–62
and Hungary, 421–22, 424–25
Jews in, 455, 456, 473–74
and Poland, 371–74, 423–424
religious freedom in, 425, 455, 570
and Russia, 375, 377, 379, 380, 382, 383, 386, 388
siege of Vienna (1684), 45, 423–24, 665
Otway, Thomas (1652–85), 314–15
Ouderkerk, Holland, 623
Overijssel, province of, 176, 179
Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso: 43 B.C.-A.D. 17?), 327
Oxford, Robert Harley, 1st Earl of (1689–1711), 307–9, 310, 336, 353, 355–56, 357, 713
Oxford, England, 35, 168, 255, 261
Parliament session at (1681), 285
Oxford Gazette, 313
Oxford University, 338, 341, 347, 487, 496, 502, 505, 506, 512, 564, 589
Arabic chair at, 492
Bodleian Library, 484, 490
Catholic ineligible for degree at, 292–93
honorary degree to Czar Peter, 382
Locke at, 576, 577
Wallis at, 500
Wood’s history of, 330
Wren’s work at, 263, 265
Wycherley at, 315
Padua, University of, 474
painting: Dutch, 89, 165, 168–71
English, 170, 195, 265–66
Flemish, 89, 165
French, 88–90, 95–99, 162, 163
genre, 168–71
German, 419
Italian, 88, 90, 170, 433–38
andscape, 170–71
miniature, 95
in Poland, 374
portrait, 95, 98–99, 195, 265–66, 435
in Russia, 404
in Spain, 436–37, 450–52
Palais-Cardinal, Paris, 96
Palais de Justice, Paris, 6
Palais-Royal, Paris, 6, 8
plays performed at, 110, 114, 115, 118, 120, 124, 125
Palatinate (Rhineland): devastation of (1674, 1688), 14, 43–44, 417, 631, 692, 715, 720
in Grand Alliance, 706
in Great Coalition, 43
War of the (1688–89), 425, 426, 691–92, 699
Palatine, Elector, see Frederick V (r. 1610–1623)
Charles Louis (r. 1648–80)
Palatine, Princess, see Charlotte Elisabeth (1652–1722)
Elizabeth (1618–80)
Palazzo Barberini, Rome, 101
Palazzo Colonna, Rome, 434
Palazzo Corsini, Rome, 441
Palazzo Doria, Rome, 434
Palazzo Durazzo, Genoa, 433
Palazzo Farnese, Rome, 436
Palazzo Marucelli, Florence, 433
Palazzo Pesaro, Venice, 433
Palazzo Reale, Genoa, 433
Palazzo Rezzonico, Venice, 433
Palestine, 471, 472, 473
Palmer, Barbara Villiers, see Castlemaine,
Countess of Palmer, Herbert, 224
Palmer, Roger, see Castlemaine, Earl of Palmstruh, Johann, 366
pantheism, 569, 605, 641
Pantheisticus (Toland), 569
Papal States, 430–32, 456, 708
Papin, Denis (1647–1712), 517
Paracelsus, Philippus Aureolus (1493?–1541), 526
Paradise Lost (Milton), 234–38, 243, 343, 492
Paradise Regained (Milton), 240–41
Paradiso, Christoph (17th cent.), 419
Paradiso (Dante), 238
Parc, Thérèse du, see Du Parc
Paris: Council of, glorifies Louis XIV, 45
Fronde in, 6–8, 9–10
hails Louis as boy, 10, 12–13
Huguenots spared in, 72
Louis’ bitterness toward, 7, 91, 711
observatory in, 508
Parlement, see Parlement of Paris
police system in, 16–17
population statistics, 502
protests against wartime conditions, 696, 709
rejoices at Louis’ funeral, 719–20
Paris, Treaty of (1670), 278
Paris, University of, 49, 527, 599
Paris Gazette, 34*
Parkány, battle of, 424
Parker, Samuel, Bishop of Oxford (1640–88), 493, 567
Parlement of Paris, 5–8, 9, 10, 15, 50, 115, 703, 716
parlements, 5, 49
Parliament, English:
LONG (1640–53): 204, 245, 549
anti-Catholic legislation, 189, 194
and army, 183, 189
and commerce and shipping, 199
Commonwealth set up (1649), 183
dissolved by Cromwell, 190