Puy de Dôme, 56
Pyrenees, the, 41
Peace of the (1659), 3, 11, 97, 129, 164, 200, 446, 448
Pyrrho (365?–275? B.C.), 64, 611, 612
quadrature of a cycloid, 57
of a circle, 499, 500, 562
Quakers, 194, 196–99, 253, 255–56, 273, 351, 590
and quietism, 83, 209
Penn’s colony of in America, 255, 256
and royal declarations of toleration, 253, 255, 278, 289, 292, 301
in Germany, 255, 416
Quatre Amis (Four Friends), 126, 144, 146
Queen Anne’s Bounty, 352
Queen Mab (Shelley), 657
Queen’s Theatre, 313
Quercy, France, 708
Quesnay, François (1694–1774), 690
Quesnel, Pasquier (1634–1719), 69
quietism, 83, 416, 429–30, 690
Quinault, Philippe (1635–88), 33, 125
Rabelais, François (1494?–1553), 27, 130, 146, 153, 207
Racan, Honorat de Bueil, Marquis de (1589–1670), 147
Racine, Jean Baptiste (1639–99), 85, 98, 128, 129, 132–44, 153, 162, 312, 618
and Boileau, 135, 142, 146–49
passim; classicism of, 131, 135, 142, 143–44, 149, 529
and Corneille, 132, 134–36
passim, 138, 139, 142–44
passim; death of, 142
and Dryden, 323, 326
and Mile, du Parc, 134–35, 137, 140
and Mme. Henrietta, 35, 132, 135
Louis XIV’s support of, 12, 130, 133, 140–42
passim, 720
and Molière, 126, 133, 134, 137
and Port-Royal, 61, 69, 132, 133–34, 139“42 passim
Radcliffe, John (1650–1714), 354
Rainaldi, Carlo (1611–91), 434
Rainaldi, Girolamo (fl. 1655), 434
Rákóczy, Francis II (1676–1735), 426
Rákóczy, George II, Prince of Transylvania (r. 1631–48), 421
Ramazzini, Bernardino (1633–1714), 525
Rambouillet, Catherine de Vivonne de Savelli, Marquise de (1588–1665), 30–31, 109, 155
Rambouillet, Hôtel de, 30–31, 75, 108, 109, 150, 155
Rameses II, King of Egypt (r. 1292–1225 B.C.), 338
Ramillies, battle of (1706), 708
Ramsay, David (fl. 1630), 517
Raneé, Armand Jean Le Bouthillier de (1626–1700), 47, 79
Randolph family, in America, 183
Ranke, Leopold von (1795–1886), 431
Raphael (Rafaelo Sanzio: 1483–1520), 90, 94, 96, 143, 250, 434, 435, 437
Rastatt, Treaty of (1714), 714
Rathmines, Ireland, 186
Ratisbon, see Regensburg
Ray, John (1628–1705), 497, 519, 524
Ready and Easy Way, The (Milton), 232–34
Reasonableness of Christianity as Delivered in the Scriptures, The (Locke), 589
Reason of Church Government Urged against Prelaty, The (Milton), 220
Redi, Francesco (1626–99), 520
Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning (Wotton), 491
Réflexions sur le métier de roi (Louis XIV), 15*
Réflexions morales sur le Nouveau Testament (Quesnel), 69
Réflexions sur les divers génies du peuple romain (Saint-Évremond), 161
Reformation, 69, 104, 366, 399, 463, 469, 681
Regency, French (1715–23), 86, 99, 604, 690
Regensburg (Ratisbon), 419, 511
Truce of (1684), 45, 425
Regii Sanguinis Clamor ad Coelum Adversus Parracidas Anglicanos (Moulin), 229–32
Rehearsal, The (Buckingham), 270, 323, 325
Rehnskjoll, Carl (fl. 1709), 387
Reinken, Jan (1623–1722), 419
Relapse, The (Vanbrugh), 317
Relation de l’île de Borneo (Fontenelle), 617
Religio Laid (Dryden), 327
religion: cuius regio principle, 71
importance of, in 17th cent., 69, 194
and morality, 79–80, 269, 344, 345, 584, 591, 606–7, 613, 628, 660
Pascal’s defense of, 55, 61–65
and philosophy, see under philosophy
and science, 509, 523, 529, 542–43, 546, 566
Religious Courtship, The (Defoe), 337
religious freedom: Bayle’s advocacy of, 607–8, 610, 613
Bossuet on, 70, 79–80, 666
cuius regio principle, 71
in England, 194, 252–56, 289, 292, 293, 295, 301–2, 311, 330, 351, see also England, religious issues
in France, 5, 69, 457, see also Huguenots and Nantes, Edict of
in Germany, 483, 660, 665–67
Harrington’s advocacy of, 565
Hobbes’s opposition to, 559
in Hungary, 423
in Italy, 456–57, 484
Locke’s advocacy of, 578–579, 588–90
in New Jersey constitution, 256
Penn’s advocacy of, 255–56
in Poland, 374
Pufendorf’s advocacy of, 659
in Russia, 379
Swift’s opposition to, 351
in United Provinces, 167–68, 458, 483–84, 620, 622
Religious Wars (France, 1562–94), 50, 75, 87, 485, 566
Remarks on a Late Discourse of Freethinking (Bentley), 492, 572
Rembrandt Harmensj van Rijn (1606–69), 89, 165, 169, 170, 171, 459
Renaissance: French, 75, 681
Italian, 88, 104, 143, 163
Renati Des Cartes Principia Philosophiae more geometrico demonstrata (Spinoza), 625
Reni, Guido (1575–1642), 434
Republic (Plato), 657
Retz, Jean François Paul de Gondi de, Cardinal (1614–79), 4, 6–7, 8, 10–11, 98, 151, 160
Reubeni, David (C.1490–C.1536), 471
Revel, 403
Review, The (periodical), 313, 336, 338, 339
Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723–92), 266
Rhine river: Dutch control mouth of, 41, 175, 411
French crossing of, 97, 176
French power extending to, 41–45, 661, 714
Leibniz’ plan for defending, 661
Marlborough’s crossing of, 704
Rhineland, see Palatinate
Rhode Island colony, 253
Rhone river, 25
Ribera, José (1588–1652), 435, 436
Ricci, Sebastiano (1659–1734), 433–34
Riccioli, Giovanni Battista (1598–1671), 502
Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis de, Cardinal (1585–1642), 4, 5, 9, 54, 56, 155, 416, 691
absolutism of, 15, 20, 563
and Academy, 130
arts, letters, theater encouraged by, 56, 87, 104–5, 110’ 129, 162
economic policies of, 6, 22, 25
French dominance achieved by, 3, 8, 11, 41
portraits, bust of, 95
tolerance of, 69, 70
Richer, Jean (1630–96), 503
Richmond, Charles Stuart, 3d Duke of Richmond (1639–72), 249
Riga, 366, 375, 380, 384, 386
Rigaud, Hyacinthe (1659–1743), 89, 99, 103, 405, 717
Rights of Man, Declaration of (1789), 583
Rijnsburg, 623, 624, 625
Riley, John (1646–91), 265
Rimini, Italy, 439
Riquet, Pierre Paul de (1604–80), 25
Ritterakademien, 485
Roannez, Duc de (fl. 1670), 62
Roberval, Gilles Personne de (1602–75), 496, 498, 500
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 337, 360
Rob Roy (Scott), 337
Rochefort, 24
Rochemont, Sieur de (fl. 1665), 119–20
Rochester, John Wilmot, 2d Earl of (1647–80), 270–71, 315, 324, 566
Rochester, England, 206, 297
Rocroi, battle of (1643), 3, 4, 7, 129, 448
Rodogune (Corneille), 131
Roemer, Olaus (1644–1710), 496, 513
Rogers, James Edwin Thorold (1
823–90), 258
Roldan, Pedro (1624–1700), 450
Roldana, Luisa (1656–1704), 450
Roman comique (Scarron), 39
Romania, 425
Romano, Giulio (1492–1546), 94, 96
Romanov, house of, 375, 394
Rome: arts in, 434–35
Christina’s sojourn and salon in, 439, 441–42
cultural life of, 438
Jews in, 456–57
opera in, 444
plague in, 528
population of, 502
right-of-asylum dispute, 432
sanitation in, 528
satire on, 616
Romodanovsky, Prince Feodor (fl. 1690), 393
Ronsard, Pierre de (1524–85), 136
Rosa, Salvator (1615–73), 435
Rosicrucians, 661
Roskilde, Peace of (1658), 367
Rostand, Edmond (1868–1918), 600
Rotterdam, 168, 458, 484, 494, 605, 608, 609, 612
Rouen, 56, 57, 89, 95, 614, 697
Parlement of, 482
Roullé, Pierre (fl. 1664), 115
Roussillon, 11
Rousseau, Jean Baptiste (1671–1741), 160
Rousseau, Jean Jacques (1712–78), 66, 122, 614, 651
Fénelon’s educational theories reflected in, 82, 487
Locke’s educational theories reflected in, 488, 490, 582
and political philosophy, 555, 659
Shaftesbury influence on, 590, 593
Roxana (Defoe), 337
Royal Library, Vienna, 426
Royal Society of London, 382, 496–97, 499, 504, 507, 512, 514, 516, 529, 594, 625
accused of irreligion, 575
Charles II’s interest in, 250, 496, 504
and Greenwich Observatory, 504
Hooke’s work in, 506, 607
Leeuwenhoek’s association with, 520
Leibniz’ membership in, 662
members’ work in alchemy, 532
members’ work in anatomy, 522, 523, 524
members’ work in biology, 518, 519, 520
members’ work in medicine, 526
Newton’s work in, 532, 534, 535, 537, 539, 544, 545
Pepys’s presidency of, 335, 495
Swift satire on, 497
Wren membership in, 264
Rubens, Peter Paul (1577–1640), 87, 89, 165
Rudbeck, Olof (1630–1702), 522
Rueil, 7
Ruisdael, Jacob van (1628?–82), 169, 171
Ruisdael, Salomon van (1600–70), 170
Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine of the Rhine (1619–82), 314
Russell, Admiral Edward, Earl of Orford (1653–1727), 296
Russell, William Lord (1639–83), 283, 285, 286, 296
Russia, 375–83, 391–410
access to West, 366, 369, 375, 379, 397
army, 377, 379, 382–383, 385, 397, 410
commerce and industry, 383, 400–2, 409
and the Cossacks, 366, 370–71, 375, 379, 383, 385–86
government of, 400, 402–3, 677
massacre of Jews, 467
navy, 378, 379–80, 383, 397, 410
war with Persia, 409
war with Poland, 370–71, 383
war with Sweden, 374, 375, 383–87, 389
war with Turks, 377, 379, 383, 388
Westernization of, 375–76, 378–79, 381, 383, 397–405, 409–10
Russian Academy, 405
Russian Orthodox Church, 370, 375, 376, 382, 393, 398–99, 403, 404, 406–7
Ruyter, Michel Adriaanszoon de (1607–76), 14, 171, 172, 174, 176, 179, 276
“Rye House Plot,” 286
Ryswick, Treaty of (1697), 699, 705
Sabbatai Zevi (1626–76), 332, 471–74
Sablé, Magdelaine de Souvré, Marquise de (1599–1678), 156, 598
Sacchetti, Giulio, Cardinal (fl. 1663), 430
Sacy, Isaac Louis de, 52
Sacy, Louis Isaac Lemaistre de (1613–84), 59, 68
safety valve, 517
Sagrada Forma (painting by Coello), 451
St.-Cloud, 36, 92, 95
St.-Cyr, 50, 54, 83, 140–41, 151, 405, 486, 685, 689, 697, 719
Saint-Cyran, M. de, see Duvergier de Hauranne, Jean
St.-Denis, Abbey of, 36, 44, 77, 90, 719
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin (1804–69): on Louis XIV, 13–14
on Pascal, 63*, 65
on Port-Royal nuns, 51*
Ste.-Marie-de-Chaillot, convent of, 37
St.-Étienne-du-Mont, Church of, 67
Saint-Evremond, Charles de Marquetel, Seigneur de (1615?–1703), 30, 39, 85, 161, 251, 312
St. Francis Xavier, Church of, Naples, 436
St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, 266
St.-Germain, 7, 35, 91, 93, 114, 302
St.-Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of (1679), 44
St.-Gervais, Church of, Paris, 34
St.-Gobain, France, 23
St. Gotthard, see Szentgotthárd
St. Helena, 505
St. Ignatius, Church of, Rome, 435
St. James Park, London, 275
St. James’s Palace, Westminster, 260, 491
St. John, Henry, see Bolingbroke, Viscount
St. John, Church of, Prague, 418
St. Lawrence river, 26
St.-Lazare, Monastery of, Paris, 76
St. Louis, Church of, Rome, 432
St.-Louis-des-Invalides, Church of, Paris, 90
St. Michel, Elizabeth, wife of Pepys, 332, 335
St. Nicholas, Church of, Prague, 418
St.-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet, Church of, Paris, 85
St.-Omer, France, 44, 164, 280
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, 356, 362
St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, 263, 264–65, 462
St. Paul’s School, London, 212
St. Peter’s, Rome, 423, 428, 434, 436, 442
St. Petersburg, Russia (“Petersburg”), 385, 387, 390, 396–97, 401, 404, 406, 408
Saint-Pierre, Charles Castel, Abbé de (1658–1743), 715
St.-Quentin, France, 717
St.-Roch, Church of, Paris, 90
Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, Duc de (1675–1755), 32, 160
on Fénelon, 81
on Ninon de Lenclos, 29
on Louis XIV, 12, 13, 14, 710
on Louis’ children, 716
on Mme. de Maintenon, 41, 686, 687
on Mme. de Montespan, 37
on Racine, 141*
on Revocation, 74
on Vauban, 709
on wartime conditions, 710, 712
St. Sophia’s, Constantinople, 423
St.-Sulpice, Church of, Paris, 85
Salamanca, Spain, 450
University of, 452
Salem, Massachusetts, 254
Salisbury, England, 297
Salle du Petit Bourbon, Louvre, Paris, 107, 110
Sallust (86–35 B.C.), 99
Salm, Count (fl. 1692), 694
Salmasius, Claudius (Claude de Saumaise: 1588–1653), 227–29, 230–32
passim , 491
Salonika, 455, 472
salons, 30–31
Salvi, Giovanni Battista (“II Sassoferrato”: 1605–85), 434
Salzburg, archbishopric of, 427
Samson Agonistes (Milton), 238, 240, 241–42
Sandwich, Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of (1625–72), 333
San Esteban, Church of, Salamanca, 450
San Filippo, Church of, Turin, 433
San Giovanni in Laterano, Church of, Rome, 434’ 444
San Giovanni Battista, Cathedral of, Turin, 433
San Martino, Certosa of, Naples, 437
Sant’ Agnese, Church of, Rome, 434
Santa Maria della Pace, Church of, Rome, 434
Santa Maria della Salute, Church of, Venice, 433
Santa Maria in Campitelli, Church of, Rome, 434
Santa Maria Ia Nuova, Church of, Naples, 436
Santerre, Jean Baptiste (1658–1717
), 98
Sappho, see Scudéry, Madeleine de
Santiago, Archbishop of, 449
San Tomás, Church of, Madrid, 450
Saragossa cathedral, 449
Sardinia, 432, 438, 700
Sarpi, Paolo (1552–1623), 48
Sartor Resartus (Carlyle), 348
Satires (Boileau), 129, 147
Saumaise, Claude de, see Salmasius, Claudius
Sauveur, Joseph (1653–1716), 513
Savery, Thomas (1650–1715), 517–18
Savoy, Duke of, see Charles Emanuel II (r. 1638–75)
Victor Amadeus II (r. 1675–1732)
Savoy, duchy of, 433, 693, 699, 702, 704, 706, 710, 714
Saxe, Maurice, Comte de (1696–1750), 415
Saxony, Electorate of, 369, 374, 389, 413
Scandinavia: Lutheranism in, 483
relationship of forces in, 365
unification of, 368
Scaramouche, see Fiorelli, Tiberio
Scarborough, Earl of (fl. 1688), 296
scarlatina, 527
Scarlatti, Alessandro (1659–1725), 441, 445
Scarlatti, Domenico (1683–1757), 445
Scarron, Paul (1610–60), 30, 38–39, 141*
Scarron, Widow, see Maintenon, Marquise de
Sceptical Chymist (Boyle), 515
Scheele, Karl Wilhelm (1742–86), 516
Scheldt river, 164, 175
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von (1759–1805), 593
Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1768–1834), 656
Schloss Berlin, 418
Schloss Charlottenburg, 414, 418
Schlüter, Andreas (1664–1714), 374, 418
Schomberg, Friedrich Hermann, later Frederick Herman, Duke of Schomberg (1615?–1690), 74, 302, 303
Schonbrunn Palace, 426
Schooneveldt, Zeeland, 179
Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788–1860), 644, 656, 670
Schott, Kaspar (fl. 1672), 511
Schuller, Georg Hermann (1651–79), 635–36
Schweinfurt, 495
Schynvoet, Dutch architect (fl. 1697), 381
Scone, Scotland, 188
Scotland, 186, 187–89 , 190, 194, 203, 259, 336, 485
Anglican episcopacy in, 252, 277, 301
Kirk of, 188, 189
parliamentary union of with England, 308, 311
revolt of against Commonwealth, 183, 185, 187–89
witchcraft persecution in, 482
Scott, Sir Walter (1771–1832), 326
scrofula, and the king’s touch, 481, 525
Scroggs, Sir William (1623?–83), 283, 284
Scrutinium pestis (Kircher), 526
Scudéry, Georges de (1001–67), 150
Scudéry, Madeleine de (“Sappho”: 1607–1701), 31, 39, 56, 142, 147, 149–51, 312
sculpture: English, 265
Flemish, 165
French, 88, 90, 99–103, 163
German, 418
Italian, 88, 432, 434–35
Polish, 374
Russian, 381, 404
Spanish, 450