Second Letter concerning Toleration (Locke), 579, 589
Second Treatise of Civil Government (Locke), 580, 582
Secrets of the Invisible World Discovered (Defoe), 338
Sedan, France, 605
Sedgemoor, battle of, 290
Sedley, Catherine, Countess of Dorchester (1657–1717), 288
Segovia, Spain, 448
Seignelay, Jean Baptiste Colbert, Marquis de (1651–90), 691, 693
Selim II, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1566–74), 455
Selkirk, Alexander (1676–1721), 336–37, 509
Semaine, La (Du Bartas), 212
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (C.4B.C.–A.D.65), 128, 570
Senta, battle of (1697), 425, 704
Sentences et maximes morales (La Rochefoucauld), 156–58
Sentiments of a Church of England Man (Swift), 352
Serbia, 388, 425
Séricourt, Simon Lemaître de, see Lemaître de Séricourt
Sertorius (Corneille), 132
Settlement, Act of, see Act for the Settlement of Ireland (1652); Act of Settlement (1701)
Sévigné, Charles de, 29, 153
Sévigné, Henri, Marquis de (d. 1651), 29, 151
Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de (1626–96), 25, 29, 31, 94, 98, 151–55
on actors, 525
on Cartesianism, 598
on Corneille and Racine, 143
and Fouquet, 19, 151
on Mme. de La Fayette, 150, 158, 159
on La Rochefoucauld, 158, 159
on Malebranche, 604
on Port-Royal, 50
praises Revocation, 74, 687
and salons, 30, 39
Seville, Spain, 448, 450, 451, 454
Sexby, Lieutenant Colonel (d. 1657), 201
sextant, 545
Shadwell, Thomas (1642?–92), 326, 327
Shafirov, Peter (fl. 1711), 388
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of (1621–83), 277, 566
Country Party (Whig) leader, 279–80, 282–85
passim; and Locke, 279, 488, 576, 577, 590
satirized by Dryden, 324–26
—by Otway, 314
Shaftesbury, 2d Earl of, 576
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3d Earl of (1671–1713), 490, 569, 571, 577, 590–93, 613
Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), 318, 323, 520, 657
background of Merchant of Venice, 460
comparisons with, in English literature, 212, 242, 319, 322, 345
comparisons with, in French literature, 127, 128, 131, 136, 144
Milton’s “Epitaph” for, 212
Sharp, Dr. John (fl. 1686), 291, 351
Sheerness, Isle of Sheppey, 174
Sheffield, England, 257
Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, 264
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792–1822), 657
Sheldon, Gilbert (1598–1677), Archbishop of Canterbury (1663–77), 261, 264
Sheppard, John (1702–24), 337
Sheremetiev, General (fl. 1702), 395
shipyards and shipbuilding, 23, 380–81, 397, 401, 426
Shore, John (fl. 1711), 513
Shoreham, Sussex, England, 189
Short and Easy Method with the Deists, A (Leslie), 571
Short Demurrer, A (Prynne), 462
Shortest Way with the Dissenters, The (Defoe), 336
Short Treatise on God, Man, and His Well-Being (Spinoza), 623
Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, A (Collier), 318–319
Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, 12th Earl of, later Duke of (1660–1718), 295, 296, 299, 310, 609
Shrewsbury, Countess of, 266, 270
Siberia, 385
Sicily, 179, 432, 448, 491, 700, 708, 715
Sidney, Algernon (1622–83), 285–86, 296
Sidney, Henry, Earl of Romney (1641–1704), 296
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554–86), 285
Siècle de Louis le Grand, Le (Charles Perrault), 161–62
Siege of Rhodes, The (Davenant), 267
Siena, 434
Sigismund II, King of Poland (r. 1548–72), 468
Sigismund III (Sigismund Vasa), King of Poland (r. 1587–1632) and King of Sweden (r. 1592–1604), 465, 466
Silesia, 418
Silva, Samuel da (fl. 1623), 477
Simmons, Samuel (fl. 1667), 235
Simon, Richard (1638–1712), 493–94, 570, 626
Simplicius Simplicissimus (Grimmelshausen), 416–17
Sinclair, George (fl. 1685), 656
Singlin, Antoine (1607–64), 52, 58
Sion House, London, 306
Siris, . . . the Virtues of Tar-Water (Berkeley), 597
Sirius, 505
Sirkis, Joel, chief rabbi of Cracow, 474
Sistine Chapel, Vatican, 657
Six Articles (Sorbonne, 1663), 49
Sixtus V, Pope (Felice Peretti: r. 1585–90), 430, 456
Six Voyages through Europe into Asia (Tavernier), 508
Sjaelland, Denmark, 384
Skaggerak, 365
Skåne, 367, 368, 387
Slankamen, battle of (1691), 425
slavery, 17, 81, 166, 379, 467, 659
slave trade, 26, 200, 704, 713, 714
smallpox, 7, 51*, 66, 167, 177, 331, 525, 597
“Smectymnuus,” 218, 219
Smith, Adam (1723–90), 139*, 258, 593, 690
Smolensk, 371
Smyrna, 455, 471–74
Sobieski, Jakób, son of John III Sobieski, 374
Sobieski, Jan, see John III Sobieski
social contract, 226, 555, 556, 581, 654
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 485
Society of Jesus, see Jesuits
Socinians, 167, 194, 590, 608
Socinus, Faustus (1539–1604), 80
Socrates (5th cent. B.C.), 570, 615–16, 654, 657
Sodomy (Rochester), 271
Soissons, Comtesse de, see Mancini, Olympe
Soissons, Eugène Maurice de Savoie-Carignan, Comte de (1633–73), 704
Solemn League and Covenant, 187, 188
Solirnena, Francesco (1657–1747), 437–48, 445
Solitaries, 51–54
passim, 61, 67–68, 69, 132
Somers, John, Baron Somers (1651–1716), 304, 352, 578
Some Thoughts concerning Education (Locke), 488–90
Somme river, 717
Sophia (1630–1714), Electress, consort of Ernest Augustus of Hanover, 310, 380, 414, 415, 568, 664
Sophia Alekseevna (1657–1704), Regent of Russia (1682–89), 377, 378, 382–83, 398
Sophia Charlotte (1668–1705), Electress, later Queen, consort of Frederick of Brandenburg-Prussia, 380, 414–15, 568, 664, 673
Sophia Dorothea of Celle (1666–1726), wife of George Louis of Hanover (George I of England), 415
Sophocles (496?–406 B.C.), 132, 135, 142, 144, 147, 162, 241
Sophonisbe (Corneille), 132
Sorbonne, 49, 55, 59, 99, 146, 486, 599, 712
Soubise, Madame de, 38
sound, 511, 513
Soupirs de la France esclave, Les (Jurieu), 693
Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl of (1607–67), 269
Southey, Robert (1774–1843), 448
South Sea Company, 304, 545
Southwold Bay, naval battle of (1672), 176
Spain, 3, 25, 102–4, 257, 446, 448–49, 452–53, 483
in alliances against France, 43, 179, 180, 693 (see also wars with France, below)
colonies of, 200, 448, 699, 700, 704, 705, 706, 713, 714
decline of, 11, 41, 200, 441, 448–53, 714–15
and Dutch Republic, 175–76, 179, 448
and England, 200, 244, 278, 282, 296, 448, 707–8, 713, 714, 715
and French Fronde, 8, 9, 11
Italian possessions of, 448, 455, 699, 704, 705, 708
Jews of, 454–55, 461
navy (armadas), 171, 448, 548
r /> and Netherlands revolt (1568–1648), 41, 164
partition of, foreign plans for, 43, 699–703
and Portugal, 164–68, 460
regency (1700), 701–2
succession to throne of, problem, claims, solution, 34, 278, 452–453, 699, 701–5, 710 (see also War of Spanish Succession)
in War of Spanish Succession, 11, 704–8, 710, 712–15
wars of France against (1636–59), 11, 200
—(1667–68), 42–43
—(1672–78), 44–45
—(1689–97), 693, 694
Spallanzani, Lazzaro (1729–99), 520
Spanish Netherlands, 8, 43, 164–65, 205, 448
Austrian acquisition of, 700, 702, 705, 714, 715
“barrier towns” garrisoned by Dutch, 703, 713
French invasions, occupations of, 42–43, 44, 175, 201, 422, 691, 694, 703–4
War of Spanish Succession battles in, 706, 708, 710, 711, 713–14
Spectator, The, 313, 338, 340, 342–45, 481
Spee, Friedrich (1591–1635), 482
Spener, Philipp Jakob (1635–1705), 416
Spengler, Oswald (1880–1936), 590, 662*, 679
Spenser, Edmund (1552?–99), 212
spermatozoa, 521
Speyer, 692
Spinoza, Baruch or Benedict (1632–77), 66, 161, 166, 167, 171, 239, 482, 484, 571, 591, 612, 620–57, 680
atheism, imputations of, 607, 611, 625, 630, 655, 656
and Bible, critique of, 493–94, 621, 625–27, 655
and Catholicism, 633–35
death of (Feb. 20, 1677), 635–36
on friendship (quoted), 623
and friendship with Jan de Witt, 167, 174, 177, 625, 631
and geometric method of exposition, 529, 620, 636, 654
God, concept of, 512, 602, 603*, 605, 621, 636–41, 647, 649–50, 654, 655
on government, 650–53, 654–55
and Judaism, heresy and excommunication, 167, 458, 476, 478, 620–23, 629, 653, 655
and Leibniz, 655, 658, 663, 664, 672, 678, 679
and lens grinding, 520, 630
on mind, 621, 641–50
and Oldenburg, correspondence with, 472, 497, 512, 625, 635, 655
personality and character of, 620, 632, 657, 658
in psychology, 553, 562, 644–46, 650
and religion, his impact on, 85, 613, 629–30
Spirit of Laws, The (Montesquieu), 509
Sprat, Thomas (1635–1713), 497
Spree river, 414
Spurstow, William (fl. 1641), 218*
Spyck, Hendrik van der (fl. 1671), 630
squaring the circle, 499, 500, 562
Stafford, William Howard, 1st Viscount (1614–80), 280, 284
stagecoaches, 275–76
Stahl, Georg Ernst, 516, 524
Stamboul, 421
Stanislas I Leszczyński, King of Poland (r. 1704–9, 1733–35), 385, 387
Stanley, Thomas (1625–78), 492
Star Chamber, 192, 246
Stationers Company, 224, 226, 484
statistics, science of, 497, 501–2
Statute of Apprentices (England, 1585), 257–258
steam engines, 511, 516–18
Steele, Sir Richard (1672–1729), 311, 337, 338-346
morality of, 306, 321, 338
and Spectator, 342–44
and Swift, 351, 352
and Tatler, 313, 339–40, 342
Steen, Jan (1626–79), 169
Steenkerke, battle of (1692), 694
Stella, see Johnson, Esther
Stenka Razin, 375
Steno, Nicolaus (Niels Stensen: 1638–86), 498, 508, 522, 524, 625, 633
Stettin, 387, 389
Stewart, Frances Teresa, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox (1647–1702), 249
Stiernhielm, Georg, 481
Stigliano, Prince of, 449
Stillingfleet, Edward (1635–99), 567, 587, 656
Stockholm, 229, 368, 384, 389, 659
treaty of (1719, 1720), 389
Stoics, 654
Stradella, Alessandro (c.1645–1682), 444, 445
Stradivari, Antonio (1644?–1737), 443
Strafford, Sir Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of (1593–1641), 246, 299
Stralsund, 389
Strasbourg, 44, 699, 712, 714
Streltsi, 377, 378, 382–83, 392
Stroganov, Aleksandr (fl. 1710), 400
Stuart, Mary, see Mary Stuart
Styria, province of, 420
Suasso, Isaac (fl. 1688), 458
substance, Spinozist definition of, 636–37
Suetonius (Caius Suetonius Tranquillus: fl. C.120), 137
Suite de l’Odicée d’Homère (Fénelon), 84
Suleiman I the Magnificent, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1520–66), 424, 425
Suleiman II, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1687–91), 425
Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, Duc de (1560–1641), 22, 25
Sulzbach, Baden, 44
Summary Account of the Deists’ Religion, A (Blount), 567
Summa theologiae (Thomas Aquinas), 621, 654
Sunderland, Robert Spencer, 2d Earl of (1640–1702), 273, 289, 290, 296, 352
superstition, 481, 497, 498, 505, 525, 606, 659
Suréna (Corneille), 132
surgery, 527–28
Surinam, Dutch Guiana, 174
Sustermans, Justus (1597–1681), 434
Swammerdam, Jan (1637–80), 521, 522
Swarthmore, England, 198
Sweden, 23, 103, 304*, 365–69, 389, 409, 481, 658, 659
alliance of Poland, Denmark and Russia against (1699), 369, 374, 375, 383, 384
in alliance with France (1672), 175, 368
and Christina, 439, 441
and Germany, 411, 412, 413
and Great Northern War (1700–21), 384–90
invaded by Russia, 390
in League of Augsburg (1686), 180, 691
in Triple Alliance (1668) against France, 43, 175
and Turkey, 387–88
wars with Denmark, 365–66, 368, 384, 389
war with Norway (1717–18), 389
wars with Poland, 366, 367, 371, 372, 385, 439, 441, 467
war in Russia (1707–9), 384, 385–87
Swift, Jonathan (1667–1745), 271–72, 275, 311–313
passim, 319, 321, 330, 338, 346–62, 487–488, 529
and Addison, 345, 352–54
Bentley ridiculed by, 491
and Harley, 307, 309, 353, 355–561 357
humanity as viewed by, 360, 657
precursors of, 336, 360, 600, 602, 617
and religion, 348–52, 572–73
Royal Society satirized by, 358, 497
and Stella, 313, 347, 348, 354–56
passim, 357–58, 360–61, 362
and Vanessa, 356, 357–58, 360
Swinburne, Algernon (1837–1909), 319
Swiss Guard, 709
Switzerland, 75, 483
Sydenham, Thomas (1624–89), 527
Sylva (Evelyn), 332
Sylvius, Franciscus (1614–72), 522, 526
Synopsis Methodica Animalium Quadrupedum (Ray), 519
syphilis, 38, 153, 409, 525
Syria, 423
Systerna Theologicum (Leibniz), 665–66
Szentgotthárd, battle of (1664), 422
Tacitus, Cornelius (c-55-after 117), 137, 153
Tale of a Tub, The (Swift), 348–51
Tallard, Camille d’Hostun, Comte de (1652–1728), 706, 707
Tallemant des Réaux, Gédéon (1619–92), 161
Talmud, 47, 465, 466, 470–71, 475, 476, 620, 653
Talon, Omer (1595–1652), 6
Tangier, 248, 446
tapestries, 87, 94–95, 165, 168, 377, 419
Tartuffe (Molière), 114–18, 121, 123, 124, 128, 129
Tasso, Torquato (1544–95), 430
Tassoni, Alessandro (1565–1635), 438
Tatars, 370–71, 375, 379, 386,
Tatler, The, 313, 339–40, 342, 352
Taunton, England, 257
Tavernier, Jean Baptiste (1605–89), 508–9
Taylor, Jeremy (1613–67), 483
tea, 275, 526
technology, 516–18
Te Deum and Jubilate (Purcell), 268
telescopes, 263, 498, 504, 507, 528, 534–35
Tellier, Michel, see Le Tellier
Temesvár, banat of, 425
Tempest, The (Davenant and Dryden, after Shakespeare), 267, 322
Temple, Dorothy Osborne, Lady (1627–95), 271, 331
Temple, Sir William (1628–99), 167, 271, 279, 331, 491, 567
and Swift, 347, 352–53, 491
Temple, Paris, 86, 146
Tencin, Claudine Guérin, Marquise de (1685–1749), 619
Teniers, David, the Younger (1610–90), 89, 165
Tenison, Thomas (1636–1715), 485
tennis, 275
Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, The (Milton), 226
Terborch, Gerard (1617–81), 169*, 170
Terence (190?–159 B.C.), 108, 147
Tessin, Nicodemus (1654–1728), 368
Test Act (England, 1673), 278, 291, 295, 300, 351, 352
Testelin, 17th-century painter, 496
Tetrachordon (Milton), 223
Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811–63), 340
Thames river, 174, 262, 276–77
theater: English, 195, 267, 268, 306, 312, 314–321, 323, 339, 340
French, 52, 104–28, 131–44, 312, 314, 316, 525, 689, 690
Italian, 434
in Russia, 376, 403
Théâtre du Marais, Paris, 107
Thébaïde, La (Racine), 133
Theile, Johann (d. 1724), 419
Theocritus (3d cent. B.C.), 147, 327
Theodicy (Leibniz), 613, 664
Théodore (Corneille), 131
Theologiae Christianae Principia Mathematica (Craig), 543
Theophrastus (d. c.287 B.C.), 519
Theories of the Medicean Planets (Borelli), 537
thermometer, 498–99, 506, 528
Thionville, 11
Third Letter concerning Toleration (Locke), 589
Thirty-nine Articles, 589
Thirty Years’ War (1618–48), 3, 44, 411, 412, 413, 415, 420, 426, 464, 485
Thokoly, Imre, Count (1657–1705), 422–23
Thomas a Kempis, Saint (1380–1471), 66, 624
Thomas Aquinas, Saint, see Aquinas, Saint Thomas
Thomasius, Christian (1655–1728), 485, 659–660, 661, 679
Thoughts and Reflexions (Halifax), 300
“Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts” (Purcell), 268
Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous (Berkeley), 593, 596
Thucydides (471?–400? B.C.), 549
Thun, Johann Ernst, Archbishop, 427
Thurloe, John (1616–68), 200, 202
Tibet, 508
Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (1696–1770), 434
Tilbury, England, 336